local uv = vim.uv local log = require('vim.lsp.log') local protocol = require('vim.lsp.protocol') local validate, schedule, schedule_wrap = vim.validate, vim.schedule, vim.schedule_wrap local is_win = uv.os_uname().version:find('Windows') ---@alias vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatcher fun(method: string, params: table):nil, vim.lsp.rpc.Error? ---@alias vim.lsp.rpc.on_error fun(code: integer, ...: any) ---@alias vim.lsp.rpc.on_exit fun(code: integer, signal: integer) ---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers ---@field notification vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatcher ---@field server_request vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatcher ---@field on_exit vim.lsp.rpc.on_error ---@field on_error vim.lsp.rpc.on_exit ---@class vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient ---@field request fun(method: string, params?: table, callback: fun(err: lsp.ResponseError | nil, result: any), notify_reply_callback:function?) ---@field notify fun(method: string, params: any) ---@field is_closing fun(): boolean ---@field terminate fun(): nil ---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Client ---@field message_index integer ---@field message_callbacks table dict of message_id to callback ---@field notify_reply_callbacks table dict of message_id to callback ---@field transport vim.lsp.rpc.Transport ---@field dispatchers vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers --- Checks whether a given path exists and is a directory. ---@param filename string path to check ---@return boolean local function is_dir(filename) local stat = uv.fs_stat(filename) return stat and stat.type == 'directory' or false end --- Embeds the given string into a table and correctly computes `Content-Length`. --- ---@param message string ---@return string message with `Content-Length` attribute local function format_message_with_content_length(message) return table.concat({ 'Content-Length: ', tostring(#message), '\r\n\r\n', message, }) end local function log_error(...) if log.error() then log.error(...) end end local function log_info(...) if log.info() then log.info(...) end end local function log_debug(...) if log.debug() then log.debug(...) end end ---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Headers: {string: any} ---@field content_length integer --- Parses an LSP Message's header --- ---@param header string The header to parse. ---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Headers#parsed headers local function parse_headers(header) assert(type(header) == 'string', 'header must be a string') --- @type vim.lsp.rpc.Headers local headers = {} for line in vim.gsplit(header, '\r\n', { plain = true }) do if line == '' then break end --- @type string?, string? local key, value = line:match('^%s*(%S+)%s*:%s*(.+)%s*$') if key then key = key:lower():gsub('%-', '_') --- @type string headers[key] = value else log_error('invalid header line %q', line) error(string.format('invalid header line %q', line)) end end headers.content_length = tonumber(headers.content_length) or error(string.format('Content-Length not found in headers. %q', header)) return headers end -- This is the start of any possible header patterns. The gsub converts it to a -- case insensitive pattern. local header_start_pattern = ('content'):gsub('%w', function(c) return '[' .. c .. c:upper() .. ']' end) --- The actual workhorse. local function request_parser_loop() local buffer = '' -- only for header part while true do -- A message can only be complete if it has a double CRLF and also the full -- payload, so first let's check for the CRLFs local start, finish = buffer:find('\r\n\r\n', 1, true) -- Start parsing the headers if start then -- This is a workaround for servers sending initial garbage before -- sending headers, such as if a bash script sends stdout. It assumes -- that we know all of the headers ahead of time. At this moment, the -- only valid headers start with "Content-*", so that's the thing we will -- be searching for. -- TODO(ashkan) I'd like to remove this, but it seems permanent :( local buffer_start = buffer:find(header_start_pattern) if not buffer_start then error( string.format( "Headers were expected, a different response was received. The server response was '%s'.", buffer ) ) end local headers = parse_headers(buffer:sub(buffer_start, start - 1)) local content_length = headers.content_length -- Use table instead of just string to buffer the message. It prevents -- a ton of strings allocating. -- ref. http://www.lua.org/pil/11.6.html ---@type string[] local body_chunks = { buffer:sub(finish + 1) } local body_length = #body_chunks[1] -- Keep waiting for data until we have enough. while body_length < content_length do ---@type string local chunk = coroutine.yield() or error('Expected more data for the body. The server may have died.') -- TODO hmm. table.insert(body_chunks, chunk) body_length = body_length + #chunk end local last_chunk = body_chunks[#body_chunks] body_chunks[#body_chunks] = last_chunk:sub(1, content_length - body_length - 1) local rest = '' if body_length > content_length then rest = last_chunk:sub(content_length - body_length) end local body = table.concat(body_chunks) -- Yield our data. --- @type string local data = coroutine.yield(headers, body) or error('Expected more data for the body. The server may have died.') buffer = rest .. data else -- Get more data since we don't have enough. --- @type string local data = coroutine.yield() or error('Expected more data for the header. The server may have died.') buffer = buffer .. data end end end local M = {} --- Mapping of error codes used by the client --- @nodoc M.client_errors = { INVALID_SERVER_MESSAGE = 1, INVALID_SERVER_JSON = 2, NO_RESULT_CALLBACK_FOUND = 3, READ_ERROR = 4, NOTIFICATION_HANDLER_ERROR = 5, SERVER_REQUEST_HANDLER_ERROR = 6, SERVER_RESULT_CALLBACK_ERROR = 7, } M.client_errors = vim.tbl_add_reverse_lookup(M.client_errors) --- Constructs an error message from an LSP error object. --- ---@param err table The error object ---@return string#The formatted error message function M.format_rpc_error(err) validate({ err = { err, 't' }, }) -- There is ErrorCodes in the LSP specification, -- but in ResponseError.code it is not used and the actual type is number. local code --- @type string if protocol.ErrorCodes[err.code] then code = string.format('code_name = %s,', protocol.ErrorCodes[err.code]) else code = string.format('code_name = unknown, code = %s,', err.code) end local message_parts = { 'RPC[Error]', code } if err.message then table.insert(message_parts, 'message =') table.insert(message_parts, string.format('%q', err.message)) end if err.data then table.insert(message_parts, 'data =') table.insert(message_parts, vim.inspect(err.data)) end return table.concat(message_parts, ' ') end ---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Error ---@field code integer RPC error code defined by JSON RPC, see `vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes` ---@field message? string arbitrary message to send to server ---@field data? any arbitrary data to send to server --- Creates an RPC response object/table. --- ---@param code integer RPC error code defined by JSON RPC ---@param message? string arbitrary message to send to server ---@param data? any arbitrary data to send to server ---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Error function M.rpc_response_error(code, message, data) -- TODO should this error or just pick a sane error (like InternalError)? ---@type string local code_name = assert(protocol.ErrorCodes[code], 'Invalid RPC error code') return setmetatable({ code = code, message = message or code_name, data = data, }, { __tostring = M.format_rpc_error, }) end --- @class vim.rpc.Dispatchers --- @field notification fun(method: string, params: table) --- @field server_request fun(method: string, params: table): any?, string? --- @field on_exit fun(code: integer, signal: integer) --- @field on_error fun(code: integer, err: any) --- @type vim.rpc.Dispatchers local default_dispatchers = { --- Default dispatcher for notifications sent to an LSP server. --- ---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method ---@param params (table) Parameters for the invoked LSP method notification = function(method, params) log_debug('notification', method, params) end, --- Default dispatcher for requests sent to an LSP server. --- ---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method ---@param params (table) Parameters for the invoked LSP method ---@return nil ---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Error#`vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound` server_request = function(method, params) log_debug('server_request', method, params) return nil, M.rpc_response_error(protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound) end, --- Default dispatcher for when a client exits. --- ---@param code (integer) Exit code ---@param signal (integer) Number describing the signal used to terminate (if ---any) on_exit = function(code, signal) log_info('client_exit', { code = code, signal = signal }) end, --- Default dispatcher for client errors. --- ---@param code (integer) Error code ---@param err (any) Details about the error ---any) on_error = function(code, err) log_error('client_error:', M.client_errors[code], err) end, } ---@cast default_dispatchers vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers ---@private function M.create_read_loop(handle_body, on_no_chunk, on_error) local parse_chunk = coroutine.wrap(request_parser_loop) --[[@as fun(chunk: string?): vim.lsp.rpc.Headers?, string?]] parse_chunk() return function(err, chunk) if err then on_error(err) return end if not chunk then if on_no_chunk then on_no_chunk() end return end while true do local headers, body = parse_chunk(chunk) if headers then handle_body(body) chunk = '' else break end end end end ---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Client local Client = {} ---@private function Client:encode_and_send(payload) log_debug('rpc.send', payload) if self.transport.is_closing() then return false end local jsonstr = assert( vim.json.encode(payload), string.format("Couldn't encode payload '%s'", vim.inspect(payload)) ) self.transport.write(format_message_with_content_length(jsonstr)) return true end ---@package --- Sends a notification to the LSP server. ---@param method string The invoked LSP method ---@param params any Parameters for the invoked LSP method ---@return boolean `true` if notification could be sent, `false` if not function Client:notify(method, params) return self:encode_and_send({ jsonrpc = '2.0', method = method, params = params, }) end ---@private --- sends an error object to the remote LSP process. function Client:send_response(request_id, err, result) return self:encode_and_send({ id = request_id, jsonrpc = '2.0', error = err, result = result, }) end ---@package --- Sends a request to the LSP server and runs {callback} upon response. --- ---@param method string The invoked LSP method ---@param params? table Parameters for the invoked LSP method ---@param callback fun(err?: lsp.ResponseError, result: any) Callback to invoke ---@param notify_reply_callback? function Callback to invoke as soon as a request is no longer pending ---@return boolean success, integer|nil request_id true, request_id if request could be sent, `false` if not function Client:request(method, params, callback, notify_reply_callback) validate({ callback = { callback, 'f' }, notify_reply_callback = { notify_reply_callback, 'f', true }, }) self.message_index = self.message_index + 1 local message_id = self.message_index local result = self:encode_and_send({ id = message_id, jsonrpc = '2.0', method = method, params = params, }) local message_callbacks = self.message_callbacks local notify_reply_callbacks = self.notify_reply_callbacks if result then if message_callbacks then message_callbacks[message_id] = schedule_wrap(callback) else return false end if notify_reply_callback and notify_reply_callbacks then notify_reply_callbacks[message_id] = schedule_wrap(notify_reply_callback) end return result, message_id else return false end end ---@package ---@param errkind integer ---@param ... any function Client:on_error(errkind, ...) assert(M.client_errors[errkind]) -- TODO what to do if this fails? pcall(self.dispatchers.on_error, errkind, ...) end ---@private ---@param errkind integer ---@param status boolean ---@param head any ---@param ... any ---@return boolean status ---@return any head ---@return any|nil ... function Client:pcall_handler(errkind, status, head, ...) if not status then self:on_error(errkind, head, ...) return status, head end return status, head, ... end ---@private ---@param errkind integer ---@param fn function ---@param ... any ---@return boolean status ---@return any head ---@return any|nil ... function Client:try_call(errkind, fn, ...) return self:pcall_handler(errkind, pcall(fn, ...)) end -- TODO periodically check message_callbacks for old requests past a certain -- time and log them. This would require storing the timestamp. I could call -- them with an error then, perhaps. ---@package function Client:handle_body(body) local ok, decoded = pcall(vim.json.decode, body, { luanil = { object = true } }) if not ok then self:on_error(M.client_errors.INVALID_SERVER_JSON, decoded) return end log_debug('rpc.receive', decoded) if type(decoded.method) == 'string' and decoded.id then local err --- @type vim.lsp.rpc.Error? -- Schedule here so that the users functions don't trigger an error and -- we can still use the result. schedule(function() coroutine.wrap(function() local status, result status, result, err = self:try_call( M.client_errors.SERVER_REQUEST_HANDLER_ERROR, self.dispatchers.server_request, decoded.method, decoded.params ) log_debug( 'server_request: callback result', { status = status, result = result, err = err } ) if status then if result == nil and err == nil then error( string.format( 'method %q: either a result or an error must be sent to the server in response', decoded.method ) ) end if err then ---@cast err vim.lsp.rpc.Error assert( type(err) == 'table', 'err must be a table. Use rpc_response_error to help format errors.' ) ---@type string local code_name = assert( protocol.ErrorCodes[err.code], 'Errors must use protocol.ErrorCodes. Use rpc_response_error to help format errors.' ) err.message = err.message or code_name end else -- On an exception, result will contain the error message. err = M.rpc_response_error(protocol.ErrorCodes.InternalError, result) result = nil end self:send_response(decoded.id, err, result) end)() end) -- This works because we are expecting vim.NIL here elseif decoded.id and (decoded.result ~= vim.NIL or decoded.error ~= vim.NIL) then -- We sent a number, so we expect a number. local result_id = assert(tonumber(decoded.id), 'response id must be a number') -- Notify the user that a response was received for the request local notify_reply_callbacks = self.notify_reply_callbacks local notify_reply_callback = notify_reply_callbacks and notify_reply_callbacks[result_id] if notify_reply_callback then validate({ notify_reply_callback = { notify_reply_callback, 'f' }, }) notify_reply_callback(result_id) notify_reply_callbacks[result_id] = nil end local message_callbacks = self.message_callbacks -- Do not surface RequestCancelled to users, it is RPC-internal. if decoded.error then local mute_error = false if decoded.error.code == protocol.ErrorCodes.RequestCancelled then log_debug('Received cancellation ack', decoded) mute_error = true end if mute_error then -- Clear any callback since this is cancelled now. -- This is safe to do assuming that these conditions hold: -- - The server will not send a result callback after this cancellation. -- - If the server sent this cancellation ACK after sending the result, the user of this RPC -- client will ignore the result themselves. if result_id and message_callbacks then message_callbacks[result_id] = nil end return end end local callback = message_callbacks and message_callbacks[result_id] if callback then message_callbacks[result_id] = nil validate({ callback = { callback, 'f' }, }) if decoded.error then decoded.error = setmetatable(decoded.error, { __tostring = M.format_rpc_error, }) end self:try_call( M.client_errors.SERVER_RESULT_CALLBACK_ERROR, callback, decoded.error, decoded.result ) else self:on_error(M.client_errors.NO_RESULT_CALLBACK_FOUND, decoded) log_error('No callback found for server response id ' .. result_id) end elseif type(decoded.method) == 'string' then -- Notification self:try_call( M.client_errors.NOTIFICATION_HANDLER_ERROR, self.dispatchers.notification, decoded.method, decoded.params ) else -- Invalid server message self:on_error(M.client_errors.INVALID_SERVER_MESSAGE, decoded) end end ---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Transport ---@field write fun(msg: string): nil ---@field is_closing fun(): boolean|nil ---@field terminate fun(): nil ---@param dispatchers vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers ---@param transport vim.lsp.rpc.Transport ---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Client local function new_client(dispatchers, transport) local state = { message_index = 0, message_callbacks = {}, notify_reply_callbacks = {}, transport = transport, dispatchers = dispatchers, } return setmetatable(state, { __index = Client }) end ---@param client vim.lsp.rpc.Client ---@return vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient local function public_client(client) local result = {} ---@private function result.is_closing() return client.transport.is_closing() end ---@private function result.terminate() client.transport.terminate() end --- Sends a request to the LSP server and runs {callback} upon response. --- ---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method ---@param params (table?) Parameters for the invoked LSP method ---@param callback fun(err: lsp.ResponseError | nil, result: any) Callback to invoke ---@param notify_reply_callback (function?) Callback to invoke as soon as a request is no longer pending ---@return boolean success, integer|nil request_id true, message_id if request could be sent, `false` if not function result.request(method, params, callback, notify_reply_callback) return client:request(method, params, callback, notify_reply_callback) end --- Sends a notification to the LSP server. ---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method ---@param params (table?) Parameters for the invoked LSP method ---@return boolean `true` if notification could be sent, `false` if not function result.notify(method, params) return client:notify(method, params) end return result end ---@param dispatchers? vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers ---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers local function merge_dispatchers(dispatchers) if not dispatchers then return default_dispatchers end ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: no-unknown for name, fn in pairs(dispatchers) do if type(fn) ~= 'function' then error(string.format('dispatcher.%s must be a function', name)) end end return { notification = dispatchers.notification and vim.schedule_wrap(dispatchers.notification) or default_dispatchers.notification, on_error = dispatchers.on_error and vim.schedule_wrap(dispatchers.on_error) or default_dispatchers.on_error, on_exit = dispatchers.on_exit or default_dispatchers.on_exit, server_request = dispatchers.server_request or default_dispatchers.server_request, } end --- Create a LSP RPC client factory that connects via TCP to the given host --- and port --- ---@param host string host to connect to ---@param port integer port to connect to ---@return fun(dispatchers: vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers): vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient # function intended to be passed to |vim.lsp.start_client()| or |vim.lsp.start()| on the field cmd function M.connect(host, port) return function(dispatchers) dispatchers = merge_dispatchers(dispatchers) local tcp = assert(uv.new_tcp()) local closing = false local transport = { write = function(msg) tcp:write(msg) end, is_closing = function() return closing end, terminate = function() if not closing then closing = true tcp:shutdown() tcp:close() dispatchers.on_exit(0, 0) end end, } local client = new_client(dispatchers, transport) tcp:connect(host, port, function(err) if err then vim.schedule(function() vim.notify( string.format('Could not connect to %s:%s, reason: %s', host, port, vim.inspect(err)), vim.log.levels.WARN ) end) return end local handle_body = function(body) client:handle_body(body) end tcp:read_start(M.create_read_loop(handle_body, transport.terminate, function(read_err) client:on_error(M.client_errors.READ_ERROR, read_err) end)) end) return public_client(client) end end --- Create a LSP RPC client factory that connects via named pipes (Windows) --- or unix domain sockets (Unix) to the given pipe_path (file path on --- Unix and name on Windows) --- ---@param pipe_path string file path of the domain socket (Unix) or name of the named pipe (Windows) to connect to ---@return fun(dispatchers: vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers): vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient#function intended to be passed to |vim.lsp.start_client()| or |vim.lsp.start()| on the field cmd function M.domain_socket_connect(pipe_path) return function(dispatchers) dispatchers = merge_dispatchers(dispatchers) local pipe = assert(uv.new_pipe(false), string.format('pipe with name %s could not be opened.', pipe_path)) local closing = false local transport = { write = vim.schedule_wrap(function(msg) pipe:write(msg) end), is_closing = function() return closing end, terminate = function() if not closing then closing = true pipe:shutdown() pipe:close() dispatchers.on_exit(0, 0) end end, } local client = new_client(dispatchers, transport) pipe:connect(pipe_path, function(err) if err then vim.schedule(function() vim.notify( string.format('Could not connect to :%s, reason: %s', pipe_path, vim.inspect(err)), vim.log.levels.WARN ) end) return end local handle_body = function(body) client:handle_body(body) end pipe:read_start(M.create_read_loop(handle_body, transport.terminate, function(read_err) client:on_error(M.client_errors.READ_ERROR, read_err) end)) end) return public_client(client) end end ---@class vim.lsp.rpc.ExtraSpawnParams ---@field cwd? string Working directory for the LSP server process ---@field detached? boolean Detach the LSP server process from the current process ---@field env? table Additional environment variables for LSP server process. See |vim.system| --- Starts an LSP server process and create an LSP RPC client object to --- interact with it. Communication with the spawned process happens via stdio. For --- communication via TCP, spawn a process manually and use |vim.lsp.rpc.connect()| --- ---@param cmd string Command to start the LSP server. ---@param cmd_args string[] List of additional string arguments to pass to {cmd}. --- ---@param dispatchers? vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers (table|nil) Dispatchers for LSP message types. --- Valid dispatcher names are: --- - `"notification"` --- - `"server_request"` --- - `"on_error"` --- - `"on_exit"` --- ---@param extra_spawn_params? vim.lsp.rpc.ExtraSpawnParams (table|nil) Additional context for the LSP --- server process. May contain: --- - {cwd} (string) Working directory for the LSP server process --- - {detached?} (boolean) Detach the LSP server process from the current process. Defaults to false on Windows and true otherwise. --- - {env?} (table) Additional environment variables for LSP server process ---@return vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient? (table|nil) client RPC object, with these methods: --- - `notify()` |vim.lsp.rpc.notify()| --- - `request()` |vim.lsp.rpc.request()| --- - `is_closing()` returns a boolean indicating if the RPC is closing. --- - `terminate()` terminates the RPC client. function M.start(cmd, cmd_args, dispatchers, extra_spawn_params) log_info('Starting RPC client', { cmd = cmd, args = cmd_args, extra = extra_spawn_params }) validate({ cmd = { cmd, 's' }, cmd_args = { cmd_args, 't' }, dispatchers = { dispatchers, 't', true }, }) extra_spawn_params = extra_spawn_params or {} if extra_spawn_params.cwd then assert(is_dir(extra_spawn_params.cwd), 'cwd must be a directory') end dispatchers = merge_dispatchers(dispatchers) local sysobj ---@type vim.SystemObj local client = new_client(dispatchers, { write = function(msg) sysobj:write(msg) end, is_closing = function() return sysobj == nil or sysobj:is_closing() end, terminate = function() sysobj:kill(15) end, }) local handle_body = function(body) client:handle_body(body) end local stdout_handler = M.create_read_loop(handle_body, nil, function(err) client:on_error(M.client_errors.READ_ERROR, err) end) local stderr_handler = function(_, chunk) if chunk then log_error('rpc', cmd, 'stderr', chunk) end end local detached = not is_win if extra_spawn_params.detached ~= nil then detached = extra_spawn_params.detached end local cmd1 = { cmd } vim.list_extend(cmd1, cmd_args) local ok, sysobj_or_err = pcall(vim.system, cmd1, { stdin = true, stdout = stdout_handler, stderr = stderr_handler, cwd = extra_spawn_params.cwd, env = extra_spawn_params.env, detach = detached, }, function(obj) dispatchers.on_exit(obj.code, obj.signal) end) if not ok then local err = sysobj_or_err --[[@as string]] local sfx --- @type string if string.match(err, 'ENOENT') then sfx = '. The language server is either not installed, missing from PATH, or not executable.' else sfx = string.format(' with error message: %s', err) end local msg = string.format('Spawning language server with cmd: `%s` failed%s', cmd, sfx) vim.notify(msg, vim.log.levels.WARN) return end sysobj = sysobj_or_err --[[@as vim.SystemObj]] return public_client(client) end return M