local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local eq = helpers.eq local eval = helpers.eval local clear = helpers.clear local source = helpers.source local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local funcs = helpers.funcs local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local command = helpers.command local feed = helpers.feed local is_os = helpers.is_os describe('execute()', function() before_each(clear) it('captures the same result as :redir', function() command([[ echomsg 'foo 1' echomsg 'foo 2' redir => g:__redir_output silent! messages redir END ]]) eq(eval('g:__redir_output'), funcs.execute('messages')) end) it('captures the concatenated outputs of a List of commands', function() eq("foobar", funcs.execute({'echon "foo"', 'echon "bar"'})) eq("\nfoo\nbar", funcs.execute({'echo "foo"', 'echo "bar"'})) end) it('supports nested execute("execute(...)")', function() eq('42', funcs.execute([[echon execute("echon execute('echon 42')")]])) end) it('supports nested :redir to a variable', function() source([[ function! g:Foo() let a = '' redir => a silent echon "foo" redir END return a endfunction function! g:Bar() let a = '' redir => a silent echon "bar1" call g:Foo() silent echon "bar2" redir END silent echon "bar3" return a endfunction ]]) eq('top1bar1foobar2bar3', funcs.execute('echon "top1"|call g:Bar()')) end) it('supports nested :redir to a register', function() source([[ let @a = '' function! g:Foo() redir @a>> silent echon "foo" redir END return @a endfunction function! g:Bar() redir @a>> silent echon "bar1" call g:Foo() silent echon "bar2" redir END silent echon "bar3" return @a endfunction ]]) eq('top1bar1foobar2bar3', funcs.execute('echon "top1"|call g:Bar()')) -- :redir itself doesn't nest, so the redirection ends in g:Foo eq('bar1foo', eval('@a')) end) it('captures a transformed string', function() eq('^A', funcs.execute('echon "\\"')) end) it('returns empty string if the argument list is empty', function() eq('', funcs.execute({})) eq(0, exc_exec('let g:ret = execute(v:_null_list)')) eq('', eval('g:ret')) end) it('captures errors', function() local ret ret = exc_exec('call execute(0.0)') eq('Vim(call):E806: Using a Float as a String', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute(v:_null_dict)') eq('Vim(call):E731: Using a Dictionary as a String', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute(function("tr"))') eq('Vim(call):E729: Using a Funcref as a String', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute(["echo 42", 0.0, "echo 44"])') eq('Vim:E806: Using a Float as a String', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute(["echo 42", v:_null_dict, "echo 44"])') eq('Vim:E731: Using a Dictionary as a String', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute(["echo 42", function("tr"), "echo 44"])') eq('Vim:E729: Using a Funcref as a String', ret) end) it('captures output with highlights', function() eq('\nErrorMsg xxx ctermfg=15 ctermbg=1 guifg=White guibg=Red', eval('execute("hi ErrorMsg")')) end) it('does not corrupt the command display #5422', function() local screen = Screen.new(70, 7) screen:attach() feed(':echo execute("hi ErrorMsg")') screen:expect([[ | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {2: }| | ErrorMsg xxx ctermfg=15 ctermbg=1 guifg=White guibg=Red | {3:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]], { [1] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, [2] = {bold = true, reverse = true}, [3] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SeaGreen4}, }) feed('') end) it('places cursor correctly #6035', function() local screen = Screen.new(40, 6) screen:attach() source([=[ " test 1: non-silenced output goes as usual function! Test1() echo 1234 let x = execute('echon "abcdef"', '') echon 'ABCD' endfunction " test 2: silenced output does not affect ui function! Test2() echo 1234 let x = execute('echon "abcdef"', 'silent') echon 'ABCD' endfunction " test 3: silenced! error does not affect ui function! Test3() echo 1234 let x = execute('echoerr "abcdef"', 'silent!') echon 'ABCDXZYZ' endfunction " test 4: silenced echoerr goes as usual " bug here function! Test4() echo 1234 let x = execute('echoerr "abcdef"', 'silent') echon 'ABCD' endfunction " test 5: silenced! echoerr does not affect ui function! Test5() echo 1234 let x = execute('echoerr "abcdef"', 'silent!') echon 'ABCD' endfunction " test 6: silenced error goes as usual function! Test6() echo 1234 let x = execute('echo undefined', 'silent') echon 'ABCD' endfunction " test 7: existing error does not mess the result function! Test7() " display from Test6() is still visible " why does the "abcdef" goes into a newline let x = execute('echon "abcdef"', '') echon 'ABCD' endfunction ]=]) feed([[:call Test1()]]) screen:expect([[ ^ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ABCD | ]]) feed([[:call Test2()]]) screen:expect([[ ^ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | 1234ABCD | ]]) feed([[:call Test3()]]) screen:expect([[ ^ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | 1234ABCDXZYZ | ]]) feed([[:call Test4()]]) -- unexpected: need to fix -- echoerr does not set did_emsg -- "ef" was overwritten since msg_col was recovered wrongly screen:expect([[ 1234 | Error detected while processing function| Test4: | line 2: | abcdABCD | Press ENTER or type command to continue^ | ]]) feed([[]]) -- to clear screen feed([[:call Test5()]]) screen:expect([[ ^ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | 1234ABCD | ]]) feed([[:call Test6()]]) screen:expect([[ | Error detected while processing function| Test6: | line 2: | E121ABCD | Press ENTER or type command to continue^ | ]]) feed([[:call Test7()]]) screen:expect([[ Error detected while processing function| Test6: | line 2: | E121ABCD | ABCD | Press ENTER or type command to continue^ | ]]) end) -- This deviates from vim behavior, but is consistent -- with how nvim currently displays the output. it('captures shell-command output', function() local win_lf = is_os('win') and '\13' or '' eq('\n:!echo foo\r\n\nfoo'..win_lf..'\n', funcs.execute('!echo foo')) end) describe('{silent} argument', function() it('captures & displays output for ""', function() local screen = Screen.new(40, 5) screen:attach() command('let g:mes = execute("echon 42", "")') screen:expect([[ ^ | ~ | ~ | ~ | 42 | ]]) eq('42', eval('g:mes')) end) it('captures but does not display output for "silent"', function() local screen = Screen.new(40, 5) screen:attach() command('let g:mes = execute("echon 42")') screen:expect([[ ^ | ~ | ~ | ~ | | ]]) eq('42', eval('g:mes')) command('let g:mes = execute("echon 13", "silent")') screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | ~ | ~ | ~ | | ]], unchanged=true} eq('13', eval('g:mes')) end) it('suppresses errors for "silent!"', function() eq(0, exc_exec('let g:mes = execute(0.0, "silent!")')) eq('', eval('g:mes')) eq(0, exc_exec('let g:mes = execute("echon add(1, 1)", "silent!")')) eq('1', eval('g:mes')) eq(0, exc_exec('let g:mes = execute(["echon 42", "echon add(1, 1)"], "silent!")')) eq('421', eval('g:mes')) end) it('propagates errors for "" and "silent"', function() local ret ret = exc_exec('call execute(0.0, "")') eq('Vim(call):E806: Using a Float as a String', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute(v:_null_dict, "silent")') eq('Vim(call):E731: Using a Dictionary as a String', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute("echo add(1, 1)", "")') eq('Vim(echo):E897: List or Blob required', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute(["echon 42", "echo add(1, 1)"], "")') eq('Vim(echo):E897: List or Blob required', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute("echo add(1, 1)", "silent")') eq('Vim(echo):E897: List or Blob required', ret) ret = exc_exec('call execute(["echon 42", "echo add(1, 1)"], "silent")') eq('Vim(echo):E897: List or Blob required', ret) end) end) end)