local helpers = require('test.unit.helpers')(after_each) local itp = helpers.gen_itp(it) local cimported = helpers.cimport( './src/nvim/os/shell.h', './src/nvim/option_defs.h', './src/nvim/main.h', './src/nvim/misc1.h', './src/nvim/memory.h' ) local ffi, eq = helpers.ffi, helpers.eq local intern = helpers.internalize local to_cstr = helpers.to_cstr local NULL = ffi.cast('void *', 0) describe('shell functions', function() before_each(function() -- os_system() can't work when the p_sh and p_shcf variables are unset cimported.p_sh = to_cstr('/bin/sh') cimported.p_shcf = to_cstr('-c') cimported.p_sxq = to_cstr('') cimported.p_sxe = to_cstr('') end) local function shell_build_argv(cmd, extra_args) local res = cimported.shell_build_argv( cmd and to_cstr(cmd), extra_args and to_cstr(extra_args)) -- `res` is zero-indexed (C pointer, not Lua table)! local argc = 0 local ret = {} -- Explicitly free everything, so if it is not in allocated memory it will -- crash. while res[argc] ~= nil do ret[#ret + 1] = ffi.string(res[argc]) cimported.xfree(res[argc]) argc = argc + 1 end cimported.xfree(res) return ret end local function shell_argv_to_str(argv_table) -- C string array (char **). local argv = (argv_table and ffi.new("char*[?]", #argv_table+1) or NULL) local argc = 1 while argv_table ~= nil and argv_table[argc] ~= nil do -- `argv` is zero-indexed (C pointer, not Lua table)! argv[argc - 1] = to_cstr(argv_table[argc]) argc = argc + 1 end if argv_table ~= nil then argv[argc - 1] = NULL end local res = cimported.shell_argv_to_str(argv) return ffi.string(res) end local function os_system(cmd, input) local input_or = input and to_cstr(input) or NULL local input_len = (input ~= nil) and string.len(input) or 0 local output = ffi.new('char *[1]') local nread = ffi.new('size_t[1]') local argv = ffi.cast('char**', cimported.shell_build_argv(to_cstr(cmd), nil)) local status = cimported.os_system(argv, input_or, input_len, output, nread) return status, intern(output[0], nread[0]) end describe('os_system', function() itp('can echo some output (shell builtin)', function() local cmd, text = 'printf "%s "', 'some text ' local status, output = os_system(cmd .. ' ' .. text) eq(text, output) eq(0, status) end) itp('can deal with empty output', function() local cmd = 'printf ""' local status, output = os_system(cmd) eq('', output) eq(0, status) end) itp('can pass input on stdin', function() local cmd, input = 'cat -', 'some text\nsome other text' local status, output = os_system(cmd, input) eq(input, output) eq(0, status) end) itp('returns non-zero exit code', function() local status = os_system('exit 2') eq(2, status) end) end) describe('shell_build_argv', function() itp('works with NULL arguments', function() eq({'/bin/sh'}, shell_build_argv(nil, nil)) end) itp('works with cmd', function() eq({'/bin/sh', '-c', 'abc def'}, shell_build_argv('abc def', nil)) end) itp('works with extra_args', function() eq({'/bin/sh', 'ghi jkl'}, shell_build_argv(nil, 'ghi jkl')) end) itp('works with cmd and extra_args', function() eq({'/bin/sh', 'ghi jkl', '-c', 'abc def'}, shell_build_argv('abc def', 'ghi jkl')) end) itp('splits and unquotes &shell and &shellcmdflag', function() cimported.p_sh = to_cstr('/Program" "Files/zsh -f') cimported.p_shcf = to_cstr('-x -o "sh word split" "-"c') eq({'/Program Files/zsh', '-f', 'ghi jkl', '-x', '-o', 'sh word split', '-c', 'abc def'}, shell_build_argv('abc def', 'ghi jkl')) end) itp('applies shellxescape (p_sxe) and shellxquote (p_sxq)', function() cimported.p_sxq = to_cstr('(') cimported.p_sxe = to_cstr('"&|<>()@^') local argv = ffi.cast('char**', cimported.shell_build_argv(to_cstr('echo &|<>()@^'), nil)) eq(ffi.string(argv[0]), '/bin/sh') eq(ffi.string(argv[1]), '-c') eq(ffi.string(argv[2]), '(echo ^&^|^<^>^(^)^@^^)') eq(nil, argv[3]) end) itp('applies shellxquote="(', function() cimported.p_sxq = to_cstr('"(') cimported.p_sxe = to_cstr('"&|<>()@^') local argv = ffi.cast('char**', cimported.shell_build_argv( to_cstr('echo -n some text'), nil)) eq(ffi.string(argv[0]), '/bin/sh') eq(ffi.string(argv[1]), '-c') eq(ffi.string(argv[2]), '"(echo -n some text)"') eq(nil, argv[3]) end) itp('applies shellxquote="', function() cimported.p_sxq = to_cstr('"') cimported.p_sxe = to_cstr('') local argv = ffi.cast('char**', cimported.shell_build_argv( to_cstr('echo -n some text'), nil)) eq(ffi.string(argv[0]), '/bin/sh') eq(ffi.string(argv[1]), '-c') eq(ffi.string(argv[2]), '"echo -n some text"') eq(nil, argv[3]) end) itp('with empty shellxquote/shellxescape', function() local argv = ffi.cast('char**', cimported.shell_build_argv( to_cstr('echo -n some text'), nil)) eq(ffi.string(argv[0]), '/bin/sh') eq(ffi.string(argv[1]), '-c') eq(ffi.string(argv[2]), 'echo -n some text') eq(nil, argv[3]) end) end) itp('shell_argv_to_str', function() eq('', shell_argv_to_str({ nil })) eq("''", shell_argv_to_str({ '' })) eq("'foo' '' 'bar'", shell_argv_to_str({ 'foo', '', 'bar' })) eq("'/bin/sh' '-c' 'abc def'", shell_argv_to_str({'/bin/sh', '-c', 'abc def'})) eq("'abc def' 'ghi jkl'", shell_argv_to_str({'abc def', 'ghi jkl'})) eq("'/bin/sh' '-c' 'abc def' '"..('x'):rep(225).."...", shell_argv_to_str({'/bin/sh', '-c', 'abc def', ('x'):rep(999)})) end) end)