local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local thelpers = require('test.functional.terminal.helpers') local clear, eq = helpers.clear, helpers.eq local feed, testprg = helpers.feed, helpers.testprg local eval = helpers.eval local command = helpers.command local poke_eventloop = helpers.poke_eventloop local retry = helpers.retry local api = helpers.api local feed_data = thelpers.feed_data local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local skip = helpers.skip local is_os = helpers.is_os describe(':terminal scrollback', function() local screen before_each(function() clear() screen = thelpers.screen_setup(nil, nil, 30) end) describe('when the limit is exceeded', function() before_each(function() local lines = {} for i = 1, 30 do table.insert(lines, 'line' .. tostring(i)) end table.insert(lines, '') feed_data(lines) screen:expect([[ line26 | line27 | line28 | line29 | line30 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) it('will delete extra lines at the top', function() feed('gg') screen:expect([[ ^line16 | line17 | line18 | line19 | line20 | line21 | | ]]) end) end) describe('with cursor at last row', function() before_each(function() feed_data({ 'line1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4', '' }) screen:expect([[ tty ready | line1 | line2 | line3 | line4 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) describe('and 1 line is printed', function() before_each(function() feed_data({ 'line5', '' }) end) it('will hide the top line', function() screen:expect([[ line1 | line2 | line3 | line4 | line5 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) eq(7, api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)) end) describe('and then 3 more lines are printed', function() before_each(function() feed_data({ 'line6', 'line7', 'line8' }) end) it('will hide the top 4 lines', function() screen:expect([[ line3 | line4 | line5 | line6 | line7 | line8{1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed('6k') screen:expect([[ ^line2 | line3 | line4 | line5 | line6 | line7 | | ]]) feed('gg') screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | line1 | line2 | line3 | line4 | line5 | | ]]) feed('G') screen:expect([[ line3 | line4 | line5 | line6 | line7 | ^line8{2: } | | ]]) end) end) end) describe('and height decreased by 1', function() local function will_hide_top_line() feed([[]]) screen:try_resize(screen._width - 2, screen._height - 1) screen:expect([[ line2 | line3 | line4 | rows: 5, cols: 28 | {2:^ } | | ]]) end it('will hide top line', will_hide_top_line) describe('and then decreased by 2', function() before_each(function() will_hide_top_line() screen:try_resize(screen._width - 2, screen._height - 2) end) it('will hide the top 3 lines', function() screen:expect([[ rows: 5, cols: 28 | rows: 3, cols: 26 | {2:^ } | | ]]) eq(8, api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)) feed([[3k]]) screen:expect([[ ^line4 | rows: 5, cols: 28 | rows: 3, cols: 26 | | ]]) end) end) end) end) describe('with empty lines after the cursor', function() -- XXX: Can't test this reliably on Windows unless the cursor is _moved_ -- by the resize. http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/signal.html -- See also: https://github.com/rprichard/winpty/issues/110 if skip(is_os('win')) then return end describe('and the height is decreased by 2', function() before_each(function() screen:try_resize(screen._width, screen._height - 2) end) local function will_delete_last_two_lines() screen:expect([[ tty ready | rows: 4, cols: 30 | {1: } | | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) eq(4, api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)) end it('will delete the last two empty lines', will_delete_last_two_lines) describe('and then decreased by 1', function() before_each(function() will_delete_last_two_lines() screen:try_resize(screen._width, screen._height - 1) end) it('will delete the last line and hide the first', function() screen:expect([[ rows: 4, cols: 30 | rows: 3, cols: 30 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) eq(4, api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)) feed('gg') screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | rows: 4, cols: 30 | rows: 3, cols: 30 | | ]]) feed('a') screen:expect([[ rows: 4, cols: 30 | rows: 3, cols: 30 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) end) end) end) describe('with 4 lines hidden in the scrollback', function() before_each(function() feed_data({ 'line1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4', '' }) screen:expect([[ tty ready | line1 | line2 | line3 | line4 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) screen:try_resize(screen._width, screen._height - 3) screen:expect([[ line4 | rows: 3, cols: 30 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) eq(7, api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)) end) describe('and the height is increased by 1', function() -- XXX: Can't test this reliably on Windows unless the cursor is _moved_ -- by the resize. http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/signal.html -- See also: https://github.com/rprichard/winpty/issues/110 if skip(is_os('win')) then return end local function pop_then_push() screen:try_resize(screen._width, screen._height + 1) screen:expect([[ line4 | rows: 3, cols: 30 | rows: 4, cols: 30 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end it('will pop 1 line and then push it back', pop_then_push) describe('and then by 3', function() before_each(function() pop_then_push() eq(8, api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)) screen:try_resize(screen._width, screen._height + 3) end) local function pop3_then_push1() screen:expect([[ line2 | line3 | line4 | rows: 3, cols: 30 | rows: 4, cols: 30 | rows: 7, cols: 30 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) eq(9, api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)) feed('gg') screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | line1 | line2 | line3 | line4 | rows: 3, cols: 30 | rows: 4, cols: 30 | | ]]) end it('will pop 3 lines and then push one back', pop3_then_push1) describe('and then by 4', function() before_each(function() pop3_then_push1() feed('Gi') screen:try_resize(screen._width, screen._height + 4) end) it('will show all lines and leave a blank one at the end', function() screen:expect([[ tty ready | line1 | line2 | line3 | line4 | rows: 3, cols: 30 | rows: 4, cols: 30 | rows: 7, cols: 30 | rows: 11, cols: 30 | {1: } | | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) -- since there's an empty line after the cursor, the buffer line -- count equals the terminal screen height eq(11, api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)) end) end) end) end) end) end) describe(':terminal prints more lines than the screen height and exits', function() it('will push extra lines to scrollback', function() clear() local screen = Screen.new(30, 7) screen:attach({ rgb = false }) command(("call termopen(['%s', '10']) | startinsert"):format(testprg('tty-test'))) screen:expect([[ line6 | line7 | line8 | line9 | | [Process exited 0] | -- TERMINAL -- | ]]) feed('') -- closes the buffer correctly after pressing a key screen:expect([[ ^ | ~ |*5 | ]]) end) end) describe("'scrollback' option", function() before_each(function() clear() end) local function set_fake_shell() api.nvim_set_option_value('shell', string.format('"%s" INTERACT', testprg('shell-test')), {}) end local function expect_lines(expected, epsilon) local ep = epsilon and epsilon or 0 local actual = eval("line('$')") if expected > actual + ep and expected < actual - ep then error('expected (+/- ' .. ep .. '): ' .. expected .. ', actual: ' .. tostring(actual)) end end it('set to 0 behaves as 1', function() local screen if is_os('win') then screen = thelpers.screen_setup(nil, { 'cmd.exe' }, 30) else screen = thelpers.screen_setup(nil, { 'sh' }, 30) end api.nvim_set_option_value('scrollback', 0, {}) feed_data(('%s REP 31 line%s'):format(testprg('shell-test'), is_os('win') and '\r' or '\n')) screen:expect { any = '30: line ' } retry(nil, nil, function() expect_lines(7) end) end) it('deletes lines (only) if necessary', function() local screen if is_os('win') then command([[let $PROMPT='$$']]) screen = thelpers.screen_setup(nil, { 'cmd.exe' }, 30) else command('let $PS1 = "$"') screen = thelpers.screen_setup(nil, { 'sh' }, 30) end api.nvim_set_option_value('scrollback', 200, {}) -- Wait for prompt. screen:expect { any = '%$' } feed_data(('%s REP 31 line%s'):format(testprg('shell-test'), is_os('win') and '\r' or '\n')) screen:expect { any = '30: line ' } retry(nil, nil, function() expect_lines(33, 2) end) api.nvim_set_option_value('scrollback', 10, {}) poke_eventloop() retry(nil, nil, function() expect_lines(16) end) api.nvim_set_option_value('scrollback', 10000, {}) retry(nil, nil, function() expect_lines(16) end) -- Terminal job data is received asynchronously, may happen before the -- 'scrollback' option is synchronized with the internal sb_buffer. command('sleep 100m') feed_data(('%s REP 41 line%s'):format(testprg('shell-test'), is_os('win') and '\r' or '\n')) if is_os('win') then screen:expect { grid = [[ 37: line | 38: line | 39: line | 40: line | | ${1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]], } else screen:expect { grid = [[ 36: line | 37: line | 38: line | 39: line | 40: line | {MATCH:.*}| {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]], } end expect_lines(58) -- Verify off-screen state eq((is_os('win') and '36: line' or '35: line'), eval("getline(line('w0') - 1)->trim(' ', 2)")) eq((is_os('win') and '27: line' or '26: line'), eval("getline(line('w0') - 10)->trim(' ', 2)")) end) it('deletes extra lines immediately', function() -- Scrollback is 10 on screen_setup local screen = thelpers.screen_setup(nil, nil, 30) local lines = {} for i = 1, 30 do table.insert(lines, 'line' .. tostring(i)) end table.insert(lines, '') feed_data(lines) screen:expect([[ line26 | line27 | line28 | line29 | line30 | {1: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) local term_height = 6 -- Actual terminal screen height, not the scrollback -- Initial local scrollback = api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {}) eq(scrollback + term_height, eval('line("$")')) -- Reduction scrollback = scrollback - 2 api.nvim_set_option_value('scrollback', scrollback, {}) eq(scrollback + term_height, eval('line("$")')) end) it('defaults to 10000 in :terminal buffers', function() set_fake_shell() command('terminal') eq(10000, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) end) it('error if set to invalid value', function() eq('Vim(set):E474: Invalid argument: scrollback=-2', pcall_err(command, 'set scrollback=-2')) eq( 'Vim(set):E474: Invalid argument: scrollback=100001', pcall_err(command, 'set scrollback=100001') ) end) it('defaults to -1 on normal buffers', function() command('new') eq(-1, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) end) it(':setlocal in a :terminal buffer', function() set_fake_shell() -- _Global_ scrollback=-1 defaults :terminal to 10_000. command('setglobal scrollback=-1') command('terminal') eq(10000, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) -- _Local_ scrollback=-1 in :terminal forces the _maximum_. command('setlocal scrollback=-1') retry(nil, nil, function() -- Fixup happens on refresh, not immediately. eq(100000, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) end) -- _Local_ scrollback=-1 during TermOpen forces the maximum. #9605 command('setglobal scrollback=-1') command('autocmd TermOpen * setlocal scrollback=-1') command('terminal') eq(100000, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) end) it(':setlocal in a normal buffer', function() command('new') -- :setlocal to -1. command('setlocal scrollback=-1') eq(-1, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) -- :setlocal to anything except -1. Currently, this just has no effect. command('setlocal scrollback=42') eq(42, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) end) it(':set updates local value and global default', function() set_fake_shell() command('set scrollback=42') -- set global value eq(42, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) command('terminal') eq(42, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) -- inherits global default command('setlocal scrollback=99') eq(99, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) command('set scrollback<') -- reset to global default eq(42, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) command('setglobal scrollback=734') -- new global default eq(42, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) -- local value did not change command('terminal') eq(734, api.nvim_get_option_value('scrollback', {})) end) end) describe('pending scrollback line handling', function() local screen before_each(function() clear() screen = Screen.new(30, 7) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids { [1] = { foreground = Screen.colors.Brown }, [2] = { reverse = true }, [3] = { bold = true }, } end) it("does not crash after setting 'number' #14891", function() exec_lua [[ local api = vim.api local buf = api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) local chan = api.nvim_open_term(buf, {}) vim.wo.number = true api.nvim_chan_send(chan, ("a\n"):rep(11) .. "a") api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, buf) ]] screen:expect [[ {1: 1 }^a | {1: 2 }a | {1: 3 }a | {1: 4 }a | {1: 5 }a | {1: 6 }a | | ]] feed('G') screen:expect [[ {1: 7 }a | {1: 8 }a | {1: 9 }a | {1: 10 }a | {1: 11 }a | {1: 12 }^a | | ]] assert_alive() end) it('does not crash after nvim_buf_call #14891', function() exec_lua( [[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local args = ... vim.api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function() vim.fn.termopen(args) end) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, bufnr) vim.cmd('startinsert') ]], is_os('win') and { 'cmd.exe', '/c', 'for /L %I in (1,1,12) do @echo hi' } or { 'printf', ('hi\n'):rep(12) } ) screen:expect [[ hi |*4 | [Process exited 0]{2: } | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]] assert_alive() end) end)