local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local eq, neq, call = helpers.eq, helpers.neq, helpers.call local eval, feed, clear = helpers.eval, helpers.feed, helpers.clear local command, insert, expect = helpers.command, helpers.insert, helpers.expect local feed_command = helpers.feed_command local curwin = helpers.curwin describe("'langmap'", function() before_each(function() clear() insert('iii www') command('set langmap=iw,wi') feed('gg0') end) it("converts keys in normal mode", function() feed('ix') expect('iii ww') feed('whello') expect('iii helloww') end) it("gives characters that are mapped by :nmap.", function() command('map i 0x') feed('w') expect('ii www') end) describe("'langnoremap' option.", function() before_each(function() command('nmapclear') end) it("'langnoremap' is by default ON", function() eq(eval('&langnoremap'), 1) end) it("Results of maps are not converted when 'langnoremap' ON.", function() command('nmap x i') feed('xdl') expect('dliii www') end) it("applies when deciding whether to map recursively", function() command('nmap l i') command('nmap w j') feed('ll') expect('liii www') end) it("does not stop applying 'langmap' on first character of a mapping", function() command('1t1') command('1t1') command('goto 1') command('nmap w j') feed('iiahello') expect([[ iii www iii www ihelloii www]]) end) it("Results of maps are converted when 'langnoremap' OFF.", function() command('set nolangnoremap') command('nmap x i') feed('xdl') expect('iii ww') end) end) -- e.g. CTRL-W_j , mj , 'j and "jp it('conversions are applied to keys in middle of command', function() -- Works in middle of window command feed('s') local origwin = curwin() feed('i') neq(curwin(), origwin) -- Works when setting a mark feed('yy3p3gg0mwgg0mi') eq(call('getpos', "'i"), {0, 3, 1, 0}) eq(call('getpos', "'w"), {0, 1, 1, 0}) feed('3dd') -- Works when moving to a mark feed("'i") eq(call('getpos', '.'), {0, 1, 1, 0}) -- Works when selecting a register feed('qillqqwhhq') eq(eval('@i'), 'hh') eq(eval('@w'), 'll') feed('ai') expect('illii www') feed('"ip') expect('illllii www') -- Works with i_CTRL-O feed('0aihi') expect('illllii hiwww') end) describe('exceptions', function() -- All "command characters" that 'langmap' does not apply to. -- These tests consist of those places where some subset of ASCII -- characters define certain commands, yet 'langmap' is not applied to -- them. -- n.b. I think these shouldn't be exceptions. it(':s///c confirmation', function() command('set langmap=yn,ny') feed('qa') feed_command('s/i/w/gc') feed('yynq') expect('wwi www') feed('u@a') expect('wwi www') eq(eval('@a'), ':s/i/w/gc\ryyn') end) it('insert-mode CTRL-G', function() command('set langmap=jk,kj') command('d') insert([[ hello hello hello]]) expect([[ hello hello hello]]) feed('qa') feed('gg3|ahellojx') feed('q') expect([[ helhellolo helxlo hello]]) eq(eval('@a'), 'gg3|ahellojx') end) it('command-line CTRL-\\', function() command('set langmap=en,ne') feed(':e\'hello\'\rput =""') expect([[ iii www hello]]) end) it('command-line CTRL-R', function() helpers.source([[ let i_value = 0 let j_value = 0 call setreg('i', 'i_value') call setreg('j', 'j_value') set langmap=ij,ji ]]) feed(':let i=1') eq(eval('i_value'), 1) eq(eval('j_value'), 0) end) -- it('-- More -- prompt', function() -- -- The 'b' 'j' 'd' 'f' commands at the -- More -- prompt -- end) it('ask yes/no after backwards range', function() command('set langmap=yn,ny') feed('dd') insert([[ hello there these are some lines ]]) feed_command('4,2d') feed('n') expect([[ hello there these are some lines ]]) end) it('prompt for number', function() command('set langmap=12,21') helpers.source([[ let gotten_one = 0 function Map() let answer = inputlist(['a', '1.', '2.', '3.']) if answer == 1 let g:gotten_one = 1 endif endfunction nnoremap x :call Map() ]]) feed('x1') eq(eval('gotten_one'), 1) command('let g:gotten_one = 0') feed_command('call Map()') feed('1') eq(eval('gotten_one'), 1) end) end) it('conversions are not applied during setreg()', function() call('setreg', 'i', 'ww') eq(eval('@i'), 'ww') end) it('conversions not applied in insert mode', function() feed('aiiiwww') expect('iiiiwwwii www') end) it('conversions not applied in search mode', function() feed('/iiix') expect('ii www') end) it('conversions not applied in cmdline mode', function() feed(':call append(1, "iii")') expect([[ iii www iii]]) end) local function testrecording(command_string, expect_string, setup_function) if setup_function then setup_function() end feed('qa' .. command_string .. 'q') expect(expect_string) eq(helpers.funcs.nvim_replace_termcodes(command_string, true, true, true), eval('@a')) if setup_function then setup_function() end -- n.b. may need nvim_replace_termcodes() here. feed('@a') expect(expect_string) end local function local_setup() -- Can't use `insert` as it uses `i` and we've swapped the meaning of that -- with the `langmap` setting. command('%d') command("put ='hello'") command('1d') end it('does not affect recording special keys', function() testrecording('A', 'hell', local_setup) testrecording('>>', 'hello', local_setup) command('nnoremap \\ x') testrecording('\\', 'ello', local_setup) testrecording('A', 'hello', local_setup) end) pending('Translates modified keys correctly', function() command('nnoremap x') command('nnoremap l') testrecording('', 'ello', local_setup) testrecording('x', 'hllo', local_setup) end) pending('handles multi-byte characters', function() command('set langmap=ïx') testrecording('ï', 'ello', local_setup) -- The test below checks that what's recorded is correct. -- It doesn't check the behaviour, as in order to cause some behaviour we -- need to map the multi-byte character, and there is a known bug -- preventing this from working (see the test below). command('set langmap=xï') testrecording('x', 'hello', local_setup) end) pending('handles multibyte mappings', function() -- See this vim issue for the problem, may as well add a test. -- https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/297 command('set langmap=ïx') command('nnoremap x diw') testrecording('ï', '', local_setup) command('set nolangnoremap') command('set langmap=xï') command('nnoremap ï ix') testrecording('x', 'xhello', local_setup) end) -- This test is to ensure the behaviour doesn't change from what's already -- around. I (hardenedapple) personally think this behaviour should be -- changed. it('treats control modified keys as characters', function() command('nnoremap iw') command('nnoremap ii') testrecording('', 'whello', local_setup) testrecording('', 'ihello', local_setup) end) end)