local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local nvim = helpers.meths local clear, eq, neq, eval = helpers.clear, helpers.eq, helpers.neq, helpers.eval local curbuf, buf = helpers.curbuf, helpers.bufmeths local curwin = helpers.curwin local exec_capture = helpers.exec_capture local source, command = helpers.source, helpers.command local function declare_hook_function() source([[ fu! AutoCommand(match, bufnr, winnr) let l:acc = { \ 'option' : a:match, \ 'oldval' : v:option_old, \ 'oldval_l' : v:option_oldlocal, \ 'oldval_g' : v:option_oldglobal, \ 'newval' : v:option_new, \ 'scope' : v:option_type, \ 'cmd' : v:option_command, \ 'attr' : { \ 'bufnr' : a:bufnr, \ 'winnr' : a:winnr, \ } \ } call add(g:ret, l:acc) endfu ]]) end local function set_hook(pattern) command( 'au OptionSet ' .. pattern .. ' :call AutoCommand(expand(""), bufnr("%"), winnr())' ) end local function init_var() command('let g:ret = []') end local function get_result() local ret = nvim.get_var('ret') init_var() return ret end local function expected_table(option, oldval, oldval_l, oldval_g, newval, scope, cmd, attr) return { option = option, oldval = oldval, oldval_l = oldval_l, oldval_g = oldval_g, newval = newval, scope = scope, cmd = cmd, attr = attr, } end local function expected_combination(...) local args = { ... } local ret = get_result() if not (#args == #ret) then local expecteds = {} for _, v in pairs(args) do table.insert(expecteds, expected_table(unpack(v))) end eq(expecteds, ret) return end for i, v in ipairs(args) do local attr = v[8] if not attr then -- remove attr entries ret[i].attr = nil else -- remove attr entries which are not required for k in pairs(ret[i].attr) do if not attr[k] then ret[i].attr[k] = nil end end end eq(expected_table(unpack(v)), ret[i]) end end local function expected_empty() eq({}, get_result()) end local function make_buffer() local old_buf = curbuf() command('botright new') local new_buf = curbuf() command('wincmd p') -- move previous window neq(old_buf, new_buf) eq(old_buf, curbuf()) return new_buf end local function get_new_window_number() local old_win = curwin() command('botright new') local new_win = curwin() local new_winnr = exec_capture('echo winnr()') command('wincmd p') -- move previous window neq(old_win, new_win) eq(old_win, curwin()) return new_winnr end describe('au OptionSet', function() describe('with any option (*)', function() before_each(function() clear() declare_hook_function() init_var() set_hook('*') end) it('should be called in setting number option', function() command('set nu') expected_combination({ 'number', false, false, false, true, 'global', 'set' }) command('setlocal nonu') expected_combination({ 'number', true, true, '', false, 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('setglobal nonu') expected_combination({ 'number', true, '', true, false, 'global', 'setglobal' }) end) it('should be called in setting autoindent option', function() command('setlocal ai') expected_combination({ 'autoindent', false, false, '', true, 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('setglobal ai') expected_combination({ 'autoindent', false, '', false, true, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('set noai') expected_combination({ 'autoindent', true, true, true, false, 'global', 'set' }) end) it('should be called in inverting global autoindent option', function() command('set ai!') expected_combination({ 'autoindent', false, false, false, true, 'global', 'set' }) end) it('should be called in being unset local autoindent option', function() command('setlocal ai') expected_combination({ 'autoindent', false, false, '', true, 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('setlocal ai<') expected_combination({ 'autoindent', true, true, '', false, 'local', 'setlocal' }) end) it('should be called in setting global list and number option at the same time', function() command('set list nu') expected_combination( { 'list', false, false, false, true, 'global', 'set' }, { 'number', false, false, false, true, 'global', 'set' } ) end) it('should not print anything, use :noa', function() command('noa set nolist nonu') expected_empty() end) it('should be called in setting local acd', function() command('setlocal acd') expected_combination({ 'autochdir', false, false, '', true, 'local', 'setlocal' }) end) it('should be called in setting autoread', function() command('set noar') expected_combination({ 'autoread', true, true, true, false, 'global', 'set' }) command('setlocal ar') expected_combination({ 'autoread', false, false, '', true, 'local', 'setlocal' }) end) it('should be called in inverting global autoread', function() command('setglobal invar') expected_combination({ 'autoread', true, '', true, false, 'global', 'setglobal' }) end) it('should be called in setting backspace option through :let', function() local oldval = eval('&backspace') command('let &bs=""') expected_combination({ 'backspace', oldval, oldval, oldval, '', 'global', 'set' }) end) describe('being set by setbufvar()', function() it('should not trigger because option name is invalid', function() command('silent! call setbufvar(1, "&l:bk", 1)') expected_empty() end) it('should trigger using correct option name', function() command('call setbufvar(1, "&backup", 1)') expected_combination({ 'backup', false, false, '', true, 'local', 'setlocal' }) end) it('should trigger if the current buffer is different from the targeted buffer', function() local new_buffer = make_buffer() local new_bufnr = buf.get_number(new_buffer) command('call setbufvar(' .. new_bufnr .. ', "&buftype", "nofile")') expected_combination({ 'buftype', '', '', '', 'nofile', 'local', 'setlocal', { bufnr = new_bufnr }, }) end) end) it('with string global option', function() local oldval = eval('&backupext') command('set backupext=foo') expected_combination({ 'backupext', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'foo', 'global', 'set' }) command('set backupext&') expected_combination({ 'backupext', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', oldval, 'global', 'set' }) command('setglobal backupext=bar') expected_combination({ 'backupext', oldval, '', oldval, 'bar', 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa set backupext&') -- As this is a global option this sets the global value even though :setlocal is used! command('setlocal backupext=baz') expected_combination({ 'backupext', oldval, oldval, '', 'baz', 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('noa setglobal backupext=ext_global') command('noa setlocal backupext=ext_local') -- Sets the global(!) value command('set backupext=foo') expected_combination({ 'backupext', 'ext_local', 'ext_local', 'ext_local', 'foo', 'global', 'set', }) end) it('with string global-local (to buffer) option', function() local oldval = eval('&tags') command('set tags=tagpath') expected_combination({ 'tags', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'tagpath', 'global', 'set' }) command('set tags&') expected_combination({ 'tags', 'tagpath', 'tagpath', 'tagpath', oldval, 'global', 'set' }) command('setglobal tags=tagpath1') expected_combination({ 'tags', oldval, '', oldval, 'tagpath1', 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('setlocal tags=tagpath2') expected_combination({ 'tags', 'tagpath1', 'tagpath1', '', 'tagpath2', 'local', 'setlocal' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa setglobal tags=tag_global') command('noa setlocal tags=tag_local') command('set tags=tagpath') expected_combination({ 'tags', 'tag_global', 'tag_local', 'tag_global', 'tagpath', 'global', 'set', }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa set tags=tag_global') command('noa setlocal tags=') command('set tags=tagpath') expected_combination({ 'tags', 'tag_global', 'tag_global', 'tag_global', 'tagpath', 'global', 'set', }) end) it('with string local (to buffer) option', function() local oldval = eval('&spelllang') command('set spelllang=elvish,klingon') expected_combination({ 'spelllang', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'elvish,klingon', 'global', 'set', }) command('set spelllang&') expected_combination({ 'spelllang', 'elvish,klingon', 'elvish,klingon', 'elvish,klingon', oldval, 'global', 'set', }) command('setglobal spelllang=elvish') expected_combination({ 'spelllang', oldval, '', oldval, 'elvish', 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa set spelllang&') command('setlocal spelllang=klingon') expected_combination({ 'spelllang', oldval, oldval, '', 'klingon', 'local', 'setlocal' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa setglobal spelllang=spellglobal') command('noa setlocal spelllang=spelllocal') command('set spelllang=foo') expected_combination({ 'spelllang', 'spelllocal', 'spelllocal', 'spellglobal', 'foo', 'global', 'set', }) end) it('with string global-local (to window) option', function() local oldval = eval('&statusline') command('set statusline=foo') expected_combination({ 'statusline', oldval, oldval, '', 'foo', 'global', 'set' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('set statusline&') expected_combination({ 'statusline', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', oldval, 'global', 'set' }) command('setglobal statusline=bar') expected_combination({ 'statusline', oldval, '', oldval, 'bar', 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa set statusline&') command('setlocal statusline=baz') expected_combination({ 'statusline', oldval, oldval, '', 'baz', 'local', 'setlocal' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa setglobal statusline=bar') command('noa setlocal statusline=baz') command('set statusline=foo') expected_combination({ 'statusline', 'bar', 'baz', 'bar', 'foo', 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with string local (to window) option', function() local oldval = eval('&foldignore') command('set foldignore=fo') expected_combination({ 'foldignore', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'fo', 'global', 'set' }) command('set foldignore&') expected_combination({ 'foldignore', 'fo', 'fo', 'fo', oldval, 'global', 'set' }) command('setglobal foldignore=bar') expected_combination({ 'foldignore', oldval, '', oldval, 'bar', 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa set foldignore&') command('setlocal foldignore=baz') expected_combination({ 'foldignore', oldval, oldval, '', 'baz', 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('noa setglobal foldignore=glob') command('noa setlocal foldignore=loc') command('set foldignore=fo') expected_combination({ 'foldignore', 'loc', 'loc', 'glob', 'fo', 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with number global option', function() command('noa setglobal cmdheight=8') command('noa setlocal cmdheight=1') -- Sets the global(!) value command('setglobal cmdheight=2') expected_combination({ 'cmdheight', 1, '', 1, 2, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa setglobal cmdheight=8') command('noa setlocal cmdheight=1') -- Sets the global(!) value command('setlocal cmdheight=2') expected_combination({ 'cmdheight', 1, 1, '', 2, 'local', 'setlocal' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa setglobal cmdheight=8') command('noa setlocal cmdheight=1') -- Sets the global(!) value command('set cmdheight=2') expected_combination({ 'cmdheight', 1, 1, 1, 2, 'global', 'set' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa set cmdheight=8') command('set cmdheight=2') expected_combination({ 'cmdheight', 8, 8, 8, 2, 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with number global-local (to buffer) option', function() command('noa setglobal undolevels=8') command('noa setlocal undolevels=1') command('setglobal undolevels=2') expected_combination({ 'undolevels', 8, '', 8, 2, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa setglobal undolevels=8') command('noa setlocal undolevels=1') command('setlocal undolevels=2') expected_combination({ 'undolevels', 1, 1, '', 2, 'local', 'setlocal' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa setglobal undolevels=8') command('noa setlocal undolevels=1') command('set undolevels=2') expected_combination({ 'undolevels', 8, 1, 8, 2, 'global', 'set' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa set undolevels=8') command('set undolevels=2') expected_combination({ 'undolevels', 8, 8, 8, 2, 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with number local (to buffer) option', function() command('noa setglobal wrapmargin=8') command('noa setlocal wrapmargin=1') command('setglobal wrapmargin=2') expected_combination({ 'wrapmargin', 8, '', 8, 2, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa setglobal wrapmargin=8') command('noa setlocal wrapmargin=1') command('setlocal wrapmargin=2') expected_combination({ 'wrapmargin', 1, 1, '', 2, 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('noa setglobal wrapmargin=8') command('noa setlocal wrapmargin=1') command('set wrapmargin=2') expected_combination({ 'wrapmargin', 1, 1, 8, 2, 'global', 'set' }) command('noa set wrapmargin=8') command('set wrapmargin=2') expected_combination({ 'wrapmargin', 8, 8, 8, 2, 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with number global-local (to window) option', function() command('noa setglobal scrolloff=8') command('noa setlocal scrolloff=1') command('setglobal scrolloff=2') expected_combination({ 'scrolloff', 8, '', 8, 2, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa setglobal scrolloff=8') command('noa setlocal scrolloff=1') command('setlocal scrolloff=2') expected_combination({ 'scrolloff', 1, 1, '', 2, 'local', 'setlocal' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa setglobal scrolloff=8') command('noa setlocal scrolloff=1') command('set scrolloff=2') expected_combination({ 'scrolloff', 8, 1, 8, 2, 'global', 'set' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa set scrolloff=8') command('set scrolloff=2') expected_combination({ 'scrolloff', 8, 8, 8, 2, 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with number local (to window) option', function() command('noa setglobal foldcolumn=8') command('noa setlocal foldcolumn=1') command('setglobal foldcolumn=2') expected_combination({ 'foldcolumn', '8', '', '8', '2', 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa setglobal foldcolumn=8') command('noa setlocal foldcolumn=1') command('setlocal foldcolumn=2') expected_combination({ 'foldcolumn', '1', '1', '', '2', 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('noa setglobal foldcolumn=8') command('noa setlocal foldcolumn=1') command('set foldcolumn=2') expected_combination({ 'foldcolumn', '1', '1', '8', '2', 'global', 'set' }) command('noa set foldcolumn=8') command('set foldcolumn=2') expected_combination({ 'foldcolumn', '8', '8', '8', '2', 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with boolean global option', function() command('noa setglobal nowrapscan') command('noa setlocal wrapscan') -- Sets the global(!) value command('setglobal nowrapscan') expected_combination({ 'wrapscan', true, '', true, false, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa setglobal nowrapscan') command('noa setlocal wrapscan') -- Sets the global(!) value command('setlocal nowrapscan') expected_combination({ 'wrapscan', true, true, '', false, 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('noa setglobal nowrapscan') command('noa setlocal wrapscan') -- Sets the global(!) value command('set nowrapscan') expected_combination({ 'wrapscan', true, true, true, false, 'global', 'set' }) command('noa set nowrapscan') command('set wrapscan') expected_combination({ 'wrapscan', false, false, false, true, 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with boolean global-local (to buffer) option', function() command('noa setglobal noautoread') command('noa setlocal autoread') command('setglobal autoread') expected_combination({ 'autoread', false, '', false, true, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa setglobal noautoread') command('noa setlocal autoread') command('setlocal noautoread') expected_combination({ 'autoread', true, true, '', false, 'local', 'setlocal' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa setglobal noautoread') command('noa setlocal autoread') command('set autoread') expected_combination({ 'autoread', false, true, false, true, 'global', 'set' }) -- Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local options. -- but the old local value for all other kinds of options. command('noa set noautoread') command('set autoread') expected_combination({ 'autoread', false, false, false, true, 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with boolean local (to buffer) option', function() command('noa setglobal nocindent') command('noa setlocal cindent') command('setglobal cindent') expected_combination({ 'cindent', false, '', false, true, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa setglobal nocindent') command('noa setlocal cindent') command('setlocal nocindent') expected_combination({ 'cindent', true, true, '', false, 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('noa setglobal nocindent') command('noa setlocal cindent') command('set cindent') expected_combination({ 'cindent', true, true, false, true, 'global', 'set' }) command('noa set nocindent') command('set cindent') expected_combination({ 'cindent', false, false, false, true, 'global', 'set' }) end) it('with boolean local (to window) option', function() command('noa setglobal nocursorcolumn') command('noa setlocal cursorcolumn') command('setglobal cursorcolumn') expected_combination({ 'cursorcolumn', false, '', false, true, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('noa setglobal nocursorcolumn') command('noa setlocal cursorcolumn') command('setlocal nocursorcolumn') expected_combination({ 'cursorcolumn', true, true, '', false, 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('noa setglobal nocursorcolumn') command('noa setlocal cursorcolumn') command('set cursorcolumn') expected_combination({ 'cursorcolumn', true, true, false, true, 'global', 'set' }) command('noa set nocursorcolumn') command('set cursorcolumn') expected_combination({ 'cursorcolumn', false, false, false, true, 'global', 'set' }) end) end) describe('with specific option', function() before_each(function() clear() declare_hook_function() init_var() end) it('should be called iff setting readonly', function() set_hook('readonly') command('set nu') expected_empty() command('setlocal ro') expected_combination({ 'readonly', false, false, '', true, 'local', 'setlocal' }) command('setglobal ro') expected_combination({ 'readonly', false, '', false, true, 'global', 'setglobal' }) command('set noro') expected_combination({ 'readonly', true, true, true, false, 'global', 'set' }) end) describe('being set by setbufvar()', function() it('should not trigger because option name does not match with backup', function() set_hook('backup') command('silent! call setbufvar(1, "&l:bk", 1)') expected_empty() end) it('should trigger, use correct option name backup', function() set_hook('backup') command('call setbufvar(1, "&backup", 1)') expected_combination({ 'backup', false, false, '', true, 'local', 'setlocal' }) end) it('should trigger if the current buffer is different from the targeted buffer', function() set_hook('buftype') local new_buffer = make_buffer() local new_bufnr = buf.get_number(new_buffer) command('call setbufvar(' .. new_bufnr .. ', "&buftype", "nofile")') expected_combination({ 'buftype', '', '', '', 'nofile', 'local', 'setlocal', { bufnr = new_bufnr }, }) end) end) describe('being set by setwinvar()', function() it('should not trigger because option name does not match with backup', function() set_hook('backup') command('silent! call setwinvar(1, "&l:bk", 1)') expected_empty() end) it('should trigger, use correct option name backup', function() set_hook('backup') command('call setwinvar(1, "&backup", 1)') expected_combination({ 'backup', false, false, '', true, 'local', 'setlocal' }) end) it( 'should not trigger if the current window is different from the targeted window', function() set_hook('cursorcolumn') local new_winnr = get_new_window_number() command('call setwinvar(' .. new_winnr .. ', "&cursorcolumn", 1)') -- expected_combination({'cursorcolumn', false, true, 'local', {winnr = new_winnr}}) expected_empty() end ) end) describe('being set by neovim api', function() it('should trigger if a boolean option be set globally', function() set_hook('autochdir') nvim.set_option_value('autochdir', true, { scope = 'global' }) eq(true, nvim.get_option_value('autochdir', { scope = 'global' })) expected_combination({ 'autochdir', false, '', false, true, 'global', 'setglobal' }) end) it('should trigger if a number option be set globally', function() set_hook('cmdheight') nvim.set_option_value('cmdheight', 5, { scope = 'global' }) eq(5, nvim.get_option_value('cmdheight', { scope = 'global' })) expected_combination({ 'cmdheight', 1, '', 1, 5, 'global', 'setglobal' }) end) it('should trigger if a string option be set globally', function() set_hook('ambiwidth') nvim.set_option_value('ambiwidth', 'double', { scope = 'global' }) eq('double', nvim.get_option_value('ambiwidth', { scope = 'global' })) expected_combination({ 'ambiwidth', 'single', '', 'single', 'double', 'global', 'setglobal', }) end) end) end) end)