if(NOT DEFINED PREFIX) message(FATAL_ERROR "PREFIX must be defined.") endif() if(NOT DEFINED URL) message(FATAL_ERROR "URL must be defined.") endif() if(NOT DEFINED DOWNLOAD_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "DOWNLOAD_DIR must be defined.") endif() if(NOT DEFINED EXPECTED_SHA256) message(FATAL_ERROR "EXPECTED_SHA256 must be defined.") endif() if(NOT DEFINED TARGET) message(FATAL_ERROR "TARGET must be defined.") endif() set(SRC_DIR ${PREFIX}/src/${TARGET}) # Check whether the source has been downloaded. If true, skip it. # Useful for external downloads like homebrew. if(USE_EXISTING_SRC_DIR) if(EXISTS "${SRC_DIR}" AND IS_DIRECTORY "${SRC_DIR}") file(GLOB EXISTED_FILES "${SRC_DIR}/*") if(EXISTED_FILES) message(STATUS "${SRC_DIR} is found and not empty, skipping download and extraction. ") return() endif() endif() message(FATAL_ERROR "USE_EXISTING_SRC_DIR set to ON, but '${SRC_DIR}' does not exist or is empty.") endif() # Taken from ExternalProject_Add. Let's hope we can drop this one day when # ExternalProject_Add allows you to disable SHOW_PROGRESS on the file download. if(TIMEOUT) set(timeout_args TIMEOUT ${timeout}) set(timeout_msg "${timeout} seconds") else() set(timeout_args "") set(timeout_msg "none") endif() string(REGEX MATCH "[^/\\?]*$" fname "${URL}") if(NOT "${fname}" MATCHES "(\\.|=)(bz2|tar|tgz|tar\\.gz|zip)$") string(REGEX MATCH "([^/\\?]+(\\.|=)(bz2|tar|tgz|tar\\.gz|zip))/.*$" match_result "${URL}") set(fname "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() if(NOT "${fname}" MATCHES "(\\.|=)(bz2|tar|tgz|tar\\.gz|zip)$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not extract tarball filename from url:\n ${url}") endif() string(REPLACE ";" "-" fname "${fname}") set(file ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/${fname}) message(STATUS "file: ${file}") message(STATUS "downloading... src='${URL}' dst='${file}' timeout='${timeout_msg}'") file(DOWNLOAD ${URL} ${file} ${timeout_args} ${hash_args} STATUS status LOG log) list(GET status 0 status_code) list(GET status 1 status_string) if(NOT status_code EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: downloading '${URL}' failed status_code: ${status_code} status_string: ${status_string} log: ${log} ") endif() set(NULL_SHA256 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") # Allow users to use "SKIP" or "skip" as the sha256 to skip checking the hash. # You can still use the all zeros hash too. if((EXPECTED_SHA256 STREQUAL "SKIP") OR (EXPECTED_SHA256 STREQUAL "skip")) set(EXPECTED_SHA256 ${NULL_SHA256}) endif() # We could avoid computing the SHA256 entirely if a NULL_SHA256 was given, # but we want to warn users of an empty file. file(SHA256 ${file} ACTUAL_SHA256) if(ACTUAL_SHA256 STREQUAL "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855") # File was empty. It's likely due to lack of SSL support. message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to download ${URL}. The file is empty and likely means CMake " "was built without SSL support. Please use a version of CMake with " "proper SSL support. See " "https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Building-Neovim#build-prerequisites " "for more information.") elseif((NOT EXPECTED_SHA256 STREQUAL NULL_SHA256) AND (NOT EXPECTED_SHA256 STREQUAL ACTUAL_SHA256)) # Wasn't a NULL SHA256 and we didn't match, so we fail. message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to download ${URL}. Expected a SHA256 of " "${EXPECTED_SHA256} but got ${ACTUAL_SHA256} instead.") endif() message(STATUS "downloading... done") # Slurped from a generated extract-TARGET.cmake file. message(STATUS "extracting... src='${file}' dst='${SRC_DIR}'") if(NOT EXISTS "${file}") message(FATAL_ERROR "error: file to extract does not exist: '${file}'") endif() # Prepare a space for extracting: # set(i 1234) while(EXISTS "${SRC_DIR}/../ex-${TARGET}${i}") math(EXPR i "${i} + 1") endwhile() set(ut_dir "${SRC_DIR}/../ex-${TARGET}${i}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${ut_dir}") # Extract it: # message(STATUS "extracting... [tar xfz]") execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xfz ${file} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${ut_dir} RESULT_VARIABLE rv) if(NOT rv EQUAL 0) message(STATUS "extracting... [error clean up]") file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${ut_dir}") message(FATAL_ERROR "error: extract of '${file}' failed") endif() # Analyze what came out of the tar file: # message(STATUS "extracting... [analysis]") file(GLOB contents "${ut_dir}/*") list(LENGTH contents n) if(NOT n EQUAL 1 OR NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${contents}") set(contents "${ut_dir}") endif() # Move "the one" directory to the final directory: # message(STATUS "extracting... [rename]") file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${SRC_DIR}) get_filename_component(contents ${contents} ABSOLUTE) file(RENAME ${contents} ${SRC_DIR}) # Clean up: # message(STATUS "extracting... [clean up]") file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${ut_dir}") message(STATUS "extracting... done")