#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -o pipefail if [[ "${CI_TARGET}" == lint ]]; then python3 -m pip -q install --user --upgrade flake8 exit fi if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == osx ]]; then export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec:$PATH" fi # Use default CC to avoid compilation problems when installing Python modules. echo "Install neovim module for Python 3." CC=cc python3 -m pip -q install --upgrade pynvim echo "Install neovim module for Python 2." CC=cc python2 -m pip -q install --upgrade pynvim echo "Install neovim RubyGem." gem install --no-document --version ">= 0.8.0" neovim echo "Install neovim npm package" npm install -g neovim npm link neovim echo "Install tree-sitter npm package" # FIXME # https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/commit/e14e285a1087264a8c74a7c62fcaecc49db9d904 # If queries added to tree-sitter-c, we can use latest tree-sitter-cli npm install -g tree-sitter-cli@v0.15.9 echo "Install tree-sitter c parser" curl "https://codeload.github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-c/tar.gz/v0.15.2" -o tree_sitter_c.tar.gz tar xf tree_sitter_c.tar.gz cd tree-sitter-c-0.15.2 export TREE_SITTER_DIR=$HOME/tree-sitter-build/ mkdir -p "$TREE_SITTER_DIR/bin" if [[ "$BUILD_32BIT" != "ON" ]]; then # builds c parser in $HOME/tree-sitter-build/bin/c.(so|dylib) tree-sitter test else # no tree-sitter binary for 32bit linux, so fake it (no tree-sitter unit tests) cd src/ gcc -m32 -o "$TREE_SITTER_DIR/bin/c.so" -shared parser.c -I. fi test -f "$TREE_SITTER_DIR/bin/c.so"