local assert = require('luassert') local luv = require('luv') local lfs = require('lfs') local quote_me = '[^.%w%+%-%@%_%/]' -- complement (needn't quote) local function shell_quote(str) if string.find(str, quote_me) or str == '' then return '"' .. str:gsub('[$%%"\\]', '\\%0') .. '"' else return str end end local function argss_to_cmd(...) local cmd = '' for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local arg = select(i, ...) if type(arg) == 'string' then cmd = cmd .. ' ' ..shell_quote(arg) else for _, subarg in ipairs(arg) do cmd = cmd .. ' ' .. shell_quote(subarg) end end end return cmd end local function popen_r(...) return io.popen(argss_to_cmd(...), 'r') end local function popen_w(...) return io.popen(argss_to_cmd(...), 'w') end -- sleeps the test runner (_not_ the nvim instance) local function sleep(ms) luv.sleep(ms) end local check_logs_useless_lines = { ['Warning: noted but unhandled ioctl']=1, ['could cause spurious value errors to appear']=2, ['See README_MISSING_SYSCALL_OR_IOCTL for guidance']=3, } local function eq(expected, actual) return assert.are.same(expected, actual) end local function neq(expected, actual) return assert.are_not.same(expected, actual) end local function ok(res) return assert.is_true(res) end local function near(actual, expected, tolerance) return assert.is.near(actual, expected, tolerance) end local function matches(pat, actual) if nil ~= string.match(actual, pat) then return true end error(string.format('Pattern does not match.\nPattern:\n%s\nActual:\n%s', pat, actual)) end -- Expect an error matching pattern `pat`. local function expect_err(pat, ...) local fn = select(1, ...) local fn_args = {...} table.remove(fn_args, 1) assert.error_matches(function() return fn(unpack(fn_args)) end, pat) end -- initial_path: directory to recurse into -- re: include pattern (string) -- exc_re: exclude pattern(s) (string or table) local function glob(initial_path, re, exc_re) exc_re = type(exc_re) == 'table' and exc_re or { exc_re } local paths_to_check = {initial_path} local ret = {} local checked_files = {} local function is_excluded(path) for _, pat in pairs(exc_re) do if path:match(pat) then return true end end return false end if is_excluded(initial_path) then return ret end while #paths_to_check > 0 do local cur_path = paths_to_check[#paths_to_check] paths_to_check[#paths_to_check] = nil for e in lfs.dir(cur_path) do local full_path = cur_path .. '/' .. e local checked_path = full_path:sub(#initial_path + 1) if (not is_excluded(checked_path)) and e:sub(1, 1) ~= '.' then local attrs = lfs.attributes(full_path) if attrs then local check_key = attrs.dev .. ':' .. tostring(attrs.ino) if not checked_files[check_key] then checked_files[check_key] = true if attrs.mode == 'directory' then paths_to_check[#paths_to_check + 1] = full_path elseif not re or checked_path:match(re) then ret[#ret + 1] = full_path end end end end end end return ret end local function check_logs() local log_dir = os.getenv('LOG_DIR') local runtime_errors = 0 if log_dir and lfs.attributes(log_dir, 'mode') == 'directory' then for tail in lfs.dir(log_dir) do if tail:sub(1, 30) == 'valgrind-' or tail:find('san%.') then local file = log_dir .. '/' .. tail local fd = io.open(file) local start_msg = ('='):rep(20) .. ' File ' .. file .. ' ' .. ('='):rep(20) local lines = {} local warning_line = 0 for line in fd:lines() do local cur_warning_line = check_logs_useless_lines[line] if cur_warning_line == warning_line + 1 then warning_line = cur_warning_line else lines[#lines + 1] = line end end fd:close() os.remove(file) if #lines > 0 then -- local out = os.getenv('TRAVIS_CI_BUILD') and io.stdout or io.stderr local out = io.stdout out:write(start_msg .. '\n') out:write('= ' .. table.concat(lines, '\n= ') .. '\n') out:write(select(1, start_msg:gsub('.', '=')) .. '\n') runtime_errors = runtime_errors + 1 end end end end assert(0 == runtime_errors) end -- Tries to get platform name from $SYSTEM_NAME, uname; fallback is "Windows". local uname = (function() local platform = nil return (function() if platform then return platform end platform = os.getenv("SYSTEM_NAME") if platform then return platform end local status, f = pcall(popen_r, 'uname', '-s') if status then platform = f:read("*l") f:close() else platform = 'Windows' end return platform end) end)() local function tmpdir_get() return os.getenv('TMPDIR') and os.getenv('TMPDIR') or os.getenv('TEMP') end -- Is temp directory `dir` defined local to the project workspace? local function tmpdir_is_local(dir) return not not (dir and string.find(dir, 'Xtest')) end local tmpname = (function() local seq = 0 local tmpdir = tmpdir_get() return (function() if tmpdir_is_local(tmpdir) then -- Cannot control os.tmpname() dir, so hack our own tmpname() impl. seq = seq + 1 local fname = tmpdir..'/nvim-test-lua-'..seq io.open(fname, 'w'):close() return fname else local fname = os.tmpname() if uname() == 'Windows' and fname:sub(1, 2) == '\\s' then -- In Windows tmpname() returns a filename starting with -- special sequence \s, prepend $TEMP path return tmpdir..fname elseif fname:match('^/tmp') and uname() == 'Darwin' then -- In OS X /tmp links to /private/tmp return '/private'..fname else return fname end end end) end)() local function map(func, tab) local rettab = {} for k, v in pairs(tab) do rettab[k] = func(v) end return rettab end local function filter(filter_func, tab) local rettab = {} for _, entry in pairs(tab) do if filter_func(entry) then table.insert(rettab, entry) end end return rettab end local function hasenv(name) local env = os.getenv(name) if env and env ~= '' then return env end return nil end local tests_skipped = 0 local function check_cores(app, force) app = app or 'build/bin/nvim' local initial_path, re, exc_re local gdb_db_cmd = 'gdb -n -batch -ex "thread apply all bt full" "$_NVIM_TEST_APP" -c "$_NVIM_TEST_CORE"' local lldb_db_cmd = 'lldb -Q -o "bt all" -f "$_NVIM_TEST_APP" -c "$_NVIM_TEST_CORE"' local random_skip = false -- Workspace-local $TMPDIR, scrubbed and pattern-escaped. -- "./Xtest-tmpdir/" => "Xtest%-tmpdir" local local_tmpdir = (tmpdir_is_local(tmpdir_get()) and tmpdir_get():gsub('^[ ./]+',''):gsub('%/+$',''):gsub('([^%w])', '%%%1') or nil) local db_cmd if hasenv('NVIM_TEST_CORE_GLOB_DIRECTORY') then initial_path = os.getenv('NVIM_TEST_CORE_GLOB_DIRECTORY') re = os.getenv('NVIM_TEST_CORE_GLOB_RE') exc_re = { os.getenv('NVIM_TEST_CORE_EXC_RE'), local_tmpdir } db_cmd = os.getenv('NVIM_TEST_CORE_DB_CMD') or gdb_db_cmd random_skip = os.getenv('NVIM_TEST_CORE_RANDOM_SKIP') elseif os.getenv('TRAVIS_OS_NAME') == 'osx' then initial_path = '/cores' re = nil exc_re = { local_tmpdir } db_cmd = lldb_db_cmd else initial_path = '.' re = '/core[^/]*$' exc_re = { '^/%.deps$', local_tmpdir, '^/%node_modules$' } db_cmd = gdb_db_cmd random_skip = true end -- Finding cores takes too much time on linux if not force and random_skip and math.random() < 0.9 then tests_skipped = tests_skipped + 1 return end local cores = glob(initial_path, re, exc_re) local found_cores = 0 local out = io.stdout for _, core in ipairs(cores) do local len = 80 - #core - #('Core file ') - 2 local esigns = ('='):rep(len / 2) out:write(('\n%s Core file %s %s\n'):format(esigns, core, esigns)) out:flush() os.execute(db_cmd:gsub('%$_NVIM_TEST_APP', app):gsub('%$_NVIM_TEST_CORE', core) .. ' 2>&1') out:write('\n') found_cores = found_cores + 1 os.remove(core) end if found_cores ~= 0 then out:write(('\nTests covered by this check: %u\n'):format(tests_skipped + 1)) end tests_skipped = 0 if found_cores > 0 then error("crash detected (see above)") end end local function which(exe) local pipe = popen_r('which', exe) local ret = pipe:read('*a') pipe:close() if ret == '' then return nil else return ret:sub(1, -2) end end local function repeated_read_cmd(...) for _ = 1, 10 do local stream = popen_r(...) local ret = stream:read('*a') stream:close() if ret then return ret end end print('ERROR: Failed to execute ' .. argss_to_cmd(...) .. ': nil return after 10 attempts') return nil end local function shallowcopy(orig) if type(orig) ~= 'table' then return orig end local copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in pairs(orig) do copy[orig_key] = orig_value end return copy end local deepcopy local function id(v) return v end local deepcopy_funcs = { table = function(orig) local copy = {} for k, v in pairs(orig) do copy[deepcopy(k)] = deepcopy(v) end return copy end, number = id, string = id, ['nil'] = id, boolean = id, } deepcopy = function(orig) return deepcopy_funcs[type(orig)](orig) end local REMOVE_THIS = {} local function mergedicts_copy(d1, d2) local ret = shallowcopy(d1) for k, v in pairs(d2) do if d2[k] == REMOVE_THIS then ret[k] = nil elseif type(d1[k]) == 'table' and type(v) == 'table' then ret[k] = mergedicts_copy(d1[k], v) else ret[k] = v end end return ret end -- dictdiff: find a diff so that mergedicts_copy(d1, diff) is equal to d2 -- -- Note: does not do copies of d2 values used. local function dictdiff(d1, d2) local ret = {} local hasdiff = false for k, v in pairs(d1) do if d2[k] == nil then hasdiff = true ret[k] = REMOVE_THIS elseif type(v) == type(d2[k]) then if type(v) == 'table' then local subdiff = dictdiff(v, d2[k]) if subdiff ~= nil then hasdiff = true ret[k] = subdiff end elseif v ~= d2[k] then ret[k] = d2[k] hasdiff = true end else ret[k] = d2[k] hasdiff = true end end for k, v in pairs(d2) do if d1[k] == nil then ret[k] = shallowcopy(v) hasdiff = true end end if hasdiff then return ret else return nil end end local function updated(d, d2) for k, v in pairs(d2) do d[k] = v end return d end local function concat_tables(...) local ret = {} for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local tbl = select(i, ...) if tbl then for _, v in ipairs(tbl) do ret[#ret + 1] = v end end end return ret end local function dedent(str, leave_indent) -- find minimum common indent across lines local indent = nil for line in str:gmatch('[^\n]+') do local line_indent = line:match('^%s+') or '' if indent == nil or #line_indent < #indent then indent = line_indent end end if indent == nil or #indent == 0 then -- no minimum common indent return str end local left_indent = (' '):rep(leave_indent or 0) -- create a pattern for the indent indent = indent:gsub('%s', '[ \t]') -- strip it from the first line str = str:gsub('^'..indent, left_indent) -- strip it from the remaining lines str = str:gsub('[\n]'..indent, '\n' .. left_indent) return str end local function format_float(v) -- On windows exponent appears to have three digits and not two local ret = ('%.6e'):format(v) local l, f, es, e = ret:match('^(%-?%d)%.(%d+)e([+%-])0*(%d%d+)$') return l .. '.' .. f .. 'e' .. es .. e end local SUBTBL = { '\\000', '\\001', '\\002', '\\003', '\\004', '\\005', '\\006', '\\007', '\\008', '\\t', '\\n', '\\011', '\\012', '\\r', '\\014', '\\015', '\\016', '\\017', '\\018', '\\019', '\\020', '\\021', '\\022', '\\023', '\\024', '\\025', '\\026', '\\027', '\\028', '\\029', '\\030', '\\031', } local format_luav format_luav = function(v, indent, opts) opts = opts or {} local linesep = '\n' local next_indent_arg = nil local indent_shift = opts.indent_shift or ' ' local next_indent local nl = '\n' if indent == nil then indent = '' linesep = '' next_indent = '' nl = ' ' else next_indent_arg = indent .. indent_shift next_indent = indent .. indent_shift end local ret = '' if type(v) == 'string' then if opts.literal_strings then ret = v else local quote = opts.dquote_strings and '"' or '\'' ret = quote .. tostring(v):gsub( opts.dquote_strings and '["\\]' or '[\'\\]', '\\%0'):gsub( '[%z\1-\31]', function(match) return SUBTBL[match:byte() + 1] end) .. quote end elseif type(v) == 'table' then if v == REMOVE_THIS then ret = 'REMOVE_THIS' else local processed_keys = {} ret = '{' .. linesep local non_empty = false for i, subv in ipairs(v) do ret = ('%s%s%s,%s'):format(ret, next_indent, format_luav(subv, next_indent_arg, opts), nl) processed_keys[i] = true non_empty = true end for k, subv in pairs(v) do if not processed_keys[k] then if type(k) == 'string' and k:match('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$') then ret = ret .. next_indent .. k .. ' = ' else ret = ('%s%s[%s] = '):format(ret, next_indent, format_luav(k, nil, opts)) end ret = ret .. format_luav(subv, next_indent_arg, opts) .. ',' .. nl non_empty = true end end if nl == ' ' and non_empty then ret = ret:sub(1, -3) end ret = ret .. indent .. '}' end elseif type(v) == 'number' then if v % 1 == 0 then ret = ('%d'):format(v) else ret = format_float(v) end elseif type(v) == 'nil' then ret = 'nil' elseif type(v) == 'boolean' then ret = (v and 'true' or 'false') else print(type(v)) -- Not implemented yet assert(false) end return ret end local function format_string(fmt, ...) local i = 0 local args = {...} local function getarg() i = i + 1 return args[i] end local ret = fmt:gsub('%%[0-9*]*%.?[0-9*]*[cdEefgGiouXxqsr%%]', function(match) local subfmt = match:gsub('%*', function() return tostring(getarg()) end) local arg = nil if subfmt:sub(-1) ~= '%' then arg = getarg() end if subfmt:sub(-1) == 'r' or subfmt:sub(-1) == 'q' then -- %r is like built-in %q, but it is supposed to single-quote strings and -- not double-quote them, and also work not only for strings. -- Builtin %q is replaced here as it gives invalid and inconsistent with -- luajit results for e.g. "\e" on lua: luajit transforms that into `\27`, -- lua leaves as-is. arg = format_luav(arg, nil, {dquote_strings = (subfmt:sub(-1) == 'q')}) subfmt = subfmt:sub(1, -2) .. 's' end if subfmt == '%e' then return format_float(arg) else return subfmt:format(arg) end end) return ret end local function intchar2lua(ch) ch = tonumber(ch) return (20 <= ch and ch < 127) and ('%c'):format(ch) or ch end local fixtbl_metatable = { __newindex = function() assert(false) end, } local function fixtbl(tbl) return setmetatable(tbl, fixtbl_metatable) end local function fixtbl_rec(tbl) for _, v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == 'table' then fixtbl_rec(v) end end return fixtbl(tbl) end -- From https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua local function table_flatten(arr) local result = {} local function _table_flatten(_arr) local n = #_arr for i = 1, n do local v = _arr[i] if type(v) == "table" then _table_flatten(v) elseif v then table.insert(result, v) end end end _table_flatten(arr) return result end local function hexdump(str) local len = string.len(str) local dump = "" local hex = "" local asc = "" for i = 1, len do if 1 == i % 8 then dump = dump .. hex .. asc .. "\n" hex = string.format("%04x: ", i - 1) asc = "" end local ord = string.byte(str, i) hex = hex .. string.format("%02x ", ord) if ord >= 32 and ord <= 126 then asc = asc .. string.char(ord) else asc = asc .. "." end end return dump .. hex .. string.rep(" ", 8 - len % 8) .. asc end local function read_file(name) local file = io.open(name, 'r') if not file then return nil end local ret = file:read('*a') file:close() return ret end -- Dedent the given text and write it to the file name. local function write_file(name, text, no_dedent, append) local file = io.open(name, (append and 'a' or 'w')) if type(text) == 'table' then -- Byte blob local bytes = text text = '' for _, char in ipairs(bytes) do text = ('%s%c'):format(text, char) end elseif not no_dedent then text = dedent(text) end file:write(text) file:flush() file:close() end local module = { REMOVE_THIS = REMOVE_THIS, argss_to_cmd = argss_to_cmd, check_cores = check_cores, check_logs = check_logs, concat_tables = concat_tables, dedent = dedent, deepcopy = deepcopy, dictdiff = dictdiff, eq = eq, expect_err = expect_err, filter = filter, fixtbl = fixtbl, fixtbl_rec = fixtbl_rec, format_luav = format_luav, format_string = format_string, glob = glob, hasenv = hasenv, hexdump = hexdump, intchar2lua = intchar2lua, map = map, matches = matches, mergedicts_copy = mergedicts_copy, near = near, neq = neq, ok = ok, popen_r = popen_r, popen_w = popen_w, read_file = read_file, repeated_read_cmd = repeated_read_cmd, sleep = sleep, shallowcopy = shallowcopy, table_flatten = table_flatten, tmpname = tmpname, uname = uname, updated = updated, which = which, write_file = write_file, } return module