local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local NIL = helpers.NIL local clear = helpers.clear local command = helpers.command local curbufmeths = helpers.curbufmeths local eq = helpers.eq local meths = helpers.meths local bufmeths = helpers.bufmeths local matches = helpers.matches local source = helpers.source local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local feed = helpers.feed local funcs = helpers.funcs describe('nvim_get_commands', function() local cmd_dict = { addr=NIL, bang=false, bar=false, complete=NIL, complete_arg=NIL, count=NIL, definition='echo "Hello World"', name='Hello', nargs='1', preview=false, range=NIL, register=false, keepscript=false, script_id=0, } local cmd_dict2 = { addr=NIL, bang=false, bar=false, complete=NIL, complete_arg=NIL, count=NIL, definition='pwd', name='Pwd', nargs='?', preview=false, range=NIL, register=false, keepscript=false, script_id=0, } before_each(clear) it('gets empty list if no commands were defined', function() eq({}, meths.get_commands({builtin=false})) end) it('validates input', function() eq('builtin=true not implemented', pcall_err(meths.get_commands, {builtin=true})) eq("Invalid key: 'foo'", pcall_err(meths.get_commands, {foo='blah'})) end) it('gets global user-defined commands', function() -- Define a command. command('command -nargs=1 Hello echo "Hello World"') eq({Hello=cmd_dict}, meths.get_commands({builtin=false})) -- Define another command. command('command -nargs=? Pwd pwd'); eq({Hello=cmd_dict, Pwd=cmd_dict2}, meths.get_commands({builtin=false})) -- Delete a command. command('delcommand Pwd') eq({Hello=cmd_dict}, meths.get_commands({builtin=false})) end) it('gets buffer-local user-defined commands', function() -- Define a buffer-local command. command('command -buffer -nargs=1 Hello echo "Hello World"') eq({Hello=cmd_dict}, curbufmeths.get_commands({builtin=false})) -- Define another buffer-local command. command('command -buffer -nargs=? Pwd pwd') eq({Hello=cmd_dict, Pwd=cmd_dict2}, curbufmeths.get_commands({builtin=false})) -- Delete a command. command('delcommand Pwd') eq({Hello=cmd_dict}, curbufmeths.get_commands({builtin=false})) -- {builtin=true} always returns empty for buffer-local case. eq({}, curbufmeths.get_commands({builtin=true})) end) it('gets various command attributes', function() local cmd0 = { addr='arguments', bang=false, bar=false, complete='dir', complete_arg=NIL, count='10', definition='pwd ', name='TestCmd', nargs='1', preview=false, range='10', register=false, keepscript=false, script_id=0, } local cmd1 = { addr=NIL, bang=false, bar=false, complete='custom', complete_arg='ListUsers', count=NIL, definition='!finger ', name='Finger', nargs='+', preview=false, range=NIL, register=false, keepscript=false, script_id=1, } local cmd2 = { addr=NIL, bang=true, bar=false, complete=NIL, complete_arg=NIL, count=NIL, definition='call \128\253R2_foo()', name='Cmd2', nargs='*', preview=false, range=NIL, register=false, keepscript=false, script_id=2, } local cmd3 = { addr=NIL, bang=false, bar=true, complete=NIL, complete_arg=NIL, count=NIL, definition='call \128\253R3_ohyeah()', name='Cmd3', nargs='0', preview=false, range=NIL, register=false, keepscript=false, script_id=3, } local cmd4 = { addr=NIL, bang=false, bar=false, complete=NIL, complete_arg=NIL, count=NIL, definition='call \128\253R4_just_great()', name='Cmd4', nargs='0', preview=false, range=NIL, register=true, keepscript=false, script_id=4, } source([[ let s:foo = 1 command -complete=custom,ListUsers -nargs=+ Finger !finger ]]) eq({Finger=cmd1}, meths.get_commands({builtin=false})) command('command -nargs=1 -complete=dir -addr=arguments -count=10 TestCmd pwd ') eq({Finger=cmd1, TestCmd=cmd0}, meths.get_commands({builtin=false})) source([[ function! s:foo() abort endfunction command -bang -nargs=* Cmd2 call foo() ]]) source([[ function! s:ohyeah() abort endfunction command -bar -nargs=0 Cmd3 call ohyeah() ]]) source([[ function! s:just_great() abort endfunction command -register Cmd4 call just_great() ]]) -- TODO(justinmk): Order is stable but undefined. Sort before return? eq({Cmd2=cmd2, Cmd3=cmd3, Cmd4=cmd4, Finger=cmd1, TestCmd=cmd0}, meths.get_commands({builtin=false})) end) end) describe('nvim_create_user_command', function() before_each(clear) it('works with strings', function() meths.create_user_command('SomeCommand', 'let g:command_fired = ', {nargs = 1}) meths.command('SomeCommand 42') eq(42, meths.eval('g:command_fired')) end) it('works with Lua functions', function() exec_lua [[ result = {} vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('CommandWithLuaCallback', function(opts) result = opts end, { nargs = "*", bang = true, count = 2, }) ]] eq({ args = [[this is a\ test]], fargs = {"this", "is", "a test"}, bang = false, line1 = 1, line2 = 1, mods = "", smods = { browse = false, confirm = false, emsg_silent = false, hide = false, keepalt = false, keepjumps = false, keepmarks = false, keeppatterns = false, lockmarks = false, noautocmd = false, noswapfile = false, sandbox = false, silent = false, split = "", tab = 0, verbose = -1, vertical = false, }, range = 0, count = 2, reg = "", }, exec_lua [=[ vim.api.nvim_command([[CommandWithLuaCallback this is a\ test]]) return result ]=]) eq({ args = [[this includes\ a backslash: \\]], fargs = {"this", "includes a", "backslash:", "\\"}, bang = false, line1 = 1, line2 = 1, mods = "", smods = { browse = false, confirm = false, emsg_silent = false, hide = false, keepalt = false, keepjumps = false, keepmarks = false, keeppatterns = false, lockmarks = false, noautocmd = false, noswapfile = false, sandbox = false, silent = false, split = "", tab = 0, verbose = -1, vertical = false, }, range = 0, count = 2, reg = "", }, exec_lua [=[ vim.api.nvim_command([[CommandWithLuaCallback this includes\ a backslash: \\]]) return result ]=]) eq({ args = "a\\b", fargs = {"a\\b"}, bang = false, line1 = 1, line2 = 1, mods = "", smods = { browse = false, confirm = false, emsg_silent = false, hide = false, keepalt = false, keepjumps = false, keepmarks = false, keeppatterns = false, lockmarks = false, noautocmd = false, noswapfile = false, sandbox = false, silent = false, split = "", tab = 0, verbose = -1, vertical = false, }, range = 0, count = 2, reg = "", }, exec_lua [=[ vim.api.nvim_command('CommandWithLuaCallback a\\b') return result ]=]) eq({ args = 'h\tey ', fargs = {[[h]], [[ey]]}, bang = true, line1 = 10, line2 = 10, mods = "botright", smods = { browse = false, confirm = false, emsg_silent = false, hide = false, keepalt = false, keepjumps = false, keepmarks = false, keeppatterns = false, lockmarks = false, noautocmd = false, noswapfile = false, sandbox = false, silent = false, split = "botright", tab = 0, verbose = -1, vertical = false, }, range = 1, count = 10, reg = "", }, exec_lua [=[ vim.api.nvim_command('botright 10CommandWithLuaCallback! h\tey ') return result ]=]) eq({ args = "h", fargs = {"h"}, bang = false, line1 = 1, line2 = 42, mods = "", smods = { browse = false, confirm = false, emsg_silent = false, hide = false, keepalt = false, keepjumps = false, keepmarks = false, keeppatterns = false, lockmarks = false, noautocmd = false, noswapfile = false, sandbox = false, silent = false, split = "", tab = 0, verbose = -1, vertical = false, }, range = 1, count = 42, reg = "", }, exec_lua [[ vim.api.nvim_command('CommandWithLuaCallback 42 h') return result ]]) eq({ args = "", fargs = {}, -- fargs works without args bang = false, line1 = 1, line2 = 1, mods = "", smods = { browse = false, confirm = false, emsg_silent = false, hide = false, keepalt = false, keepjumps = false, keepmarks = false, keeppatterns = false, lockmarks = false, noautocmd = false, noswapfile = false, sandbox = false, silent = false, split = "", tab = 0, verbose = -1, vertical = false, }, range = 0, count = 2, reg = "", }, exec_lua [[ vim.api.nvim_command('CommandWithLuaCallback') return result ]]) -- f-args doesn't split when command nargs is 1 or "?" exec_lua [[ result = {} vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('CommandWithOneArg', function(opts) result = opts end, { nargs = "?", bang = true, count = 2, }) ]] eq({ args = "hello I'm one argument", fargs = {"hello I'm one argument"}, -- Doesn't split args bang = false, line1 = 1, line2 = 1, mods = "", smods = { browse = false, confirm = false, emsg_silent = false, hide = false, keepalt = false, keepjumps = false, keepmarks = false, keeppatterns = false, lockmarks = false, noautocmd = false, noswapfile = false, sandbox = false, silent = false, split = "", tab = 0, verbose = -1, vertical = false, }, range = 0, count = 2, reg = "", }, exec_lua [[ vim.api.nvim_command('CommandWithOneArg hello I\'m one argument') return result ]]) end) it('can define buffer-local commands', function() local bufnr = meths.create_buf(false, false) bufmeths.create_user_command(bufnr, "Hello", "", {}) matches("Not an editor command: Hello", pcall_err(meths.command, "Hello")) meths.set_current_buf(bufnr) meths.command("Hello") assert_alive() end) it('can use a Lua complete function', function() exec_lua [[ vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Test', '', { nargs = "*", complete = function(arg, cmdline, pos) local options = {"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"} local t = {} for _, v in ipairs(options) do if string.find(v, "^" .. arg) then table.insert(t, v) end end return t end, }) ]] feed(':Test a') eq('Test aaa', funcs.getcmdline()) feed('Test b') eq('Test bbb', funcs.getcmdline()) end) it('does not allow invalid command names', function() matches("'name' must begin with an uppercase letter", pcall_err(exec_lua, [[ vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('test', 'echo "hi"', {}) ]])) matches('Invalid command name', pcall_err(exec_lua, [[ vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('t@', 'echo "hi"', {}) ]])) matches('Invalid command name', pcall_err(exec_lua, [[ vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('T@st', 'echo "hi"', {}) ]])) matches('Invalid command name', pcall_err(exec_lua, [[ vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Test!', 'echo "hi"', {}) ]])) matches('Invalid command name', pcall_err(exec_lua, [[ vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('💩', 'echo "hi"', {}) ]])) end) it('smods can be used with nvim_cmd', function() exec_lua[[ vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('MyEcho', function(opts) vim.api.nvim_cmd({ cmd = 'echo', args = { '&verbose' }, mods = opts.smods }, {}) end, {}) ]] eq("3", meths.cmd({ cmd = 'MyEcho', mods = { verbose = 3 } }, { output = true })) end) end) describe('nvim_del_user_command', function() before_each(clear) it('can delete global commands', function() meths.create_user_command('Hello', 'echo "Hi"', {}) meths.command('Hello') meths.del_user_command('Hello') matches("Not an editor command: Hello", pcall_err(meths.command, "Hello")) end) it('can delete buffer-local commands', function() bufmeths.create_user_command(0, 'Hello', 'echo "Hi"', {}) meths.command('Hello') bufmeths.del_user_command(0, 'Hello') matches("Not an editor command: Hello", pcall_err(meths.command, "Hello")) end) end)