local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local clear = helpers.clear local funcs = helpers.funcs local meths = helpers.meths local eq = helpers.eq local eval = helpers.eval local execute = helpers.execute local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local redir_exec = helpers.redir_exec local NIL = helpers.NIL describe('json_decode() function', function() local restart = function(...) clear(...) execute('language C') execute([[ function Eq(exp, act) let act = a:act let exp = a:exp if type(exp) != type(act) return 0 endif if type(exp) == type({}) if sort(keys(exp)) !=# sort(keys(act)) return 0 endif if sort(keys(exp)) ==# ['_TYPE', '_VAL'] let exp_typ = v:msgpack_types[exp._TYPE] let act_typ = act._TYPE if exp_typ isnot act_typ return 0 endif return Eq(exp._VAL, act._VAL) else return empty(filter(copy(exp), '!Eq(v:val, act[v:key])')) endif else if type(exp) == type([]) if len(exp) != len(act) return 0 endif return empty(filter(copy(exp), '!Eq(v:val, act[v:key])')) endif return exp ==# act endif return 1 endfunction ]]) execute([[ function EvalEq(exp, act_expr) let act = eval(a:act_expr) if Eq(a:exp, act) return 1 else return string(act) endif endfunction ]]) end before_each(restart) local speq = function(expected, actual_expr) eq(1, funcs.EvalEq(expected, actual_expr)) end it('accepts readfile()-style list', function() eq({Test=1}, funcs.json_decode({ '{', '\t"Test": 1', '}', })) end) it('accepts strings with newlines', function() eq({Test=1}, funcs.json_decode([[ { "Test": 1 } ]])) end) it('parses null, true, false', function() eq(NIL, funcs.json_decode('null')) eq(true, funcs.json_decode('true')) eq(false, funcs.json_decode('false')) end) it('fails to parse incomplete null, true, false', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected null: n', exc_exec('call json_decode("n")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected null: nu', exc_exec('call json_decode("nu")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected null: nul', exc_exec('call json_decode("nul")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected null: nul\n\t', exc_exec('call json_decode("nul\\n\\t")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected true: t', exc_exec('call json_decode("t")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected true: tr', exc_exec('call json_decode("tr")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected true: tru', exc_exec('call json_decode("tru")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected true: tru\t\n', exc_exec('call json_decode("tru\\t\\n")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected false: f', exc_exec('call json_decode("f")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected false: fa', exc_exec('call json_decode("fa")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected false: fal', exc_exec('call json_decode("fal")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected false: fal <', exc_exec('call json_decode(" fal <")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected false: fals', exc_exec('call json_decode("fals")')) end) it('parses integer numbers', function() eq(100000, funcs.json_decode('100000')) eq(-100000, funcs.json_decode('-100000')) eq(100000, funcs.json_decode(' 100000 ')) eq(-100000, funcs.json_decode(' -100000 ')) eq(0, funcs.json_decode('0')) eq(0, funcs.json_decode('-0')) end) it('fails to parse +numbers and .number', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Unidentified byte: +1000', exc_exec('call json_decode("+1000")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unidentified byte: .1000', exc_exec('call json_decode(".1000")')) end) it('fails to parse numbers with leading zeroes', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Leading zeroes are not allowed: 00.1', exc_exec('call json_decode("00.1")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Leading zeroes are not allowed: 01', exc_exec('call json_decode("01")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Leading zeroes are not allowed: -01', exc_exec('call json_decode("-01")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Leading zeroes are not allowed: -001.0', exc_exec('call json_decode("-001.0")')) end) it('fails to parse incomplete numbers', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after minus sign: -.1', exc_exec('call json_decode("-.1")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after minus sign: -', exc_exec('call json_decode("-")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after decimal dot: -1.', exc_exec('call json_decode("-1.")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after decimal dot: 0.', exc_exec('call json_decode("0.")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing exponent: 0.0e', exc_exec('call json_decode("0.0e")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing exponent: 0.0e+', exc_exec('call json_decode("0.0e+")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing exponent: 0.0e-', exc_exec('call json_decode("0.0e-")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing exponent: 0.0e-', exc_exec('call json_decode("0.0e-")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after decimal dot: 1.e5', exc_exec('call json_decode("1.e5")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after decimal dot: 1.e+5', exc_exec('call json_decode("1.e+5")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after decimal dot: 1.e+', exc_exec('call json_decode("1.e+")')) end) it('parses floating-point numbers', function() eq('100000.0', eval('string(json_decode("100000.0"))')) eq(100000.5, funcs.json_decode('100000.5')) eq(-100000.5, funcs.json_decode('-100000.5')) eq(-100000.5e50, funcs.json_decode('-100000.5e50')) eq(100000.5e50, funcs.json_decode('100000.5e50')) eq(100000.5e50, funcs.json_decode('100000.5e+50')) eq(-100000.5e-50, funcs.json_decode('-100000.5e-50')) eq(100000.5e-50, funcs.json_decode('100000.5e-50')) eq(100000e-50, funcs.json_decode('100000e-50')) eq(0.5, funcs.json_decode('0.5')) eq(0.005, funcs.json_decode('0.005')) eq(0.005, funcs.json_decode('0.00500')) eq(0.5, funcs.json_decode('0.00500e+002')) eq(0.00005, funcs.json_decode('0.00500e-002')) eq(-0.0, funcs.json_decode('-0.0')) eq(-0.0, funcs.json_decode('-0.0e0')) eq(-0.0, funcs.json_decode('-0.0e+0')) eq(-0.0, funcs.json_decode('-0.0e-0')) eq(-0.0, funcs.json_decode('-0e-0')) eq(-0.0, funcs.json_decode('-0e-2')) eq(-0.0, funcs.json_decode('-0e+2')) eq(0.0, funcs.json_decode('0.0')) eq(0.0, funcs.json_decode('0.0e0')) eq(0.0, funcs.json_decode('0.0e+0')) eq(0.0, funcs.json_decode('0.0e-0')) eq(0.0, funcs.json_decode('0e-0')) eq(0.0, funcs.json_decode('0e-2')) eq(0.0, funcs.json_decode('0e+2')) end) it('fails to parse numbers with spaces inside', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after minus sign: - 1000', exc_exec('call json_decode("- 1000")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after decimal dot: 0. ', exc_exec('call json_decode("0. ")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing number after decimal dot: 0. 0', exc_exec('call json_decode("0. 0")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing exponent: 0.0e 1', exc_exec('call json_decode("0.0e 1")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing exponent: 0.0e+ 1', exc_exec('call json_decode("0.0e+ 1")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Missing exponent: 0.0e- 1', exc_exec('call json_decode("0.0e- 1")')) end) it('fails to parse "," and ":"', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Comma not inside container: , ', exc_exec('call json_decode(" , ")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Colon not inside container: : ', exc_exec('call json_decode(" : ")')) end) it('parses empty containers', function() eq({}, funcs.json_decode('[]')) eq('[]', eval('string(json_decode("[]"))')) end) it('fails to parse "[" and "{"', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Unexpected end of input: {', exc_exec('call json_decode("{")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unexpected end of input: [', exc_exec('call json_decode("[")')) end) it('fails to parse "}" and "]"', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: No container to close: ]', exc_exec('call json_decode("]")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: No container to close: }', exc_exec('call json_decode("}")')) end) it('fails to parse containers which are closed by different brackets', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Closing dictionary with square bracket: ]', exc_exec('call json_decode("{]")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Closing list with curly bracket: }', exc_exec('call json_decode("[}")')) end) it('fails to parse concat inside container', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected comma before list item: []]', exc_exec('call json_decode("[[][]]")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected comma before list item: {}]', exc_exec('call json_decode("[{}{}]")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected comma before list item: ]', exc_exec('call json_decode("[1 2]")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected comma before dictionary key: ": 4}', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\": 2 \\"3\\": 4}")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected colon before dictionary value: , "3" 4}', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\" 2, \\"3\\" 4}")')) end) it('fails to parse containers with leading comma or colon', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Leading comma: ,}', exc_exec('call json_decode("{,}")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Leading comma: ,]', exc_exec('call json_decode("[,]")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Using colon not in dictionary: :]', exc_exec('call json_decode("[:]")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unexpected colon: :}', exc_exec('call json_decode("{:}")')) end) it('fails to parse containers with trailing comma', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Trailing comma: ]', exc_exec('call json_decode("[1,]")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Trailing comma: }', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\": 2,}")')) end) it('fails to parse dictionaries with missing value', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected value after colon: }', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\":}")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected value: }', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\"}")')) end) it('fails to parse containers with two commas or colons', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Duplicate comma: , "2": 2}', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\": 1,, \\"2\\": 2}")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Duplicate comma: , "2", 2]', exc_exec('call json_decode("[\\"1\\", 1,, \\"2\\", 2]")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Duplicate colon: : 2}', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\": 1, \\"2\\":: 2}")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Comma after colon: , 2}', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\": 1, \\"2\\":, 2}")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unexpected colon: : "2": 2}', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\": 1,: \\"2\\": 2}")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unexpected colon: :, "2": 2}', exc_exec('call json_decode("{\\"1\\": 1:, \\"2\\": 2}")')) end) it('fails to parse concat of two values', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Trailing characters: []', exc_exec('call json_decode("{}[]")')) end) it('parses containers', function() eq({1}, funcs.json_decode('[1]')) eq({NIL, 1}, funcs.json_decode('[null, 1]')) eq({['1']=2}, funcs.json_decode('{"1": 2}')) eq({['1']=2, ['3']={{['4']={['5']={{}, 1}}}}}, funcs.json_decode('{"1": 2, "3": [{"4": {"5": [[], 1]}}]}')) end) it('fails to parse incomplete strings', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected string end: \t"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected string end: \t"abc', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unfinished escape sequence: \t"abc\\', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unfinished unicode escape sequence: \t"abc\\u', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\u")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unfinished unicode escape sequence: \t"abc\\u0', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\u0")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unfinished unicode escape sequence: \t"abc\\u00', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\u00")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unfinished unicode escape sequence: \t"abc\\u000', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\u000")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected four hex digits after \\u: \\u" ', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\u\\" ")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected four hex digits after \\u: \\u0" ', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\u0\\" ")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected four hex digits after \\u: \\u00" ', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\u00\\" ")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected four hex digits after \\u: \\u000" ', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\u000\\" ")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Expected string end: \t"abc\\u0000', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"abc\\\\u0000")')) end) it('fails to parse unknown escape sequnces', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Unknown escape sequence: \\a"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\\\a\\"")')) end) it('parses strings properly', function() eq('\n', funcs.json_decode('"\\n"')) eq('', funcs.json_decode('""')) eq('\\/"\t\b\n\r\f', funcs.json_decode([["\\\/\"\t\b\n\r\f"]])) eq('/a', funcs.json_decode([["\/a"]])) -- Unicode characters: 2-byte, 3-byte, 4-byte eq({ '«', 'ફ', '\240\144\128\128', }, funcs.json_decode({ '[', '"«",', '"ફ",', '"\240\144\128\128"', ']', })) end) it('fails on strings with invalid bytes', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \255"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xFF\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: ASCII control characters cannot be present inside string: ', exc_exec('call json_decode(["\\"\\n\\""])')) -- 0xC2 starts 2-byte unicode character eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \194"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xC2\\"")')) -- 0xE0 0xAA starts 3-byte unicode character eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \224"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xE0\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \224\170"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xE0\\xAA\\"")')) -- 0xF0 0x90 0x80 starts 4-byte unicode character eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \240"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xF0\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \240\144"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xF0\\x90\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \240\144\128"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xF0\\x90\\x80\\"")')) -- 0xF9 0x80 0x80 0x80 starts 5-byte unicode character eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \249"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xF9\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \249\128"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xF9\\x80\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \249\128\128"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xF9\\x80\\x80\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \249\128\128\128"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xF9\\x80\\x80\\x80\\"")')) -- 0xFC 0x90 0x80 0x80 0x80 starts 6-byte unicode character eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \252"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xFC\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \252\144"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xFC\\x90\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \252\144\128"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xFC\\x90\\x80\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \252\144\128\128"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xFC\\x90\\x80\\x80\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 strings allowed: \252\144\128\128\128"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xFC\\x90\\x80\\x80\\x80\\"")')) -- Specification does not allow unquoted characters above 0x10FFFF eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 code points up to U+10FFFF are allowed to appear unescaped: \249\128\128\128\128"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xF9\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\"")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Only UTF-8 code points up to U+10FFFF are allowed to appear unescaped: \252\144\128\128\128\128"', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t\\"\\xFC\\x90\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\"")')) -- '"\249\128\128\128\128"', -- '"\252\144\128\128\128\128"', end) it('parses surrogate pairs properly', function() eq('\240\144\128\128', funcs.json_decode('"\\uD800\\uDC00"')) eq('\237\160\128a\237\176\128', funcs.json_decode('"\\uD800a\\uDC00"')) eq('\237\160\128\t\237\176\128', funcs.json_decode('"\\uD800\\t\\uDC00"')) eq('\237\160\128', funcs.json_decode('"\\uD800"')) eq('\237\160\128a', funcs.json_decode('"\\uD800a"')) eq('\237\160\128\t', funcs.json_decode('"\\uD800\\t"')) eq('\237\176\128', funcs.json_decode('"\\uDC00"')) eq('\237\176\128a', funcs.json_decode('"\\uDC00a"')) eq('\237\176\128\t', funcs.json_decode('"\\uDC00\\t"')) eq('\237\176\128', funcs.json_decode('"\\uDC00"')) eq('a\237\176\128', funcs.json_decode('"a\\uDC00"')) eq('\t\237\176\128', funcs.json_decode('"\\t\\uDC00"')) eq('\237\160\128¬', funcs.json_decode('"\\uD800\\u00AC"')) eq('\237\160\128\237\160\128', funcs.json_decode('"\\uD800\\uD800"')) end) local sp_decode_eq = function(expected, json) meths.set_var('__json', json) speq(expected, 'json_decode(g:__json)') execute('unlet! g:__json') end it('parses strings with NUL properly', function() sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='string', _VAL={'\n'}}, '"\\u0000"') sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='string', _VAL={'\n', '\n'}}, '"\\u0000\\n\\u0000"') sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='string', _VAL={'\n«\n'}}, '"\\u0000\\u00AB\\u0000"') end) it('parses dictionaries with duplicate keys to special maps', function() sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'a', 1}, {'a', 2}}}, '{"a": 1, "a": 2}') sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'b', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'a', 2}}}, '{"b": 3, "a": 1, "a": 2}') sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'b', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'a', 2}}}, '{"b": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "a": 2}') sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'b', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'a', 2}, {'c', 4}}}, '{"b": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "a": 2, "c": 4}') sp_decode_eq({{_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'b', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'a', 2}, {'c', 4}}}}, '[{"b": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "a": 2, "c": 4}]') sp_decode_eq({{d={_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'b', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'a', 2}, {'c', 4}}}}}, '[{"d": {"b": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "a": 2, "c": 4}}]') sp_decode_eq({1, {d={_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'b', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'a', 2}, {'c', 4}}}}}, '[1, {"d": {"b": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "a": 2, "c": 4}}]') sp_decode_eq({1, {a={}, d={_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'b', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'a', 2}, {'c', 4}}}}}, '[1, {"a": [], "d": {"b": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "a": 2, "c": 4}}]') end) it('parses dictionaries with empty keys to special maps', function() sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'', 4}}}, '{"": 4}') sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'b', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'d', 2}, {'', 4}}}, '{"b": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "d": 2, "": 4}') sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'d', 2}, {'', 4}}}, '{"": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "d": 2, "": 4}') sp_decode_eq({{_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'d', 2}, {'', 4}}}}, '[{"": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "d": 2, "": 4}]') end) it('parses dictionaries with keys with NUL bytes to special maps', function() sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{{_TYPE='string', _VAL={'a\n', 'b'}}, 4}}}, '{"a\\u0000\\nb": 4}') sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{{_TYPE='string', _VAL={'a\n', 'b', ''}}, 4}}}, '{"a\\u0000\\nb\\n": 4}') sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='map', _VAL={{'b', 3}, {'a', 1}, {'c', 4}, {'d', 2}, {{_TYPE='string', _VAL={'\n'}}, 4}}}, '{"b": 3, "a": 1, "c": 4, "d": 2, "\\u0000": 4}') end) it('converts strings to latin1 when &encoding is latin1', function() restart('--cmd', 'set encoding=latin1') eq('\171', funcs.json_decode('"\\u00AB"')) sp_decode_eq({_TYPE='string', _VAL={'\n\171\n'}}, '"\\u0000\\u00AB\\u0000"') end) it('fails to convert string to latin1 if it is impossible', function() restart('--cmd', 'set encoding=latin1') eq('Vim(call):E474: Failed to convert string "ꯍ" from UTF-8', exc_exec('call json_decode(\'"\\uABCD"\')')) end) it('parses U+00C3 correctly', function() eq('\195\131', funcs.json_decode('"\195\131"')) end) it('fails to parse empty string', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Attempt to decode a blank string', exc_exec('call json_decode("")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Attempt to decode a blank string', exc_exec('call json_decode([])')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Attempt to decode a blank string', exc_exec('call json_decode([""])')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Attempt to decode a blank string', exc_exec('call json_decode(" ")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Attempt to decode a blank string', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\t")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Attempt to decode a blank string', exc_exec('call json_decode("\\n")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Attempt to decode a blank string', exc_exec('call json_decode(" \\t\\n \\n\\t\\t \\n\\t\\n \\n \\t\\n\\t ")')) end) it('accepts all spaces in every position where space may be put', function() local s = ' \t\n\r \t\r\n \n\t\r \n\r\t \r\t\n \r\n\t\t \n\r\t \r\n\t\n \r\t\n\r \t\r \n\t\r\n \n \t\r\n \r\t\n\t \r\n\t\r \n\r \t\n\r\t \r \t\n\r \n\t\r\t \n\r\t\n \r\n \t\r\n\t' local str = ('%s{%s"key"%s:%s[%s"val"%s,%s"val2"%s]%s,%s"key2"%s:%s1%s}%s'):gsub('%%s', s) eq({key={'val', 'val2'}, key2=1}, funcs.json_decode(str)) end) it('always treats input as UTF-8', function() -- When &encoding is latin1 string "«" is U+00C2 U+00AB U+00C2: «Â. So if -- '"«"' was parsed as latin1 json_decode would return three characters, and -- only one U+00AB when this string is parsed as latin1. restart('--cmd', 'set encoding=latin1') eq(('%c'):format(0xAB), funcs.json_decode('"«"')) end) it('does not overflow when writing error message about decoding ["", ""]', function() eq('\nE474: Attempt to decode a blank string' .. '\nE474: Failed to parse \n', redir_exec('call json_decode(["", ""])')) end) end) describe('json_encode() function', function() before_each(function() clear() execute('language C') end) it('dumps strings', function() eq('"Test"', funcs.json_encode('Test')) eq('""', funcs.json_encode('')) eq('"\\t"', funcs.json_encode('\t')) eq('"\\n"', funcs.json_encode('\n')) eq('"\\u001B"', funcs.json_encode('\27')) eq('"þÿþ"', funcs.json_encode('þÿþ')) end) it('dumps numbers', function() eq('0', funcs.json_encode(0)) eq('10', funcs.json_encode(10)) eq('-10', funcs.json_encode(-10)) end) it('dumps floats', function() eq('0.0', eval('json_encode(0.0)')) eq('10.5', funcs.json_encode(10.5)) eq('-10.5', funcs.json_encode(-10.5)) eq('-1.0e-5', funcs.json_encode(-1e-5)) eq('1.0e50', eval('json_encode(1.0e50)')) end) it('fails to dump NaN and infinite values', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Unable to represent NaN value in JSON', exc_exec('call json_encode(str2float("nan"))')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unable to represent infinity in JSON', exc_exec('call json_encode(str2float("inf"))')) eq('Vim(call):E474: Unable to represent infinity in JSON', exc_exec('call json_encode(-str2float("inf"))')) end) it('dumps lists', function() eq('[]', funcs.json_encode({})) eq('[[]]', funcs.json_encode({{}})) eq('[[], []]', funcs.json_encode({{}, {}})) end) it('dumps dictionaries', function() eq('{}', eval('json_encode({})')) eq('{"d": []}', funcs.json_encode({d={}})) eq('{"d": [], "e": []}', funcs.json_encode({d={}, e={}})) end) it('cannot dump generic mapping with generic mapping keys and values', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": []}') execute('let todumpv1 = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": []}') execute('let todumpv2 = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": []}') execute('call add(todump._VAL, [todumpv1, todumpv2])') eq('Vim(call):E474: Invalid key in special dictionary', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('cannot dump generic mapping with ext key', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.ext, "_VAL": [5, ["",""]]}') execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": [[todump, 1]]}') eq('Vim(call):E474: Invalid key in special dictionary', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('cannot dump generic mapping with array key', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.array, "_VAL": [5, [""]]}') execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": [[todump, 1]]}') eq('Vim(call):E474: Invalid key in special dictionary', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('cannot dump generic mapping with UINT64_MAX key', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.integer}') execute('let todump._VAL = [1, 3, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF]') execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": [[todump, 1]]}') eq('Vim(call):E474: Invalid key in special dictionary', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('cannot dump generic mapping with floating-point key', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.float, "_VAL": 0.125}') execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": [[todump, 1]]}') eq('Vim(call):E474: Invalid key in special dictionary', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump generic mapping with STR special key and NUL', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.string, "_VAL": ["\\n"]}') execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": [[todump, 1]]}') eq('{"\\u0000": 1}', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump generic mapping with BIN special key and NUL', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.binary, "_VAL": ["\\n"]}') execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": [[todump, 1]]}') eq('{"\\u0000": 1}', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump STR special mapping with NUL and NL', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.string, "_VAL": ["\\n", ""]}') eq('"\\u0000\\n"', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump BIN special mapping with NUL and NL', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.binary, "_VAL": ["\\n", ""]}') eq('"\\u0000\\n"', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('cannot dump special ext mapping', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.ext, "_VAL": [5, ["",""]]}') eq('Vim(call):E474: Unable to convert EXT string to JSON', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump special array mapping', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.array, "_VAL": [5, [""]]}') eq('[5, [""]]', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump special UINT64_MAX mapping', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.integer}') execute('let todump._VAL = [1, 3, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF]') eq('18446744073709551615', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump special INT64_MIN mapping', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.integer}') execute('let todump._VAL = [-1, 2, 0, 0]') eq('-9223372036854775808', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump special BOOLEAN true mapping', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.boolean, "_VAL": 1}') eq('true', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump special BOOLEAN false mapping', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.boolean, "_VAL": 0}') eq('false', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump special NIL mapping', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.nil, "_VAL": 0}') eq('null', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('fails to dump a function reference', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Error while dumping encode_tv2json() argument, itself: attempt to dump function reference', exc_exec('call json_encode(function("tr"))')) end) it('fails to dump a function reference in a list', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: Error while dumping encode_tv2json() argument, index 0: attempt to dump function reference', exc_exec('call json_encode([function("tr")])')) end) it('fails to dump a recursive list', function() execute('let todump = [[[]]]') execute('call add(todump[0][0], todump)') eq('Vim(call):E724: unable to correctly dump variable with self-referencing container', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('fails to dump a recursive dict', function() execute('let todump = {"d": {"d": {}}}') execute('call extend(todump.d.d, {"d": todump})') eq('Vim(call):E724: unable to correctly dump variable with self-referencing container', exc_exec('call json_encode([todump])')) end) it('can dump dict with two same dicts inside', function() execute('let inter = {}') execute('let todump = {"a": inter, "b": inter}') eq('{"a": {}, "b": {}}', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('can dump list with two same lists inside', function() execute('let inter = []') execute('let todump = [inter, inter]') eq('[[], []]', eval('json_encode(todump)')) end) it('fails to dump a recursive list in a special dict', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.array, "_VAL": []}') execute('call add(todump._VAL, todump)') eq('Vim(call):E724: unable to correctly dump variable with self-referencing container', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('fails to dump a recursive (val) map in a special dict', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": []}') execute('call add(todump._VAL, ["", todump])') eq('Vim(call):E724: unable to correctly dump variable with self-referencing container', exc_exec('call json_encode([todump])')) end) it('fails to dump a recursive (val) map in a special dict, _VAL reference', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.map, "_VAL": [["", []]]}') execute('call add(todump._VAL[0][1], todump._VAL)') eq('Vim(call):E724: unable to correctly dump variable with self-referencing container', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('fails to dump a recursive (val) special list in a special dict', function() execute('let todump = {"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.array, "_VAL": []}') execute('call add(todump._VAL, ["", todump._VAL])') eq('Vim(call):E724: unable to correctly dump variable with self-referencing container', exc_exec('call json_encode(todump)')) end) it('fails when called with no arguments', function() eq('Vim(call):E119: Not enough arguments for function: json_encode', exc_exec('call json_encode()')) end) it('fails when called with two arguments', function() eq('Vim(call):E118: Too many arguments for function: json_encode', exc_exec('call json_encode(["", ""], 1)')) end) it('converts strings from latin1 when &encoding is latin1', function() clear('--cmd', 'set encoding=latin1') eq('"\\u00AB"', funcs.json_encode('\171')) eq('"\\u0000\\u00AB\\u0000"', eval('json_encode({"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.string, "_VAL": ["\\n\171\\n"]})')) end) it('ignores improper values in &isprint', function() meths.set_option('isprint', '1') eq(1, eval('"\1" =~# "\\\\p"')) eq('"\\u0001"', funcs.json_encode('\1')) end) it('fails when using surrogate character in a UTF-8 string', function() eq('Vim(call):E474: UTF-8 string contains code point which belongs to a surrogate pair: \237\160\128', exc_exec('call json_encode("\237\160\128")')) eq('Vim(call):E474: UTF-8 string contains code point which belongs to a surrogate pair: \237\175\191', exc_exec('call json_encode("\237\175\191")')) end) it('dumps control characters as expected', function() eq([["\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007\b\t\n\u000B\f\r\u000E\u000F\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013"]], eval('json_encode({"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.string, "_VAL": ["\n\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9", "\11\12\13\14\15\16\17\18\19"]})')) end) it('can dump NULL string', function() eq('""', eval('json_encode($XXX_UNEXISTENT_VAR_XXX)')) end) it('can dump NULL list', function() eq('[]', eval('json_encode(v:_null_list)')) end) it('can dump NULL dictionary', function() eq('{}', eval('json_encode(v:_null_dict)')) end) end)