mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 02:34:59 -07:00
Problem: ComplMatchIns highlight doesn't end after inserted text.
Solution: Handle ComplMatchIns highlight more like search highlight.
Fix off-by-one error. Handle deleting text properly.
closes: vim/vim#16244
297 lines
18 KiB
297 lines
18 KiB
-- Name: vim
-- Description: Vim's default color scheme
-- Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
-- Maintainer: The Vim Project <https://github.com/vim/vim>
-- Website: https://github.com/vim/vim
-- License: Same as Vim
-- Last Updated: 2023 Aug 10
-- This is Vim's default color scheme. It doesn't define the Normal
-- highlighting, it uses whatever the colors used to be.
vim.g.colors_name = 'vim'
local hi = function(name, val)
-- Force links
val.force = true
-- Make sure that `cterm` attribute is not populated from `gui`
val.cterm = val.cterm or {}
-- Define global highlight
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, name, val)
--stylua: ignore start
-- General
hi('Normal', {})
hi('Conceal', { fg = 'LightGrey', bg = 'DarkGrey', ctermfg = 'LightGrey', ctermbg = 'DarkGrey' })
hi('Cursor', {})
hi('lCursor', {})
hi('DiffText', { bg = 'Red', bold = true, ctermbg = 'Red', cterm = { bold = true } })
hi('ErrorMsg', { fg = 'White', bg = 'Red', ctermfg = 'White', ctermbg = 'DarkRed' })
hi('IncSearch', { reverse = true, cterm = { reverse = true } })
hi('ModeMsg', { bold = true, cterm = { bold = true } })
hi('NonText', { fg = 'Blue', bold = true, ctermfg = 'Blue' })
hi('PmenuSbar', { bg = 'Grey', ctermbg = 'Grey' })
hi('StatusLine', { reverse = true, bold = true, cterm = { reverse = true, bold = true }})
hi('StatusLineNC', { reverse = true, cterm = { reverse = true } })
hi('TabLineFill', { reverse = true, cterm = { reverse = true } })
hi('TabLineSel', { bold = true, cterm = { bold = true } })
hi('TermCursor', { reverse = true, cterm = { reverse = true } })
hi('WinBar', { bold = true, cterm = { bold = true } })
hi('WildMenu', { fg = 'Black', bg = 'Yellow', ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'Yellow' })
hi('VertSplit', { link = 'Normal' })
hi('WinSeparator', { link = 'VertSplit' })
hi('WinBarNC', { link = 'WinBar' })
hi('EndOfBuffer', { link = 'NonText' })
hi('LineNrAbove', { link = 'LineNr' })
hi('LineNrBelow', { link = 'LineNr' })
hi('QuickFixLine', { link = 'Search' })
hi('CursorLineSign', { link = 'SignColumn' })
hi('CursorLineFold', { link = 'FoldColumn' })
hi('CurSearch', { link = 'Search' })
hi('PmenuKind', { link = 'Pmenu' })
hi('PmenuKindSel', { link = 'PmenuSel' })
hi('PmenuMatch', { link = 'Pmenu' })
hi('PmenuMatchSel', { link = 'PmenuSel' })
hi('PmenuExtra', { link = 'Pmenu' })
hi('PmenuExtraSel', { link = 'PmenuSel' })
hi('ComplMatchIns', {})
hi('Substitute', { link = 'Search' })
hi('Whitespace', { link = 'NonText' })
hi('MsgSeparator', { link = 'StatusLine' })
hi('NormalFloat', { link = 'Pmenu' })
hi('FloatBorder', { link = 'WinSeparator' })
hi('FloatTitle', { link = 'Title' })
hi('FloatFooter', { link = 'Title' })
hi('FloatShadow', { bg = 'Black', blend=80 })
hi('FloatShadowThrough', { bg = 'Black', blend=100 })
hi('RedrawDebugNormal', { reverse = true, cterm = { reverse = true } })
hi('RedrawDebugClear', { bg = 'Yellow', ctermbg = 'Yellow' })
hi('RedrawDebugComposed', { bg = 'Green', ctermbg = 'Green' })
hi('RedrawDebugRecompose', { bg = 'Red', ctermbg = 'Red' })
hi('Error', { fg = 'White', bg = 'Red', ctermfg = 'White', ctermbg = 'Red' })
hi('Todo', { fg = 'Blue', bg = 'Yellow', ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'Yellow' })
hi('String', { link = 'Constant' })
hi('Character', { link = 'Constant' })
hi('Number', { link = 'Constant' })
hi('Boolean', { link = 'Constant' })
hi('Float', { link = 'Number' })
hi('Function', { link = 'Identifier' })
hi('Conditional', { link = 'Statement' })
hi('Repeat', { link = 'Statement' })
hi('Label', { link = 'Statement' })
hi('Operator', { link = 'Statement' })
hi('Keyword', { link = 'Statement' })
hi('Exception', { link = 'Statement' })
hi('Include', { link = 'PreProc' })
hi('Define', { link = 'PreProc' })
hi('Macro', { link = 'PreProc' })
hi('PreCondit', { link = 'PreProc' })
hi('StorageClass', { link = 'Type' })
hi('Structure', { link = 'Type' })
hi('Typedef', { link = 'Type' })
hi('Tag', { link = 'Special' })
hi('SpecialChar', { link = 'Special' })
hi('Delimiter', { link = 'Special' })
hi('SpecialComment', { link = 'Special' })
hi('Debug', { link = 'Special' })
hi('DiagnosticError', { fg = 'Red', ctermfg = 1 })
hi('DiagnosticWarn', { fg = 'Orange', ctermfg = 3 })
hi('DiagnosticInfo', { fg = 'LightBlue', ctermfg = 4 })
hi('DiagnosticHint', { fg = 'LightGrey', ctermfg = 7 })
hi('DiagnosticOk', { fg = 'LightGreen', ctermfg = 10 })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineError', { sp = 'Red', underline = true, cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineWarn', { sp = 'Orange', underline = true, cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineInfo', { sp = 'LightBlue', underline = true, cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineHint', { sp = 'LightGrey', underline = true, cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineOk', { sp = 'LightGreen', underline = true, cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextError', { link = 'DiagnosticError' })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn', { link = 'DiagnosticWarn' })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo', { link = 'DiagnosticInfo' })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextHint', { link = 'DiagnosticHint' })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextOk', { link = 'DiagnosticOk' })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingError', { link = 'DiagnosticError' })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingWarn', { link = 'DiagnosticWarn' })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingInfo', { link = 'DiagnosticInfo' })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingHint', { link = 'DiagnosticHint' })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingOk', { link = 'DiagnosticOk' })
hi('DiagnosticSignError', { link = 'DiagnosticError' })
hi('DiagnosticSignWarn', { link = 'DiagnosticWarn' })
hi('DiagnosticSignInfo', { link = 'DiagnosticInfo' })
hi('DiagnosticSignHint', { link = 'DiagnosticHint' })
hi('DiagnosticSignOk', { link = 'DiagnosticOk' })
hi('DiagnosticDeprecated', { sp = 'Red', strikethrough = true, cterm = { strikethrough = true } })
hi('DiagnosticUnnecessary', { link = 'Comment' })
hi('LspInlayHint', { link = 'NonText' })
hi('SnippetTabstop', { link = 'Visual' })
-- Text
hi('@markup.raw', { link = 'Comment' })
hi('@markup.link', { link = 'Identifier' })
hi('@markup.heading', { link = 'Title' })
hi('@markup.link.url', { link = 'Underlined' })
hi('@markup.underline', { link = 'Underlined' })
hi('@comment.todo', { link = 'Todo' })
-- Miscs
hi('@comment', { link = 'Comment' })
hi('@punctuation', { link = 'Delimiter' })
-- Constants
hi('@constant', { link = 'Constant' })
hi('@constant.builtin', { link = 'Special' })
hi('@constant.macro', { link = 'Define' })
hi('@keyword.directive', { link = 'Define' })
hi('@string', { link = 'String' })
hi('@string.escape', { link = 'SpecialChar' })
hi('@string.special', { link = 'SpecialChar' })
hi('@character', { link = 'Character' })
hi('@character.special', { link = 'SpecialChar' })
hi('@number', { link = 'Number' })
hi('@boolean', { link = 'Boolean' })
hi('@number.float', { link = 'Float' })
-- Functions
hi('@function', { link = 'Function' })
hi('@function.builtin', { link = 'Special' })
hi('@function.macro', { link = 'Macro' })
hi('@function.method', { link = 'Function' })
hi('@variable.parameter', { link = 'Identifier' })
hi('@variable.parameter.builtin', { link = 'Special' })
hi('@variable.member', { link = 'Identifier' })
hi('@property', { link = 'Identifier' })
hi('@attribute', { link = 'Macro' })
hi('@attribute.builtin', { link = 'Special' })
hi('@constructor', { link = 'Special' })
-- Keywords
hi('@keyword.conditional', { link = 'Conditional' })
hi('@keyword.repeat', { link = 'Repeat' })
hi('@keyword.type', { link = 'Structure' })
hi('@label', { link = 'Label' })
hi('@operator', { link = 'Operator' })
hi('@keyword', { link = 'Keyword' })
hi('@keyword.exception', { link = 'Exception' })
hi('@variable', { link = 'Identifier' })
hi('@type', { link = 'Type' })
hi('@type.definition', { link = 'Typedef' })
hi('@module', { link = 'Identifier' })
hi('@keyword.import', { link = 'Include' })
hi('@keyword.directive', { link = 'PreProc' })
hi('@keyword.debug', { link = 'Debug' })
hi('@tag', { link = 'Tag' })
hi('@tag.builtin', { link = 'Special' })
-- LSP semantic tokens
hi('@lsp.type.class', { link = 'Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.comment', { link = 'Comment' })
hi('@lsp.type.decorator', { link = 'Function' })
hi('@lsp.type.enum', { link = 'Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.enumMember', { link = 'Constant' })
hi('@lsp.type.function', { link = 'Function' })
hi('@lsp.type.interface', { link = 'Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.macro', { link = 'Macro' })
hi('@lsp.type.method', { link = 'Function' })
hi('@lsp.type.namespace', { link = 'Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.parameter', { link = 'Identifier' })
hi('@lsp.type.property', { link = 'Identifier' })
hi('@lsp.type.struct', { link = 'Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.type', { link = 'Type' })
hi('@lsp.type.typeParameter', { link = 'TypeDef' })
hi('@lsp.type.variable', { link = 'Identifier' })
if vim.o.background == 'light' then
-- Default colors only used with a light background.
hi('ColorColumn', { bg = 'LightRed', ctermbg = 'LightRed' })
hi('CursorColumn', { bg = 'Grey90', ctermbg = 'LightGrey' })
hi('CursorLine', { bg = 'Grey90', cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('CursorLineNr', { fg = 'Brown', bold = true, ctermfg = 'Brown', cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('DiffAdd', { bg = 'LightBlue', ctermbg = 'LightBlue' })
hi('DiffChange', { bg = 'LightMagenta', ctermbg = 'LightMagenta' })
hi('DiffDelete', { fg = 'Blue', bg = 'LightCyan', bold = true, ctermfg = 'Blue', ctermbg = 'LightCyan' })
hi('Directory', { fg = 'Blue', ctermfg = 'DarkBlue' })
hi('FoldColumn', { fg = 'DarkBlue', bg = 'Grey', ctermfg = 'DarkBlue', ctermbg = 'Grey' })
hi('Folded', { fg = 'DarkBlue', bg = 'LightGrey', ctermfg = 'DarkBlue', ctermbg = 'Grey' })
hi('LineNr', { fg = 'Brown', ctermfg = 'Brown' })
hi('MatchParen', { bg = 'Cyan', ctermbg = 'Cyan' })
hi('MoreMsg', { fg = 'SeaGreen', bold = true, ctermfg = 'DarkGreen' })
hi('Pmenu', { bg = 'LightMagenta', ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'LightMagenta' })
hi('PmenuSel', { bg = 'Grey', ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'LightGrey' })
hi('PmenuThumb', { bg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'Black' })
hi('Question', { fg = 'SeaGreen', bold = true, ctermfg = 'DarkGreen' })
hi('Search', { bg = 'Yellow', ctermbg = 'Yellow' })
hi('SignColumn', { fg = 'DarkBlue', bg = 'Grey', ctermfg = 'DarkBlue', ctermbg = 'Grey' })
hi('SpecialKey', { fg = 'Blue', ctermfg = 'DarkBlue' })
hi('SpellBad', { sp = 'Red', undercurl = true, ctermbg = 'LightRed' })
hi('SpellCap', { sp = 'Blue', undercurl = true, ctermbg = 'LightBlue' })
hi('SpellLocal', { sp = 'DarkCyan', undercurl = true, ctermbg = 'Cyan' })
hi('SpellRare', { sp = 'Magenta', undercurl = true, ctermbg = 'LightMagenta' })
hi('StatusLineTerm', { fg = 'White', bg = 'DarkGreen', bold = true, ctermfg = 'White', ctermbg = 'DarkGreen', cterm = { bold = true } })
hi('StatusLineTermNC', { fg = 'White', bg = 'DarkGreen', ctermfg = 'White', ctermbg = 'DarkGreen' })
hi('TabLine', { bg = 'LightGrey', underline = true, ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'LightGrey', cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('Title', { fg = 'Magenta', bold = true, ctermfg = 'DarkMagenta' })
hi('Visual', { fg = 'Black', bg = 'LightGrey', ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'Grey' })
hi('WarningMsg', { fg = 'Red', ctermfg = 'DarkRed' })
hi('Comment', { fg = 'Blue', ctermfg = 'DarkBlue' })
hi('Constant', { fg = 'Magenta', ctermfg = 'DarkRed' })
hi('Special', { fg = '#6a5acd', ctermfg = 'DarkMagenta' })
hi('Identifier', { fg = 'DarkCyan', ctermfg = 'DarkCyan' })
hi('Statement', { fg = 'Brown', bold = true, ctermfg = 'Brown' })
hi('PreProc', { fg = '#6a0dad', ctermfg = 'DarkMagenta' })
hi('Type', { fg = 'SeaGreen', bold = true, ctermfg = 'DarkGreen' })
hi('Underlined', { fg = 'SlateBlue', underline = true, ctermfg = 'DarkMagenta', cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('Ignore', { ctermfg = 'White' })
-- Default colors only used with a dark background.
hi('ColorColumn', { bg = 'DarkRed', ctermbg = 'DarkRed' })
hi('CursorColumn', { bg = 'Grey40', ctermbg = 'DarkGrey' })
hi('CursorLine', { bg = 'Grey40', cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('CursorLineNr', { fg = 'Yellow', bold = true, ctermfg = 'Yellow', cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('DiffAdd', { bg = 'DarkBlue', ctermbg = 'DarkBlue' })
hi('DiffChange', { bg = 'DarkMagenta', ctermbg = 'DarkMagenta' })
hi('DiffDelete', { fg = 'Blue', bg = 'DarkCyan', bold = true, ctermfg = 'Blue', ctermbg = 'DarkCyan' })
hi('Directory', { fg = 'Cyan', ctermfg = 'LightCyan' })
hi('FoldColumn', { fg = 'Cyan', bg = 'Grey', ctermfg = 'Cyan', ctermbg = 'DarkGrey' })
hi('Folded', { fg = 'Cyan', bg = 'DarkGrey', ctermfg = 'Cyan', ctermbg = 'DarkGrey' })
hi('LineNr', { fg = 'Yellow', ctermfg = 'Yellow' })
hi('MatchParen', { bg = 'DarkCyan', ctermbg = 'DarkCyan' })
hi('MoreMsg', { fg = 'SeaGreen', bold = true, ctermfg = 'LightGreen' })
hi('Pmenu', { bg = 'Magenta', ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'Magenta' })
hi('PmenuSel', { bg = 'DarkGrey', ctermfg = 'DarkGrey', ctermbg = 'Black' })
hi('PmenuThumb', { bg = 'White', ctermbg = 'White' })
hi('Question', { fg = 'Green', bold = true, ctermfg = 'LightGreen' })
hi('Search', { fg = 'Black', bg = 'Yellow', ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'Yellow' })
hi('SignColumn', { fg = 'Cyan', bg = 'Grey', ctermfg = 'Cyan', ctermbg = 'DarkGrey' })
hi('SpecialKey', { fg = 'Cyan', ctermfg = 'LightBlue' })
hi('SpellBad', { sp = 'Red', undercurl = true, ctermbg = 'Red' })
hi('SpellCap', { sp = 'Blue', undercurl = true, ctermbg = 'Blue' })
hi('SpellLocal', { sp = 'Cyan', undercurl = true, ctermbg = 'Cyan' })
hi('SpellRare', { sp = 'Magenta', undercurl = true, ctermbg = 'Magenta' })
hi('StatusLineTerm', { fg = 'Black', bg = 'LightGreen', bold = true, ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'LightGreen', cterm = { bold = true } })
hi('StatusLineTermNC', { fg = 'Black', bg = 'LightGreen', ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'LightGreen' })
hi('TabLine', { bg = 'DarkGrey', underline = true, ctermfg = 'White', ctermbg = 'DarkGrey', cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('Title', { fg = 'Magenta', bold = true, ctermfg = 'LightMagenta' })
hi('Visual', { fg = 'LightGrey', bg = '#575757', ctermfg = 'Black', ctermbg = 'Grey' })
hi('WarningMsg', { fg = 'Red', ctermfg = 'LightRed' })
hi('Comment', { fg = '#80a0ff', ctermfg = 'Cyan' })
hi('Constant', { fg = '#ffa0a0', ctermfg = 'Magenta' })
hi('Special', { fg = 'Orange', ctermfg = 'LightRed' })
hi('Identifier', { fg = '#40ffff', ctermfg = 'Cyan', cterm = { bold = true } })
hi('Statement', { fg = '#ffff60', bold = true, ctermfg = 'Yellow' })
hi('PreProc', { fg = '#ff80ff', ctermfg = 'LightBlue' })
hi('Type', { fg = '#60ff60', bold = true, ctermfg = 'LightGreen' })
hi('Underlined', { fg = '#80a0ff', underline = true, ctermfg = 'LightBlue', cterm = { underline = true } })
hi('Ignore', { ctermfg = 'Black' })
--stylua: ignore end