local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local eq = helpers.eq local NIL = helpers.NIL local eval = helpers.eval local clear = helpers.clear local meths = helpers.meths local funcs = helpers.funcs local command = helpers.command local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local redir_exec = helpers.redir_exec before_each(clear) describe('sort()', function() it('errors out when sorting special values', function() eq('Vim(call):E907: Using a special value as a Float', exc_exec('call sort([v:true, v:false], "f")')) end) it('sorts “wrong” values between -0.0001 and 0.0001, preserving order', function() meths.set_var('list', {true, false, NIL, {}, {a=42}, 'check', 0.0001, -0.0001}) command('call insert(g:list, function("tr"))') local error_lines = funcs.split( funcs.execute('silent! call sort(g:list, "f")'), '\n') local errors = {} for _, err in ipairs(error_lines) do errors[err] = true end eq({ ['E891: Using a Funcref as a Float']=true, ['E892: Using a String as a Float']=true, ['E893: Using a List as a Float']=true, ['E894: Using a Dictionary as a Float']=true, ['E907: Using a special value as a Float']=true, }, errors) eq('[-1.0e-4, function(\'tr\'), v:true, v:false, v:null, [], {\'a\': 42}, \'check\', 1.0e-4]', eval('string(g:list)')) end) it('can yield E702 and stop sorting after that', function() command([[ function Cmp(a, b) if type(a:a) == type([]) || type(a:b) == type([]) return [] endif return (a:a > a:b) - (a:a < a:b) endfunction ]]) eq('\nE745: Using a List as a Number\nE702: Sort compare function failed', redir_exec('let sl = sort([1, 0, [], 3, 2], "Cmp")')) eq({1, 0, {}, 3, 2}, meths.get_var('sl')) end) end)