*deprecated.txt* Nvim NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL Nvim *deprecated* The items listed below are "deprecated". This means they will be removed in the future. They should not be used in new scripts, and old scripts should be updated. ============================================================================== Normal commands ~ *]f* *[f* Same as "gf". Commands ~ *:rv* *:rviminfo* Deprecated alias to |:rshada| command. *:wv* *:wviminfo* Deprecated alias to |:wshada| command. Events ~ *EncodingChanged* Never fired; 'encoding' is always "utf-8". *FileEncoding* Never fired; equivalent to |EncodingChanged|. Keycodes ~ ** Use instead. ** Use instead. Functions ~ *buffer_exists()* Obsolete name for |bufexists()|. *buffer_name()* Obsolete name for |bufname()|. *buffer_number()* Obsolete name for |bufnr()|. *file_readable()* Obsolete name for |filereadable()|. *highlight_exists()* Obsolete name for |hlexists()|. *highlightID()* Obsolete name for |hlID()|. *last_buffer_nr()* Obsolete name for bufnr("$"). Modifiers ~ *:menu-* *:menu-special* <> notation is always enabled. |cpo-<| *:map-* *:map-special* <> notation is always enabled. |cpo-<| Options ~ *'fe'* 'fenc'+'enc' before Vim 6.0; no longer used. *'langnoremap'* Deprecated alias to 'nolangremap'. *'vi'* *'viminfo'* Deprecated alias to 'shada' option. vim:noet:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: