local lfs = require('lfs') local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local clear = helpers.clear local command = helpers.command local get_pathsep = helpers.get_pathsep local iswin = helpers.iswin local eq = helpers.eq local neq = helpers.neq local funcs = helpers.funcs local matches = helpers.matches local pesc = helpers.pesc local rmdir = helpers.rmdir local sleep = helpers.sleep local meths = helpers.meths local file_prefix = 'Xtest-functional-ex_cmds-mksession_spec' describe(':mksession', function() local session_file = file_prefix .. '.vim' local tab_dir = file_prefix .. '.d' before_each(function() clear() lfs.mkdir(tab_dir) end) after_each(function() os.remove(session_file) rmdir(tab_dir) end) it('restores same :terminal buf in splits', function() -- If the same :terminal is displayed in multiple windows, :mksession -- should restore it as such. -- Create three windows: first two from top show same terminal, third - -- another one (created earlier). command('terminal') command('split') command('terminal') command('split') command('mksession '..session_file) command('%bwipeout!') -- Create a new test instance of Nvim. clear() -- Restore session. command('source '..session_file) eq(funcs.winbufnr(1), funcs.winbufnr(2)) neq(funcs.winbufnr(1), funcs.winbufnr(3)) end) it('restores tab-local working directories', function() local tmpfile_base = file_prefix .. '-tmpfile' local cwd_dir = funcs.getcwd() -- :mksession does not save empty tabs, so create some buffers. command('edit ' .. tmpfile_base .. '1') command('tabnew') command('edit ' .. tmpfile_base .. '2') command('tcd ' .. tab_dir) command('tabfirst') command('mksession ' .. session_file) -- Create a new test instance of Nvim. clear() command('source ' .. session_file) -- First tab should have the original working directory. command('tabnext 1') eq(cwd_dir, funcs.getcwd()) -- Second tab should have the tab-local working directory. command('tabnext 2') eq(cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. tab_dir, funcs.getcwd()) end) it('restores buffers with tab-local CWD', function() local tmpfile_base = file_prefix .. '-tmpfile' local cwd_dir = funcs.getcwd() local session_path = cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. session_file command('edit ' .. tmpfile_base .. '1') command('tcd ' .. tab_dir) command('tabnew') command('edit ' .. cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. tmpfile_base .. '2') command('tabfirst') command('mksession ' .. session_path) -- Create a new test instance of Nvim. clear() -- Use :silent to avoid press-enter prompt due to long path command('silent source ' .. session_path) command('tabnext 1') eq(cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. tmpfile_base .. '1', funcs.expand('%:p')) command('tabnext 2') eq(cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. tmpfile_base .. '2', funcs.expand('%:p')) end) it('restores CWD for :terminal buffers #11288', function() local cwd_dir = funcs.fnamemodify('.', ':p:~'):gsub([[[\/]*$]], '') cwd_dir = cwd_dir:gsub([[\]], '/') -- :mksession always uses unix slashes. local session_path = cwd_dir..'/'..session_file command('cd '..tab_dir) command('terminal') command('cd '..cwd_dir) command('mksession '..session_path) command('%bwipeout!') if iswin() then sleep(100) -- Make sure all child processes have exited. end -- Create a new test instance of Nvim. clear() command('silent source '..session_path) local expected_cwd = cwd_dir..'/'..tab_dir matches('^term://'..pesc(expected_cwd)..'//%d+:', funcs.expand('%')) command('%bwipeout!') if iswin() then sleep(100) -- Make sure all child processes have exited. end end) it('restores CWD for :terminal buffer at root directory #16988', function() if iswin() then pending('N/A for Windows') return end local screen local cwd_dir = funcs.fnamemodify('.', ':p:~'):gsub([[[\/]*$]], '') local session_path = cwd_dir..'/'..session_file screen = Screen.new(50, 6) screen:attach({rgb=false}) local expected_screen = [[ ^/ | | [Process exited 0] | | | | ]] command('cd /') command('terminal echo $PWD') -- Verify that the terminal's working directory is "/". screen:expect(expected_screen) command('cd '..cwd_dir) command('mksession '..session_path) command('%bwipeout!') -- Create a new test instance of Nvim. clear() screen = Screen.new(50, 6) screen:attach({rgb=false}) command('silent source '..session_path) -- Verify that the terminal's working directory is "/". screen:expect(expected_screen) end) it('restores a session when there is a float #18432', function() local tmpfile = file_prefix .. '-tmpfile-float' command('edit ' .. tmpfile) local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true) local config = { relative = 'editor', focusable = false, width = 10, height = 3, row = 0, col = 1, style = 'minimal' } meths.open_win(buf, false, config) local cmdheight = meths.get_option('cmdheight') command('mksession ' .. session_file) -- Create a new test instance of Nvim. clear() command('source ' .. session_file) eq(tmpfile, funcs.expand('%')) -- Check that there is only a single window, which indicates the floating -- window was not restored. eq(1, funcs.winnr('$')) -- The command-line height should remain the same as it was. eq(cmdheight, meths.get_option('cmdheight')) os.remove(tmpfile) end) end)