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synced 2024-12-19 10:45:16 -07:00

Looking into the current standard for Synopsis Design Constraints (SDC)
from their [Technology Access
one can see that the current state of the sdc-syntax file is very
outdated as well as short in coverage of keywords.
This commit pursues to add all the missing keywords from the current
standard (Rev. 2.1).
closes: vim/vim#15281
Co-authored-by: daniel-s-w <59746710+daniel-s-w@users.noreply.github.com>
78 lines
3.2 KiB
78 lines
3.2 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: SDC - Synopsys Design Constraints
" Maintainer: Maurizio Tranchero - maurizio.tranchero@gmail.com
" Credits: based on TCL Vim syntax file
" Version: 0.3
" Last Change: Thu Mar 25 17:35:16 CET 2009
" 2024 Jul 17 by Vim Project (update to SDC 2.1)
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Read the TCL syntax to start with
runtime! syntax/tcl.vim
" TCL extension related to SDC and available from some vendors
" (not defined in SDC standard!)
syn keyword sdcCollections foreach_in_collection
syn keyword sdcObjectsInfo get_point_info get_node_info get_path_info
syn keyword sdcObjectsInfo get_timing_paths set_attribute
" SDC rev. 2.1 specific keywords
syn keyword sdcObjectsQuery get_clocks get_ports get_cells
syn keyword sdcObjectsQuery get_pins get_nets all_inputs
syn keyword sdcObjectsQuery all_outputs all_registers all_clocks
syn keyword sdcObjectsQuery get_libs get_lib_cells get_lib_pins
syn keyword sdcConstraints set_false_path set_clock_groups set_sense
syn keyword sdcConstraints set_propagated_clock set_clock_gating_check
syn keyword sdcConstraints set_ideal_latency set_ideal_network
syn keyword sdcConstraints set_ideal_transistion set_max_time_borrow
syn keyword sdcConstraints set_data_check group_path set_max_transition
syn keyword sdcConstraints set_max_fanout set_driving_cell
syn keyword sdcConstraints set_port_fanout_number set_multi_cycle_path
syn keyword sdcConstraints set_disable_timing set_min_pulse_width
syn keyword sdcNonIdealities set_min_delay set_max_delay
syn keyword sdcNonIdealities set_input_delay set_output_delay
syn keyword sdcNonIdealities set_load set_min_capacitance set_max_capacitance
syn keyword sdcNonIdealities set_clock_latency set_clock_transition set_clock_uncertainty
syn keyword sdcNonIdealities set_resistance set_timing_derate set_drive
syn keyword sdcNonIdealities set_input_transition set_fanout_load
syn keyword sdcCreateOperations create_clock create_timing_netlist update_timing_netlist
syn keyword sdcCreateOperations create_generated_clock
syn keyword sdcPowerArea set_max_area create_voltage_area
syn keyword sdcPowerArea set_level_shifter_threshold set_max_dynamic_power
syn keyword sdcPowerArea set_level_shifter_strategy set_max_leakage_power
syn keyword sdcModeConfig set_case_analysis set_logic_dc
syn keyword sdcModeConfig set_logic_zero set_logic_one
syn keyword sdcMiscCommmands sdc_version set_wire_load_selection_group
syn keyword sdcMiscCommmands set_units set_wire_load_mode set_wire_load_model
syn keyword sdcMiscCommmands set_wire_load_min_block_size set_operating_conditions
syn keyword sdcMiscCommmands current_design
" command flags highlighting
syn match sdcFlags "[[:space:]]-[[:alpha:]_]*\>"
" Define the default highlighting.
hi def link sdcCollections Repeat
hi def link sdcObjectsInfo Operator
hi def link sdcCreateOperations Operator
hi def link sdcObjectsQuery Function
hi def link sdcConstraints Operator
hi def link sdcNonIdealities Operator
hi def link sdcPowerArea Operator
hi def link sdcModeConfig Operator
hi def link sdcMiscCommmands Operator
hi def link sdcFlags Special
let b:current_syntax = "sdc"
" vim: ts=8