require('vim.compat') local buf_hls = {} local function highlight_line(line, linenr) local chars = {} local prev_char = '' local overstrike, escape = false, false local hls = {} -- Store highlight groups as { attr, start, final } local NONE, BOLD, UNDERLINE, ITALIC = 0, 1, 2, 3 local hl_groups = {[BOLD]="manBold", [UNDERLINE]="manUnderline", [ITALIC]="manItalic"} local attr = NONE local byte = 0 -- byte offset local function end_attr_hl(attr_) for i, hl in ipairs(hls) do if hl.attr == attr_ and == -1 then = byte hls[i] = hl end end end local function add_attr_hl(code) local continue_hl = true if code == 0 then attr = NONE continue_hl = false elseif code == 1 then attr = BOLD elseif code == 22 then attr = BOLD continue_hl = false elseif code == 3 then attr = ITALIC elseif code == 23 then attr = ITALIC continue_hl = false elseif code == 4 then attr = UNDERLINE elseif code == 24 then attr = UNDERLINE continue_hl = false else attr = NONE return end if continue_hl then hls[#hls + 1] = {attr=attr, start=byte, final=-1} else if attr == NONE then for a, _ in pairs(hl_groups) do end_attr_hl(a) end else end_attr_hl(attr) end end end -- Break input into UTF8 code points. ASCII code points (from 0x00 to 0x7f) -- can be represented in one byte. Any code point above that is represented by -- a leading byte (0xc0 and above) and continuation bytes (0x80 to 0xbf, or -- decimal 128 to 191). for char in line:gmatch("[^\128-\191][\128-\191]*") do if overstrike then local last_hl = hls[#hls] if char == prev_char then if char == '_' and attr == UNDERLINE and last_hl and == byte then -- This underscore is in the middle of an underlined word attr = UNDERLINE else attr = BOLD end elseif prev_char == '_' then -- char is underlined attr = UNDERLINE elseif prev_char == '+' and char == 'o' then -- bullet (overstrike text '+^Ho') attr = BOLD char = '·' elseif prev_char == '·' and char == 'o' then -- bullet (additional handling for '+^H+^Ho^Ho') attr = BOLD char = '·' else -- use plain char attr = NONE end -- Grow the previous highlight group if possible if last_hl and last_hl.attr == attr and == byte then = byte + #char else hls[#hls + 1] = {attr=attr, start=byte, final=byte + #char} end overstrike = false prev_char = '' byte = byte + #char chars[#chars + 1] = char elseif escape then -- Use prev_char to store the escape sequence prev_char = prev_char .. char -- We only want to match against SGR sequences, which consist of ESC -- followed by '[', then a series of parameter and intermediate bytes in -- the range 0x20 - 0x3f, then 'm'. (See ECMA-48, sections 5.4 & 8.3.117) local sgr = prev_char:match("^%[([\032-\063]*)m$") if sgr then local match while sgr and #sgr > 0 do -- Match against SGR parameters, which may be separated by ';' match, sgr = sgr:match("^(%d*);?(.*)") add_attr_hl(match + 0) -- coerce to number end escape = false elseif not prev_char:match("^%[[\032-\063]*$") then -- Stop looking if this isn't a partial CSI sequence escape = false end elseif char == "\027" then escape = true prev_char = '' elseif char == "\b" then overstrike = true prev_char = chars[#chars] byte = byte - #prev_char chars[#chars] = nil else byte = byte + #char chars[#chars + 1] = char end end for _, hl in ipairs(hls) do if hl.attr ~= NONE then buf_hls[#buf_hls + 1] = { 0, -1, hl_groups[hl.attr], linenr - 1, hl.start, } end end return table.concat(chars, '') end local function highlight_man_page() local mod = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "modifiable") vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(0, "modifiable", true) local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, false) for i, line in ipairs(lines) do lines[i] = highlight_line(line, i) end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, lines) for _, args in ipairs(buf_hls) do vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(unpack(args)) end buf_hls = {} vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(0, "modifiable", mod) end return { highlight_man_page = highlight_man_page }