find_library2(LPEG_LIBRARY NAMES lpeg_a lpeg liblpeg_a lpeg${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} PATH_SUFFIXES lua/5.1) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Darwin" AND LPEG_LIBRARY MATCHES ".so$") execute_process( COMMAND otool -hv "${LPEG_LIBRARY}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE LPEG_HEADER ) if(LPEG_HEADER MATCHES ".* BUNDLE .*") message(FATAL_ERROR "lpeg library found at ${LPEG_LIBRARY} but built as a bundle rather than a dylib, please rebuild with `-dynamiclib` rather than `-bundle`") endif() endif() find_package_handle_standard_args(Lpeg DEFAULT_MSG LPEG_LIBRARY) mark_as_advanced(LPEG_LIBRARY) # Workaround: use an imported library to prevent cmake from modifying library # link path. See #23395. add_library(lpeg UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(lpeg PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${LPEG_LIBRARY})