let s:shell_error = 0 function! s:is_bad_response(s) abort return a:s =~? '\v(^unable)|(^error)|(^outdated)' endfunction function! s:trim(s) abort return substitute(a:s, '^\_s*\|\_s*$', '', 'g') endfunction " Convert '\' to '/'. Collapse '//' and '/./'. function! s:normalize_path(s) abort return substitute(substitute(a:s, '\', '/', 'g'), '/\./\|/\+', '/', 'g') endfunction " Returns TRUE if `cmd` exits with success, else FALSE. function! s:cmd_ok(cmd) abort call system(a:cmd) return v:shell_error == 0 endfunction " Simple version comparison. function! s:version_cmp(a, b) abort let a = split(a:a, '\.', 0) let b = split(a:b, '\.', 0) for i in range(len(a)) if str2nr(a[i]) > str2nr(b[i]) return 1 elseif str2nr(a[i]) < str2nr(b[i]) return -1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction " Handler for s:system() function. function! s:system_handler(jobid, data, event) dict abort if a:event ==# 'stderr' if self.add_stderr_to_output let self.output .= join(a:data, '') else let self.stderr .= join(a:data, '') endif elseif a:event ==# 'stdout' let self.output .= join(a:data, '') elseif a:event ==# 'exit' let s:shell_error = a:data endif endfunction " Attempts to construct a shell command from an args list. " Only for display, to help users debug a failed command. function! s:shellify(cmd) abort if type(a:cmd) != type([]) return a:cmd endif return join(map(copy(a:cmd), \'v:val =~# ''\m[^\-.a-zA-Z_/]'' ? shellescape(v:val) : v:val'), ' ') endfunction " Run a system command and timeout after 30 seconds. function! s:system(cmd, ...) abort let stdin = a:0 ? a:1 : '' let ignore_error = a:0 > 2 ? a:3 : 0 let opts = { \ 'add_stderr_to_output': a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : 0, \ 'output': '', \ 'stderr': '', \ 'on_stdout': function('s:system_handler'), \ 'on_stderr': function('s:system_handler'), \ 'on_exit': function('s:system_handler'), \ } let jobid = jobstart(a:cmd, opts) if jobid < 1 call health#report_error(printf('Command error (job=%d): `%s` (in %s)', \ jobid, s:shellify(a:cmd), string(getcwd()))) let s:shell_error = 1 return opts.output endif if !empty(stdin) call jobsend(jobid, stdin) endif let res = jobwait([jobid], 30000) if res[0] == -1 call health#report_error(printf('Command timed out: %s', s:shellify(a:cmd))) call jobstop(jobid) elseif s:shell_error != 0 && !ignore_error let emsg = printf("Command error (job=%d, exit code %d): `%s` (in %s)", \ jobid, s:shell_error, s:shellify(a:cmd), string(getcwd())) if !empty(opts.output) let emsg .= "\noutput: " . opts.output end if !empty(opts.stderr) let emsg .= "\nstderr: " . opts.stderr end call health#report_error(emsg) endif return opts.output endfunction function! s:systemlist(cmd, ...) abort let stdout = split(s:system(a:cmd, a:0 ? a:1 : ''), "\n") if a:0 > 1 && !empty(a:2) return filter(stdout, '!empty(v:val)') endif return stdout endfunction " Fetch the contents of a URL. function! s:download(url) abort let has_curl = executable('curl') if has_curl && system(['curl', '-V']) =~# 'Protocols:.*https' let rv = s:system(['curl', '-sL', a:url], '', 1, 1) return s:shell_error ? 'curl error with '.a:url.': '.s:shell_error : rv elseif executable('python') let script = " \try:\n \ from urllib.request import urlopen\n \except ImportError:\n \ from urllib2 import urlopen\n \\n \response = urlopen('".a:url."')\n \print(response.read().decode('utf8'))\n \" let rv = s:system(['python', '-c', script]) return empty(rv) && s:shell_error \ ? 'python urllib.request error: '.s:shell_error \ : rv endif return 'missing `curl` ' \ .(has_curl ? '(with HTTPS support) ' : '') \ .'and `python`, cannot make web request' endfunction " Check for clipboard tools. function! s:check_clipboard() abort call health#report_start('Clipboard (optional)') if !empty($TMUX) && executable('tmux') && executable('pbpaste') && !s:cmd_ok('pbpaste') let tmux_version = matchstr(system('tmux -V'), '\d\+\.\d\+') call health#report_error('pbcopy does not work with tmux version: '.tmux_version, \ ['Install tmux 2.6+. https://superuser.com/q/231130', \ 'or use tmux with reattach-to-user-namespace. https://superuser.com/a/413233']) endif let clipboard_tool = provider#clipboard#Executable() if exists('g:clipboard') && empty(clipboard_tool) call health#report_error( \ provider#clipboard#Error(), \ ["Use the example in :help g:clipboard as a template, or don't set g:clipboard at all."]) elseif empty(clipboard_tool) call health#report_warn( \ 'No clipboard tool found. Clipboard registers (`"+` and `"*`) will not work.', \ [':help clipboard']) else call health#report_ok('Clipboard tool found: '. clipboard_tool) endif endfunction " Get the latest Neovim Python client (pynvim) version from PyPI. function! s:latest_pypi_version() abort let pypi_version = 'unable to get pypi response' let pypi_response = s:download('https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pynvim/json') if !empty(pypi_response) try let pypi_data = json_decode(pypi_response) catch /E474/ return 'error: '.pypi_response endtry let pypi_version = get(get(pypi_data, 'info', {}), 'version', 'unable to parse') endif return pypi_version endfunction " Get version information using the specified interpreter. The interpreter is " used directly in case breaking changes were introduced since the last time " Neovim's Python client was updated. " " Returns: [ " {python executable version}, " {current nvim version}, " {current pypi nvim status}, " {installed version status} " ] function! s:version_info(python) abort let pypi_version = s:latest_pypi_version() let python_version = s:trim(s:system([ \ a:python, \ '-c', \ 'import sys; print(".".join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:3]))', \ ])) if empty(python_version) let python_version = 'unable to parse '.a:python.' response' endif let nvim_path = s:trim(s:system([ \ a:python, '-c', \ 'import sys; sys.path.remove(""); ' . \ 'import neovim; print(neovim.__file__)'])) if s:shell_error || empty(nvim_path) return [python_version, 'unable to load neovim Python module', pypi_version, \ nvim_path] endif " Assuming that multiple versions of a package are installed, sort them " numerically in descending order. function! s:compare(metapath1, metapath2) abort let a = matchstr(fnamemodify(a:metapath1, ':p:h:t'), '[0-9.]\+') let b = matchstr(fnamemodify(a:metapath2, ':p:h:t'), '[0-9.]\+') return a == b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1 endfunction " Try to get neovim.VERSION (added in 0.1.11dev). let nvim_version = s:system([a:python, '-c', \ 'from neovim import VERSION as v; '. \ 'print("{}.{}.{}{}".format(v.major, v.minor, v.patch, v.prerelease))'], \ '', 1, 1) if empty(nvim_version) let nvim_version = 'unable to find neovim Python module version' let base = fnamemodify(nvim_path, ':h') let metas = glob(base.'-*/METADATA', 1, 1) \ + glob(base.'-*/PKG-INFO', 1, 1) \ + glob(base.'.egg-info/PKG-INFO', 1, 1) let metas = sort(metas, 's:compare') if !empty(metas) for meta_line in readfile(metas[0]) if meta_line =~# '^Version:' let nvim_version = matchstr(meta_line, '^Version: \zs\S\+') break endif endfor endif endif let nvim_path_base = fnamemodify(nvim_path, ':~:h') let version_status = 'unknown; '.nvim_path_base if !s:is_bad_response(nvim_version) && !s:is_bad_response(pypi_version) if s:version_cmp(nvim_version, pypi_version) == -1 let version_status = 'outdated; from '.nvim_path_base else let version_status = 'up to date' endif endif return [python_version, nvim_version, pypi_version, version_status] endfunction " Check the Python interpreter's usability. function! s:check_bin(bin) abort if !filereadable(a:bin) && (!has('win32') || !filereadable(a:bin.'.exe')) call health#report_error(printf('"%s" was not found.', a:bin)) return 0 elseif executable(a:bin) != 1 call health#report_error(printf('"%s" is not executable.', a:bin)) return 0 endif return 1 endfunction function! s:check_python(version) abort call health#report_start('Python ' . a:version . ' provider (optional)') let pyname = 'python'.(a:version == 2 ? '' : '3') let python_exe = '' let venv = exists('$VIRTUAL_ENV') ? resolve($VIRTUAL_ENV) : '' let host_prog_var = pyname.'_host_prog' let loaded_var = 'g:loaded_'.pyname.'_provider' let python_multiple = [] if exists(loaded_var) && !exists('*provider#'.pyname.'#Call') let v = eval(loaded_var) call health#report_info('Disabled ('.loaded_var.'='.v.').'.(0 is v ? '' : ' This might be due to some previous error.')) if 0 is v return endif endif let [pyenv, pyenv_root] = s:check_for_pyenv() if exists('g:'.host_prog_var) call health#report_info(printf('Using: g:%s = "%s"', host_prog_var, get(g:, host_prog_var))) endif let [pyname, pythonx_errors] = provider#pythonx#Detect(a:version) if empty(pyname) call health#report_warn('No Python executable found that can `import neovim`. ' \ . 'Using the first available executable for diagnostics.') elseif exists('g:'.host_prog_var) let python_exe = pyname endif " No Python executable could `import neovim`. if !empty(pythonx_errors) call health#report_error('Python provider error:', pythonx_errors) elseif !empty(pyname) && empty(python_exe) if !exists('g:'.host_prog_var) call health#report_info(printf('`g:%s` is not set. Searching for ' \ . '%s in the environment.', host_prog_var, pyname)) endif if !empty(pyenv) let python_exe = s:trim(s:system([pyenv, 'which', pyname], '', 1)) if empty(python_exe) call health#report_warn(printf('pyenv could not find %s.', pyname)) endif endif if empty(python_exe) let python_exe = exepath(pyname) if exists('$PATH') for path in split($PATH, has('win32') ? ';' : ':') let path_bin = s:normalize_path(path.'/'.pyname) if path_bin != s:normalize_path(python_exe) \ && index(python_multiple, path_bin) == -1 \ && executable(path_bin) call add(python_multiple, path_bin) endif endfor if len(python_multiple) " This is worth noting since the user may install something " that changes $PATH, like homebrew. call health#report_info(printf('Multiple %s executables found. ' \ . 'Set `g:%s` to avoid surprises.', pyname, host_prog_var)) endif if python_exe =~# '\' call health#report_warn(printf('`%s` appears to be a pyenv shim.', python_exe), [ \ '`pyenv` is not in $PATH, your pyenv installation is broken. ' \ .'Set `g:'.host_prog_var.'` to avoid surprises.', \ ]) endif endif endif endif if !empty(python_exe) && !exists('g:'.host_prog_var) if empty(venv) && !empty(pyenv) \ && !empty(pyenv_root) && resolve(python_exe) !~# '^'.pyenv_root.'/' call health#report_warn('pyenv is not set up optimally.', [ \ printf('Create a virtualenv specifically ' \ . 'for Neovim using pyenv, and set `g:%s`. This will avoid ' \ . 'the need to install the pynvim module in each ' \ . 'version/virtualenv.', host_prog_var) \ ]) elseif !empty(venv) if !empty(pyenv_root) let venv_root = pyenv_root else let venv_root = fnamemodify(venv, ':h') endif if resolve(python_exe) !~# '^'.venv_root.'/' call health#report_warn('Your virtualenv is not set up optimally.', [ \ printf('Create a virtualenv specifically ' \ . 'for Neovim and use `g:%s`. This will avoid ' \ . 'the need to install the pynvim module in each ' \ . 'virtualenv.', host_prog_var) \ ]) endif endif endif if empty(python_exe) && !empty(pyname) " An error message should have already printed. call health#report_error(printf('`%s` was not found.', pyname)) elseif !empty(python_exe) && !s:check_bin(python_exe) let python_exe = '' endif " Check if $VIRTUAL_ENV is valid. if exists('$VIRTUAL_ENV') && !empty(python_exe) if $VIRTUAL_ENV ==# matchstr(python_exe, '^\V'.$VIRTUAL_ENV) call health#report_info('$VIRTUAL_ENV matches executable') else call health#report_warn( \ '$VIRTUAL_ENV exists but appears to be inactive. ' \ . 'This could lead to unexpected results.', \ [ 'If you are using Zsh, see: http://vi.stackexchange.com/a/7654' ]) endif endif " Diagnostic output call health#report_info('Executable: ' . (empty(python_exe) ? 'Not found' : python_exe)) if len(python_multiple) for path_bin in python_multiple call health#report_info('Other python executable: ' . path_bin) endfor endif let pip = 'pip' . (a:version == 2 ? '' : '3') if empty(python_exe) " No Python executable can import 'neovim'. Check if any Python executable " can import 'pynvim'. If so, that Python failed to import 'neovim' as " well, which is most probably due to a failed pip upgrade: " https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Following-HEAD#20181118 let [pynvim_exe, errors] = provider#pythonx#DetectByModule('pynvim', a:version) if !empty(pynvim_exe) call health#report_error( \ 'Detected pip upgrade failure: Python executable can import "pynvim" but ' \ . 'not "neovim": '. pynvim_exe, \ "Use that Python version to reinstall \"pynvim\" and optionally \"neovim\".\n" \ . pip ." uninstall pynvim neovim\n" \ . pip ." install pynvim\n" \ . pip ." install neovim # only if needed by third-party software") endif else let [pyversion, current, latest, status] = s:version_info(python_exe) if a:version != str2nr(pyversion) call health#report_warn('Unexpected Python version.' . \ ' This could lead to confusing error messages.') endif if a:version == 3 && str2float(pyversion) < 3.3 call health#report_warn('Python 3.3+ is recommended.') endif call health#report_info('Python version: ' . pyversion) if s:is_bad_response(status) call health#report_info(printf('pynvim version: %s (%s)', current, status)) else call health#report_info(printf('pynvim version: %s', current)) endif if s:is_bad_response(current) call health#report_error( \ "pynvim is not installed.\nError: ".current, \ ['Run in shell: '. pip .' install pynvim']) endif if s:is_bad_response(latest) call health#report_warn('Could not contact PyPI to get latest version.') call health#report_error('HTTP request failed: '.latest) elseif s:is_bad_response(status) call health#report_warn(printf('Latest pynvim is NOT installed: %s', latest)) elseif !s:is_bad_response(current) call health#report_ok(printf('Latest pynvim is installed.')) endif endif endfunction " Check if pyenv is available and a valid pyenv root can be found, then return " their respective paths. If either of those is invalid, return two empty " strings, effectivly ignoring pyenv. function! s:check_for_pyenv() abort let pyenv_path = resolve(exepath('pyenv')) if empty(pyenv_path) return ['', ''] endif call health#report_info('pyenv: Path: '. pyenv_path) let pyenv_root = exists('$PYENV_ROOT') ? resolve($PYENV_ROOT) : '' if empty(pyenv_root) let pyenv_root = s:trim(s:system([pyenv_path, 'root'])) call health#report_info('pyenv: $PYENV_ROOT is not set. Infer from `pyenv root`.') endif if !isdirectory(pyenv_root) call health#report_warn( \ printf('pyenv: Root does not exist: %s. ' \ . 'Ignoring pyenv for all following checks.', pyenv_root)) return ['', ''] endif call health#report_info('pyenv: Root: '.pyenv_root) return [pyenv_path, pyenv_root] endfunction function! s:check_ruby() abort call health#report_start('Ruby provider (optional)') let loaded_var = 'g:loaded_ruby_provider' if exists(loaded_var) && !exists('*provider#ruby#Call') call health#report_info('Disabled. '.loaded_var.'='.eval(loaded_var)) return endif if !executable('ruby') || !executable('gem') call health#report_warn( \ '`ruby` and `gem` must be in $PATH.', \ ['Install Ruby and verify that `ruby` and `gem` commands work.']) return endif call health#report_info('Ruby: '. s:system('ruby -v')) let host = provider#ruby#Detect() if empty(host) call health#report_warn('`neovim-ruby-host` not found.', \ ['Run `gem install neovim` to ensure the neovim RubyGem is installed.', \ 'Run `gem environment` to ensure the gem bin directory is in $PATH.', \ 'If you are using rvm/rbenv/chruby, try "rehashing".', \ 'See :help g:ruby_host_prog for non-standard gem installations.']) return endif call health#report_info('Host: '. host) let latest_gem_cmd = has('win32') ? 'cmd /c gem list -ra ^^neovim$' : 'gem list -ra ^neovim$' let latest_gem = s:system(split(latest_gem_cmd)) if s:shell_error || empty(latest_gem) call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. latest_gem_cmd, \ ["Make sure you're connected to the internet.", \ 'Are you behind a firewall or proxy?']) return endif let latest_gem = get(split(latest_gem, 'neovim (\|, \|)$' ), 1, 'not found') let current_gem_cmd = host .' --version' let current_gem = s:system(current_gem_cmd) if s:shell_error call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. current_gem_cmd, \ ['Report this issue with the output of: ', current_gem_cmd]) return endif if s:version_cmp(current_gem, latest_gem) == -1 call health#report_warn( \ printf('Gem "neovim" is out-of-date. Installed: %s, latest: %s', \ current_gem, latest_gem), \ ['Run in shell: gem update neovim']) else call health#report_ok('Latest "neovim" gem is installed: '. current_gem) endif endfunction function! s:check_node() abort call health#report_start('Node.js provider (optional)') let loaded_var = 'g:loaded_node_provider' if exists(loaded_var) && !exists('*provider#node#Call') call health#report_info('Disabled. '.loaded_var.'='.eval(loaded_var)) return endif if !executable('node') || (!executable('npm') && !executable('yarn')) call health#report_warn( \ '`node` and `npm` (or `yarn`) must be in $PATH.', \ ['Install Node.js and verify that `node` and `npm` (or `yarn`) commands work.']) return endif let node_v = get(split(s:system('node -v'), "\n"), 0, '') call health#report_info('Node.js: '. node_v) if !s:shell_error && s:version_cmp(node_v[1:], '6.0.0') < 0 call health#report_warn('Neovim node.js host does not support '.node_v) " Skip further checks, they are nonsense if nodejs is too old. return endif if !provider#node#can_inspect() call health#report_warn('node.js on this system does not support --inspect-brk so $NVIM_NODE_HOST_DEBUG is ignored.') endif let host = provider#node#Detect() if empty(host) call health#report_warn('Missing "neovim" npm (or yarn) package.', \ ['Run in shell: npm install -g neovim', \ 'Run in shell (if you use yarn): yarn global add neovim']) return endif call health#report_info('Neovim node.js host: '. host) let manager = executable('npm') ? 'npm' : 'yarn' let latest_npm_cmd = has('win32') ? \ 'cmd /c '. manager .' info neovim --json' : \ manager .' info neovim --json' let latest_npm = s:system(split(latest_npm_cmd)) if s:shell_error || empty(latest_npm) call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. latest_npm_cmd, \ ["Make sure you're connected to the internet.", \ 'Are you behind a firewall or proxy?']) return endif if !empty(latest_npm) try let pkg_data = json_decode(latest_npm) catch /E474/ return 'error: '.latest_npm endtry let latest_npm = get(get(pkg_data, 'dist-tags', {}), 'latest', 'unable to parse') endif let current_npm_cmd = ['node', host, '--version'] let current_npm = s:system(current_npm_cmd) if s:shell_error call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. string(current_npm_cmd), \ ['Report this issue with the output of: ', string(current_npm_cmd)]) return endif if s:version_cmp(current_npm, latest_npm) == -1 call health#report_warn( \ printf('Package "neovim" is out-of-date. Installed: %s, latest: %s', \ current_npm, latest_npm), \ ['Run in shell: npm install -g neovim', \ 'Run in shell (if you use yarn): yarn global add neovim']) else call health#report_ok('Latest "neovim" npm/yarn package is installed: '. current_npm) endif endfunction function! health#provider#check() abort call s:check_clipboard() call s:check_python(2) call s:check_python(3) call s:check_ruby() call s:check_node() endfunction