local api = vim.api local validate = vim.validate local util = require('vim.lsp.util') local npcall = vim.F.npcall local M = {} ---@private --- Sends an async request to all active clients attached to the current --- buffer. --- ---@param method (string) LSP method name ---@param params (table|nil) Parameters to send to the server ---@param handler (function|nil) See |lsp-handler|. Follows |lsp-handler-resolution| -- ---@returns 2-tuple: --- - Map of client-id:request-id pairs for all successful requests. --- - Function which can be used to cancel all the requests. You could instead --- iterate all clients and call their `cancel_request()` methods. --- ---@see |vim.lsp.buf_request()| local function request(method, params, handler) validate({ method = { method, 's' }, handler = { handler, 'f', true }, }) return vim.lsp.buf_request(0, method, params, handler) end --- Checks whether the language servers attached to the current buffer are --- ready. --- ---@returns `true` if server responds. ---@deprecated function M.server_ready() vim.deprecate('vim.lsp.buf.server_ready', nil, '0.10.0') return not not vim.lsp.buf_notify(0, 'window/progress', {}) end --- Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating --- window. Calling the function twice will jump into the floating window. function M.hover() local params = util.make_position_params() request('textDocument/hover', params) end ---@private local function request_with_options(name, params, options) local req_handler if options then req_handler = function(err, result, ctx, config) local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id) local handler = client.handlers[name] or vim.lsp.handlers[name] handler(err, result, ctx, vim.tbl_extend('force', config or {}, options)) end end request(name, params, req_handler) end --- Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor. ---@note Many servers do not implement this method. Generally, see |vim.lsp.buf.definition()| instead. --- ---@param options table|nil additional options --- - reuse_win: (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is already open. --- - on_list: (function) handler for list results. See |lsp-on-list-handler| function M.declaration(options) local params = util.make_position_params() request_with_options('textDocument/declaration', params, options) end --- Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor. --- ---@param options table|nil additional options --- - reuse_win: (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is already open. --- - on_list: (function) handler for list results. See |lsp-on-list-handler| function M.definition(options) local params = util.make_position_params() request_with_options('textDocument/definition', params, options) end --- Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor. --- ---@param options table|nil additional options --- - reuse_win: (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is already open. --- - on_list: (function) handler for list results. See |lsp-on-list-handler| function M.type_definition(options) local params = util.make_position_params() request_with_options('textDocument/typeDefinition', params, options) end --- Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the --- quickfix window. --- ---@param options table|nil additional options --- - on_list: (function) handler for list results. See |lsp-on-list-handler| function M.implementation(options) local params = util.make_position_params() request_with_options('textDocument/implementation', params, options) end --- Displays signature information about the symbol under the cursor in a --- floating window. function M.signature_help() local params = util.make_position_params() request('textDocument/signatureHelp', params) end --- Retrieves the completion items at the current cursor position. Can only be --- called in Insert mode. --- ---@param context (context support not yet implemented) Additional information --- about the context in which a completion was triggered (how it was triggered, --- and by which trigger character, if applicable) --- ---@see vim.lsp.protocol.constants.CompletionTriggerKind function M.completion(context) local params = util.make_position_params() params.context = context return request('textDocument/completion', params) end ---@private ---@param bufnr integer ---@param mode "v"|"V" ---@return table {start={row,col}, end={row,col}} using (1, 0) indexing local function range_from_selection(bufnr, mode) -- TODO: Use `vim.region()` instead https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/13896 -- [bufnum, lnum, col, off]; both row and column 1-indexed local start = vim.fn.getpos('v') local end_ = vim.fn.getpos('.') local start_row = start[2] local start_col = start[3] local end_row = end_[2] local end_col = end_[3] -- A user can start visual selection at the end and move backwards -- Normalize the range to start < end if start_row == end_row and end_col < start_col then end_col, start_col = start_col, end_col elseif end_row < start_row then start_row, end_row = end_row, start_row start_col, end_col = end_col, start_col end if mode == 'V' then start_col = 1 local lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, end_row - 1, end_row, true) end_col = #lines[1] end return { ['start'] = { start_row, start_col - 1 }, ['end'] = { end_row, end_col - 1 }, } end --- Formats a buffer using the attached (and optionally filtered) language --- server clients. --- --- @param options table|nil Optional table which holds the following optional fields: --- - formatting_options (table|nil): --- Can be used to specify FormattingOptions. Some unspecified options will be --- automatically derived from the current Nvim options. --- See https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#formattingOptions --- - timeout_ms (integer|nil, default 1000): --- Time in milliseconds to block for formatting requests. No effect if async=true --- - bufnr (number|nil): --- Restrict formatting to the clients attached to the given buffer, defaults to the current --- buffer (0). --- --- - filter (function|nil): --- Predicate used to filter clients. Receives a client as argument and must return a --- boolean. Clients matching the predicate are included. Example: --- ---
---           -- Never request typescript-language-server for formatting
---           vim.lsp.buf.format {
---             filter = function(client) return client.name ~= "tsserver" end
---           }
--- --- - async boolean|nil --- If true the method won't block. Defaults to false. --- Editing the buffer while formatting asynchronous can lead to unexpected --- changes. --- --- - id (number|nil): --- Restrict formatting to the client with ID (client.id) matching this field. --- - name (string|nil): --- Restrict formatting to the client with name (client.name) matching this field. --- --- - range (table|nil) Range to format. --- Table must contain `start` and `end` keys with {row,col} tuples using --- (1,0) indexing. --- Defaults to current selection in visual mode --- Defaults to `nil` in other modes, formatting the full buffer function M.format(options) options = options or {} local bufnr = options.bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf() local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ id = options.id, bufnr = bufnr, name = options.name, }) if options.filter then clients = vim.tbl_filter(options.filter, clients) end local mode = api.nvim_get_mode().mode local range = options.range if not range and mode == 'v' or mode == 'V' then range = range_from_selection(bufnr, mode) end local method = range and 'textDocument/rangeFormatting' or 'textDocument/formatting' clients = vim.tbl_filter(function(client) return client.supports_method(method) end, clients) if #clients == 0 then vim.notify('[LSP] Format request failed, no matching language servers.') end ---@private local function set_range(client, params) if range then local range_params = util.make_given_range_params(range.start, range['end'], bufnr, client.offset_encoding) params.range = range_params.range end return params end if options.async then local do_format do_format = function(idx, client) if not client then return end local params = set_range(client, util.make_formatting_params(options.formatting_options)) client.request(method, params, function(...) local handler = client.handlers[method] or vim.lsp.handlers[method] handler(...) do_format(next(clients, idx)) end, bufnr) end do_format(next(clients)) else local timeout_ms = options.timeout_ms or 1000 for _, client in pairs(clients) do local params = set_range(client, util.make_formatting_params(options.formatting_options)) local result, err = client.request_sync(method, params, timeout_ms, bufnr) if result and result.result then util.apply_text_edits(result.result, bufnr, client.offset_encoding) elseif err then vim.notify(string.format('[LSP][%s] %s', client.name, err), vim.log.levels.WARN) end end end end --- Renames all references to the symbol under the cursor. --- ---@param new_name string|nil If not provided, the user will be prompted for a new --- name using |vim.ui.input()|. ---@param options table|nil additional options --- - filter (function|nil): --- Predicate used to filter clients. Receives a client as argument and --- must return a boolean. Clients matching the predicate are included. --- - name (string|nil): --- Restrict clients used for rename to ones where client.name matches --- this field. function M.rename(new_name, options) options = options or {} local bufnr = options.bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf() local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ bufnr = bufnr, name = options.name, }) if options.filter then clients = vim.tbl_filter(options.filter, clients) end -- Clients must at least support rename, prepareRename is optional clients = vim.tbl_filter(function(client) return client.supports_method('textDocument/rename') end, clients) if #clients == 0 then vim.notify('[LSP] Rename, no matching language servers with rename capability.') end local win = api.nvim_get_current_win() -- Compute early to account for cursor movements after going async local cword = vim.fn.expand('') ---@private local function get_text_at_range(range, offset_encoding) return api.nvim_buf_get_text( bufnr, range.start.line, util._get_line_byte_from_position(bufnr, range.start, offset_encoding), range['end'].line, util._get_line_byte_from_position(bufnr, range['end'], offset_encoding), {} )[1] end local try_use_client try_use_client = function(idx, client) if not client then return end ---@private local function rename(name) local params = util.make_position_params(win, client.offset_encoding) params.newName = name local handler = client.handlers['textDocument/rename'] or vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/rename'] client.request('textDocument/rename', params, function(...) handler(...) try_use_client(next(clients, idx)) end, bufnr) end if client.supports_method('textDocument/prepareRename') then local params = util.make_position_params(win, client.offset_encoding) client.request('textDocument/prepareRename', params, function(err, result) if err or result == nil then if next(clients, idx) then try_use_client(next(clients, idx)) else local msg = err and ('Error on prepareRename: ' .. (err.message or '')) or 'Nothing to rename' vim.notify(msg, vim.log.levels.INFO) end return end if new_name then rename(new_name) return end local prompt_opts = { prompt = 'New Name: ', } -- result: Range | { range: Range, placeholder: string } if result.placeholder then prompt_opts.default = result.placeholder elseif result.start then prompt_opts.default = get_text_at_range(result, client.offset_encoding) elseif result.range then prompt_opts.default = get_text_at_range(result.range, client.offset_encoding) else prompt_opts.default = cword end vim.ui.input(prompt_opts, function(input) if not input or #input == 0 then return end rename(input) end) end, bufnr) else assert( client.supports_method('textDocument/rename'), 'Client must support textDocument/rename' ) if new_name then rename(new_name) return end local prompt_opts = { prompt = 'New Name: ', default = cword, } vim.ui.input(prompt_opts, function(input) if not input or #input == 0 then return end rename(input) end) end end try_use_client(next(clients)) end --- Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window. --- ---@param context (table|nil) Context for the request ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_references ---@param options table|nil additional options --- - on_list: (function) handler for list results. See |lsp-on-list-handler| function M.references(context, options) validate({ context = { context, 't', true } }) local params = util.make_position_params() params.context = context or { includeDeclaration = true, } request_with_options('textDocument/references', params, options) end --- Lists all symbols in the current buffer in the quickfix window. --- ---@param options table|nil additional options --- - on_list: (function) handler for list results. See |lsp-on-list-handler| function M.document_symbol(options) local params = { textDocument = util.make_text_document_params() } request_with_options('textDocument/documentSymbol', params, options) end ---@private local function pick_call_hierarchy_item(call_hierarchy_items) if not call_hierarchy_items then return end if #call_hierarchy_items == 1 then return call_hierarchy_items[1] end local items = {} for i, item in pairs(call_hierarchy_items) do local entry = item.detail or item.name table.insert(items, string.format('%d. %s', i, entry)) end local choice = vim.fn.inputlist(items) if choice < 1 or choice > #items then return end return choice end ---@private local function call_hierarchy(method) local params = util.make_position_params() request('textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy', params, function(err, result, ctx) if err then vim.notify(err.message, vim.log.levels.WARN) return end local call_hierarchy_item = pick_call_hierarchy_item(result) local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id) if client then client.request(method, { item = call_hierarchy_item }, nil, ctx.bufnr) else vim.notify( string.format('Client with id=%d disappeared during call hierarchy request', ctx.client_id), vim.log.levels.WARN ) end end) end --- Lists all the call sites of the symbol under the cursor in the --- |quickfix| window. If the symbol can resolve to multiple --- items, the user can pick one in the |inputlist()|. function M.incoming_calls() call_hierarchy('callHierarchy/incomingCalls') end --- Lists all the items that are called by the symbol under the --- cursor in the |quickfix| window. If the symbol can resolve to --- multiple items, the user can pick one in the |inputlist()|. function M.outgoing_calls() call_hierarchy('callHierarchy/outgoingCalls') end --- List workspace folders. --- function M.list_workspace_folders() local workspace_folders = {} for _, client in pairs(vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ bufnr = 0 })) do for _, folder in pairs(client.workspace_folders or {}) do table.insert(workspace_folders, folder.name) end end return workspace_folders end --- Add the folder at path to the workspace folders. If {path} is --- not provided, the user will be prompted for a path using |input()|. function M.add_workspace_folder(workspace_folder) workspace_folder = workspace_folder or npcall(vim.fn.input, 'Workspace Folder: ', vim.fn.expand('%:p:h'), 'dir') api.nvim_command('redraw') if not (workspace_folder and #workspace_folder > 0) then return end if vim.fn.isdirectory(workspace_folder) == 0 then print(workspace_folder, ' is not a valid directory') return end local params = util.make_workspace_params( { { uri = vim.uri_from_fname(workspace_folder), name = workspace_folder } }, {} ) for _, client in pairs(vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ bufnr = 0 })) do local found = false for _, folder in pairs(client.workspace_folders or {}) do if folder.name == workspace_folder then found = true print(workspace_folder, 'is already part of this workspace') break end end if not found then vim.lsp.buf_notify(0, 'workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders', params) if not client.workspace_folders then client.workspace_folders = {} end table.insert(client.workspace_folders, params.event.added[1]) end end end --- Remove the folder at path from the workspace folders. If --- {path} is not provided, the user will be prompted for --- a path using |input()|. function M.remove_workspace_folder(workspace_folder) workspace_folder = workspace_folder or npcall(vim.fn.input, 'Workspace Folder: ', vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')) api.nvim_command('redraw') if not (workspace_folder and #workspace_folder > 0) then return end local params = util.make_workspace_params( { {} }, { { uri = vim.uri_from_fname(workspace_folder), name = workspace_folder } } ) for _, client in pairs(vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ bufnr = 0 })) do for idx, folder in pairs(client.workspace_folders or {}) do if folder.name == workspace_folder then vim.lsp.buf_notify(0, 'workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders', params) client.workspace_folders[idx] = nil return end end end print(workspace_folder, 'is not currently part of the workspace') end --- Lists all symbols in the current workspace in the quickfix window. --- --- The list is filtered against {query}; if the argument is omitted from the --- call, the user is prompted to enter a string on the command line. An empty --- string means no filtering is done. --- ---@param query (string, optional) ---@param options table|nil additional options --- - on_list: (function) handler for list results. See |lsp-on-list-handler| function M.workspace_symbol(query, options) query = query or npcall(vim.fn.input, 'Query: ') if query == nil then return end local params = { query = query } request_with_options('workspace/symbol', params, options) end --- Send request to the server to resolve document highlights for the current --- text document position. This request can be triggered by a key mapping or --- by events such as `CursorHold`, e.g.: ---
---   autocmd CursorHold   lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
---   autocmd CursorHoldI  lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
---   autocmd CursorMoved  lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()
--- --- Note: Usage of |vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()| requires the following highlight groups --- to be defined or you won't be able to see the actual highlights. --- |hl-LspReferenceText| --- |hl-LspReferenceRead| --- |hl-LspReferenceWrite| function M.document_highlight() local params = util.make_position_params() request('textDocument/documentHighlight', params) end --- Removes document highlights from current buffer. --- @param bufnr integer|nil function M.clear_references(bufnr) util.buf_clear_references(bufnr or 0) end ---@private -- --- This is not public because the main extension point is --- vim.ui.select which can be overridden independently. --- --- Can't call/use vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/codeAction'] because it expects --- `(err, CodeAction[] | Command[], ctx)`, but we want to aggregate the results --- from multiple clients to have 1 single UI prompt for the user, yet we still --- need to be able to link a `CodeAction|Command` to the right client for --- `codeAction/resolve` local function on_code_action_results(results, ctx, options) local action_tuples = {} ---@private local function action_filter(a) -- filter by specified action kind if options and options.context and options.context.only then if not a.kind then return false end local found = false for _, o in ipairs(options.context.only) do -- action kinds are hierarchical with . as a separator: when requesting only 'type-annotate' -- this filter allows both 'type-annotate' and 'type-annotate.foo', for example if a.kind == o or vim.startswith(a.kind, o .. '.') then found = true break end end if not found then return false end end -- filter by user function if options and options.filter and not options.filter(a) then return false end -- no filter removed this action return true end for client_id, result in pairs(results) do for _, action in pairs(result.result or {}) do if action_filter(action) then table.insert(action_tuples, { client_id, action }) end end end if #action_tuples == 0 then vim.notify('No code actions available', vim.log.levels.INFO) return end ---@private local function apply_action(action, client) if action.edit then util.apply_workspace_edit(action.edit, client.offset_encoding) end if action.command then local command = type(action.command) == 'table' and action.command or action client._exec_cmd(command, ctx) end end ---@private local function on_user_choice(action_tuple) if not action_tuple then return end -- textDocument/codeAction can return either Command[] or CodeAction[] -- -- CodeAction -- ... -- edit?: WorkspaceEdit -- <- must be applied before command -- command?: Command -- -- Command: -- title: string -- command: string -- arguments?: any[] -- ---@type lsp.Client local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(action_tuple[1]) local action = action_tuple[2] local reg = client.dynamic_capabilities:get('textDocument/codeAction', { bufnr = ctx.bufnr }) local supports_resolve = vim.tbl_get(reg or {}, 'registerOptions', 'resolveProvider') or client.supports_method('codeAction/resolve') if not action.edit and client and supports_resolve then client.request('codeAction/resolve', action, function(err, resolved_action) if err then vim.notify(err.code .. ': ' .. err.message, vim.log.levels.ERROR) return end apply_action(resolved_action, client) end, ctx.bufnr) else apply_action(action, client) end end -- If options.apply is given, and there are just one remaining code action, -- apply it directly without querying the user. if options and options.apply and #action_tuples == 1 then on_user_choice(action_tuples[1]) return end vim.ui.select(action_tuples, { prompt = 'Code actions:', kind = 'codeaction', format_item = function(action_tuple) local title = action_tuple[2].title:gsub('\r\n', '\\r\\n') return title:gsub('\n', '\\n') end, }, on_user_choice) end --- Requests code actions from all clients and calls the handler exactly once --- with all aggregated results ---@private local function code_action_request(params, options) local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local method = 'textDocument/codeAction' vim.lsp.buf_request_all(bufnr, method, params, function(results) local ctx = { bufnr = bufnr, method = method, params = params } on_code_action_results(results, ctx, options) end) end --- Selects a code action available at the current --- cursor position. --- ---@param options table|nil Optional table which holds the following optional fields: --- - context: (table|nil) --- Corresponds to `CodeActionContext` of the LSP specification: --- - diagnostics (table|nil): --- LSP `Diagnostic[]`. Inferred from the current --- position if not provided. --- - only (table|nil): --- List of LSP `CodeActionKind`s used to filter the code actions. --- Most language servers support values like `refactor` --- or `quickfix`. --- - triggerKind (number|nil): The reason why code actions were requested. --- - filter: (function|nil) --- Predicate taking an `CodeAction` and returning a boolean. --- - apply: (boolean|nil) --- When set to `true`, and there is just one remaining action --- (after filtering), the action is applied without user query. --- --- - range: (table|nil) --- Range for which code actions should be requested. --- If in visual mode this defaults to the active selection. --- Table must contain `start` and `end` keys with {row,col} tuples --- using mark-like indexing. See |api-indexing| --- ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_codeAction ---@see vim.lsp.protocol.constants.CodeActionTriggerKind function M.code_action(options) validate({ options = { options, 't', true } }) options = options or {} -- Detect old API call code_action(context) which should now be -- code_action({ context = context} ) if options.diagnostics or options.only then options = { options = options } end local context = options.context or {} if not context.triggerKind then context.triggerKind = vim.lsp.protocol.CodeActionTriggerKind.Invoked end if not context.diagnostics then local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() context.diagnostics = vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_line_diagnostics(bufnr) end local params local mode = api.nvim_get_mode().mode if options.range then assert(type(options.range) == 'table', 'code_action range must be a table') local start = assert(options.range.start, 'range must have a `start` property') local end_ = assert(options.range['end'], 'range must have a `end` property') params = util.make_given_range_params(start, end_) elseif mode == 'v' or mode == 'V' then local range = range_from_selection(0, mode) params = util.make_given_range_params(range.start, range['end']) else params = util.make_range_params() end params.context = context code_action_request(params, options) end --- Executes an LSP server command. --- ---@param command_params table A valid `ExecuteCommandParams` object ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#workspace_executeCommand function M.execute_command(command_params) validate({ command = { command_params.command, 's' }, arguments = { command_params.arguments, 't', true }, }) command_params = { command = command_params.command, arguments = command_params.arguments, workDoneToken = command_params.workDoneToken, } request('workspace/executeCommand', command_params) end return M