local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local thelpers = require('test.functional.terminal.helpers') local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local feed, clear, nvim = helpers.feed, helpers.clear, helpers.nvim local poke_eventloop = helpers.poke_eventloop local eval, feed_command, source = helpers.eval, helpers.feed_command, helpers.source local eq, neq = helpers.eq, helpers.neq local write_file = helpers.write_file local command = helpers.command local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local matches = helpers.matches local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local sleep = helpers.sleep describe(':terminal buffer', function() local screen before_each(function() clear() feed_command('set modifiable swapfile undolevels=20') poke_eventloop() screen = thelpers.screen_setup() end) it('terminal-mode forces various options', function() feed([[]]) command('setlocal cursorline cursorlineopt=both cursorcolumn scrolloff=4 sidescrolloff=7') eq({ 'both', 1, 1, 4, 7 }, eval('[&l:cursorlineopt, &l:cursorline, &l:cursorcolumn, &l:scrolloff, &l:sidescrolloff]')) eq('nt', eval('mode(1)')) -- Enter terminal-mode ("insert" mode in :terminal). feed('i') eq('t', eval('mode(1)')) eq({ 'number', 1, 0, 0, 0 }, eval('[&l:cursorlineopt, &l:cursorline, &l:cursorcolumn, &l:scrolloff, &l:sidescrolloff]')) end) it('terminal-mode does not change cursorlineopt if cursorline is disabled', function() feed([[]]) command('setlocal nocursorline cursorlineopt=both') feed('i') eq({ 0, 'both' }, eval('[&l:cursorline, &l:cursorlineopt]')) end) it('terminal-mode disables cursorline when cursorlineopt is only set to "line', function() feed([[]]) command('setlocal cursorline cursorlineopt=line') feed('i') eq({ 0, 'line' }, eval('[&l:cursorline, &l:cursorlineopt]')) end) describe('when a new file is edited', function() before_each(function() feed(':set bufhidden=wipe:enew') screen:expect([[ ^ | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| :enew | ]]) end) it('will hide the buffer, ignoring the bufhidden option', function() feed(':bnext:l') screen:expect([[ ^ | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| | ]]) end) end) describe('swap and undo', function() before_each(function() feed('') screen:expect([[ tty ready | {2:^ } | | | | | | ]]) end) it('does not create swap files', function() local swapfile = nvim('exec', 'swapname', true):gsub('\n', '') eq(nil, io.open(swapfile)) end) it('does not create undofiles files', function() local undofile = nvim('eval', 'undofile(bufname("%"))') eq(nil, io.open(undofile)) end) end) it('cannot be modified directly', function() feed('dd') screen:expect([[ tty ready | {2:^ } | | | | | {8:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off} | ]]) end) it('sends data to the terminal when the "put" operator is used', function() feed('gg"ayj') feed_command('let @a = "appended " . @a') feed('"ap"ap') screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | appended tty ready | appended tty ready | {2: } | | | :let @a = "appended " . @a | ]]) -- operator count is also taken into consideration feed('3"ap') screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | appended tty ready | appended tty ready | appended tty ready | appended tty ready | appended tty ready | :let @a = "appended " . @a | ]]) end) it('sends data to the terminal when the ":put" command is used', function() feed('gg"ayj') feed_command('let @a = "appended " . @a') feed_command('put a') screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | appended tty ready | {2: } | | | | :put a | ]]) -- line argument is only used to move the cursor feed_command('6put a') screen:expect([[ tty ready | appended tty ready | appended tty ready | {2: } | | ^ | :6put a | ]]) end) it('can be deleted', function() feed(':bd!') screen:expect([[ ^ | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| :bd! | ]]) feed_command('bnext') screen:expect([[ ^ | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| :bnext | ]]) end) it('handles loss of focus gracefully', function() -- Change the statusline to avoid printing the file name, which varies. nvim('set_option', 'statusline', '==========') feed_command('set laststatus=0') -- Save the buffer number of the terminal for later testing. local tbuf = eval('bufnr("%")') local exitcmd = helpers.iswin() and "['cmd', '/c', 'exit']" or "['sh', '-c', 'exit']" source([[ function! SplitWindow(id, data, event) new call feedkeys("iabc\") endfunction startinsert call jobstart(]]..exitcmd..[[, {'on_exit': function("SplitWindow")}) call feedkeys("\", 't') " vim will expect , but be exited out of " the terminal before it can be entered. ]]) -- We should be in a new buffer now. screen:expect([[ ab^c | {4:~ }| {5:========== }| rows: 2, cols: 50 | {2: } | {1:========== }| | ]]) neq(tbuf, eval('bufnr("%")')) feed_command('quit!') -- Should exit the new window, not the terminal. eq(tbuf, eval('bufnr("%")')) feed_command('set laststatus=1') -- Restore laststatus to the default. end) it('term_close() use-after-free #4393', function() feed_command('terminal yes') feed([[]]) feed_command('bdelete!') end) describe('handles confirmations', function() it('with :confirm', function() feed_command('terminal') feed('') feed_command('confirm bdelete') screen:expect{any='Close "term://'} end) it('with &confirm', function() feed_command('terminal') feed('') feed_command('bdelete') screen:expect{any='E89'} feed('') eq('terminal', eval('&buftype')) feed_command('set confirm | bdelete') screen:expect{any='Close "term://'} feed('y') neq('terminal', eval('&buftype')) end) end) it('it works with set rightleft #11438', function() if helpers.pending_win32(pending) then return end local columns = eval('&columns') feed(string.rep('a', columns)) command('set rightleft') screen:expect([[ ydaer ytt| {1:a}aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa| | | | | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) command('bdelete!') end) it('requires bang (!) to close a running job #15402', function() eq('Vim(wqall):E948: Job still running', exc_exec('wqall')) for _, cmd in ipairs({ 'bdelete', '%bdelete', 'bwipeout', 'bunload' }) do matches('^Vim%('..cmd:gsub('%%', '')..'%):E89: term://.*tty%-test.* will be killed %(add %! to override%)$', exc_exec(cmd)) end command('call jobstop(&channel)') assert(0 >= eval('jobwait([&channel], 1000)[0]')) command('bdelete') end) it('stops running jobs with :quit', function() -- Open in a new window to avoid terminating the nvim instance command('split') command('terminal') command('set nohidden') command('quit') end) it('does not segfault when pasting empty register #13955', function() feed('') feed_command('put a') -- register a is empty helpers.assert_alive() end) end) describe('No heap-buffer-overflow when using', function() local testfilename = 'Xtestfile-functional-terminal-buffers_spec' before_each(function() write_file(testfilename, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") end) after_each(function() os.remove(testfilename) end) it('termopen(echo) #3161', function() feed_command('edit ' .. testfilename) -- Move cursor away from the beginning of the line feed('$') -- Let termopen() modify the buffer feed_command('call termopen("echo")') assert_alive() feed_command('bdelete!') end) end) describe('No heap-buffer-overflow when', function() it('set nowrap and send long line #11548', function() feed_command('set nowrap') feed_command('autocmd TermOpen * startinsert') feed_command('call feedkeys("4000ai\\:terminal!\\")') assert_alive() end) end) describe('on_lines does not emit out-of-bounds line indexes when', function() before_each(function() clear() exec_lua([[ function _G.register_callback(bufnr) _G.cb_error = '' vim.api.nvim_buf_attach(bufnr, false, { on_lines = function(_, bufnr, _, firstline, _, _) local status, msg = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_offset, bufnr, firstline) if not status then _G.cb_error = msg end end }) end ]]) end) it('creating a terminal buffer #16394', function() feed_command('autocmd TermOpen * ++once call v:lua.register_callback(str2nr(expand("")))') feed_command('terminal') sleep(500) eq('', exec_lua([[return _G.cb_error]])) end) it('deleting a terminal buffer #16394', function() feed_command('terminal') sleep(500) feed_command('lua _G.register_callback(0)') feed_command('bdelete!') eq('', exec_lua([[return _G.cb_error]])) end) end)