local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local luv = require('luv') local eq, eval, expect, exec = helpers.eq, helpers.eval, helpers.expect, helpers.exec local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local clear = helpers.clear local command = helpers.command local feed = helpers.feed local funcs = helpers.funcs local nvim_prog = helpers.nvim_prog local ok = helpers.ok local rmdir = helpers.rmdir local new_argv = helpers.new_argv local new_pipename = helpers.new_pipename local pesc = helpers.pesc local os_kill = helpers.os_kill local set_session = helpers.set_session local spawn = helpers.spawn local async_meths = helpers.async_meths local expect_msg_seq = helpers.expect_msg_seq local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local mkdir = helpers.mkdir local poke_eventloop = helpers.poke_eventloop local meths = helpers.meths local retry = helpers.retry local write_file = helpers.write_file describe(':recover', function() before_each(clear) it('fails if given a non-existent swapfile', function() local swapname = 'bogus_swapfile' local swapname2 = 'bogus_swapfile.swp' eq('Vim(recover):E305: No swap file found for '..swapname, pcall_err(command, 'recover '..swapname)) -- Should not segfault. #2117 -- Also check filename ending with ".swp". #9504 eq('Vim(recover):E306: Cannot open '..swapname2, pcall_err(command, 'recover '..swapname2)) -- Should not segfault. #2117 assert_alive() end) end) describe("preserve and (R)ecover with custom 'directory'", function() local swapdir = luv.cwd()..'/Xtest_recover_dir' local testfile = 'Xtest_recover_file1' -- Put swapdir at the start of the 'directory' list. #1836 -- Note: `set swapfile` *must* go after `set directory`: otherwise it may -- attempt to create a swapfile in different directory. local init = [[ set directory^=]]..swapdir:gsub([[\]], [[\\]])..[[// set swapfile fileformat=unix undolevels=-1 ]] local nvim0 before_each(function() nvim0 = spawn(new_argv()) set_session(nvim0) rmdir(swapdir) mkdir(swapdir) end) after_each(function() command('%bwipeout!') rmdir(swapdir) end) local function setup_swapname() exec(init) command('edit! '..testfile) feed('isometext') exec('redir => g:swapname | silent swapname | redir END') return eval('g:swapname') end local function test_recover(swappath1) -- Start another Nvim instance. local nvim2 = spawn({nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--embed'}, true) set_session(nvim2) exec(init) -- Use the "SwapExists" event to choose the (R)ecover choice at the dialog. command('autocmd SwapExists * let v:swapchoice = "r"') command('silent edit! '..testfile) exec('redir => g:swapname | silent swapname | redir END') local swappath2 = eval('g:swapname') expect('sometext') -- swapfile from session 1 should end in .swp eq(testfile..'.swp', string.match(swappath1, '[^%%]+$')) -- swapfile from session 2 should end in .swo eq(testfile..'.swo', string.match(swappath2, '[^%%]+$')) -- Verify that :swapname was not truncated (:help 'shortmess'). ok(nil == string.find(swappath1, '%.%.%.')) ok(nil == string.find(swappath2, '%.%.%.')) end it('with :preserve and SIGKILL', function() local swappath1 = setup_swapname() command('preserve') os_kill(eval('getpid()')) test_recover(swappath1) end) it('closing stdio channel without :preserve #22096', function() local swappath1 = setup_swapname() nvim0:close() test_recover(swappath1) end) it('killing TUI process without :preserve #22096', function() helpers.skip(helpers.is_os('win')) local screen0 = Screen.new() screen0:attach() local child_server = new_pipename() funcs.termopen({ nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--listen', child_server }, { env = { VIMRUNTIME = os.getenv('VIMRUNTIME') } }) screen0:expect({any = pesc('[No Name]')}) -- Wait for the child process to start. local child_session = helpers.connect(child_server) set_session(child_session) local swappath1 = setup_swapname() set_session(nvim0) command('call chanclose(&channel)') -- Kill the child process. screen0:expect({any = pesc('[Process exited 1]')}) -- Wait for the child process to stop. test_recover(swappath1) end) end) describe('swapfile detection', function() local swapdir = luv.cwd()..'/Xtest_swapdialog_dir' local nvim0 -- Put swapdir at the start of the 'directory' list. #1836 -- Note: `set swapfile` *must* go after `set directory`: otherwise it may -- attempt to create a swapfile in different directory. local init = [[ set directory^=]]..swapdir:gsub([[\]], [[\\]])..[[// set swapfile fileformat=unix nomodified undolevels=-1 nohidden ]] before_each(function() nvim0 = spawn(new_argv()) set_session(nvim0) rmdir(swapdir) mkdir(swapdir) end) after_each(function() set_session(nvim0) command('%bwipeout!') rmdir(swapdir) end) it('always show swapfile dialog #8840 #9027', function() local testfile = 'Xtest_swapdialog_file1' local expected_no_dialog = '^'..(' '):rep(256)..'|\n' for _=1,37 do expected_no_dialog = expected_no_dialog..'~'..(' '):rep(255)..'|\n' end expected_no_dialog = expected_no_dialog..testfile..(' '):rep(216)..'0,0-1 All|\n' expected_no_dialog = expected_no_dialog..(' '):rep(256)..'|\n' exec(init) command('edit! '..testfile) feed('isometext') command('preserve') -- Start another Nvim instance. local nvim2 = spawn({nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--embed'}, true, nil, true) set_session(nvim2) local screen2 = Screen.new(256, 40) screen2:attach() exec(init) command('autocmd! nvim_swapfile') -- Delete the default handler (which skips the dialog). -- With shortmess+=F command('set shortmess+=F') feed(':edit '..testfile..'') screen2:expect{any=[[E325: ATTENTION.*]]..'\n'..[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. screen2:expect(expected_no_dialog) -- With :silent and shortmess+=F feed(':silent edit %') screen2:expect{any=[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. screen2:expect(expected_no_dialog) -- With :silent! and shortmess+=F feed(':silent! edit %') screen2:expect{any=[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. screen2:expect(expected_no_dialog) -- With API (via eval/Vimscript) call and shortmess+=F feed(':call nvim_command("edit %")') screen2:expect{any=[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. feed('') screen2:expect(expected_no_dialog) -- With API call and shortmess+=F async_meths.command('edit %') screen2:expect{any=[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. expect_msg_seq({ ignore={'redraw'}, seqs={ { {'notification', 'nvim_error_event', {0, 'Vim(edit):E325: ATTENTION'}}, } } }) feed('') nvim2:close() end) it('default SwapExists handler selects "(E)dit" and skips prompt', function() exec(init) command('edit Xfile1') command("put ='some text...'") command('preserve') -- Make sure the swap file exists. local nvimpid = funcs.getpid() local nvim1 = spawn(new_argv(), true, nil, true) set_session(nvim1) local screen = Screen.new(75, 18) screen:attach() exec(init) feed(':edit Xfile1\n') screen:expect({ any = ('W325: Ignoring swapfile from Nvim process %d'):format(nvimpid) }) nvim1:close() end) -- oldtest: Test_swap_prompt_splitwin() it('selecting "q" in the attention prompt', function() exec(init) command('edit Xfile1') command('preserve') -- Make sure the swap file exists. local screen = Screen.new(75, 18) screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [0] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue}, -- NonText [1] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SeaGreen}, -- MoreMsg }) local nvim1 = spawn(new_argv(), true, nil, true) set_session(nvim1) screen:attach() exec(init) command('autocmd! nvim_swapfile') -- Delete the default handler (which skips the dialog). feed(':split Xfile1\n') -- The default SwapExists handler does _not_ skip this prompt. screen:expect({ any = pesc('{1:[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (Q)uit, (A)bort: }^') }) feed('q') feed(':') screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }|*16 : | ]]) nvim1:close() local nvim2 = spawn(new_argv(), true, nil, true) set_session(nvim2) screen:attach() exec(init) command('autocmd! nvim_swapfile') -- Delete the default handler (which skips the dialog). command('set more') command('au bufadd * let foo_w = wincol()') feed(':e Xfile1') screen:expect({any = pesc('{1:-- More --}^')}) feed('') screen:expect({ any = pesc('{1:[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (Q)uit, (A)bort: }^') }) feed('q') command([[echo 'hello']]) screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }|*16 hello | ]]) nvim2:close() end) --- @param swapexists boolean Enable the default SwapExists handler. --- @param on_swapfile_running fun(screen: any) Called after swapfile ("STILL RUNNING") prompt. local function test_swapfile_after_reboot(swapexists, on_swapfile_running) local screen = Screen.new(75, 30) screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [0] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue}, -- NonText [1] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SeaGreen}, -- MoreMsg [2] = {background = Screen.colors.Red, foreground = Screen.colors.White}, -- ErrorMsg }) screen:attach() exec(init) if not swapexists then command('autocmd! nvim_swapfile') -- Delete the default handler (which skips the dialog). end command('set nohidden') exec([=[ " Make a copy of the current swap file to "Xswap". " Return the name of the swap file. func CopySwapfile() preserve " get the name of the swap file let swname = split(execute("swapname"))[0] let swname = substitute(swname, '[[:blank:][:cntrl:]]*\(.\{-}\)[[:blank:][:cntrl:]]*$', '\1', '') " make a copy of the swap file in Xswap set binary exe 'sp ' . fnameescape(swname) w! Xswap set nobinary return swname endfunc ]=]) -- Edit a file and grab its swapfile. exec([[ edit Xswaptest call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c']) ]]) local swname = funcs.CopySwapfile() -- Forget we edited this file exec([[ new only! bwipe! Xswaptest ]]) os.rename('Xswap', swname) feed(':edit Xswaptest') on_swapfile_running(screen) feed('e') -- Forget we edited this file exec([[ new only! bwipe! Xswaptest ]]) -- pretend that the swapfile was created before boot local atime = os.time() - luv.uptime() - 10 luv.fs_utime(swname, atime, atime) feed(':edit Xswaptest') screen:expect({any = table.concat({ pesc('{2:E325: ATTENTION}'), pesc('{1:[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort: }^'), }, '.*')}) feed('e') end -- oldtest: Test_nocatch_process_still_running() it('swapfile created before boot vim-patch:8.2.2586', function() test_swapfile_after_reboot(false, function(screen) screen:expect({any = table.concat({ pesc('{2:E325: ATTENTION}'), 'file name: .*Xswaptest', 'process ID: %d* %(STILL RUNNING%)', pesc('{1:[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (Q)uit, (A)bort: }^'), }, '.*')}) end) end) it('swapfile created before boot + default SwapExists handler', function() test_swapfile_after_reboot(true, function(screen) screen:expect({ any = 'W325: Ignoring swapfile from Nvim process' }) end) end) end) describe('quitting swapfile dialog on startup stops TUI properly', function() local swapdir = luv.cwd()..'/Xtest_swapquit_dir' local testfile = 'Xtest_swapquit_file1' local otherfile = 'Xtest_swapquit_file2' -- Put swapdir at the start of the 'directory' list. #1836 -- Note: `set swapfile` *must* go after `set directory`: otherwise it may -- attempt to create a swapfile in different directory. local init_dir = [[set directory^=]]..swapdir:gsub([[\]], [[\\]])..[[//]] local init_set = [[set swapfile fileformat=unix nomodified undolevels=-1 nohidden]] before_each(function() clear({args = {'--cmd', init_dir, '--cmd', init_set}}) rmdir(swapdir) mkdir(swapdir) write_file(testfile, [[ first second third ]]) command('edit! '..testfile) feed('Gisometext') poke_eventloop() clear() -- Leaves a swap file behind meths.ui_attach(80, 30, {}) end) after_each(function() rmdir(swapdir) os.remove(testfile) os.remove(otherfile) end) it('(Q)uit at first file argument', function() local chan = funcs.termopen({nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--cmd', init_dir, '--cmd', init_set, testfile}, { env = { VIMRUNTIME = os.getenv('VIMRUNTIME') } }) retry(nil, nil, function() eq('[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort:', eval("getline('$')->trim(' ', 2)")) end) meths.chan_send(chan, 'q') retry(nil, nil, function() eq({'', '[Process exited 1]', ''}, eval("[1, 2, '$']->map({_, lnum -> getline(lnum)->trim(' ', 2)})")) end) end) it('(A)bort at second file argument with -p', function() local chan = funcs.termopen({nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--cmd', init_dir, '--cmd', init_set, '-p', otherfile, testfile}, { env = { VIMRUNTIME = os.getenv('VIMRUNTIME') } }) retry(nil, nil, function() eq('[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort:', eval("getline('$')->trim(' ', 2)")) end) meths.chan_send(chan, 'a') retry(nil, nil, function() eq({'', '[Process exited 1]', ''}, eval("[1, 2, '$']->map({_, lnum -> getline(lnum)->trim(' ', 2)})")) end) end) it('(Q)uit at file opened by -t', function() write_file(otherfile, ([[ !_TAG_FILE_ENCODING utf-8 // first %s /^ \zsfirst$/ second %s /^ \zssecond$/ third %s /^ \zsthird$/]]):format(testfile, testfile, testfile)) local chan = funcs.termopen({nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--cmd', init_dir, '--cmd', init_set, '--cmd', 'set tags='..otherfile, '-tsecond'}, { env = { VIMRUNTIME = os.getenv('VIMRUNTIME') } }) retry(nil, nil, function() eq('[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort:', eval("getline('$')->trim(' ', 2)")) end) meths.chan_send(chan, 'q') retry(nil, nil, function() eq('Press ENTER or type command to continue', eval("getline('$')->trim(' ', 2)")) end) meths.chan_send(chan, '\r') retry(nil, nil, function() eq({'', '[Process exited 1]', ''}, eval("[1, 2, '$']->map({_, lnum -> getline(lnum)->trim(' ', 2)})")) end) end) end)