-- Tests for 'listchars' display with 'list' and :list. local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local feed, insert, source = helpers.feed, helpers.insert, helpers.source local clear, feed_command, expect = helpers.clear, helpers.feed_command, helpers.expect -- luacheck: ignore 621 (Indentation) describe("'listchars'", function() before_each(function() clear() feed_command('set listchars=eol:$') end) -- luacheck: ignore 613 (Trailing whitespace in a string) it("works with 'list'", function() source([[ function GetScreenCharsForLine(lnum) return join(map(range(1, virtcol('$')), 'nr2char(screenchar(a:lnum, v:val))'), '') endfunction nnoremap GG ":call add(g:lines, GetScreenCharsForLine(".screenrow()."))\" ]]) insert([[ start: aa bb cccc dd ee ]]) feed_command('let g:lines = []') -- Set up 'listchars', switch on 'list', and use the "GG" mapping to record -- what the buffer lines look like. feed_command('set listchars+=tab:>-,space:.,trail:<') feed_command('set list') feed_command('/^start:/') feed_command('normal! jzt') feed('GG') feed('GG') feed('GG') feed('GG') feed('GGH') -- Repeat without displaying "trail" spaces. feed_command('set listchars-=trail:<') feed('GG') feed('GG') feed('GG') feed('GG') feed('GG') -- Delete the buffer contents and :put the collected lines. feed_command('%d') feed_command('put =g:lines', '1d') -- Assert buffer contents. expect([[ >-------aa>-----$ ..bb>---<<$ ...cccc><$ dd........ee<<>-$ <$ >-------aa>-----$ ..bb>---..$ ...cccc>.$ dd........ee..>-$ .$]]) end) it('works with :list', function() insert([[ start: fff gg h iii ]]) -- Set up 'listchars', switch 'list' *off* (:list must show the 'listchars' -- even when 'list' is off), then run :list and collect the output. feed_command('set listchars+=tab:>-,space:.,trail:<') feed_command('set nolist') feed_command('/^start:/') feed_command('redir! => g:lines') feed_command('+1,$list') feed_command('redir END') -- Delete the buffer contents and :put the collected lines. feed_command('%d') feed_command('put =g:lines', '1d') -- Assert buffer contents. expect([[ ..fff>--<<$ >-------gg>-----$ .....h>-$ iii<<<<><<$]]) end) end)