local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local clear, feed, eq = helpers.clear, helpers.feed, helpers.eq local command = helpers.command local feed_command = helpers.feed_command local insert = helpers.insert local fn = helpers.fn local api = helpers.api local exec = helpers.exec local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local content1 = [[ This is a valid English sentence composed by an exhausted developer in his cave. ]] describe('folded lines', function() before_each(function() clear() command('hi VertSplit gui=reverse') end) local function with_ext_multigrid(multigrid) local screen before_each(function() screen = Screen.new(45, 8) screen:attach({ rgb = true, ext_multigrid = multigrid }) screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, [2] = { reverse = true }, [3] = { bold = true, reverse = true }, [4] = { foreground = Screen.colors.White, background = Screen.colors.Red }, [5] = { foreground = Screen.colors.DarkBlue, background = Screen.colors.LightGrey }, [6] = { background = Screen.colors.Yellow }, [7] = { foreground = Screen.colors.DarkBlue, background = Screen.colors.WebGray }, [8] = { foreground = Screen.colors.Brown }, [9] = { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Brown }, [10] = { background = Screen.colors.LightGrey, underline = true }, [11] = { bold = true }, [12] = { foreground = Screen.colors.Red }, [13] = { foreground = Screen.colors.Red, background = Screen.colors.LightGrey }, [14] = { background = Screen.colors.Red }, [15] = { foreground = Screen.colors.DarkBlue, background = Screen.colors.Red }, [16] = { foreground = Screen.colors.Black, background = Screen.colors.LightGrey }, [17] = { background = Screen.colors.Yellow, foreground = Screen.colors.Red }, [18] = { background = Screen.colors.LightGrey, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue, }, [19] = { background = Screen.colors.Yellow, foreground = Screen.colors.DarkBlue }, [20] = { background = Screen.colors.Red, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue }, }) end) it('with more than one signcolumn', function() command('set signcolumn=yes:9') feed('i') feed('vkzf') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: }{5:^+-- 2 lines: ·············}| {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: }{5:^+-- 2 lines: ·············}| {1:~ }|*6 | ]]) end end) local function test_folded_cursorline(foldtext) if not foldtext then command('set foldtext=') end command('set number cursorline foldcolumn=2') command('hi link CursorLineFold Search') insert(content1) feed('ggzf3jj') if multigrid then if foldtext then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+ }{8: 1 }{5:+-- 4 lines: This is a················}| {6: }{9: 5 }{12:^in his cave. }| {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+ }{8: 1 }{5:This is a······························}| {6: }{9: 5 }{12:^in his cave. }| {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) end else if foldtext then screen:expect([[ {7:+ }{8: 1 }{5:+-- 4 lines: This is a················}| {6: }{9: 5 }{12:^in his cave. }| {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7:+ }{8: 1 }{5:This is a······························}| {6: }{9: 5 }{12:^in his cave. }| {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end end feed('k') if multigrid then if foldtext then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {6:+ }{9: 1 }{13:^+-- 4 lines: This is a················}| {7: }{8: 5 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {6:+ }{9: 1 }{13:^This is a······························}| {7: }{8: 5 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) end else if foldtext then screen:expect([[ {6:+ }{9: 1 }{13:^+-- 4 lines: This is a················}| {7: }{8: 5 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {6:+ }{9: 1 }{13:^This is a······························}| {7: }{8: 5 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end end -- CursorLine is applied correctly with screenrow motions #22232 feed('jgk') screen:expect_unchanged() -- CursorLine is applied correctly when closing a fold when cursor is not at fold start feed('zo4Gzc') screen:expect_unchanged() command('set cursorlineopt=line') if multigrid then if foldtext then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+ }{8: 1 }{13:^+-- 4 lines: This is a················}| {7: }{8: 5 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+ }{8: 1 }{13:^This is a······························}| {7: }{8: 5 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) end else if foldtext then screen:expect([[ {7:+ }{8: 1 }{13:^+-- 4 lines: This is a················}| {7: }{8: 5 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7:+ }{8: 1 }{13:^This is a······························}| {7: }{8: 5 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end end command('set relativenumber cursorlineopt=number') if multigrid then if foldtext then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {6:+ }{9:1 }{5:^+-- 4 lines: This is a················}| {7: }{8: 1 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 2 } | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {6:+ }{9:1 }{5:^This is a······························}| {7: }{8: 1 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 2 } | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) end else if foldtext then screen:expect([[ {6:+ }{9:1 }{5:^+-- 4 lines: This is a················}| {7: }{8: 1 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 2 } | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {6:+ }{9:1 }{5:^This is a······························}| {7: }{8: 1 }in his cave. | {7: }{8: 2 } | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end end end describe("when 'cursorline' is set", function() local function cursorline_tests(foldtext) local sfx = not foldtext and ' (transparent foldtext)' or '' it('with high-priority CursorLine' .. sfx, function() command('hi! CursorLine guibg=NONE guifg=Red gui=NONE') test_folded_cursorline(foldtext) end) it('with low-priority CursorLine' .. sfx, function() command('hi! CursorLine guibg=NONE guifg=NONE gui=underline') local attrs = screen:get_default_attr_ids() attrs[12] = { underline = true } attrs[13] = { foreground = Screen.colors.DarkBlue, background = Screen.colors.LightGrey, underline = true, } screen:set_default_attr_ids(attrs) test_folded_cursorline(foldtext) end) end cursorline_tests(true) cursorline_tests(false) end) it('with spell', function() command('set spell') insert(content1) feed('gg') feed('zf3j') if not multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ {5:^+-- 4 lines: This is a······················}| in his cave. | | {1:~ }|*4 | ]], } end end) it('with matches', function() insert(content1) command('highlight MyWord gui=bold guibg=red guifg=white') command("call matchadd('MyWord', '\\V' . 'test', -1)") feed('gg') feed('zf3j') if not multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ {5:^+-- 4 lines: This is a······················}| in his cave. | | {1:~ }|*4 | ]], } end end) it('with multibyte fillchars', function() insert([[ aa bb cc dd ee ff]]) command('set fillchars+=foldopen:▾,foldsep:│,foldclose:▸') feed_command('1') command('set foldcolumn=2') feed('zf4j') feed('zf2j') feed('zO') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:▾▾}^aa | {7:││}bb | {7:││}cc | {7:││}dd | {7:││}ee | {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }| ## grid 3 :1 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7:▾▾}^aa | {7:││}bb | {7:││}cc | {7:││}dd | {7:││}ee | {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }| :1 | ]]) end feed_command('set rightleft') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 a^a{7:▾▾}| bb{7:││}| cc{7:││}| dd{7:││}| ee{7:││}| ff{7: │}| {1: ~}| ## grid 3 :set rightleft | ]]) else screen:expect([[ a^a{7:▾▾}| bb{7:││}| cc{7:││}| dd{7:││}| ee{7:││}| ff{7: │}| {1: ~}| :set rightleft | ]]) end feed_command('set norightleft') if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 0, 1) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:▾▸}{5:^+--- 5 lines: aa··························}| {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }|*5 ## grid 3 :set norightleft | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 0, 1) screen:expect([[ {7:▾▸}{5:^+--- 5 lines: aa··························}| {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }|*5 :set norightleft | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:▸ }{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa···························}| {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 :set norightleft | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ {7:▸ }{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa···························}| {1:~ }|*6 :set norightleft | ]]) end -- Add a winbar to avoid double-clicks command('setlocal winbar=!!!!!!') if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {11:!!!!!! }| {7:▾▸}{5:^+--- 5 lines: aa··························}| {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 :set norightleft | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ {11:!!!!!! }| {7:▾▸}{5:^+--- 5 lines: aa··························}| {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }|*4 :set norightleft | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 1, 1) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {11:!!!!!! }| {7:▾▾}^aa | {7:││}bb | {7:││}cc | {7:││}dd | {7:││}ee | {7:│ }ff | ## grid 3 :set norightleft | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 1, 1) screen:expect([[ {11:!!!!!! }| {7:▾▾}^aa | {7:││}bb | {7:││}cc | {7:││}dd | {7:││}ee | {7:│ }ff | :set norightleft | ]]) end end) it('with split', function() insert([[ aa bb cc dd ee ff]]) feed_command('2') command('set foldcolumn=1') feed('zf3j') feed_command('1') feed('zf2j') feed('zO') feed_command('rightbelow new') insert([[ aa bb cc dd ee ff]]) feed_command('2') command('set foldcolumn=1') feed('zf3j') feed_command('1') feed('zf2j') if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*2 {2:[No Name] [+] }| [4:---------------------------------------------]|*3 {3:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | ## grid 3 :1 | ## grid 4 {7:-}^aa | {7:+}{5:+--- 4 lines: bb···························}| {7:│}ff | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 3, 0) screen:expect([[ {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {2:[No Name] [+] }| {7:-}^aa | {7:+}{5:+--- 4 lines: bb···························}| {7:│}ff | {3:[No Name] [+] }| :1 | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*2 {2:[No Name] [+] }| [4:---------------------------------------------]|*3 {3:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | ## grid 3 :1 | ## grid 4 {7:-}^aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 4, 0) screen:expect([[ {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {2:[No Name] [+] }| {7:-}^aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | {3:[No Name] [+] }| :1 | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*2 {3:[No Name] [+] }| [4:---------------------------------------------]|*3 {2:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:-}aa | {7:+}{5:^+--- 4 lines: bb···························}| ## grid 3 :1 | ## grid 4 {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ {7:-}aa | {7:+}{5:^+--- 4 lines: bb···························}| {3:[No Name] [+] }| {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | {2:[No Name] [+] }| :1 | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*2 {3:[No Name] [+] }| [4:---------------------------------------------]|*3 {2:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+}{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa····························}| {1:~ }| ## grid 3 :1 | ## grid 4 {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ {7:+}{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa····························}| {1:~ }| {3:[No Name] [+] }| {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | {2:[No Name] [+] }| :1 | ]]) end end) it('with vsplit', function() insert([[ aa bb cc dd ee ff]]) feed_command('2') command('set foldcolumn=1') feed('zf3j') feed_command('1') feed('zf2j') feed('zO') feed_command('rightbelow vnew') insert([[ aa bb cc dd ee ff]]) feed_command('2') command('set foldcolumn=1') feed('zf3j') feed_command('1') feed('zf2j') if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------]{2:│}[4:----------------------]|*6 {2:[No Name] [+] }{3:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | {7:2}dd | {7:2}ee | {7:│}ff | ## grid 3 :1 | ## grid 4 {7:-}^aa | {7:+}{5:+--- 4 lines: bb····}| {7:│}ff | {1:~ }|*3 ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 0, 23) screen:expect([[ {7:-}aa {2:│}{7:-}^aa | {7:-}bb {2:│}{7:+}{5:+--- 4 lines: bb····}| {7:2}cc {2:│}{7:│}ff | {7:2}dd {2:│}{1:~ }| {7:2}ee {2:│}{1:~ }| {7:│}ff {2:│}{1:~ }| {2:[No Name] [+] }{3:[No Name] [+] }| :1 | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------]{2:│}[4:----------------------]|*6 {2:[No Name] [+] }{3:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | {7:2}dd | {7:2}ee | {7:│}ff | ## grid 3 :1 | ## grid 4 {7:-}^aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | {7:2}dd | {7:2}ee | {7:│}ff | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 1, 23) screen:expect([[ {7:-}aa {2:│}{7:-}^aa | {7:-}bb {2:│}{7:-}bb | {7:2}cc {2:│}{7:2}cc | {7:2}dd {2:│}{7:2}dd | {7:2}ee {2:│}{7:2}ee | {7:│}ff {2:│}{7:│}ff | {2:[No Name] [+] }{3:[No Name] [+] }| :1 | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------]{2:│}[4:----------------------]|*6 {3:[No Name] [+] }{2:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:-}aa | {7:+}{5:^+--- 4 lines: bb····}| {7:│}ff | {1:~ }|*3 ## grid 3 :1 | ## grid 4 {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | {7:2}dd | {7:2}ee | {7:│}ff | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ {7:-}aa {2:│}{7:-}aa | {7:+}{5:^+--- 4 lines: bb····}{2:│}{7:-}bb | {7:│}ff {2:│}{7:2}cc | {1:~ }{2:│}{7:2}dd | {1:~ }{2:│}{7:2}ee | {1:~ }{2:│}{7:│}ff | {3:[No Name] [+] }{2:[No Name] [+] }| :1 | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------]{2:│}[4:----------------------]|*6 {3:[No Name] [+] }{2:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+}{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa·····}| {1:~ }|*5 ## grid 3 :1 | ## grid 4 {7:-}aa | {7:-}bb | {7:2}cc | {7:2}dd | {7:2}ee | {7:│}ff | ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ {7:+}{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa·····}{2:│}{7:-}aa | {1:~ }{2:│}{7:-}bb | {1:~ }{2:│}{7:2}cc | {1:~ }{2:│}{7:2}dd | {1:~ }{2:│}{7:2}ee | {1:~ }{2:│}{7:│}ff | {3:[No Name] [+] }{2:[No Name] [+] }| :1 | ]]) end end) it('with tabpages', function() insert([[ aa bb cc dd ee ff]]) feed_command('2') command('set foldcolumn=2') feed('zf3j') feed_command('1') feed('zf2j') feed('zO') feed_command('tab split') if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 1, 1) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 {10: + [No Name] }{11: + [No Name] }{2: }{10:X}| [4:---------------------------------------------]|*6 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 (hidden) {7:- }aa | {7:│-}bb | {7:││}cc | {7:││}dd | {7:││}ee | {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }| ## grid 3 :tab split | ## grid 4 {7:- }^aa | {7:│+}{5:+--- 4 lines: bb··························}| {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }|*3 ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 1) screen:expect([[ {10: + [No Name] }{11: + [No Name] }{2: }{10:X}| {7:- }^aa | {7:│+}{5:+--- 4 lines: bb··························}| {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }|*3 :tab split | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 {10: + [No Name] }{11: + [No Name] }{2: }{10:X}| [4:---------------------------------------------]|*6 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 (hidden) {7:- }aa | {7:│-}bb | {7:││}cc | {7:││}dd | {7:││}ee | {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }| ## grid 3 :tab split | ## grid 4 {7:+ }{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa···························}| {1:~ }|*5 ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ {10: + [No Name] }{11: + [No Name] }{2: }{10:X}| {7:+ }{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa···························}| {1:~ }|*5 :tab split | ]]) end feed_command('tabnext') if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 1, 1) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 {11: + [No Name] }{10: + [No Name] }{2: }{10:X}| [2:---------------------------------------------]|*6 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:- }^aa | {7:│+}{5:+--- 4 lines: bb··························}| {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }|*3 ## grid 3 :tabnext | ## grid 4 (hidden) {7:+ }{5:+-- 6 lines: aa···························}| {1:~ }|*5 ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 1) screen:expect([[ {11: + [No Name] }{10: + [No Name] }{2: }{10:X}| {7:- }^aa | {7:│+}{5:+--- 4 lines: bb··························}| {7:│ }ff | {1:~ }|*3 :tabnext | ]]) end if multigrid then api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 {11: + [No Name] }{10: + [No Name] }{2: }{10:X}| [2:---------------------------------------------]|*6 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+ }{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa···························}| {1:~ }|*5 ## grid 3 :tabnext | ## grid 4 (hidden) {7:+ }{5:+-- 6 lines: aa···························}| {1:~ }|*5 ]]) else api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 1, 0) screen:expect([[ {11: + [No Name] }{10: + [No Name] }{2: }{10:X}| {7:+ }{5:^+-- 6 lines: aa···························}| {1:~ }|*5 :tabnext | ]]) end end) it('with multibyte text', function() eq(true, api.nvim_get_option_value('arabicshape', {})) insert([[ å 语 x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢͟ العَرَبِيَّة möre text]]) if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 å 语 x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ ﺎﻠﻋَﺮَﺒِﻳَّﺓ | möre tex^t | {1:~ }|*5 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ å 语 x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ ﺎﻠﻋَﺮَﺒِﻳَّﺓ | möre tex^t | {1:~ }|*5 | ]]) end feed('vkzf') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:^+-- 2 lines: å 语 x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ ﺎﻠﻋَﺮَﺒِﻳَّﺓ·················}| {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {5:^+-- 2 lines: å 语 x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ ﺎﻠﻋَﺮَﺒِﻳَّﺓ·················}| {1:~ }|*6 | ]]) end feed_command('set noarabicshape') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:^+-- 2 lines: å 语 x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ العَرَبِيَّة·················}| {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 :set noarabicshape | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {5:^+-- 2 lines: å 语 x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ العَرَبِيَّة·················}| {1:~ }|*6 :set noarabicshape | ]]) end feed_command('set number foldcolumn=2') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+ }{8: 1 }{5:^+-- 2 lines: å 语 x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ العَرَبِيَّة···········}| {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 :set number foldcolumn=2 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7:+ }{8: 1 }{5:^+-- 2 lines: å 语 x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ العَرَبِيَّة···········}| {1:~ }|*6 :set number foldcolumn=2 | ]]) end -- Note: too much of the folded line gets cut off.This is a vim bug. feed_command('set rightleft') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:···········ةيَّبِرَعَلا x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å :senil 2 --^+}{8: 1 }{7: +}| {1: ~}|*6 ## grid 3 :set rightleft | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {5:···········ةيَّبِرَعَلا x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å :senil 2 --^+}{8: 1 }{7: +}| {1: ~}|*6 :set rightleft | ]]) end feed_command('set nonumber foldcolumn=0') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:·················ةيَّبِرَعَلا x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å :senil 2 --^+}| {1: ~}|*6 ## grid 3 :set nonumber foldcolumn=0 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {5:·················ةيَّبِرَعَلا x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å :senil 2 --^+}| {1: ~}|*6 :set nonumber foldcolumn=0 | ]]) end feed_command('set arabicshape') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:·················ﺔﻴَّﺑِﺮَﻌَﻟﺍ x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å :senil 2 --^+}| {1: ~}|*6 ## grid 3 :set arabicshape | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {5:·················ﺔﻴَّﺑِﺮَﻌَﻟﺍ x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å :senil 2 --^+}| {1: ~}|*6 :set arabicshape | ]]) end feed('zo') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ﺔﻴَّﺑِﺮَﻌَ^ﻟﺍ x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å| txet eröm| {1: ~}|*5 ## grid 3 :set arabicshape | ]]) else screen:expect([[ ﺔﻴَّﺑِﺮَﻌَ^ﻟﺍ x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å| txet eröm| {1: ~}|*5 :set arabicshape | ]]) end feed_command('set noarabicshape') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ةيَّبِرَعَ^لا x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å| txet eröm| {1: ~}|*5 ## grid 3 :set noarabicshape | ]]) else screen:expect([[ ةيَّبِرَعَ^لا x̨̣̘̫̲͚͎̎͂̀̂͛͛̾͢ 语 å| txet eröm| {1: ~}|*5 :set noarabicshape | ]]) end end) it('in cmdline window', function() feed_command('set foldmethod=manual foldcolumn=1') feed_command('let x = 1') feed_command('/alpha') feed_command('/omega') feed('q:') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]| {2:[No Name] }| [4:---------------------------------------------]|*4 {3:[Command Line] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: } | ## grid 3 : | ## grid 4 {1::}{7: }set foldmethod=manual foldcolumn=1 | {1::}{7: }let x = 1 | {1::}{7: }^ | {1:~ }| ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: } | {2:[No Name] }| {1::}{7: }set foldmethod=manual foldcolumn=1 | {1::}{7: }let x = 1 | {1::}{7: }^ | {1:~ }| {3:[Command Line] }| : | ]]) end feed('kzfk') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]| {2:[No Name] }| [4:---------------------------------------------]|*4 {3:[Command Line] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: } | ## grid 3 : | ## grid 4 {1::}{7:+}{5:^+-- 2 lines: set foldmethod=manual foldcol}| {1::}{7: } | {1:~ }|*2 ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: } | {2:[No Name] }| {1::}{7:+}{5:^+-- 2 lines: set foldmethod=manual foldcol}| {1::}{7: } | {1:~ }|*2 {3:[Command Line] }| : | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: }^ | {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 : | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: }^ | {1:~ }|*6 : | ]]) end feed('/') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]| {2:[No Name] }| [5:---------------------------------------------]|*4 {3:[Command Line] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: } | ## grid 3 / | ## grid 5 {1:/}{7: }alpha | {1:/}{7: }{6:omega} | {1:/}{7: }^ | {1:~ }| ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: } | {2:[No Name] }| {1:/}{7: }alpha | {1:/}{7: }{6:omega} | {1:/}{7: }^ | {1:~ }| {3:[Command Line] }| / | ]]) end feed('ggzfG') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]| {2:[No Name] }| [5:---------------------------------------------]|*4 {3:[Command Line] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: } | ## grid 3 / | ## grid 5 {1:/}{7:+}{5:^+-- 3 lines: alpha························}| {1:~ }|*3 ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: } | {2:[No Name] }| {1:/}{7:+}{5:^+-- 3 lines: alpha························}| {1:~ }|*3 {3:[Command Line] }| / | ]]) end end) it('foldcolumn autoresize', function() fn.setline(1, 'line 1') fn.setline(2, 'line 2') fn.setline(3, 'line 3') fn.setline(4, 'line 4') feed('zfj') command('set foldcolumn=0') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:^+-- 2 lines: line 1·························}| line 3 | line 4 | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {5:^+-- 2 lines: line 1·························}| line 3 | line 4 | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end -- should adapt to the current nesting of folds (e.g., 1) command('set foldcolumn=auto:1') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+}{5:^+-- 2 lines: line 1························}| {7: }line 3 | {7: }line 4 | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7:+}{5:^+-- 2 lines: line 1························}| {7: }line 3 | {7: }line 4 | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end command('set foldcolumn=auto') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+}{5:^+-- 2 lines: line 1························}| {7: }line 3 | {7: }line 4 | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]], unchanged = true, } else screen:expect { grid = [[ {7:+}{5:^+-- 2 lines: line 1························}| {7: }line 3 | {7: }line 4 | {1:~ }|*4 | ]], unchanged = true, } end -- fdc should not change with a new fold as the maximum is 1 feed('zf3j') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+}{5:^+-- 4 lines: line 1························}| {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7:+}{5:^+-- 4 lines: line 1························}| {1:~ }|*6 | ]]) end command('set foldcolumn=auto:1') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+}{5:^+-- 4 lines: line 1························}| {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 | ]], unchanged = true, } else screen:expect { grid = [[ {7:+}{5:^+-- 4 lines: line 1························}| {1:~ }|*6 | ]], unchanged = true, } end -- relax the maximum fdc thus fdc should expand to -- accommodate the current number of folds command('set foldcolumn=auto:4') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7:+ }{5:^+-- 4 lines: line 1·······················}| {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7:+ }{5:^+-- 4 lines: line 1·······················}| {1:~ }|*6 | ]]) end end) it('no crash when foldtext is longer than columns #12988', function() exec([[ function! MyFoldText() abort return repeat('-', &columns + 100) endfunction ]]) command('set foldtext=MyFoldText()') feed('i') feed('vkzf') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:^---------------------------------------------}| {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {5:^---------------------------------------------}| {1:~ }|*6 | ]]) end assert_alive() end) it('fold text is shown when text has been scrolled to the right #19123', function() insert(content1) command('set number nowrap') command('3,4fold') feed('gg') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {8: 1 }^This is a | {8: 2 }valid English | {8: 3 }{5:+-- 2 lines: sentence composed by·······}| {8: 5 }in his cave. | {8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {8: 1 }^This is a | {8: 2 }valid English | {8: 3 }{5:+-- 2 lines: sentence composed by·······}| {8: 5 }in his cave. | {8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*2 | ]]) end feed('zl') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {8: 1 }^his is a | {8: 2 }alid English | {8: 3 }{5:+-- 2 lines: sentence composed by·······}| {8: 5 }n his cave. | {8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {8: 1 }^his is a | {8: 2 }alid English | {8: 3 }{5:+-- 2 lines: sentence composed by·······}| {8: 5 }n his cave. | {8: 6 } | {1:~ }|*2 | ]]) end end) it('fold attached virtual lines are drawn and scrolled correctly #21837', function() fn.setline(1, 'line 1') fn.setline(2, 'line 2') fn.setline(3, 'line 3') fn.setline(4, 'line 4') feed('zfj') local ns = api.nvim_create_namespace('ns') api.nvim_buf_set_extmark( 0, ns, 0, 0, { virt_lines_above = true, virt_lines = { { { 'virt_line above line 1', '' } } } } ) api.nvim_buf_set_extmark( 0, ns, 1, 0, { virt_lines = { { { 'virt_line below line 2', '' } } } } ) api.nvim_buf_set_extmark( 0, ns, 2, 0, { virt_lines_above = true, virt_lines = { { { 'virt_line above line 3', '' } } } } ) api.nvim_buf_set_extmark( 0, ns, 3, 0, { virt_lines = { { { 'virt_line below line 4', '' } } } } ) if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:^+-- 2 lines: line 1·························}| virt_line above line 3 | line 3 | line 4 | virt_line below line 4 | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 0, botline = 5, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 4, sum_scroll_delta = 0, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ {5:^+-- 2 lines: line 1·························}| virt_line above line 3 | line 3 | line 4 | virt_line below line 4 | {1:~ }|*2 | ]]) end feed('jzfj') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:+-- 2 lines: line 1·························}| {5:^+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| {1:~ }|*5 ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 0, botline = 5, curline = 2, curcol = 0, linecount = 4, sum_scroll_delta = 0, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ {5:+-- 2 lines: line 1·························}| {5:^+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| {1:~ }|*5 | ]]) end feed('kzo') fn.setline(5, 'line 5') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 virt_line above line 1 | ^line 1 | line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| line 5 | {1:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 0, botline = 6, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = -1, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ virt_line above line 1 | ^line 1 | line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| line 5 | {1:~ }| | ]]) end api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '', multigrid and 2 or 0, 4, 0) eq({ screencol = 1, screenrow = 5, winid = 1000, wincol = 1, winrow = 5, line = 3, column = 1, coladd = 0, }, fn.getmousepos()) api.nvim_buf_set_extmark( 0, ns, 1, 0, { virt_lines = { { { 'more virt_line below line 2', '' } } } } ) feed('G') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 line 1 | line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 0, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 0, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ line 1 | line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }| | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 1, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 1, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*2 | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*3 ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 2, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 2, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 2, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 3, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*5 ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 2, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 4, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*5 | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*6 ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 4, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 5, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*6 | ]]) end feed('3') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*3 ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 2, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 2, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^line 5 | {1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'press', '3', multigrid and 2 or 0, 3, 0) if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^l{16:ine 5} | {1:~ }|*3 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 2, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 2, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^l{16:ine 5} | {1:~ }|*3 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) end api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'drag', '3', multigrid and 2 or 0, 7, 0) if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^l{16:ine 5} | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 2, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 3, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ more virt_line below line 2 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| ^l{16:ine 5} | {1:~ }|*4 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) end api.nvim_input_mouse('left', 'drag', '3', multigrid and 2 or 0, 7, 5) if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| {16:line }^5 | {1:~ }|*5 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 2, botline = 6, curline = 4, curcol = 5, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 4, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ {5:+-- 2 lines: line 3·························}| {16:line }^5 | {1:~ }|*5 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) end feed('gg') command('botright 1split | wincmd w') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*4 {3:[No Name] [+] }| [4:---------------------------------------------]| {2:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^line 1 | line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 line 1 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 0, }, [4] = { win = 1001, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 0, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ ^line 1 | line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | more virt_line below line 2 | {3:[No Name] [+] }| line 1 | {2:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect { grid = [[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*4 {3:[No Name] [+] }| [4:---------------------------------------------]| {2:[No Name] [+] }| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 virt_line above line 1 | ^line 1 | line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 line 1 | ]], win_viewport = { [2] = { win = 1000, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = -1, }, [4] = { win = 1001, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 5, sum_scroll_delta = 0, }, }, } else screen:expect([[ virt_line above line 1 | ^line 1 | line 2 | virt_line below line 2 | {3:[No Name] [+] }| line 1 | {2:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end end) it('Folded and Visual highlights are combined #19691', function() command('hi! Visual guifg=NONE guibg=Red') insert([[ " foofoofoofoofoofoo " 口 {{{1 set nocp " }}}1 " barbarbarbarbarbar " 口 {{{1 set foldmethod=marker " }}}1 " bazbazbazbazbazbaz]]) feed('gg') command('source') feed('G15l') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {14:" foofoofoofoofo}ofoo | {15:+-- 3 lines: " }{5:口···························}| {14:" barbarbarbarba}rbar | {15:+-- 3 lines: " }{5:口···························}| {14:" bazbazbazbazb}^azbaz | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {14:" foofoofoofoofo}ofoo | {15:+-- 3 lines: " }{5:口···························}| {14:" barbarbarbarba}rbar | {15:+-- 3 lines: " }{5:口···························}| {14:" bazbazbazbazb}^azbaz | {1:~ }|*2 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) end feed('l') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {14:" foofoofoofoofoo}foo | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口}{5:···························}| {14:" barbarbarbarbar}bar | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口}{5:···························}| {14:" bazbazbazbazba}^zbaz | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {14:" foofoofoofoofoo}foo | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口}{5:···························}| {14:" barbarbarbarbar}bar | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口}{5:···························}| {14:" bazbazbazbazba}^zbaz | {1:~ }|*2 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) end feed('l') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {14:" foofoofoofoofoof}oo | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口}{5:···························}| {14:" barbarbarbarbarb}ar | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口}{5:···························}| {14:" bazbazbazbazbaz}^baz | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {14:" foofoofoofoofoof}oo | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口}{5:···························}| {14:" barbarbarbarbarb}ar | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口}{5:···························}| {14:" bazbazbazbazbaz}^baz | {1:~ }|*2 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) end feed('2l') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {14:" foofoofoofoofoofoo} | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口··}{5:·························}| {14:" barbarbarbarbarbar} | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口··}{5:·························}| {14:" bazbazbazbazbazba}^z | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {14:" foofoofoofoofoofoo} | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口··}{5:·························}| {14:" barbarbarbarbarbar} | {15:+-- 3 lines: " 口··}{5:·························}| {14:" bazbazbazbazbazba}^z | {1:~ }|*2 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) end feed('O16l') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 " foofoofoofoofo{14:ofoo} | {5:+-- 3 lines: " }{15:口··}{5:·························}| " barbarbarbarba{14:rbar} | {5:+-- 3 lines: " }{15:口··}{5:·························}| " bazbazbazbazba^z{14:baz} | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ " foofoofoofoofo{14:ofoo} | {5:+-- 3 lines: " }{15:口··}{5:·························}| " barbarbarbarba{14:rbar} | {5:+-- 3 lines: " }{15:口··}{5:·························}| " bazbazbazbazba^z{14:baz} | {1:~ }|*2 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) end feed('l') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 " foofoofoofoofoo{14:foo} | {5:+-- 3 lines: " }{15:口··}{5:·························}| " barbarbarbarbar{14:bar} | {5:+-- 3 lines: " }{15:口··}{5:·························}| " bazbazbazbazbaz^b{14:az} | {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ " foofoofoofoofoo{14:foo} | {5:+-- 3 lines: " }{15:口··}{5:·························}| " barbarbarbarbar{14:bar} | {5:+-- 3 lines: " }{15:口··}{5:·························}| " bazbazbazbazbaz^b{14:az} | {1:~ }|*2 {11:-- VISUAL BLOCK --} | ]]) end end) it('do not show search or match highlight #24084', function() insert([[ line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4]]) command('2,3fold') feed('/line') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {2:line} 1 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 2·························}| {6:line} 4 | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 /line^ | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {2:line} 1 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 2·························}| {6:line} 4 | {1:~ }|*4 /line^ | ]]) end feed('') fn.matchadd('Search', 'line') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]|*7 [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {6:line} 1 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 2·························}| {6:line} ^4 | {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {6:line} 1 | {5:+-- 2 lines: line 2·························}| {6:line} ^4 | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end end) it('foldtext with virtual text format', function() screen:try_resize(30, 7) insert(content1) command('hi! CursorLine guibg=NONE guifg=Red gui=NONE') command('hi F0 guibg=Red guifg=Black') command('hi F1 guifg=White') api.nvim_set_option_value('cursorline', true, {}) api.nvim_set_option_value('foldcolumn', '4', {}) api.nvim_set_option_value( 'foldtext', '[' .. '["▶", ["F0", "F1"]], ' .. '[v:folddashes], ' .. '["\t", "Search"], ' .. '[getline(v:foldstart), "NonText"]]', {} ) command('3,4fold') command('5,6fold') command('2,6fold') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]|*6 [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: }This is a | {7:+ }{4:^▶}{13:-}{17: }{18:valid English}{13:·····}| {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: }This is a | {7:+ }{4:^▶}{13:-}{17: }{18:valid English}{13:·····}| {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end eq('▶-\tvalid English', fn.foldtextresult(2)) feed('zo') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]|*6 [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: }This is a | {7:- }valid English | {7:│+ }{4:▶}{5:--}{19: }{18:sentence composed }| {7:│+ }{4:^▶}{13:--}{17: }{18:in his cave.}{13:······}| {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: }This is a | {7:- }valid English | {7:│+ }{4:▶}{5:--}{19: }{18:sentence composed }| {7:│+ }{4:^▶}{13:--}{17: }{18:in his cave.}{13:······}| {1:~ }|*2 | ]]) end eq('▶--\tsentence composed by', fn.foldtextresult(3)) eq('▶--\tin his cave.', fn.foldtextresult(5)) command('hi! Visual guifg=NONE guibg=Red') feed('V2k') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]|*6 [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: }This is a | {7:- }^v{14:alid English} | {7:│+ }{4:▶}{15:--}{19: }{20:sentence composed }| {7:│+ }{4:▶}{15:--}{19: }{20:in his cave.}{15:······}| {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: }This is a | {7:- }^v{14:alid English} | {7:│+ }{4:▶}{15:--}{19: }{20:sentence composed }| {7:│+ }{4:▶}{15:--}{19: }{20:in his cave.}{15:······}| {1:~ }|*2 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) end api.nvim_set_option_value('rightleft', true, {}) if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]|*6 [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 a si sihT{7: }| {14:hsilgnE dila}^v{7: -}| {20: desopmoc ecnetnes}{19: }{15:--}{4:▶}{7: +│}| {15:······}{20:.evac sih ni}{19: }{15:--}{4:▶}{7: +│}| {1: ~}|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ a si sihT{7: }| {14:hsilgnE dila}^v{7: -}| {20: desopmoc ecnetnes}{19: }{15:--}{4:▶}{7: +│}| {15:······}{20:.evac sih ni}{19: }{15:--}{4:▶}{7: +│}| {1: ~}|*2 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) end end) it('transparent foldtext', function() screen:try_resize(30, 7) insert(content1) command('hi! CursorLine guibg=NONE guifg=Red gui=NONE') command('hi F0 guibg=Red guifg=Black') command('hi F1 guifg=White') api.nvim_set_option_value('cursorline', true, {}) api.nvim_set_option_value('foldcolumn', '4', {}) api.nvim_set_option_value('foldtext', '', {}) command('3,4fold') command('5,6fold') command('2,6fold') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]|*6 [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: }This is a | {7:+ }{13:^valid English·············}| {1:~ }|*4 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: }This is a | {7:+ }{13:^valid English·············}| {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end feed('zo') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]|*6 [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: }This is a | {7:- }valid English | {7:│+ }{5:sentence composed by······}| {7:│+ }{13:^in his cave.··············}| {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: }This is a | {7:- }valid English | {7:│+ }{5:sentence composed by······}| {7:│+ }{13:^in his cave.··············}| {1:~ }|*2 | ]]) end command('hi! Visual guifg=NONE guibg=Red') feed('V2k') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]|*6 [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {7: }This is a | {7:- }^v{14:alid English} | {7:│+ }{15:sentence composed by······}| {7:│+ }{15:in his cave.··············}| {1:~ }|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ {7: }This is a | {7:- }^v{14:alid English} | {7:│+ }{15:sentence composed by······}| {7:│+ }{15:in his cave.··············}| {1:~ }|*2 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) end api.nvim_set_option_value('rightleft', true, {}) if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]|*6 [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 a si sihT{7: }| {14:hsilgnE dila}^v{7: -}| {15:······yb desopmoc ecnetnes}{7: +│}| {15:··············.evac sih ni}{7: +│}| {1: ~}|*2 ## grid 3 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ a si sihT{7: }| {14:hsilgnE dila}^v{7: -}| {15:······yb desopmoc ecnetnes}{7: +│}| {15:··············.evac sih ni}{7: +│}| {1: ~}|*2 {11:-- VISUAL LINE --} | ]]) end end) end describe('with ext_multigrid', function() with_ext_multigrid(true) end) describe('without ext_multigrid', function() with_ext_multigrid(false) end) end)