# - Try to find luv # Once done this will define # LIBLUV_FOUND - System has libluv # LIBLUV_INCLUDE_DIRS - The libluv include directories # LIBLUV_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use libluv find_path(LIBLUV_INCLUDE_DIR luv/luv.h PATHS ${PC_LIBLUV_INCLUDEDIR} ${PC_LIBLUV_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${LIMIT_SEARCH}) # If we're asked to use static linkage, add libluv.a as a preferred library name. if(LIBLUV_USE_STATIC) list(APPEND LIBLUV_NAMES "${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}luv${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") endif() list(APPEND LIBLUV_NAMES luv) find_library(LIBLUV_LIBRARY NAMES ${LIBLUV_NAMES} HINTS ${PC_LIBLUV_LIBDIR} ${PC_LIBLUV_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LIMIT_SEARCH}) set(LIBLUV_LIBRARIES ${LIBLUV_LIBRARY}) set(LIBLUV_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBLUV_INCLUDE_DIR}) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set LIBLUV_FOUND to TRUE # if all listed variables are TRUE find_package_handle_standard_args(LibLUV DEFAULT_MSG LIBLUV_LIBRARY LIBLUV_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(LIBLUV_INCLUDE_DIR LIBLUV_LIBRARY)