#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -u set -o pipefail readonly NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.." && pwd)" readonly VIM_SOURCE_DIR_DEFAULT="${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/.vim-src" readonly VIM_SOURCE_DIR="${VIM_SOURCE_DIR:-${VIM_SOURCE_DIR_DEFAULT}}" readonly BASENAME="$(basename "${0}")" readonly BRANCH_PREFIX="vim-" CREATED_FILES=() usage() { echo "Helper script for porting Vim patches. For more information, see" echo "https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Merging-patches-from-upstream-vim" echo echo "Usage: ${BASENAME} [-h | -l | -p vim-revision | -r pr-number]" echo echo "Options:" echo " -h Show this message and exit." echo " -l Show list of Vim patches missing from Neovim." echo " -p {vim-revision} Download and apply the Vim patch vim-revision." echo " vim-revision can be a version number of the " echo " format '7.4.xxx' or a Git commit hash." echo " -s Submit a vim-patch pull request to Neovim." echo " -r {pr-number} Review a vim-patch pull request to Neovim." echo echo "Set VIM_SOURCE_DIR to change where Vim's sources are stored." echo "The default is '${VIM_SOURCE_DIR_DEFAULT}'." } # Checks if a program is in the user's PATH, and is executable. check_executable() { test -x "$(command -v "${1}")" } require_executable() { if ! check_executable "${1}"; then >&2 echo "${BASENAME}: '${1}' not found in PATH or not executable." exit 1 fi } clean_files() { if [[ ${#CREATED_FILES[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then return fi echo echo "Created files:" local file for file in "${CREATED_FILES[@]}"; do echo " • ${file}" done read -p "Delete these files (Y/n)? " -n 1 -r reply echo if [[ "${reply}" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then rm -- "${CREATED_FILES[@]}" else echo "You can use 'git clean' to remove these files when you're done." fi } get_vim_sources() { require_executable git if [[ ! -d ${VIM_SOURCE_DIR} ]]; then echo "Cloning Vim sources into '${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}'." git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" else if [[ ! -d "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}/.git" ]]; then echo "✘ ${VIM_SOURCE_DIR} does not appear to be a git repository." echo " Please remove it and try again." exit 1 fi cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" echo "Updating Vim sources in '${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}'." git pull && echo "✔ Updated Vim sources." || echo "✘ Could not update Vim sources; ignoring error." fi } commit_message() { printf 'vim-patch:%s\n\n%s\n\n%s' "${vim_version}" \ "${vim_message}" "${vim_commit_url}" } find_git_remote() { git remote -v \ | awk '$2 ~ /github.com[:\/]neovim\/neovim/ && $3 == "(fetch)" {print $1; exit}' } assign_commit_details() { if [[ ${1} =~ [0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]{3,4} ]]; then # Interpret parameter as version number (tag). vim_version="${1}" vim_tag="v${1}" vim_commit=$(cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" \ && git log -1 --format="%H" "${vim_tag}") local strip_commit_line=true else # Interpret parameter as commit hash. vim_version="${1:0:7}" vim_commit=$(cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" \ && git log -1 --format="%H" "${vim_version}") local strip_commit_line=false fi vim_commit_url="https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/${vim_commit}" vim_message="$(cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" \ && git log -1 --pretty='format:%B' "${vim_commit}" \ | sed -e 's/\(#[0-9]*\)/vim\/vim\1/g')" if [[ ${strip_commit_line} == "true" ]]; then # Remove first line of commit message. vim_message="$(echo "${vim_message}" | sed -e '1d')" fi patch_file="vim-${vim_version}.patch" } get_vim_patch() { get_vim_sources assign_commit_details "${1}" git log -1 "${vim_commit}" -- >/dev/null 2>&1 || { >&2 echo "✘ Couldn't find Vim revision '${vim_commit}'." exit 3 } echo echo "✔ Found Vim revision '${vim_commit}'." # Patch surgery: preprocess the patch. # - transform src/ paths to src/nvim/ local vim_full vim_full="$(git --no-pager show --color=never -1 --pretty=medium "${vim_commit}" \ | LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/\( [ab]\/src\)/\1\/nvim/g')" local neovim_branch="${BRANCH_PREFIX}${vim_version}" cd "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" local git_remote git_remote="$(find_git_remote)" local checked_out_branch checked_out_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" if [[ "${checked_out_branch}" == ${BRANCH_PREFIX}* ]]; then echo "✔ Current branch '${checked_out_branch}' seems to be a vim-patch" echo " branch; not creating a new branch." else echo echo "Fetching '${git_remote}/master'." output="$(git fetch "${git_remote}" master 2>&1)" && echo "✔ ${output}" || (echo "✘ ${output}"; false) echo echo "Creating new branch '${neovim_branch}' based on '${git_remote}/master'." cd "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" output="$(git checkout -b "${neovim_branch}" "${git_remote}/master" 2>&1)" && echo "✔ ${output}" || (echo "✘ ${output}"; false) fi echo echo "Creating empty commit with correct commit message." output="$(commit_message | git commit --allow-empty --file 2>&1 -)" && echo "✔ ${output}" || (echo "✘ ${output}"; false) echo echo "Creating files." echo "${vim_full}" > "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" echo "✔ Saved full commit details to '${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}'." echo echo "Instructions:" echo echo " Proceed to port the patch." echo " You might want to try 'patch -p1 < ${patch_file}' first." echo echo " If the patch contains a new test, consider porting it to Lua." echo " You might want to try 'scripts/legacy2luatest.pl'." echo echo " Stage your changes ('git add ...') and use 'git commit --amend' to commit." echo echo " To port additional patches related to ${vim_version} and add them to the current" echo " branch, call '${BASENAME} -p' again. Please use this only if it wouldn't make" echo " sense to send in each patch individually, as it will increase the size of the" echo " pull request and make it harder to review." echo echo " When you are finished, use '${BASENAME} -s' to submit a pull request." echo echo " See https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Merging-patches-from-upstream-vim" echo " for more information." } hub_pr() { hub pull-request -m "$1" } git_hub_pr() { git hub pull new -m "$1" } submit_pr() { require_executable git local push_first push_first=1 local submit_fn if check_executable hub; then submit_fn="hub_pr" elif check_executable git-hub; then push_first=0 submit_fn="git_hub_pr" else >&2 echo "${BASENAME}: 'hub' or 'git-hub' not found in PATH or not executable." exit 1 fi cd "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" local checked_out_branch checked_out_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" if [[ "${checked_out_branch}" != ${BRANCH_PREFIX}* ]]; then echo "✘ Current branch '${checked_out_branch}' doesn't seem to be a vim-patch branch." exit 1 fi local git_remote git_remote="$(find_git_remote)" local pr_body pr_body="$(git log --reverse --format='#### %s%n%n%b%n' "${git_remote}"/master..HEAD)" local patches patches=("$(git log --reverse --format='%s' "${git_remote}"/master..HEAD)") patches=(${patches[@]//vim-patch:}) # Remove 'vim-patch:' prefix for each item in array. local pr_title="${patches[*]}" # Create space-separated string from array. pr_title="${pr_title// /,}" # Replace spaces with commas. local pr_message pr_message="$(printf '[RFC] vim-patch:%s\n\n%s\n' "${pr_title#,}" "${pr_body}")" if [[ $push_first -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Pushing to 'origin/${checked_out_branch}'." output="$(git push origin "${checked_out_branch}" 2>&1)" && echo "✔ ${output}" || (echo "✘ ${output}"; git reset --soft HEAD^1; false) echo fi echo "Creating pull request." output="$(${submit_fn} "${pr_message}" 2>&1)" && echo "✔ ${output}" || (echo "✘ ${output}"; false) echo echo "Cleaning up files." local patch_file for patch_file in "${patches[@]}"; do patch_file="vim-${patch_file}.patch" if [[ ! -f "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" ]]; then continue fi rm -- "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" echo "✔ Removed '${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}'." done } list_vim_patches() { get_vim_sources printf "\nVim patches missing from Neovim:\n" # Get commits since 7.4.602. local vim_commits vim_commits="$(cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git log --reverse --format='%H' v7.4.602..HEAD)" local vim_commit for vim_commit in ${vim_commits}; do local is_missing local vim_tag # This fails for untagged commits (e.g., runtime file updates) so mask the return status vim_tag="$(cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git describe --tags --exact-match "${vim_commit}" 2>/dev/null)" || true if [[ -n "${vim_tag}" ]]; then local patch_number="${vim_tag:5}" # Remove prefix like "v7.4." # Tagged Vim patch, check version.c: is_missing="$(sed -n '/static int included_patches/,/}/p' "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/src/nvim/version.c" | grep -x -e "[[:space:]]*//[[:space:]]${patch_number} NA.*" -e "[[:space:]]*${patch_number}," >/dev/null && echo "false" || echo "true")" vim_commit="${vim_tag#v}" if (cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git --no-pager show --color=never --name-only "v${vim_commit}" 2>/dev/null) | grep -q ^runtime; then vim_commit="${vim_commit} (+runtime)" fi else # Untagged Vim patch (e.g. runtime updates), check the Neovim git log: is_missing="$(cd "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git log -1 --no-merges --grep="vim\-patch:${vim_commit:0:7}" --pretty=format:false)" fi if [[ ${is_missing} != "false" ]]; then echo " • ${vim_commit}" fi done echo echo "Instructions:" echo echo " To port one of the above patches to Neovim, execute" echo " this script with the patch revision as argument and" echo " follow the instructions." echo echo " Examples: '${BASENAME} -p 7.4.487'" echo " '${BASENAME} -p 1e8ebf870720e7b671f98f22d653009826304c4f'" echo echo " NOTE: Please port the _oldest_ patch if you possibly can." echo " Out-of-order patches increase the possibility of bugs." } review_commit() { local neovim_commit_url="${1}" local neovim_patch_url="${neovim_commit_url}.patch" local git_patch_prefix='Subject: \[PATCH\] ' local neovim_patch neovim_patch="$(curl -Ssf "${neovim_patch_url}")" local vim_version vim_version="$(head -n 4 <<< "${neovim_patch}" | sed -n "s/${git_patch_prefix}vim-patch:\([a-z0-9.]*\)$/\1/p")" echo if [[ -n "${vim_version}" ]]; then echo "✔ Detected Vim patch '${vim_version}'." else echo "✘ Could not detect the Vim patch number." echo " This script assumes that the PR contains only commits" echo " with 'vim-patch:XXX' in their title." exit 1 fi assign_commit_details "${vim_version}" local vim_patch_url="${vim_commit_url}.patch" local expected_commit_message expected_commit_message="$(commit_message)" local message_length message_length="$(wc -l <<< "${expected_commit_message}")" local commit_message commit_message="$(tail -n +4 <<< "${neovim_patch}" | head -n "${message_length}")" if [[ "${commit_message#${git_patch_prefix}}" == "${expected_commit_message}" ]]; then echo "✔ Found expected commit message." else echo "✘ Wrong commit message." echo " Expected:" echo "${expected_commit_message}" echo " Actual:" echo "${commit_message#${git_patch_prefix}}" fi echo echo "Creating files." echo "${neovim_patch}" > "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}" echo "✔ Saved pull request diff to '${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}'." CREATED_FILES+=("${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}") curl -Ssfo "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" "${vim_patch_url}" echo "✔ Saved Vim diff to '${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}'." CREATED_FILES+=("${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}") echo echo "Launching nvim." nvim -c "cd ${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" \ -O "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" "${NEOVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}" } review_pr() { require_executable curl require_executable nvim require_executable jq get_vim_sources local pr="${1}" echo echo "Downloading data for pull request #${pr}." local pr_commit_urls=($(curl -Ssf "https://api.github.com/repos/neovim/neovim/pulls/${pr}/commits" \ | jq -r '.[].html_url')) echo "Found ${#pr_commit_urls[@]} commit(s)." local pr_commit_url local reply for pr_commit_url in "${pr_commit_urls[@]}"; do review_commit "${pr_commit_url}" if [[ "${pr_commit_url}" != "${pr_commit_urls[-1]}" ]]; then read -p "Continue with next commit (Y/n)? " -n 1 -r reply echo if [[ ! "${reply}" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then break fi fi done clean_files } while getopts "hlp:r:s" opt; do case ${opt} in h) usage exit 0 ;; l) list_vim_patches exit 0 ;; p) get_vim_patch "${OPTARG}" exit 0 ;; r) review_pr "${OPTARG}" exit 0 ;; s) submit_pr exit 0 ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac done usage # vim: et sw=2