" Tests for exiting Vim. source shared.vim source check.vim func Test_exiting() let after =<< trim [CODE] au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout") au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a") quit [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '') call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], readfile('Xtestout')) endif call delete('Xtestout') let after =<< trim [CODE] au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout") au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a") help wincmd w quit [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '') call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], readfile('Xtestout')) endif call delete('Xtestout') let after =<< trim [CODE] au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout") au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a") split new qall [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '') call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], readfile('Xtestout')) endif call delete('Xtestout') " ExitPre autocommand splits the window, so that it's no longer the last one. let after =<< trim [CODE] au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout", "a") au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a") augroup nasty au ExitPre * split augroup END quit augroup nasty au! ExitPre augroup END quit [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '') call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre', 'QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], \ readfile('Xtestout')) endif call delete('Xtestout') " ExitPre autocommand splits and closes the window, so that there is still " one window but it's a different one. let after =<< trim [CODE] au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout", "a") au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a") augroup nasty au ExitPre * split | only augroup END quit augroup nasty au! ExitPre augroup END quit [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '') call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre', 'QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], \ readfile('Xtestout')) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc " Test for getting the Vim exit code from v:exiting func Test_exit_code() call assert_equal(v:null, v:exiting) let before =<< trim [CODE] au QuitPre * call writefile(['qp = ' .. v:exiting], 'Xtestout', 'a') au ExitPre * call writefile(['ep = ' .. v:exiting], 'Xtestout', 'a') au VimLeavePre * call writefile(['lp = ' .. v:exiting], 'Xtestout', 'a') au VimLeave * call writefile(['l = ' .. v:exiting], 'Xtestout', 'a') [CODE] if RunVim(before, ['quit'], '') call assert_equal(['qp = v:null', 'ep = v:null', 'lp = 0', 'l = 0'], readfile('Xtestout')) endif call delete('Xtestout') if RunVim(before, ['cquit'], '') call assert_equal(['lp = 1', 'l = 1'], readfile('Xtestout')) endif call delete('Xtestout') if RunVim(before, ['cquit 4'], '') call assert_equal(['lp = 4', 'l = 4'], readfile('Xtestout')) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_exit_error_reading_input() throw 'Skipped: Nvim does not exit after stdin is read' CheckNotGui CheckNotMSWindows " The early exit causes memory not to be freed somehow CheckNotAsan call writefile([":au VimLeave * call writefile(['l = ' .. v:exiting], 'Xtestout')", ":tabnew", "q:"], 'Xscript', 'b') " Nvim requires "-s -" to read stdin as Normal mode input " if RunVim([], [], '