local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local call = helpers.call local clear = helpers.clear local command = helpers.command local eval = helpers.eval local eq = helpers.eq local feed = helpers.feed local feed_command = helpers.feed_command local next_msg = helpers.next_msg local nvim = helpers.nvim local source = helpers.source local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err before_each(function() clear() local channel = nvim('get_api_info')[1] nvim('set_var', 'channel', channel) end) describe('wait()', function() it('waits and returns 0 when condition is satisfied', function() source([[ let g:_awake = 0 call timer_start(100, { -> nvim_command('let g:_awake = 1') }) ]]) eq(0, eval('g:_awake')) eq(0, eval('wait(1500, { -> g:_awake })')) eq(1, eval('g:_awake')) eq(0, eval('wait(0, 1)')) end) it('returns -1 on timeout', function() eq(-1, eval('wait(0, 0)')) eq(-1, eval('wait(50, 0)')) end) it('returns -2 when interrupted', function() feed_command('call rpcnotify(g:channel, "ready") | '.. 'call rpcnotify(g:channel, "wait", wait(-1, 0))') eq({'notification', 'ready', {}}, next_msg()) feed('') eq({'notification', 'wait', {-2}}, next_msg()) end) it('returns -3 on error', function() command('silent! let ret = wait(-1, "error")') eq(-3, eval('ret')) command('let ret = 0 | silent! let ret = wait(-1, { -> error })') eq(-3, eval('ret')) end) it('evaluates the condition on given interval', function() source([[ function Count() let g:counter += 1 return g:counter endfunction ]]) -- XXX: flaky (#11137) helpers.retry(nil, nil, function() nvim('set_var', 'counter', 0) eq(-1, call('wait', 20, 'Count() >= 5', 99999)) end) nvim('set_var', 'counter', 0) eq(0, call('wait', 10000, 'Count() >= 5', 5)) eq(5, nvim('get_var', 'counter')) end) it('validates args', function() eq('Vim:E475: Invalid value for argument 1', pcall_err(call, 'wait', '', 1)) eq('Vim:E475: Invalid value for argument 3', pcall_err(call, 'wait', 0, 1, -1)) eq('Vim:E475: Invalid value for argument 3', pcall_err(call, 'wait', 0, 1, 0)) eq('Vim:E475: Invalid value for argument 3', pcall_err(call, 'wait', 0, 1, '')) end) end)