*diagnostic.txt* Diagnostics NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL Diagnostic framework *vim.diagnostic* Nvim provides a framework for displaying errors or warnings from external tools, otherwise known as "diagnostics". These diagnostics can come from a variety of sources, such as linters or LSP servers. The diagnostic framework is an extension to existing error handling functionality such as the |quickfix| list. Type |gO| to see the table of contents. ============================================================================== QUICKSTART *diagnostic-quickstart* Anything that reports diagnostics is referred to below as a "diagnostic producer". Diagnostic producers need only follow a few simple steps to report diagnostics: 1. Create a namespace |nvim_create_namespace()|. Note that the namespace must have a name. Anonymous namespaces WILL NOT WORK. 2. (Optional) Configure options for the diagnostic namespace |vim.diagnostic.config()|. 3. Generate diagnostics. 4. Set the diagnostics for the buffer |vim.diagnostic.set()|. 5. Repeat from step 3. Generally speaking, the API is split between functions meant to be used by diagnostic producers and those meant for diagnostic consumers (i.e. end users who want to read and view the diagnostics for a buffer). The APIs for producers require a {namespace} as their first argument, while those for consumers generally do not require a namespace (though often one may be optionally supplied). A good rule of thumb is that if a method is meant to modify the diagnostics for a buffer (e.g. |vim.diagnostic.set()|) then it requires a namespace. *vim.diagnostic.severity* *diagnostic-severity* The "severity" key in a diagnostic is one of the values defined in `vim.diagnostic.severity`: vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT Functions that take a severity as an optional parameter (e.g. |vim.diagnostic.get()|) accept one of three forms: 1. A single |vim.diagnostic.severity| value: >lua vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN }) 2. A table with a "min" or "max" key (or both): >lua vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = { min = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN } }) < This form allows users to specify a range of severities. 3. A list-like table: >lua vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = { vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN, vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO, } }) < This form allows users to filter for specific severities ============================================================================== HANDLERS *diagnostic-handlers* Diagnostics are shown to the user with |vim.diagnostic.show()|. The display of diagnostics is managed through handlers. A handler is a table with a "show" and (optionally) a "hide" function. The "show" function has the signature > function(namespace, bufnr, diagnostics, opts) < and is responsible for displaying or otherwise handling the given diagnostics. The "hide" function takes care of "cleaning up" any actions taken by the "show" function and has the signature > function(namespace, bufnr) < Handlers can be configured with |vim.diagnostic.config()| and added by creating a new key in `vim.diagnostic.handlers` (see |diagnostic-handlers-example|). The {opts} table passed to a handler is the full set of configuration options (that is, it is not limited to just the options for the handler itself). The values in the table are already resolved (i.e. if a user specifies a function for a config option, the function has already been evaluated). Nvim provides these handlers by default: "virtual_text", "signs", and "underline". *diagnostic-handlers-example* The example below creates a new handler that notifies the user of diagnostics with |vim.notify()|: >lua -- It's good practice to namespace custom handlers to avoid collisions vim.diagnostic.handlers["my/notify"] = { show = function(namespace, bufnr, diagnostics, opts) -- In our example, the opts table has a "log_level" option local level = opts["my/notify"].log_level local name = vim.diagnostic.get_namespace(namespace).name local msg = string.format("%d diagnostics in buffer %d from %s", #diagnostics, bufnr, name) vim.notify(msg, level) end, } -- Users can configure the handler vim.diagnostic.config({ ["my/notify"] = { log_level = vim.log.levels.INFO } }) < In this example, there is nothing to do when diagnostics are hidden, so we omit the "hide" function. Existing handlers can be overridden. For example, use the following to only show a sign for the highest severity diagnostic on a given line: >lua -- Create a custom namespace. This will aggregate signs from all other -- namespaces and only show the one with the highest severity on a -- given line local ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("my_namespace") -- Get a reference to the original signs handler local orig_signs_handler = vim.diagnostic.handlers.signs -- Override the built-in signs handler vim.diagnostic.handlers.signs = { show = function(_, bufnr, _, opts) -- Get all diagnostics from the whole buffer rather than just the -- diagnostics passed to the handler local diagnostics = vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr) -- Find the "worst" diagnostic per line local max_severity_per_line = {} for _, d in pairs(diagnostics) do local m = max_severity_per_line[d.lnum] if not m or d.severity < m.severity then max_severity_per_line[d.lnum] = d end end -- Pass the filtered diagnostics (with our custom namespace) to -- the original handler local filtered_diagnostics = vim.tbl_values(max_severity_per_line) orig_signs_handler.show(ns, bufnr, filtered_diagnostics, opts) end, hide = function(_, bufnr) orig_signs_handler.hide(ns, bufnr) end, } < *diagnostic-loclist-example* Whenever the |location-list| is opened, the following `show` handler will show the most recent diagnostics: >lua vim.diagnostic.handlers.loclist = { show = function(_, _, _, opts) -- Generally don't want it to open on every update opts.loclist.open = opts.loclist.open or false local winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() vim.diagnostic.setloclist(opts.loclist) vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(winid) end } < The handler accepts the same options as |vim.diagnostic.setloclist()| and can be configured using |vim.diagnostic.config()|: >lua -- Open the location list on every diagnostic change (warnings/errors only). vim.diagnostic.config({ loclist = { open = true, severity = { min = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN }, } }) < ============================================================================== HIGHLIGHTS *diagnostic-highlights* All highlights defined for diagnostics begin with `Diagnostic` followed by the type of highlight (e.g., `Sign`, `Underline`, etc.) and the severity (e.g. `Error`, `Warn`, etc.) By default, highlights for signs, floating windows, and virtual text are linked to the corresponding default highlight. Underline highlights are not linked and use their own default highlight groups. For example, the default highlighting for |hl-DiagnosticSignError| is linked to |hl-DiagnosticError|. To change the default (and therefore the linked highlights), use the |:highlight| command: >vim highlight DiagnosticError guifg="BrightRed" < *hl-DiagnosticError* DiagnosticError Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline) *hl-DiagnosticWarn* DiagnosticWarn Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline) *hl-DiagnosticInfo* DiagnosticInfo Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline) *hl-DiagnosticHint* DiagnosticHint Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline) *hl-DiagnosticOk* DiagnosticOk Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline) *hl-DiagnosticVirtualTextError* DiagnosticVirtualTextError Used for "Error" diagnostic virtual text. *hl-DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn* DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn Used for "Warn" diagnostic virtual text. *hl-DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo* DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo Used for "Info" diagnostic virtual text. *hl-DiagnosticVirtualTextHint* DiagnosticVirtualTextHint Used for "Hint" diagnostic virtual text. *hl-DiagnosticVirtualTextOk* DiagnosticVirtualTextOk Used for "Ok" diagnostic virtual text. *hl-DiagnosticUnderlineError* DiagnosticUnderlineError Used to underline "Error" diagnostics. *hl-DiagnosticUnderlineWarn* DiagnosticUnderlineWarn Used to underline "Warn" diagnostics. *hl-DiagnosticUnderlineInfo* DiagnosticUnderlineInfo Used to underline "Info" diagnostics. *hl-DiagnosticUnderlineHint* DiagnosticUnderlineHint Used to underline "Hint" diagnostics. *hl-DiagnosticUnderlineOk* DiagnosticUnderlineOk Used to underline "Ok" diagnostics. *hl-DiagnosticFloatingError* DiagnosticFloatingError Used to color "Error" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. See |vim.diagnostic.open_float()| *hl-DiagnosticFloatingWarn* DiagnosticFloatingWarn Used to color "Warn" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. *hl-DiagnosticFloatingInfo* DiagnosticFloatingInfo Used to color "Info" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. *hl-DiagnosticFloatingHint* DiagnosticFloatingHint Used to color "Hint" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. *hl-DiagnosticFloatingOk* DiagnosticFloatingOk Used to color "Ok" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. *hl-DiagnosticSignError* DiagnosticSignError Used for "Error" signs in sign column. *hl-DiagnosticSignWarn* DiagnosticSignWarn Used for "Warn" signs in sign column. *hl-DiagnosticSignInfo* DiagnosticSignInfo Used for "Info" signs in sign column. *hl-DiagnosticSignHint* DiagnosticSignHint Used for "Hint" signs in sign column. *hl-DiagnosticSignOk* DiagnosticSignOk Used for "Ok" signs in sign column. *hl-DiagnosticDeprecated* DiagnosticDeprecated Used for deprecated or obsolete code. *hl-DiagnosticUnnecessary* DiagnosticUnnecessary Used for unnecessary or unused code. ============================================================================== SIGNS *diagnostic-signs* Signs are defined for each diagnostic severity. The default text for each sign is the first letter of the severity name (for example, "E" for ERROR). Signs can be customized with |vim.diagnostic.config()|. Example: >lua -- Highlight entire line for errors -- Highlight the line number for warnings vim.diagnostic.config({ signs = { text = { [vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR] = '', [vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN] = '', }, linehl = { [vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR] = 'ErrorMsg', }, numhl = { [vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN] = 'WarningMsg', }, }, }) When the "severity_sort" option is set (see |vim.diagnostic.config()|) the priority of each sign depends on the severity of the associated diagnostic. Otherwise, all signs have the same priority (the value of the "priority" option in the "signs" table of |vim.diagnostic.config()| or 10 if unset). ============================================================================== EVENTS *diagnostic-events* *DiagnosticChanged* DiagnosticChanged After diagnostics have changed. When used from Lua, the new diagnostics are passed to the autocmd callback in the "data" table. Example: >lua vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('DiagnosticChanged', { callback = function(args) local diagnostics = args.data.diagnostics vim.print(diagnostics) end, }) < ============================================================================== Lua module: vim.diagnostic *diagnostic-api* *vim.Diagnostic* *diagnostic-structure* Diagnostics use the same indexing as the rest of the Nvim API (i.e. 0-based rows and columns). |api-indexing| Fields: ~ • {bufnr}? (`integer`) Buffer number • {lnum} (`integer`) The starting line of the diagnostic (0-indexed) • {end_lnum}? (`integer`) The final line of the diagnostic (0-indexed) • {col} (`integer`) The starting column of the diagnostic (0-indexed) • {end_col}? (`integer`) The final column of the diagnostic (0-indexed) • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.Severity`) The severity of the diagnostic |vim.diagnostic.severity| • {message} (`string`) The diagnostic text • {source}? (`string`) The source of the diagnostic • {code}? (`string|integer`) The diagnostic code • {user_data}? (`any`) arbitrary data plugins can add • {namespace}? (`integer`) *vim.diagnostic.GetOpts* A table with the following keys: Fields: ~ • {namespace}? (`integer[]|integer`) Limit diagnostics to one or more namespaces. • {lnum}? (`integer`) Limit diagnostics to those spanning the specified line number. • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.SeverityFilter`) See |diagnostic-severity|. *vim.diagnostic.JumpOpts* Extends: |vim.diagnostic.GetOpts| Configuration table with the keys listed below. Some parameters can have their default values changed with |vim.diagnostic.config()|. Fields: ~ • {diagnostic}? (`vim.Diagnostic`) The diagnostic to jump to. Mutually exclusive with {count}, {namespace}, and {severity}. See |vim.Diagnostic|. • {count}? (`integer`) The number of diagnostics to move by, starting from {pos}. A positive integer moves forward by {count} diagnostics, while a negative integer moves backward by {count} diagnostics. Mutually exclusive with {diagnostic}. • {pos}? (`[integer,integer]`) Cursor position as a `(row, col)` tuple. See |nvim_win_get_cursor()|. Used to find the nearest diagnostic when {count} is used. Only used when {count} is non-nil. Default is the current cursor position. • {wrap}? (`boolean`, default: `true`) Whether to loop around file or not. Similar to 'wrapscan'. • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.SeverityFilter`) See |diagnostic-severity|. • {float}? (`boolean|vim.diagnostic.Opts.Float`, default: `false`) If `true`, call |vim.diagnostic.open_float()| after moving. If a table, pass the table as the {opts} parameter to |vim.diagnostic.open_float()|. Unless overridden, the float will show diagnostics at the new cursor position (as if "cursor" were passed to the "scope" option). • {winid}? (`integer`, default: `0`) Window ID *vim.diagnostic.NS* Fields: ~ • {name} (`string`) • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.Opts`) See |vim.diagnostic.Opts|. • {user_data} (`table`) • {disabled}? (`boolean`) *vim.diagnostic.Opts* Many of the configuration options below accept one of the following: • `false`: Disable this feature • `true`: Enable this feature, use default settings. • `table`: Enable this feature with overrides. Use an empty table to use default values. • `function`: Function with signature (namespace, bufnr) that returns any of the above. Fields: ~ • {underline}? (`boolean|vim.diagnostic.Opts.Underline|fun(namespace: integer, bufnr:integer): vim.diagnostic.Opts.Underline`, default: `true`) Use underline for diagnostics. • {virtual_text}? (`boolean|vim.diagnostic.Opts.VirtualText|fun(namespace: integer, bufnr:integer): vim.diagnostic.Opts.VirtualText`, default: `true`) Use virtual text for diagnostics. If multiple diagnostics are set for a namespace, one prefix per diagnostic + the last diagnostic message are shown. • {signs}? (`boolean|vim.diagnostic.Opts.Signs|fun(namespace: integer, bufnr:integer): vim.diagnostic.Opts.Signs`, default: `true`) Use signs for diagnostics |diagnostic-signs|. • {float}? (`boolean|vim.diagnostic.Opts.Float|fun(namespace: integer, bufnr:integer): vim.diagnostic.Opts.Float`) Options for floating windows. See |vim.diagnostic.Opts.Float|. • {update_in_insert}? (`boolean`, default: `false`) Update diagnostics in Insert mode (if `false`, diagnostics are updated on |InsertLeave|) • {severity_sort}? (`boolean|{reverse?:boolean}`, default: `false`) Sort diagnostics by severity. This affects the order in which signs, virtual text, and highlights are displayed. When true, higher severities are displayed before lower severities (e.g. ERROR is displayed before WARN). Options: • {reverse}? (boolean) Reverse sort order • {jump}? (`vim.diagnostic.Opts.Jump`) Default values for |vim.diagnostic.jump()|. See |vim.diagnostic.Opts.Jump|. *vim.diagnostic.Opts.Float* Fields: ~ • {bufnr}? (`integer`, default: current buffer) Buffer number to show diagnostics from. • {namespace}? (`integer`) Limit diagnostics to the given namespace • {scope}? (`'line'|'buffer'|'cursor'|'c'|'l'|'b'`, default: `line`) Show diagnostics from the whole buffer (`buffer"`, the current cursor line (`line`), or the current cursor position (`cursor`). Shorthand versions are also accepted (`c` for `cursor`, `l` for `line`, `b` for `buffer`). • {pos}? (`integer|[integer,integer]`) If {scope} is "line" or "cursor", use this position rather than the cursor position. If a number, interpreted as a line number; otherwise, a (row, col) tuple. • {severity_sort}? (`boolean|{reverse?:boolean}`, default: `false`) Sort diagnostics by severity. Overrides the setting from |vim.diagnostic.config()|. • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.SeverityFilter`) See |diagnostic-severity|. Overrides the setting from |vim.diagnostic.config()|. • {header}? (`string|[string,any]`) String to use as the header for the floating window. If a table, it is interpreted as a `[text, hl_group]` tuple. Overrides the setting from |vim.diagnostic.config()|. • {source}? (`boolean|'if_many'`) Include the diagnostic source in the message. Use "if_many" to only show sources if there is more than one source of diagnostics in the buffer. Otherwise, any truthy value means to always show the diagnostic source. Overrides the setting from |vim.diagnostic.config()|. • {format}? (`fun(diagnostic:vim.Diagnostic): string`) A function that takes a diagnostic as input and returns a string. The return value is the text used to display the diagnostic. Overrides the setting from |vim.diagnostic.config()|. • {prefix}? (`string|table|(fun(diagnostic:vim.Diagnostic,i:integer,total:integer): string, string)`) Prefix each diagnostic in the floating window: • If a `function`, {i} is the index of the diagnostic being evaluated and {total} is the total number of diagnostics displayed in the window. The function should return a `string` which is prepended to each diagnostic in the window as well as an (optional) highlight group which will be used to highlight the prefix. • If a `table`, it is interpreted as a `[text, hl_group]` tuple as in |nvim_echo()| • If a `string`, it is prepended to each diagnostic in the window with no highlight. Overrides the setting from |vim.diagnostic.config()|. • {suffix}? (`string|table|(fun(diagnostic:vim.Diagnostic,i:integer,total:integer): string, string)`) Same as {prefix}, but appends the text to the diagnostic instead of prepending it. Overrides the setting from |vim.diagnostic.config()|. • {focus_id}? (`string`) • {border}? (`string`) see |nvim_open_win()|. *vim.diagnostic.Opts.Jump* Fields: ~ • {float}? (`boolean|vim.diagnostic.Opts.Float`, default: false) Default value of the {float} parameter of |vim.diagnostic.jump()|. • {wrap}? (`boolean`, default: true) Default value of the {wrap} parameter of |vim.diagnostic.jump()|. • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.SeverityFilter`) Default value of the {severity} parameter of |vim.diagnostic.jump()|. *vim.diagnostic.Opts.Signs* Fields: ~ • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.SeverityFilter`) Only show virtual text for diagnostics matching the given severity |diagnostic-severity| • {priority}? (`integer`, default: `10`) Base priority to use for signs. When {severity_sort} is used, the priority of a sign is adjusted based on its severity. Otherwise, all signs use the same priority. • {text}? (`table`) A table mapping |diagnostic-severity| to the sign text to display in the sign column. The default is to use `"E"`, `"W"`, `"I"`, and `"H"` for errors, warnings, information, and hints, respectively. Example: >lua vim.diagnostic.config({ signs = { text = { [vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR] = 'E', ... } } }) < • {numhl}? (`table`) A table mapping |diagnostic-severity| to the highlight group used for the line number where the sign is placed. • {linehl}? (`table`) A table mapping |diagnostic-severity| to the highlight group used for the whole line the sign is placed in. *vim.diagnostic.Opts.Underline* Fields: ~ • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.SeverityFilter`) Only underline diagnostics matching the given severity |diagnostic-severity|. *vim.diagnostic.Opts.VirtualText* Fields: ~ • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.SeverityFilter`) Only show virtual text for diagnostics matching the given severity |diagnostic-severity| • {source}? (`boolean|"if_many"`) Include the diagnostic source in virtual text. Use `'if_many'` to only show sources if there is more than one diagnostic source in the buffer. Otherwise, any truthy value means to always show the diagnostic source. • {spacing}? (`integer`) Amount of empty spaces inserted at the beginning of the virtual text. • {prefix}? (`string|(fun(diagnostic:vim.Diagnostic,i:integer,total:integer): string)`) Prepend diagnostic message with prefix. If a `function`, {i} is the index of the diagnostic being evaluated, and {total} is the total number of diagnostics for the line. This can be used to render diagnostic symbols or error codes. • {suffix}? (`string|(fun(diagnostic:vim.Diagnostic): string)`) Append diagnostic message with suffix. This can be used to render an LSP diagnostic error code. • {format}? (`fun(diagnostic:vim.Diagnostic): string`) The return value is the text used to display the diagnostic. Example: >lua function(diagnostic) if diagnostic.severity == vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR then return string.format("E: %s", diagnostic.message) end return diagnostic.message end < • {hl_mode}? (`'replace'|'combine'|'blend'`) See |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|. • {virt_text}? (`[string,any][]`) See |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|. • {virt_text_pos}? (`'eol'|'overlay'|'right_align'|'inline'`) See |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|. • {virt_text_win_col}? (`integer`) See |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|. • {virt_text_hide}? (`boolean`) See |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|. config({opts}, {namespace}) *vim.diagnostic.config()* Configure diagnostic options globally or for a specific diagnostic namespace. Configuration can be specified globally, per-namespace, or ephemerally (i.e. only for a single call to |vim.diagnostic.set()| or |vim.diagnostic.show()|). Ephemeral configuration has highest priority, followed by namespace configuration, and finally global configuration. For example, if a user enables virtual text globally with >lua vim.diagnostic.config({ virtual_text = true }) < and a diagnostic producer sets diagnostics with >lua vim.diagnostic.set(ns, 0, diagnostics, { virtual_text = false }) < then virtual text will not be enabled for those diagnostics. Parameters: ~ • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.Opts?`) When omitted or `nil`, retrieve the current configuration. Otherwise, a configuration table (see |vim.diagnostic.Opts|). • {namespace} (`integer?`) Update the options for the given namespace. When omitted, update the global diagnostic options. Return: ~ (`vim.diagnostic.Opts?`) Current diagnostic config if {opts} is omitted. See |vim.diagnostic.Opts|. count({bufnr}, {opts}) *vim.diagnostic.count()* Get current diagnostics count. Parameters: ~ • {bufnr} (`integer?`) Buffer number to get diagnostics from. Use 0 for current buffer or nil for all buffers. • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.GetOpts?`) See |vim.diagnostic.GetOpts|. Return: ~ (`table`) Table with actually present severity values as keys (see |diagnostic-severity|) and integer counts as values. enable({enable}, {filter}) *vim.diagnostic.enable()* Enables or disables diagnostics. To "toggle", pass the inverse of `is_enabled()`: >lua vim.diagnostic.enable(not vim.diagnostic.is_enabled()) < Parameters: ~ • {enable} (`boolean?`) true/nil to enable, false to disable • {filter} (`table?`) Optional filters |kwargs|, or `nil` for all. • {ns_id}? (`integer`) Diagnostic namespace, or `nil` for all. • {bufnr}? (`integer`) Buffer number, or 0 for current buffer, or `nil` for all buffers. fromqflist({list}) *vim.diagnostic.fromqflist()* Convert a list of quickfix items to a list of diagnostics. Parameters: ~ • {list} (`table[]`) List of quickfix items from |getqflist()| or |getloclist()|. Return: ~ (`vim.Diagnostic[]`) See |vim.Diagnostic|. get({bufnr}, {opts}) *vim.diagnostic.get()* Get current diagnostics. Modifying diagnostics in the returned table has no effect. To set diagnostics in a buffer, use |vim.diagnostic.set()|. Parameters: ~ • {bufnr} (`integer?`) Buffer number to get diagnostics from. Use 0 for current buffer or nil for all buffers. • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.GetOpts?`) See |vim.diagnostic.GetOpts|. Return: ~ (`vim.Diagnostic[]`) Fields `bufnr`, `end_lnum`, `end_col`, and `severity` are guaranteed to be present. See |vim.Diagnostic|. get_namespace({namespace}) *vim.diagnostic.get_namespace()* Get namespace metadata. Parameters: ~ • {namespace} (`integer`) Diagnostic namespace Return: ~ (`vim.diagnostic.NS`) Namespace metadata. See |vim.diagnostic.NS|. get_namespaces() *vim.diagnostic.get_namespaces()* Get current diagnostic namespaces. Return: ~ (`table`) List of active diagnostic namespaces |vim.diagnostic|. get_next({opts}) *vim.diagnostic.get_next()* Get the next diagnostic closest to the cursor position. Parameters: ~ • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.JumpOpts?`) See |vim.diagnostic.JumpOpts|. Return: ~ (`vim.Diagnostic?`) Next diagnostic. See |vim.Diagnostic|. get_prev({opts}) *vim.diagnostic.get_prev()* Get the previous diagnostic closest to the cursor position. Parameters: ~ • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.JumpOpts?`) See |vim.diagnostic.JumpOpts|. Return: ~ (`vim.Diagnostic?`) Previous diagnostic. See |vim.Diagnostic|. hide({namespace}, {bufnr}) *vim.diagnostic.hide()* Hide currently displayed diagnostics. This only clears the decorations displayed in the buffer. Diagnostics can be redisplayed with |vim.diagnostic.show()|. To completely remove diagnostics, use |vim.diagnostic.reset()|. To hide diagnostics and prevent them from re-displaying, use |vim.diagnostic.enable()|. Parameters: ~ • {namespace} (`integer?`) Diagnostic namespace. When omitted, hide diagnostics from all namespaces. • {bufnr} (`integer?`) Buffer number, or 0 for current buffer. When omitted, hide diagnostics in all buffers. is_enabled({filter}) *vim.diagnostic.is_enabled()* Check whether diagnostics are enabled. Attributes: ~ Since: 0.10.0 Parameters: ~ • {filter} (`table?`) Optional filters |kwargs|, or `nil` for all. • {ns_id}? (`integer`) Diagnostic namespace, or `nil` for all. • {bufnr}? (`integer`) Buffer number, or 0 for current buffer, or `nil` for all buffers. Return: ~ (`boolean`) jump({opts}) *vim.diagnostic.jump()* Move to a diagnostic. Parameters: ~ • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.JumpOpts`) See |vim.diagnostic.JumpOpts|. Return: ~ (`vim.Diagnostic?`) The diagnostic that was moved to. See |vim.Diagnostic|. *vim.diagnostic.match()* match({str}, {pat}, {groups}, {severity_map}, {defaults}) Parse a diagnostic from a string. For example, consider a line of output from a linter: > WARNING filename:27:3: Variable 'foo' does not exist < This can be parsed into |vim.Diagnostic| structure with: >lua local s = "WARNING filename:27:3: Variable 'foo' does not exist" local pattern = "^(%w+) %w+:(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$" local groups = { "severity", "lnum", "col", "message" } vim.diagnostic.match(s, pattern, groups, { WARNING = vim.diagnostic.WARN }) < Parameters: ~ • {str} (`string`) String to parse diagnostics from. • {pat} (`string`) Lua pattern with capture groups. • {groups} (`string[]`) List of fields in a |vim.Diagnostic| structure to associate with captures from {pat}. • {severity_map} (`table`) A table mapping the severity field from {groups} with an item from |vim.diagnostic.severity|. • {defaults} (`table?`) Table of default values for any fields not listed in {groups}. When omitted, numeric values default to 0 and "severity" defaults to ERROR. Return: ~ (`vim.Diagnostic?`) |vim.Diagnostic| structure or `nil` if {pat} fails to match {str}. open_float({opts}) *vim.diagnostic.open_float()* Show diagnostics in a floating window. Parameters: ~ • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.Opts.Float?`) See |vim.diagnostic.Opts.Float|. Return (multiple): ~ (`integer?`) float_bufnr (`integer?`) winid reset({namespace}, {bufnr}) *vim.diagnostic.reset()* Remove all diagnostics from the given namespace. Unlike |vim.diagnostic.hide()|, this function removes all saved diagnostics. They cannot be redisplayed using |vim.diagnostic.show()|. To simply remove diagnostic decorations in a way that they can be re-displayed, use |vim.diagnostic.hide()|. Parameters: ~ • {namespace} (`integer?`) Diagnostic namespace. When omitted, remove diagnostics from all namespaces. • {bufnr} (`integer?`) Remove diagnostics for the given buffer. When omitted, diagnostics are removed for all buffers. set({namespace}, {bufnr}, {diagnostics}, {opts}) *vim.diagnostic.set()* Set diagnostics for the given namespace and buffer. Parameters: ~ • {namespace} (`integer`) The diagnostic namespace • {bufnr} (`integer`) Buffer number • {diagnostics} (`vim.Diagnostic[]`) See |vim.Diagnostic|. • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.Opts?`) Display options to pass to |vim.diagnostic.show()|. See |vim.diagnostic.Opts|. setloclist({opts}) *vim.diagnostic.setloclist()* Add buffer diagnostics to the location list. Parameters: ~ • {opts} (`table?`) Configuration table with the following keys: • {namespace}? (`integer`) Only add diagnostics from the given namespace. • {winnr}? (`integer`, default: `0`) Window number to set location list for. • {open}? (`boolean`, default: `true`) Open the location list after setting. • {title}? (`string`) Title of the location list. Defaults to "Diagnostics". • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.SeverityFilter`) See |diagnostic-severity|. setqflist({opts}) *vim.diagnostic.setqflist()* Add all diagnostics to the quickfix list. Parameters: ~ • {opts} (`table?`) Configuration table with the following keys: • {namespace}? (`integer`) Only add diagnostics from the given namespace. • {open}? (`boolean`, default: `true`) Open quickfix list after setting. • {title}? (`string`) Title of quickfix list. Defaults to "Diagnostics". • {severity}? (`vim.diagnostic.SeverityFilter`) See |diagnostic-severity|. *vim.diagnostic.show()* show({namespace}, {bufnr}, {diagnostics}, {opts}) Display diagnostics for the given namespace and buffer. Parameters: ~ • {namespace} (`integer?`) Diagnostic namespace. When omitted, show diagnostics from all namespaces. • {bufnr} (`integer?`) Buffer number, or 0 for current buffer. When omitted, show diagnostics in all buffers. • {diagnostics} (`vim.Diagnostic[]?`) The diagnostics to display. When omitted, use the saved diagnostics for the given namespace and buffer. This can be used to display a list of diagnostics without saving them or to display only a subset of diagnostics. May not be used when {namespace} or {bufnr} is nil. See |vim.Diagnostic|. • {opts} (`vim.diagnostic.Opts?`) Display options. See |vim.diagnostic.Opts|. toqflist({diagnostics}) *vim.diagnostic.toqflist()* Convert a list of diagnostics to a list of quickfix items that can be passed to |setqflist()| or |setloclist()|. Parameters: ~ • {diagnostics} (`vim.Diagnostic[]`) See |vim.Diagnostic|. Return: ~ (`table[]`) Quickfix list items |setqflist-what| vim:tw=78:ts=8:sw=4:sts=4:et:ft=help:norl: