-- Tests for core Vimscript "eval" behavior. -- -- See also: -- let_spec.lua -- null_spec.lua -- operators_spec.lua -- -- Tests for the Vimscript |builtin-functions| library should live in: -- test/functional/vimscript/_spec.lua -- test/functional/vimscript/functions_spec.lua local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local lfs = require('lfs') local clear = helpers.clear local eq = helpers.eq local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local exec_capture = helpers.exec_capture local eval = helpers.eval local command = helpers.command local write_file = helpers.write_file local meths = helpers.meths local sleep = helpers.sleep local matches = helpers.matches local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local poke_eventloop = helpers.poke_eventloop local feed = helpers.feed describe('Up to MAX_FUNC_ARGS arguments are handled by', function() local max_func_args = 20 -- from eval.h local range = helpers.funcs.range before_each(clear) it('printf()', function() local printf = helpers.funcs.printf local rep = helpers.funcs['repeat'] local expected = '2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,' eq(expected, printf(rep('%d,', max_func_args-1), unpack(range(2, max_func_args)))) local ret = exc_exec('call printf("", 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21)') eq('Vim(call):E740: Too many arguments for function printf', ret) end) it('rpcnotify()', function() local rpcnotify = helpers.funcs.rpcnotify local ret = rpcnotify(0, 'foo', unpack(range(3, max_func_args))) eq(1, ret) ret = exc_exec('call rpcnotify(0, "foo", 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21)') eq('Vim(call):E740: Too many arguments for function rpcnotify', ret) end) end) describe("backtick expansion", function() setup(function() clear() lfs.mkdir("test-backticks") write_file("test-backticks/file1", "test file 1") write_file("test-backticks/file2", "test file 2") write_file("test-backticks/file3", "test file 3") lfs.mkdir("test-backticks/subdir") write_file("test-backticks/subdir/file4", "test file 4") -- Long path might cause "Press ENTER" prompt; use :silent to avoid it. command('silent cd test-backticks') end) teardown(function() helpers.rmdir('test-backticks') end) it("with default 'shell'", function() if helpers.iswin() then command(":silent args `dir /b *2`") else command(":silent args `echo ***2`") end eq({ "file2", }, eval("argv()")) if helpers.iswin() then command(":silent args `dir /s/b *4`") eq({ "subdir\\file4", }, eval("map(argv(), 'fnamemodify(v:val, \":.\")')")) else command(":silent args `echo */*4`") eq({ "subdir/file4", }, eval("argv()")) end end) it("with shell=fish", function() if eval("executable('fish')") == 0 then pending('missing "fish" command') return end command("set shell=fish") command(":silent args `echo ***2`") eq({ "file2", }, eval("argv()")) command(":silent args `echo */*4`") eq({ "subdir/file4", }, eval("argv()")) end) end) describe('List support code', function() local dur local min_dur = 8 local len = 131072 if not pending('does not actually allows interrupting with just got_int', function() end) then return end -- The following tests are confirmed to work with os_breakcheck() just before -- `if (got_int) {break;}` in tv_list_copy and list_join_inner() and not to -- work without. setup(function() clear() dur = 0 while true do command(([[ let rt = reltime() let bl = range(%u) let dur = reltimestr(reltime(rt)) ]]):format(len)) dur = tonumber(meths.get_var('dur')) if dur >= min_dur then -- print(('Using len %u, dur %g'):format(len, dur)) break else len = len * 2 end end end) it('allows interrupting copy', function() feed(':let t_rt = reltime():let t_bl = copy(bl)') sleep(min_dur / 16 * 1000) feed('') poke_eventloop() command('let t_dur = reltimestr(reltime(t_rt))') local t_dur = tonumber(meths.get_var('t_dur')) if t_dur >= dur / 8 then eq(nil, ('Took too long to cancel: %g >= %g'):format(t_dur, dur / 8)) end end) it('allows interrupting join', function() feed(':let t_rt = reltime():let t_j = join(bl)') sleep(min_dur / 16 * 1000) feed('') poke_eventloop() command('let t_dur = reltimestr(reltime(t_rt))') local t_dur = tonumber(meths.get_var('t_dur')) print(('t_dur: %g'):format(t_dur)) if t_dur >= dur / 8 then eq(nil, ('Took too long to cancel: %g >= %g'):format(t_dur, dur / 8)) end end) end) describe("uncaught exception", function() before_each(clear) after_each(function() os.remove('throw1.vim') os.remove('throw2.vim') os.remove('throw3.vim') end) it('is not forgotten #13490', function() command('autocmd BufWinEnter * throw "i am error"') eq('i am error', exc_exec('try | new | endtry')) -- Like Vim, throwing here aborts the processing of the script, but does not stop :runtime! -- from processing the others. -- Only the first thrown exception should be rethrown from the :try below, though. for i = 1, 3 do write_file('throw' .. i .. '.vim', ([[ let result ..= '%d' throw 'throw%d' let result ..= 'X' ]]):format(i, i)) end command('set runtimepath+=. | let result = ""') eq('throw1', exc_exec('try | runtime! throw*.vim | endtry')) eq('123', eval('result')) end) end) describe('listing functions using :function', function() before_each(clear) it('works for lambda functions with #20466', function() command('let A = {-> 1}') local num = exec_capture('echo A'):match("function%('(%d+)'%)") eq(([[ function %s(...) 1 return 1 endfunction]]):format(num), exec_capture(('function %s'):format(num))) end) -- FIXME: If the same function is deleted, the crash still happens. #20790 it('does not crash if another function is deleted while listing', function() local screen = Screen.new(80, 24) screen:attach() matches('Vim%(function%):E454: function list was modified', pcall_err(exec_lua, [=[ vim.cmd([[ func Func1() endfunc func Func2() endfunc func Func3() endfunc ]]) local ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace('test') vim.ui_attach(ns, { ext_messages = true }, function(event, _, content) if event == 'msg_show' and content[1][2] == 'function Func1()' then vim.cmd('delfunc Func3') end end) vim.cmd('function') vim.ui_detach(ns) ]=])) assert_alive() end) end)