local t = require('test.testutil') local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')() local clear = n.clear local eq = t.eq local exec_lua = n.exec_lua local get_completions = function(input, env) return exec_lua('return {vim._expand_pat(...)}', input, env) end local get_compl_parts = function(parts) return exec_lua('return {vim._expand_pat_get_parts(...)}', parts) end before_each(clear) describe('nlua_expand_pat', function() it('should complete exact matches', function() eq({ { 'exact' }, 0 }, get_completions('exact', { exact = true })) end) it('should return empty table when nothing matches', function() eq({ {}, 0 }, get_completions('foo', { bar = true })) end) it('should return nice completions with function call prefix', function() eq({ { 'FOO' }, 6 }, get_completions('print(F', { FOO = true, bawr = true })) end) it('should return keys for nested dictionaries', function() eq( { { 'nvim_buf_set_lines', }, 8 }, get_completions('vim.api.nvim_buf_', { vim = { api = { nvim_buf_set_lines = true, nvim_win_doesnt_match = true, }, other_key = true, }, }) ) end) it('it should work with colons', function() eq( { { 'bawr', 'baz', }, 8 }, get_completions('MyClass:b', { MyClass = { baz = true, bawr = true, foo = false, }, }) ) end) it('should return keys for string reffed dictionaries', function() eq( { { 'nvim_buf_set_lines', }, 11 }, get_completions('vim["api"].nvim_buf_', { vim = { api = { nvim_buf_set_lines = true, nvim_win_doesnt_match = true, }, other_key = true, }, }) ) end) it('should return keys for string reffed dictionaries', function() eq( { { 'nvim_buf_set_lines', }, 21 }, get_completions('vim["nested"]["api"].nvim_buf_', { vim = { nested = { api = { nvim_buf_set_lines = true, nvim_win_doesnt_match = true, }, }, other_key = true, }, }) ) end) it('should work with lazy submodules of "vim" global', function() eq({ { 'inspect', 'inspect_pos' }, 4 }, get_completions('vim.inspec')) eq({ { 'treesitter' }, 4 }, get_completions('vim.treesi')) eq({ { 'set' }, 11 }, get_completions('vim.keymap.se')) end) it('should be able to interpolate globals', function() eq( { { 'nvim_buf_set_lines', }, 12 }, get_completions('vim[MY_VAR].nvim_buf_', { MY_VAR = 'api', vim = { api = { nvim_buf_set_lines = true, nvim_win_doesnt_match = true, }, other_key = true, }, }) ) end) it('should return everything if the input is of length 0', function() eq({ { 'other', 'vim' }, 0 }, get_completions('', { vim = true, other = true })) end) describe('get_parts', function() it('should return an empty list for no separators', function() eq({ {}, 1 }, get_compl_parts('vim')) end) it('just the first item before a period', function() eq({ { 'vim' }, 5 }, get_compl_parts('vim.ap')) end) it('should return multiple parts just for period', function() eq({ { 'vim', 'api' }, 9 }, get_compl_parts('vim.api.nvim_buf')) end) it('should be OK with colons', function() eq({ { 'vim', 'api' }, 9 }, get_compl_parts('vim:api.nvim_buf')) end) it('should work for just one string ref', function() eq({ { 'vim', 'api' }, 12 }, get_compl_parts("vim['api'].nvim_buf")) end) it('should work for just one string ref, with double quote', function() eq({ { 'vim', 'api' }, 12 }, get_compl_parts('vim["api"].nvim_buf')) end) it('should allows back-to-back string ref', function() eq({ { 'vim', 'nested', 'api' }, 22 }, get_compl_parts('vim["nested"]["api"].nvim_buf')) end) it('should allows back-to-back string ref with spaces before and after', function() eq({ { 'vim', 'nested', 'api' }, 25 }, get_compl_parts('vim[ "nested" ]["api"].nvim_buf')) end) it('should allow VAR style loolup', function() eq({ { 'vim', { 'NESTED' }, 'api' }, 20 }, get_compl_parts('vim[NESTED]["api"].nvim_buf')) end) end) end)