--- Default mappings do --- Default maps for * and # in visual mode. --- --- See |v_star-default| and |v_#-default| do local function region_chunks(region) local chunks = {} local maxcol = vim.v.maxcol for line, cols in vim.spairs(region) do local endcol = cols[2] == maxcol and -1 or cols[2] local chunk = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_text(0, line, cols[1], line, endcol, {})[1] table.insert(chunks, chunk) end return chunks end local function _visual_search(cmd) assert(cmd == '/' or cmd == '?') local region = vim.region( 0, '.', 'v', vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode:sub(1, 1), vim.o.selection == 'inclusive' ) local chunks = region_chunks(region) local esc_chunks = vim .iter(chunks) :map(function(v) return vim.fn.escape(v, cmd == '/' and [[/\]] or [[?\]]) end) :totable() local esc_pat = table.concat(esc_chunks, [[\n]]) local search_cmd = ([[%s\V%s%s]]):format(cmd, esc_pat, '\n') return '\27' .. search_cmd end vim.keymap.set('x', '*', function() return _visual_search('/') end, { desc = ':help v_star-default', expr = true, silent = true }) vim.keymap.set('x', '#', function() return _visual_search('?') end, { desc = ':help v_#-default', expr = true, silent = true }) end --- Map Y to y$. This mimics the behavior of D and C. See |Y-default| vim.keymap.set('n', 'Y', 'y$', { desc = ':help Y-default' }) --- Use normal! to prevent inserting raw when using i_. #17473 --- --- See |CTRL-L-default| vim.keymap.set('n', '', 'nohlsearchdiffupdatenormal! ', { desc = ':help CTRL-L-default', }) --- Set undo points when deleting text in insert mode. --- --- See |i_CTRL-U-default| and |i_CTRL-W-default| vim.keymap.set('i', '', 'u', { desc = ':help i_CTRL-U-default' }) vim.keymap.set('i', '', 'u', { desc = ':help i_CTRL-W-default' }) --- Use the same flags as the previous substitution with &. --- --- Use : instead of so that ranges are supported. #19365 --- --- See |&-default| vim.keymap.set('n', '&', ':&&', { desc = ':help &-default' }) --- Map |gx| to call |vim.ui.open| on the identifier under the cursor do -- TODO: use vim.region() when it lands... #13896 #16843 local function get_visual_selection() local save_a = vim.fn.getreginfo('a') vim.cmd([[norm! "ay]]) local selection = vim.fn.getreg('a', 1) vim.fn.setreg('a', save_a) return selection end local function do_open(uri) local _, err = vim.ui.open(uri) if err then vim.notify(err, vim.log.levels.ERROR) end end local gx_desc = 'Opens filepath or URI under cursor with the system handler (file explorer, web browser, …)' vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, 'gx', function() do_open(vim.fn.expand('')) end, { desc = gx_desc }) vim.keymap.set({ 'x' }, 'gx', function() do_open(get_visual_selection()) end, { desc = gx_desc }) end end --- Default menus do --- Right click popup menu -- TODO VimScript, no l10n vim.cmd([[ aunmenu * vnoremenu PopUp.Cut "+x vnoremenu PopUp.Copy "+y anoremenu PopUp.Paste "+gP vnoremenu PopUp.Paste "+P vnoremenu PopUp.Delete "_x nnoremenu PopUp.Select\ All ggVG vnoremenu PopUp.Select\ All gg0oG$ inoremenu PopUp.Select\ All VG anoremenu PopUp.-1- anoremenu PopUp.How-to\ disable\ mouse help disable-mouse ]]) end --- Default autocommands. See |default-autocmds| do local nvim_terminal_augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('nvim_terminal', {}) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufReadCmd', { pattern = 'term://*', group = nvim_terminal_augroup, desc = 'Treat term:// buffers as terminal buffers', nested = true, command = "if !exists('b:term_title')|call termopen(matchstr(expand(\"\"), '\\c\\mterm://\\%(.\\{-}//\\%(\\d\\+:\\)\\?\\)\\?\\zs.*'), {'cwd': expand(get(matchlist(expand(\"\"), '\\c\\mterm://\\(.\\{-}\\)//'), 1, ''))})", }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'TermClose' }, { group = nvim_terminal_augroup, desc = 'Automatically close terminal buffers when started with no arguments and exiting without an error', callback = function(args) if vim.v.event.status == 0 then local info = vim.api.nvim_get_chan_info(vim.bo[args.buf].channel) local argv = info.argv or {} if #argv == 1 and argv[1] == vim.o.shell then vim.cmd({ cmd = 'bdelete', args = { args.buf }, bang = true }) end end end, }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('CmdwinEnter', { pattern = '[:>]', desc = 'Limit syntax sync to maxlines=1 in the command window', group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('nvim_cmdwin', {}), command = 'syntax sync minlines=1 maxlines=1', }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('SwapExists', { pattern = '*', desc = 'Skip the swapfile prompt when the swapfile is owned by a running Nvim process', group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('nvim_swapfile', {}), callback = function() local info = vim.fn.swapinfo(vim.v.swapname) local user = vim.uv.os_get_passwd().username local iswin = 1 == vim.fn.has('win32') if info.error or info.pid <= 0 or (not iswin and info.user ~= user) then vim.v.swapchoice = '' -- Show the prompt. return end vim.v.swapchoice = 'e' -- Choose "(E)dit". vim.notify(('W325: Ignoring swapfile from Nvim process %d'):format(info.pid)) end, }) end -- Only do the following when the TUI is attached local tty = nil for _, ui in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_uis()) do if ui.chan == 1 and ui.stdout_tty then tty = ui break end end if tty then --- Guess value of 'background' based on terminal color. --- --- We write Operating System Command (OSC) 11 to the terminal to request the --- terminal's background color. We then wait for a response. If the response --- matches `rgba:RRRR/GGGG/BBBB/AAAA` where R, G, B, and A are hex digits, then --- compute the luminance[1] of the RGB color and classify it as light/dark --- accordingly. Note that the color components may have anywhere from one to --- four hex digits, and require scaling accordingly as values out of 4, 8, 12, --- or 16 bits. Also note the A(lpha) component is optional, and is parsed but --- ignored in the calculations. --- --- [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luma_%28video%29 do --- Parse a string of hex characters as a color. --- --- The string can contain 1 to 4 hex characters. The returned value is --- between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive) representing the intensity of the color. --- --- For instance, if only a single hex char "a" is used, then this function --- returns 0.625 (10 / 16), while a value of "aa" would return 0.664 (170 / --- 256). --- --- @param c string Color as a string of hex chars --- @return number? Intensity of the color local function parsecolor(c) if #c == 0 or #c > 4 then return nil end local val = tonumber(c, 16) if not val then return nil end local max = tonumber(string.rep('f', #c), 16) return val / max end --- Parse an OSC 11 response --- --- Either of the two formats below are accepted: --- --- OSC 11 ; rgb:// --- --- or --- --- OSC 11 ; rgba:/// --- --- where --- --- , , , := h | hh | hhh | hhhh --- --- The alpha component is ignored, if present. --- --- @param resp string OSC 11 response --- @return string? Red component --- @return string? Green component --- @return string? Blue component local function parseosc11(resp) local r, g, b r, g, b = resp:match('^\027%]11;rgb:(%x+)/(%x+)/(%x+)$') if not r and not g and not b then local a r, g, b, a = resp:match('^\027%]11;rgba:(%x+)/(%x+)/(%x+)/(%x+)$') if not a or #a > 4 then return nil, nil, nil end end if r and g and b and #r <= 4 and #g <= 4 and #b <= 4 then return r, g, b end return nil, nil, nil end local timer = assert(vim.uv.new_timer()) ---@param bg string New value of the 'background' option local function setbg(bg) if vim.api.nvim_get_option_info2('background', {}).was_set then -- Don't do anything if 'background' is already set return end -- Wait until Nvim is finished starting to set 'background' to ensure the -- OptionSet event fires. if vim.v.vim_did_enter == 1 then if vim.o.background ~= bg then vim.o.background = bg end else vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('VimEnter', { once = true, nested = true, callback = function() setbg(bg) end, }) end end local id = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TermResponse', { nested = true, callback = function(args) local resp = args.data ---@type string local r, g, b = parseosc11(resp) if r and g and b then local rr = parsecolor(r) local gg = parsecolor(g) local bb = parsecolor(b) if rr and gg and bb then local luminance = (0.299 * rr) + (0.587 * gg) + (0.114 * bb) local bg = luminance < 0.5 and 'dark' or 'light' setbg(bg) end return true end end, }) local query = '\027]11;?\007' -- tmux 3.3a and earlier do not query the parent terminal for background color. As of the -- writing of this comment, 3.3a is the latest release, so a passthrough sequence is necessary. -- The passthrough should be removed as soon as a tmux version later than 3.3a is released. -- See: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/26557 if os.getenv('TMUX') then query = string.format('\027Ptmux;%s\027\\', query:gsub('\027', '\027\027')) end io.stdout:write(query) timer:start(1000, 0, function() -- Delete the autocommand if no response was received vim.schedule(function() -- Suppress error if autocommand has already been deleted pcall(vim.api.nvim_del_autocmd, id) end) if not timer:is_closing() then timer:close() end end) end --- If the TUI (term_has_truecolor) was able to determine that the host --- terminal supports truecolor, enable 'termguicolors'. Otherwise, query the --- terminal (using both XTGETTCAP and SGR + DECRQSS). If the terminal's --- response indicates that it does support truecolor enable 'termguicolors', --- but only if the user has not already disabled it. do if tty.rgb then -- The TUI was able to determine truecolor support vim.o.termguicolors = true else --- Enable 'termguicolors', but only if it was not already set by the user. local function settgc() if not vim.api.nvim_get_option_info2('termguicolors', {}).was_set then vim.o.termguicolors = true end end local caps = {} ---@type table require('vim.termcap').query({ 'Tc', 'RGB', 'setrgbf', 'setrgbb' }, function(cap, found) if not found then return end caps[cap] = true if caps.Tc or caps.RGB or (caps.setrgbf and caps.setrgbb) then settgc() end end) local timer = assert(vim.uv.new_timer()) -- Arbitrary colors to set in the SGR sequence local r = 1 local g = 2 local b = 3 local id = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TermResponse', { nested = true, callback = function(args) local resp = args.data ---@type string local decrqss = resp:match('^\027P1%$r([%d;:]+)m$') if decrqss then -- The DECRQSS SGR response first contains attributes separated by -- semicolons, followed by the SGR itself with parameters separated -- by colons. Some terminals include "0" in the attribute list -- unconditionally; others do not. Our SGR sequence did not set any -- attributes, so there should be no attributes in the list. local attrs = vim.split(decrqss, ';') if #attrs ~= 1 and (#attrs ~= 2 or attrs[1] ~= '0') then return true end -- The returned SGR sequence should begin with 48:2 local sgr = attrs[#attrs]:match('^48:2:([%d:]+)$') if not sgr then return true end -- The remaining elements of the SGR sequence should be the 3 colors -- we set. Some terminals also include an additional parameter -- (which can even be empty!), so handle those cases as well local params = vim.split(sgr, ':') if #params ~= 3 and (#params ~= 4 or (params[1] ~= '' and params[1] ~= '1')) then return true end if tonumber(params[#params - 2]) == r and tonumber(params[#params - 1]) == g and tonumber(params[#params]) == b then settgc() end return true end end, }) -- Write SGR followed by DECRQSS. This sets the background color then -- immediately asks the terminal what the background color is. If the -- terminal responds to the DECRQSS with the same SGR sequence that we -- sent then the terminal supports truecolor. local decrqss = '\027P$qm\027\\' if os.getenv('TMUX') then decrqss = string.format('\027Ptmux;%s\027\\', decrqss:gsub('\027', '\027\027')) end io.stdout:write(string.format('\027[48;2;%d;%d;%dm%s', r, g, b, decrqss)) timer:start(1000, 0, function() -- Delete the autocommand if no response was received vim.schedule(function() -- Suppress error if autocommand has already been deleted pcall(vim.api.nvim_del_autocmd, id) end) if not timer:is_closing() then timer:close() end end) end end end