local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local clear, feed, insert = helpers.clear, helpers.feed, helpers.insert local command, request, neq = helpers.command, helpers.request, helpers.neq if helpers.pending_win32(pending) then return end describe('Buffer highlighting', function() local screen local curbuf before_each(function() clear() command('syntax on') screen = Screen.new(40, 8) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = {bold=true, foreground=Screen.colors.Blue}, [2] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Fuchsia}, -- String [3] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Brown, bold = true}, -- Statement [4] = {foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue}, -- Special [5] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue}, [6] = {foreground = Screen.colors.DarkCyan}, -- Identifier [7] = {bold = true}, [8] = {underline = true, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue}, [9] = {foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue, underline = true}, [10] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Red} }) curbuf = request('nvim_get_current_buf') end) after_each(function() screen:detach() end) local function add_hl(...) return request('nvim_buf_add_highlight', curbuf, ...) end local function clear_hl(...) return request('nvim_buf_clear_highlight', curbuf, ...) end it('works', function() insert([[ these are some lines with colorful text]]) feed('+') screen:expect([[ these are some lines | with colorful tex^t | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) add_hl(-1, "String", 0 , 10, 14) add_hl(-1, "Statement", 1 , 5, -1) screen:expect([[ these are {2:some} lines | with {3:colorful tex^t} | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) feed("ggo") screen:expect([[ these are {2:some} lines | ^ | with {3:colorful text} | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) clear_hl(-1, 0 , -1) screen:expect([[ these are some lines | ^ | with colorful text | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) end) describe('support adding multiple sources', function() local id1, id2 before_each(function() insert([[ a longer example in order to demonstrate combining highlights from different sources]]) command("hi ImportantWord gui=bold cterm=bold") id1 = add_hl(0, "ImportantWord", 0, 2, 8) add_hl(id1, "ImportantWord", 1, 12, -1) add_hl(id1, "ImportantWord", 2, 0, 9) add_hl(id1, "ImportantWord", 3, 5, 14) -- add_highlight can be called like this to get a new source -- without adding any highlight id2 = add_hl(0, "", 0, 0, 0) neq(id1, id2) add_hl(id2, "Special", 0, 2, 8) add_hl(id2, "Identifier", 1, 3, 8) add_hl(id2, "Special", 1, 14, 20) add_hl(id2, "Underlined", 2, 6, 12) add_hl(id2, "Underlined", 3, 0, 9) screen:expect([[ a {5:longer} example | in {6:order} to {7:de}{5:monstr}{7:ate} | {7:combin}{8:ing}{9: hi}ghlights | {9:from }{8:diff}{7:erent} source^s | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) end) it('and clearing the first added', function() clear_hl(id1, 0, -1) screen:expect([[ a {4:longer} example | in {6:order} to de{4:monstr}ate | combin{9:ing hi}ghlights | {9:from diff}erent source^s | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) end) it('and clearing the second added', function() clear_hl(id2, 0, -1) screen:expect([[ a {7:longer} example | in order to {7:demonstrate} | {7:combining} highlights | from {7:different} source^s | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) end) it('and clearing line ranges', function() clear_hl(-1, 0, 1) clear_hl(id1, 1, 2) clear_hl(id2, 2, -1) screen:expect([[ a longer example | in {6:order} to de{4:monstr}ate | {7:combining} highlights | from {7:different} source^s | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) end) it('and renumbering lines', function() feed('3Gddggo') screen:expect([[ a {5:longer} example | ^ | in {6:order} to {7:de}{5:monstr}{7:ate} | {9:from }{8:diff}{7:erent} sources | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) command(':3move 4') screen:expect([[ a {5:longer} example | | {9:from }{8:diff}{7:erent} sources | ^in {6:order} to {7:de}{5:monstr}{7:ate} | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) end) end) it('prioritizes latest added highlight', function() insert([[ three overlapping colors]]) add_hl(0, "Identifier", 0, 6, 17) add_hl(0, "String", 0, 14, 23) local id = add_hl(0, "Special", 0, 0, 9) screen:expect([[ {4:three ove}{6:rlapp}{2:ing color}^s | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) clear_hl(id, 0, 1) screen:expect([[ three {6:overlapp}{2:ing color}^s | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) end) it('works with multibyte text', function() insert([[ Ta båten över sjön!]]) add_hl(-1, "Identifier", 0, 3, 9) add_hl(-1, "String", 0, 16, 21) screen:expect([[ Ta {6:båten} över {2:sjön}^! | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) end) it('works with new syntax groups', function() insert([[ fancy code in a new fancy language]]) add_hl(-1, "FancyLangItem", 0, 0, 5) screen:expect([[ fancy code in a new fancy languag^e | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) command('hi FancyLangItem guifg=red') screen:expect([[ {10:fancy} code in a new fancy languag^e | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) end) end)