local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local clear = helpers.clear local eq = helpers.eq local eval = helpers.eval local meths = helpers.meths local request = helpers.request local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err describe('nvim_ui_attach()', function() before_each(function() clear() end) it('handles very large width/height #2180', function() local screen = Screen.new(999, 999) screen:attach() eq(999, eval('&lines')) eq(999, eval('&columns')) end) it('invalid option returns error', function() eq('No such UI option: foo', pcall_err(meths.ui_attach, 80, 24, { foo={'foo'} })) end) it('validates channel arg', function() eq('UI not attached to channel: 1', pcall_err(request, 'nvim_ui_try_resize', 40, 10)) eq('UI not attached to channel: 1', pcall_err(request, 'nvim_ui_set_option', 'rgb', true)) eq('UI not attached to channel: 1', pcall_err(request, 'nvim_ui_detach')) local screen = Screen.new() screen:attach({rgb=false}) eq('UI already attached to channel: 1', pcall_err(request, 'nvim_ui_attach', 40, 10, { rgb=false })) end) end) it('autocmds UIEnter/UILeave', function() clear{ args_rm={'--headless'}, args={ '--cmd', 'let g:evs = []', '--cmd', 'autocmd UIEnter * :call add(g:evs, "UIEnter") | let g:uienter_ev = deepcopy(v:event)', '--cmd', 'autocmd UILeave * :call add(g:evs, "UILeave") | let g:uileave_ev = deepcopy(v:event)', '--cmd', 'autocmd VimEnter * :call add(g:evs, "VimEnter")', }} local screen = Screen.new() screen:attach() eq({chan=1}, eval('g:uienter_ev')) screen:detach() eq({chan=1}, eval('g:uileave_ev')) eq({ 'VimEnter', 'UIEnter', 'UILeave', }, eval('g:evs')) end)