local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local eq, clear, call = helpers.eq, helpers.clear, helpers.call local command = helpers.command local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local matches = helpers.matches local is_os = helpers.is_os local set_shell_powershell = helpers.set_shell_powershell local eval = helpers.eval local find_dummies = function(ext_pat) local tmp_path = eval('$PATH') command('let $PATH = fnamemodify("./test/functional/fixtures/bin", ":p")') matches('null' .. ext_pat, call('exepath', 'null')) matches('true' .. ext_pat, call('exepath', 'true')) matches('false' .. ext_pat, call('exepath', 'false')) command("let $PATH = '"..tmp_path.."'") end describe('exepath()', function() before_each(clear) it('fails for invalid values', function() for _, input in ipairs({'v:null', 'v:true', 'v:false', '{}', '[]'}) do eq('Vim(call):E1174: String required for argument 1', exc_exec('call exepath('..input..')')) end eq('Vim(call):E1175: Non-empty string required for argument 1', exc_exec('call exepath("")')) command('let $PATH = fnamemodify("./test/functional/fixtures/bin", ":p")') for _, input in ipairs({'v:null', 'v:true', 'v:false'}) do eq('Vim(call):E1174: String required for argument 1', exc_exec('call exepath('..input..')')) end end) if is_os('win') then it('returns 1 for commands in $PATH (Windows)', function() local exe = 'ping' matches(exe .. '%.EXE$', call('exepath', exe)) end) it('append extension if omitted', function() local filename = 'cmd' local pathext = '.exe' clear({env={PATHEXT=pathext}}) eq(call('exepath', filename..pathext), call('exepath', filename)) end) it('returns file WITH extension if files both with and without extension exist in $PATH', function() local ext_pat = '%.CMD$' find_dummies(ext_pat) set_shell_powershell() find_dummies(ext_pat) end) else it('returns 1 for commands in $PATH (not Windows)', function() local exe = 'ls' matches(exe .. '$', call('exepath', exe)) end) it('returns file WITHOUT extension if files both with and without extension exist in $PATH', function() find_dummies('$') end) end end)