local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local eq = helpers.eq local clear = helpers.clear local command = helpers.command local eval = helpers.eval local meths = helpers.meths local exec = helpers.exec local exec_capture = helpers.exec_capture local expect_exit = helpers.expect_exit local source = helpers.source local testprg = helpers.testprg before_each(clear) describe(':let', function() it('correctly lists variables with curly-braces', function() meths.set_var('v', {0}) eq('v [0]', exec_capture('let {"v"}')) end) it('correctly lists variables with subscript', function() meths.set_var('v', {0}) eq('v[0] #0', exec_capture('let v[0]')) eq('g:["v"][0] #0', exec_capture('let g:["v"][0]')) eq('{"g:"}["v"][0] #0', exec_capture('let {"g:"}["v"][0]')) end) it(":unlet self-referencing node in a List graph #6070", function() -- :unlet-ing a self-referencing List must not allow GC on indirectly -- referenced in-scope Lists. Before #6070 this caused use-after-free. expect_exit(1000, source, [=[ let [l1, l2] = [[], []] echo 'l1:' . id(l1) echo 'l2:' . id(l2) echo '' let [l3, l4] = [[], []] call add(l4, l4) call add(l4, l3) call add(l3, 1) call add(l2, l2) call add(l2, l1) call add(l1, 1) unlet l2 unlet l4 call garbagecollect(1) call feedkeys(":\e:echo l1 l3\n:echo 42\n:cq\n", "t") ]=]) end) it("multibyte env var #8398 #9267", function() command("let $NVIM_TEST_LET = 'AìaB'") eq('AìaB', eval('$NVIM_TEST_LET')) command("let $NVIM_TEST_LET = 'AaあB'") eq('AaあB', eval('$NVIM_TEST_LET')) local mbyte = [[\p* .ม .ม .ม .ม่ .ม่ .ม่ ֹ ֹ ֹ .ֹ .ֹ .ֹ ֹֻ ֹֻ ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ ֹֻ ֹֻ ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ ֹ ֹ ֹ .ֹ .ֹ .ֹ ֹ ֹ ֹ .ֹ .ֹ .ֹ ֹֻ ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ a a a ca ca ca à à à]] command("let $NVIM_TEST_LET = '"..mbyte.."'") eq(mbyte, eval('$NVIM_TEST_LET')) end) it("multibyte env var to child process #8398 #9267", function() local cmd_get_child_env = ("let g:env_from_child = system(['%s', 'NVIM_TEST_LET'])"):format(testprg('printenv-test')) command("let $NVIM_TEST_LET = 'AìaB'") command(cmd_get_child_env) eq(eval('$NVIM_TEST_LET'), eval('g:env_from_child')) command("let $NVIM_TEST_LET = 'AaあB'") command(cmd_get_child_env) eq(eval('$NVIM_TEST_LET'), eval('g:env_from_child')) local mbyte = [[\p* .ม .ม .ม .ม่ .ม่ .ม่ ֹ ֹ ֹ .ֹ .ֹ .ֹ ֹֻ ֹֻ ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ ֹֻ ֹֻ ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ ֹ ֹ ֹ .ֹ .ֹ .ֹ ֹ ֹ ֹ .ֹ .ֹ .ֹ ֹֻ ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ .ֹֻ a a a ca ca ca à à à]] command("let $NVIM_TEST_LET = '"..mbyte.."'") command(cmd_get_child_env) eq(eval('$NVIM_TEST_LET'), eval('g:env_from_child')) end) it("release of list assigned to l: variable does not trigger assertion #12387, #12430", function() source([[ func! s:f() let l:x = [1] let g:x = l: endfunc for _ in range(2) call s:f() endfor call garbagecollect() call feedkeys('i', 't') ]]) eq(1, eval('1')) end) end) describe(':let and :const', function() it('have the same output when called without arguments', function() eq(exec_capture('let'), exec_capture('const')) end) it('can be used in sandbox', function() exec([[ func Func() let l:foo = 'foo' const l:bar = 'bar' endfunc sandbox call Func() ]]) end) end)