--- @brief ---
---:TOhtml {file}                                                       *:TOhtml*
---Converts the buffer shown in the current window to HTML, opens the generated
---HTML in a new split window, and saves its contents to {file}. If {file} is not
---given, a temporary file (created by |tempname()|) is used.
-- The HTML conversion script is different from Vim's one. If you want to use -- Vim's TOhtml converter, download it from the vim GitHub repo. -- Here are the Vim files related to this functionality: -- - https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/runtime/syntax/2html.vim -- - https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/runtime/autoload/tohtml.vim -- - https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/runtime/plugin/tohtml.vim -- -- Main differences between this and the vim version: -- - No "ignore some visual thing" settings (just set the right Vim option) -- - No support for legacy web engines -- - No support for legacy encoding (supports only UTF-8) -- - No interactive webpage -- - No specifying the internal HTML (no XHTML, no use_css=false) -- - No multiwindow diffs -- - No ranges -- -- Remarks: -- - Not all visuals are supported, so it may differ. --- @class (private) vim.tohtml.state.global --- @field background string --- @field foreground string --- @field title string|false --- @field font string --- @field highlights_name table --- @field conf vim.tohtml.opt --- @class (private) vim.tohtml.state:vim.tohtml.state.global --- @field style vim.tohtml.styletable --- @field tabstop string|false --- @field opt vim.wo --- @field winid integer --- @field bufnr integer --- @field width integer --- @field buflen integer --- @class (private) vim.tohtml.styletable --- @field [integer] vim.tohtml.line (integer: (1-index, exclusive)) --- @class (private) vim.tohtml.line --- @field virt_lines {[integer]:{[1]:string,[2]:integer}[]} --- @field pre_text string[][] --- @field hide? boolean --- @field [integer] vim.tohtml.cell? (integer: (1-index, exclusive)) --- @class (private) vim.tohtml.cell --- @field [1] integer[] start --- @field [2] integer[] close --- @field [3] any[][] virt_text --- @field [4] any[][] overlay_text local HIDE_ID = -1 -- stylua: ignore start local cterm_8_to_hex={ [0] = "#808080", "#ff6060", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", "#8080ff", "#ff40ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", } local cterm_16_to_hex={ [0] = "#000000", "#c00000", "#008000", "#804000", "#0000c0", "#c000c0", "#008080", "#c0c0c0", "#808080", "#ff6060", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", "#8080ff", "#ff40ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", } local cterm_88_to_hex={ [0] = "#000000", "#c00000", "#008000", "#804000", "#0000c0", "#c000c0", "#008080", "#c0c0c0", "#808080", "#ff6060", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", "#8080ff", "#ff40ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#00008b", "#0000cd", "#0000ff", "#008b00", "#008b8b", "#008bcd", "#008bff", "#00cd00", "#00cd8b", "#00cdcd", "#00cdff", "#00ff00", "#00ff8b", "#00ffcd", "#00ffff", "#8b0000", "#8b008b", "#8b00cd", "#8b00ff", "#8b8b00", "#8b8b8b", "#8b8bcd", "#8b8bff", "#8bcd00", "#8bcd8b", "#8bcdcd", "#8bcdff", "#8bff00", "#8bff8b", "#8bffcd", "#8bffff", "#cd0000", "#cd008b", "#cd00cd", "#cd00ff", "#cd8b00", "#cd8b8b", "#cd8bcd", "#cd8bff", "#cdcd00", "#cdcd8b", "#cdcdcd", "#cdcdff", "#cdff00", "#cdff8b", "#cdffcd", "#cdffff", "#ff0000", "#ff008b", "#ff00cd", "#ff00ff", "#ff8b00", "#ff8b8b", "#ff8bcd", "#ff8bff", "#ffcd00", "#ffcd8b", "#ffcdcd", "#ffcdff", "#ffff00", "#ffff8b", "#ffffcd", "#ffffff", "#2e2e2e", "#5c5c5c", "#737373", "#8b8b8b", "#a2a2a2", "#b9b9b9", "#d0d0d0", "#e7e7e7", } local cterm_256_to_hex={ [0] = "#000000", "#c00000", "#008000", "#804000", "#0000c0", "#c000c0", "#008080", "#c0c0c0", "#808080", "#ff6060", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", "#8080ff", "#ff40ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#00005f", "#000087", "#0000af", "#0000d7", "#0000ff", "#005f00", "#005f5f", "#005f87", "#005faf", "#005fd7", "#005fff", "#008700", "#00875f", "#008787", "#0087af", "#0087d7", "#0087ff", "#00af00", "#00af5f", "#00af87", "#00afaf", "#00afd7", "#00afff", "#00d700", "#00d75f", "#00d787", "#00d7af", "#00d7d7", "#00d7ff", "#00ff00", "#00ff5f", "#00ff87", "#00ffaf", "#00ffd7", "#00ffff", "#5f0000", "#5f005f", "#5f0087", "#5f00af", "#5f00d7", "#5f00ff", "#5f5f00", "#5f5f5f", "#5f5f87", "#5f5faf", "#5f5fd7", "#5f5fff", "#5f8700", "#5f875f", "#5f8787", "#5f87af", "#5f87d7", "#5f87ff", "#5faf00", "#5faf5f", "#5faf87", "#5fafaf", "#5fafd7", "#5fafff", "#5fd700", "#5fd75f", "#5fd787", "#5fd7af", "#5fd7d7", "#5fd7ff", "#5fff00", "#5fff5f", "#5fff87", "#5fffaf", "#5fffd7", "#5fffff", "#870000", "#87005f", "#870087", "#8700af", "#8700d7", "#8700ff", "#875f00", "#875f5f", "#875f87", "#875faf", "#875fd7", "#875fff", "#878700", "#87875f", "#878787", "#8787af", "#8787d7", "#8787ff", "#87af00", "#87af5f", "#87af87", "#87afaf", "#87afd7", "#87afff", "#87d700", "#87d75f", "#87d787", "#87d7af", "#87d7d7", "#87d7ff", "#87ff00", "#87ff5f", "#87ff87", "#87ffaf", "#87ffd7", "#87ffff", "#af0000", "#af005f", "#af0087", "#af00af", "#af00d7", "#af00ff", "#af5f00", "#af5f5f", "#af5f87", "#af5faf", "#af5fd7", "#af5fff", "#af8700", "#af875f", "#af8787", "#af87af", "#af87d7", "#af87ff", "#afaf00", "#afaf5f", "#afaf87", "#afafaf", "#afafd7", "#afafff", "#afd700", "#afd75f", "#afd787", "#afd7af", "#afd7d7", "#afd7ff", "#afff00", "#afff5f", "#afff87", "#afffaf", "#afffd7", "#afffff", "#d70000", "#d7005f", "#d70087", "#d700af", "#d700d7", "#d700ff", "#d75f00", "#d75f5f", "#d75f87", "#d75faf", "#d75fd7", "#d75fff", "#d78700", "#d7875f", "#d78787", "#d787af", "#d787d7", "#d787ff", "#d7af00", "#d7af5f", "#d7af87", "#d7afaf", "#d7afd7", "#d7afff", "#d7d700", "#d7d75f", "#d7d787", "#d7d7af", "#d7d7d7", "#d7d7ff", "#d7ff00", "#d7ff5f", "#d7ff87", "#d7ffaf", "#d7ffd7", "#d7ffff", "#ff0000", "#ff005f", "#ff0087", "#ff00af", "#ff00d7", "#ff00ff", "#ff5f00", "#ff5f5f", "#ff5f87", "#ff5faf", "#ff5fd7", "#ff5fff", "#ff8700", "#ff875f", "#ff8787", "#ff87af", "#ff87d7", "#ff87ff", "#ffaf00", "#ffaf5f", "#ffaf87", "#ffafaf", "#ffafd7", "#ffafff", "#ffd700", "#ffd75f", "#ffd787", "#ffd7af", "#ffd7d7", "#ffd7ff", "#ffff00", "#ffff5f", "#ffff87", "#ffffaf", "#ffffd7", "#ffffff", "#080808", "#121212", "#1c1c1c", "#262626", "#303030", "#3a3a3a", "#444444", "#4e4e4e", "#585858", "#626262", "#6c6c6c", "#767676", "#808080", "#8a8a8a", "#949494", "#9e9e9e", "#a8a8a8", "#b2b2b2", "#bcbcbc", "#c6c6c6", "#d0d0d0", "#dadada", "#e4e4e4", "#eeeeee", } -- stylua: ignore end --- @type table local cterm_color_cache = {} --- @type string? local background_color_cache = nil --- @type string? local foreground_color_cache = nil --- @see https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h3-Operating-System-Commands --- @param color "background"|"foreground"|integer --- @return string? local function try_query_terminal_color(color) local parameter = 4 if color == 'foreground' then parameter = 10 elseif color == 'background' then parameter = 11 end --- @type string? local hex = nil local au = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TermResponse', { once = true, callback = function(args) hex = '#' .. table.concat({ args.data:match('\027%]%d+;%d*;?rgb:(%w%w)%w%w/(%w%w)%w%w/(%w%w)%w%w') }) end, }) if type(color) == 'number' then io.stdout:write(('\027]%s;%s;?\027\\'):format(parameter, color)) else io.stdout:write(('\027]%s;?\027\\'):format(parameter)) end vim.wait(100, function() return hex and true or false end) pcall(vim.api.nvim_del_autocmd, au) return hex end --- @param colorstr string --- @return string local function cterm_to_hex(colorstr) if colorstr:sub(1, 1) == '#' then return colorstr end assert(colorstr ~= '') local color = tonumber(colorstr) assert(color and 0 <= color and color <= 255) if cterm_color_cache[color] then return cterm_color_cache[color] end local hex = try_query_terminal_color(color) if hex then cterm_color_cache[color] = hex else vim.notify_once("Info(TOhtml): Couldn't get terminal colors, using fallback") local t_Co = tonumber(vim.api.nvim_eval('&t_Co')) if t_Co <= 8 then cterm_color_cache = cterm_8_to_hex elseif t_Co == 88 then cterm_color_cache = cterm_88_to_hex elseif t_Co == 256 then cterm_color_cache = cterm_256_to_hex else cterm_color_cache = cterm_16_to_hex end end return cterm_color_cache[color] end --- @return string local function get_background_color() local bg = vim.fn.synIDattr(vim.fn.hlID('Normal'), 'bg#') if bg ~= '' then return cterm_to_hex(bg) end if background_color_cache then return background_color_cache end local hex = try_query_terminal_color('background') if not hex or not hex:match('#%x%x%x%x%x%x') then vim.notify_once("Info(TOhtml): Couldn't get terminal background colors, using fallback") hex = vim.o.background == 'light' and '#ffffff' or '#000000' end background_color_cache = hex return hex end --- @return string local function get_foreground_color() local fg = vim.fn.synIDattr(vim.fn.hlID('Normal'), 'fg#') if fg ~= '' then return cterm_to_hex(fg) end if foreground_color_cache then return foreground_color_cache end local hex = try_query_terminal_color('foreground') if not hex or not hex:match('#%x%x%x%x%x%x') then vim.notify_once("Info(TOhtml): Couldn't get terminal foreground colors, using fallback") hex = vim.o.background == 'light' and '#000000' or '#ffffff' end foreground_color_cache = hex return hex end --- @param style_line vim.tohtml.line --- @param col integer (1-index) --- @param field integer --- @param val any local function _style_line_insert(style_line, col, field, val) if style_line[col] == nil then style_line[col] = { {}, {}, {}, {} } end table.insert(style_line[col][field], val) end --- @param style_line vim.tohtml.line --- @param col integer (1-index) --- @param val any[] local function style_line_insert_overlay_char(style_line, col, val) _style_line_insert(style_line, col, 4, val) end --- @param style_line vim.tohtml.line --- @param col integer (1-index) --- @param val any[] local function style_line_insert_virt_text(style_line, col, val) _style_line_insert(style_line, col, 3, val) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param hl string|integer|nil --- @return nil|integer local function register_hl(state, hl) if type(hl) == 'nil' then return elseif type(hl) == 'string' then hl = vim.fn.hlID(hl) assert(hl ~= 0) end hl = vim.fn.synIDtrans(hl) if not state.highlights_name[hl] then local name = vim.fn.synIDattr(hl, 'name') assert(name ~= '') state.highlights_name[hl] = name end return hl end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param start_row integer (1-index) --- @param start_col integer (1-index) --- @param end_row integer (1-index) --- @param end_col integer (1-index) --- @param conceal_text string --- @param hl_group string|integer? local function styletable_insert_conceal( state, start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col, conceal_text, hl_group ) assert(state.opt.conceallevel > 0) local styletable = state.style if start_col == end_col and start_row == end_row then return end if state.opt.conceallevel == 1 and conceal_text == '' then conceal_text = vim.opt_local.listchars:get().conceal or ' ' end local hlid = register_hl(state, hl_group) if vim.wo[state.winid].conceallevel ~= 3 then _style_line_insert(styletable[start_row], start_col, 3, { conceal_text, hlid }) end _style_line_insert(styletable[start_row], start_col, 1, HIDE_ID) _style_line_insert(styletable[end_row], end_col, 2, HIDE_ID) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param start_row integer (1-index) --- @param start_col integer (1-index) --- @param end_row integer (1-index) --- @param end_col integer (1-index) --- @param hl_group string|integer|nil local function styletable_insert_range(state, start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col, hl_group) if start_col == end_col and start_row == end_row or not hl_group then return end local styletable = state.style _style_line_insert(styletable[start_row], start_col, 1, hl_group) _style_line_insert(styletable[end_row], end_col, 2, hl_group) end --- @param bufnr integer --- @return vim.tohtml.styletable local function generate_styletable(bufnr) --- @type vim.tohtml.styletable local styletable = {} for row = 1, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) + 1 do styletable[row] = { virt_lines = {}, pre_text = {} } end return styletable end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_syntax(state) for row = 1, state.buflen do local prev_id = 0 local prev_col = nil for col = 1, #vim.fn.getline(row) + 1 do local hlid = vim.fn.synID(row, col, 1) hlid = hlid == 0 and 0 or assert(register_hl(state, hlid)) if hlid ~= prev_id then if prev_id ~= 0 then styletable_insert_range(state, row, assert(prev_col), row, col, prev_id) end prev_col = col prev_id = hlid end end end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_diff(state) local styletable = state.style for row = 1, state.buflen do local style_line = styletable[row] local filler = vim.fn.diff_filler(row) if filler ~= 0 then local fill = (vim.opt_local.fillchars:get().diff or '-') table.insert( style_line.virt_lines, { { fill:rep(state.width), register_hl(state, 'DiffDelete') } } ) end if row == state.buflen + 1 then break end local prev_id = 0 local prev_col = nil for col = 1, #vim.fn.getline(row) do local hlid = vim.fn.diff_hlID(row, col) hlid = hlid == 0 and 0 or assert(register_hl(state, hlid)) if hlid ~= prev_id then if prev_id ~= 0 then styletable_insert_range(state, row, assert(prev_col), row, col, prev_id) end prev_col = col prev_id = hlid end end if prev_id ~= 0 then styletable_insert_range(state, row, assert(prev_col), row, #vim.fn.getline(row) + 1, prev_id) end end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_treesitter(state) local bufnr = state.bufnr local buf_highlighter = vim.treesitter.highlighter.active[bufnr] if not buf_highlighter then return end buf_highlighter.tree:parse(true) buf_highlighter.tree:for_each_tree(function(tstree, tree) --- @cast tree vim.treesitter.LanguageTree if not tstree then return end local root = tstree:root() local q = buf_highlighter:get_query(tree:lang()) --- @type vim.treesitter.Query? local query = q:query() if not query then return end for capture, node, metadata in query:iter_captures(root, buf_highlighter.bufnr, 0, state.buflen) do local srow, scol, erow, ecol = node:range() --- @diagnostic disable-next-line: invisible local c = q._query.captures[capture] if c ~= nil then local hlid = register_hl(state, '@' .. c .. '.' .. tree:lang()) if metadata.conceal and state.opt.conceallevel ~= 0 then styletable_insert_conceal(state, srow + 1, scol + 1, erow + 1, ecol + 1, metadata.conceal) end styletable_insert_range(state, srow + 1, scol + 1, erow + 1, ecol + 1, hlid) end end end) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param extmark {[1]:integer,[2]:integer,[3]:integer,[4]:vim.api.keyset.set_extmark|any} --- @param namespaces table local function _styletable_extmarks_highlight(state, extmark, namespaces) if not extmark[4].hl_group then return end ---TODO(altermo) LSP semantic tokens (and some other extmarks) are only ---generated in visible lines, and not in the whole buffer. if (namespaces[extmark[4].ns_id] or ''):find('vim_lsp_semantic_tokens') then vim.notify_once('Info(TOhtml): lsp semantic tokens are not supported, HTML may be incorrect') return end local srow, scol, erow, ecol = extmark[2], extmark[3], extmark[4].end_row or extmark[2], extmark[4].end_col or extmark[3] if scol == ecol and srow == erow then return end local hlid = register_hl(state, extmark[4].hl_group) styletable_insert_range(state, srow + 1, scol + 1, erow + 1, ecol + 1, hlid) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param extmark {[1]:integer,[2]:integer,[3]:integer,[4]:vim.api.keyset.set_extmark|any} local function _styletable_extmarks_virt_text(state, extmark) if not extmark[4].virt_text then return end local styletable = state.style --- @type integer,integer local row, col = extmark[2], extmark[3] if extmark[4].virt_text_pos == 'inline' or extmark[4].virt_text_pos == 'eol' or extmark[4].virt_text_pos == 'overlay' then if extmark[4].virt_text_pos == 'eol' then style_line_insert_virt_text(styletable[row + 1], #vim.fn.getline(row + 1) + 1, { ' ' }) end local virt_text_len = 0 for _, i in ipairs(extmark[4].virt_text --[[@as (string[][])]]) do local hlid = register_hl(state, i[2]) if extmark[4].virt_text_pos == 'eol' then style_line_insert_virt_text( styletable[row + 1], #vim.fn.getline(row + 1) + 1, { i[1], hlid } ) else style_line_insert_virt_text(styletable[row + 1], col + 1, { i[1], hlid }) end virt_text_len = virt_text_len + #i[1] end if extmark[4].virt_text_pos == 'overlay' then styletable_insert_range(state, row + 1, col + 1, row + 1, col + virt_text_len + 1, HIDE_ID) end end local not_supported = { virt_text_pos = 'right_align', hl_mode = 'blend', hl_group = 'combine', } for opt, val in ipairs(not_supported) do if extmark[4][opt] == val then vim.notify_once( ('Info(TOhtml): extmark.%s="%s" is not supported, HTML may be incorrect'):format(opt, val) ) end end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param extmark {[1]:integer,[2]:integer,[3]:integer,[4]:vim.api.keyset.set_extmark|any} local function _styletable_extmarks_virt_lines(state, extmark) ---TODO(altermo) if the fold start is equal to virt_line start then the fold hides the virt_line if not extmark[4].virt_lines then return end --- @type integer local row = extmark[2] + (extmark[4].virt_lines_above and 1 or 2) for _, line in ipairs(extmark[4].virt_lines --[[@as (string[][][])]]) do local virt_line = {} for _, i in ipairs(line) do local hlid = register_hl(state, i[2]) table.insert(virt_line, { i[1], hlid }) end table.insert(state.style[row].virt_lines, virt_line) end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param extmark {[1]:integer,[2]:integer,[3]:integer,[4]:vim.api.keyset.set_extmark|any} local function _styletable_extmarks_conceal(state, extmark) if not extmark[4].conceal or state.opt.conceallevel == 0 then return end local srow, scol, erow, ecol = extmark[2], extmark[3], extmark[4].end_row or extmark[2], extmark[4].end_col or extmark[3] styletable_insert_conceal( state, srow + 1, scol + 1, erow + 1, ecol + 1, extmark[4].conceal, extmark[4].hl_group or 'Conceal' ) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_extmarks(state) --TODO(altermo) extmarks may have col/row which is outside of the buffer, which could cause an error local bufnr = state.bufnr local extmarks = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(bufnr, -1, 0, -1, { details = true }) local namespaces = {} --- @type table for ns, ns_id in pairs(vim.api.nvim_get_namespaces()) do namespaces[ns_id] = ns end for _, v in ipairs(extmarks) do _styletable_extmarks_highlight(state, v, namespaces) end for _, v in ipairs(extmarks) do _styletable_extmarks_conceal(state, v) end for _, v in ipairs(extmarks) do _styletable_extmarks_virt_text(state, v) end for _, v in ipairs(extmarks) do _styletable_extmarks_virt_lines(state, v) end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_folds(state) local styletable = state.style local has_folded = false for row = 1, state.buflen do if vim.fn.foldclosed(row) > 0 then has_folded = true styletable[row].hide = true end if vim.fn.foldclosed(row) == row then local hlid = register_hl(state, 'Folded') ---TODO(altermo): Is there a way to get highlighted foldtext? local foldtext = vim.fn.foldtextresult(row) foldtext = foldtext .. (vim.opt.fillchars:get().fold or 'ยท'):rep(state.width - #foldtext) table.insert(styletable[row].virt_lines, { { foldtext, hlid } }) end end if has_folded and type(({ pcall(vim.api.nvim_eval, vim.o.foldtext) })[2]) == 'table' then vim.notify_once( 'Info(TOhtml): foldtext returning a table is half supported, HTML may be incorrect' ) end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_conceal(state) local bufnr = state.bufnr vim.api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function() for row = 1, state.buflen do --- @type table local conceals = {} local line_len_exclusive = #vim.fn.getline(row) + 1 for col = 1, line_len_exclusive do --- @type integer,string,integer local is_concealed, conceal, hlid = unpack(vim.fn.synconcealed(row, col) --[[@as table]]) if is_concealed == 0 then assert(true) elseif not conceals[hlid] then conceals[hlid] = { col, math.min(col + 1, line_len_exclusive), conceal } else conceals[hlid][2] = math.min(col + 1, line_len_exclusive) end end for _, v in pairs(conceals) do styletable_insert_conceal(state, row, v[1], row, v[2], v[3], 'Conceal') end end end) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_match(state) for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.getmatches(state.winid) --[[@as (table[])]]) do local hlid = register_hl(state, match.group) local function range(srow, scol, erow, ecol) if match.group == 'Conceal' and state.opt.conceallevel ~= 0 then styletable_insert_conceal(state, srow, scol, erow, ecol, match.conceal or '', hlid) else styletable_insert_range(state, srow, scol, erow, ecol, hlid) end end if match.pos1 then for key, v in pairs(match --[[@as (table)]]) do if not key:match('^pos(%d+)$') then assert(true) elseif #v == 1 then range(v[1], 1, v[1], #vim.fn.getline(v[1]) + 1) else range(v[1], v[2], v[1], v[3] + v[2]) end end else for _, v in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, match.pattern, 1, '$') --[[@as (table[])]]) do range(v.lnum, v.byteidx + 1, v.lnum, v.byteidx + 1 + #v.text) end end end end --- Requires state.conf.number_lines to be set to true --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_statuscolumn(state) if not state.conf.number_lines then return end local statuscolumn = state.opt.statuscolumn if statuscolumn == '' then if state.opt.relativenumber then if state.opt.number then statuscolumn = '%C%s%{%v:lnum!=line(".")?"%=".v:relnum." ":v:lnum%}' else statuscolumn = '%C%s%{%"%=".v:relnum." "%}' end else statuscolumn = '%C%s%{%"%=".v:lnum." "%}' end end local minwidth = 0 local signcolumn = state.opt.signcolumn if state.opt.number or state.opt.relativenumber then minwidth = minwidth + state.opt.numberwidth if signcolumn == 'number' then signcolumn = 'no' end end if signcolumn == 'number' then signcolumn = 'auto' end if signcolumn ~= 'no' then local max = tonumber(signcolumn:match('^%w-:(%d)')) or 1 if signcolumn:match('^auto') then --- @type table local signcount = {} for _, extmark in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(state.bufnr, -1, 0, -1, { details = true })) do if extmark[4].sign_text then signcount[extmark[2]] = (signcount[extmark[2]] or 0) + 1 end end local maxsigns = 0 for _, v in pairs(signcount) do if v > maxsigns then maxsigns = v end end minwidth = minwidth + math.min(maxsigns, max) * 2 else minwidth = minwidth + max * 2 end end local foldcolumn = state.opt.foldcolumn if foldcolumn ~= '0' then if foldcolumn:match('^auto') then local max = tonumber(foldcolumn:match('^%w-:(%d)')) or 1 local maxfold = 0 vim.api.nvim_buf_call(state.bufnr, function() for row = 1, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(state.bufnr) do local foldlevel = vim.fn.foldlevel(row) if foldlevel > maxfold then maxfold = foldlevel end end end) minwidth = minwidth + math.min(maxfold, max) else minwidth = minwidth + tonumber(foldcolumn) end end --- @type table local statuses = {} for row = 1, state.buflen do local status = vim.api.nvim_eval_statusline( statuscolumn, { winid = state.winid, use_statuscol_lnum = row, highlights = true } ) local width = vim.api.nvim_strwidth(status.str) if width > minwidth then minwidth = width end table.insert(statuses, status) --- @type string end for row, status in pairs(statuses) do --- @type string local str = status.str --- @type table[] local hls = status.highlights for k, v in ipairs(hls) do local text = str:sub(v.start + 1, hls[k + 1] and hls[k + 1].start or nil) if k == #hls then text = text .. (' '):rep(minwidth - vim.api.nvim_strwidth(str)) end if text ~= '' then local hlid = register_hl(state, v.group) local virt_text = { text, hlid } table.insert(state.style[row].pre_text, virt_text) end end end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_listchars(state) if not state.opt.list then return end --- @return string local function utf8_sub(str, i, j) return vim.fn.strcharpart(str, i - 1, j and j - i + 1 or nil) end local len = vim.api.nvim_strwidth --- @type table local listchars = vim.opt_local.listchars:get() local ids = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) rawset(t, k, register_hl(state, k)) return rawget(t, k) end, }) if listchars.eol then for row = 1, state.buflen do local style_line = state.style[row] style_line_insert_overlay_char( style_line, #vim.fn.getline(row) + 1, { listchars.eol, ids.NonText } ) end end if listchars.tab and state.tabstop then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, '\t', 1, '$') --[[@as (table[])]]) do --- @type integer local tablen = #state.tabstop - ((vim.fn.virtcol({ match.lnum, match.byteidx }, false, state.winid)) % #state.tabstop) --- @type string? local text if len(listchars.tab) == 3 then if tablen == 1 then text = utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 3, 3) else text = utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 1, 1) .. utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 2, 2):rep(tablen - 2) .. utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 3, 3) end else text = utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 1, 1) .. utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 2, 2):rep(tablen - 1) end style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + 1, { text, ids.Whitespace } ) end end if listchars.space then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, ' ', 1, '$') --[[@as (table[])]]) do style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + 1, { listchars.space, ids.Whitespace } ) end end if listchars.multispace then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, [[ \+]], 1, '$') --[[@as (table[])]]) do local text = utf8_sub(listchars.multispace:rep(len(match.text)), 1, len(match.text)) for i = 1, len(text) do style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + i, { utf8_sub(text, i, i), ids.Whitespace } ) end end end if listchars.lead or listchars.leadmultispace then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, [[^ \+]], 1, '$') --[[@as (table[])]]) do local text = '' if len(match.text) == 1 or not listchars.leadmultispace then if listchars.lead then text = listchars.lead:rep(len(match.text)) end elseif listchars.leadmultispace then text = utf8_sub(listchars.leadmultispace:rep(len(match.text)), 1, len(match.text)) end for i = 1, len(text) do style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + i, { utf8_sub(text, i, i), ids.Whitespace } ) end end end if listchars.trail then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, [[ \+$]], 1, '$') --[[@as (table[])]]) do local text = listchars.trail:rep(len(match.text)) for i = 1, len(text) do style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + i, { utf8_sub(text, i, i), ids.Whitespace } ) end end end if listchars.nbsp then for _, match in ipairs( vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, '\226\128\175\\|\194\160', 1, '$') --[[@as (table[])]] ) do style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + 1, { listchars.nbsp, ids.Whitespace } ) for i = 2, #match.text do style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + i, { '', ids.Whitespace } ) end end end end --- @param name string --- @return string local function highlight_name_to_class_name(name) return (name:gsub('%.', '-'):gsub('@', '-')) end --- @param name string --- @return string local function name_to_tag(name) return '' end --- @param _ string --- @return string local function name_to_closetag(_) return '' end --- @param str string --- @param tabstop string|false? --- @return string local function html_escape(str, tabstop) str = str:gsub('&', '&'):gsub('<', '<'):gsub('>', '>'):gsub('"', '"') if tabstop then --- @type string str = str:gsub('\t', tabstop) end return str end --- @param out string[] --- @param state vim.tohtml.state.global local function extend_style(out, state) table.insert(out, '') end --- @param out string[] --- @param state vim.tohtml.state.global local function extend_head(out, state) table.insert(out, '') table.insert(out, '') if state.title ~= false then table.insert(out, ('%s'):format(state.title)) end local colorscheme = vim.api.nvim_exec2('colorscheme', { output = true }).output table.insert( out, (''):format(html_escape(colorscheme)) ) extend_style(out, state) table.insert(out, '') end --- @param out string[] --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param row integer local function _extend_virt_lines(out, state, row) local style_line = state.style[row] for _, virt_line in ipairs(style_line.virt_lines) do local virt_s = '' for _, v in ipairs(virt_line) do if v[2] then virt_s = virt_s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[v[2]])) end virt_s = virt_s .. v[1] if v[2] then --- @type string virt_s = virt_s .. (name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[v[2]])) end end table.insert(out, virt_s) end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param row integer --- @return string local function _pre_text_to_html(state, row) local style_line = state.style[row] local s = '' for _, pre_text in ipairs(style_line.pre_text) do if pre_text[2] then s = s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[pre_text[2]])) end s = s .. (html_escape(pre_text[1], state.tabstop)) if pre_text[2] then --- @type string s = s .. (name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[pre_text[2]])) end end return s end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param char table --- @return string local function _char_to_html(state, char) local s = '' if char[2] then s = s .. name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[char[2]]) end s = s .. html_escape(char[1], state.tabstop) if char[2] then s = s .. name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[char[2]]) end return s end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param cell vim.tohtml.cell --- @return string local function _virt_text_to_html(state, cell) local s = '' for _, v in ipairs(cell[3]) do if v[2] then s = s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[v[2]])) end --- @type string s = s .. html_escape(v[1], state.tabstop) if v[2] then s = s .. name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[v[2]]) end end return s end --- @param out string[] --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function extend_pre(out, state) local styletable = state.style table.insert(out, '
  local hide_count = 0
  --- @type integer[]
  local stack = {}

  local function loop(row)
    local style_line = styletable[row]
    if style_line.hide and (styletable[row - 1] or {}).hide then
    _extend_virt_lines(out, state, row)
    --Possible improvement (altermo):
    --Instead of looping over all the buffer characters per line,
    --why not loop over all the style_line cells,
    --and then calculating the amount of text.
    if style_line.hide then
    local line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(state.bufnr, row - 1, row, false)[1] or ''
    local s = ''
    s = s .. _pre_text_to_html(state, row)
    for col = 1, #line + 1 do
      local cell = style_line[col]
      --- @type table?
      local char
      if cell then
        for i = #cell[2], 1, -1 do
          local hlid = cell[2][i]
          if hlid < 0 then
            if hlid == HIDE_ID then
              hide_count = hide_count - 1
            --- @type integer?
            local index
            for idx = #stack, 1, -1 do
              s = s .. (name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[stack[idx]]))
              if stack[idx] == hlid then
                index = idx
            assert(index, 'a coles tag which has no corresponding open tag')
            for idx = index + 1, #stack do
              s = s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[stack[idx]]))
            table.remove(stack, index)

        for _, hlid in ipairs(cell[1]) do
          if hlid < 0 then
            if hlid == HIDE_ID then
              hide_count = hide_count + 1
            table.insert(stack, hlid)
            s = s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[hlid]))

        if cell[3] then
          s = s .. _virt_text_to_html(state, cell)

        char = cell[4][#cell[4]]

      if col == #line + 1 and not char then

      if hide_count == 0 then
        s = s
          .. _char_to_html(
              or { vim.api.nvim_buf_get_text(state.bufnr, row - 1, col - 1, row - 1, col, {})[1] }
    table.insert(out, s)

  for row = 1, state.buflen + 1 do
  assert(#stack == 0, 'an open HTML tag was never closed')
  table.insert(out, '
') end --- @param out string[] --- @param fn fun() local function extend_body(out, fn) table.insert(out, '') fn() table.insert(out, '') end --- @param out string[] --- @param fn fun() local function extend_html(out, fn) table.insert(out, '') table.insert(out, '') fn() table.insert(out, '') end --- @param winid integer --- @param global_state vim.tohtml.state.global --- @return vim.tohtml.state local function global_state_to_state(winid, global_state) local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(winid) local opt = global_state.conf local width = opt.width or vim.bo[bufnr].textwidth if not width or width < 1 then width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(winid) end local state = setmetatable({ winid = winid == 0 and vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() or winid, opt = vim.wo[winid], style = generate_styletable(bufnr), bufnr = bufnr, tabstop = (' '):rep(vim.bo[bufnr].tabstop), width = width, buflen = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr), }, { __index = global_state }) return state --[[@as vim.tohtml.state]] end --- @param opt vim.tohtml.opt --- @param title? string --- @return vim.tohtml.state.global local function opt_to_global_state(opt, title) local fonts = {} if opt.font then fonts = type(opt.font) == 'string' and { opt.font } or opt.font --[[@as (string[])]] elseif vim.o.guifont:match('^[^:]+') then table.insert(fonts, vim.o.guifont:match('^[^:]+')) end table.insert(fonts, 'monospace') --- @type vim.tohtml.state.global local state = { background = get_background_color(), foreground = get_foreground_color(), title = opt.title or title or false, font = table.concat(fonts, ','), highlights_name = {}, conf = opt, } return state end --- @type fun(state: vim.tohtml.state)[] local styletable_funcs = { styletable_syntax, styletable_diff, styletable_treesitter, styletable_match, styletable_extmarks, styletable_conceal, styletable_listchars, styletable_folds, styletable_statuscolumn, } --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function state_generate_style(state) vim.api.nvim_win_call(state.winid, function() for _, fn in ipairs(styletable_funcs) do --- @type string? local cond if type(fn) == 'table' then cond = fn[2] --[[@as string]] --- @type function fn = fn[1] end if not cond or cond(state) then fn(state) end end end) end --- @param winid integer[]|integer --- @param opt? vim.tohtml.opt --- @return string[] local function win_to_html(winid, opt) if type(winid) == 'number' then winid = { winid } end --- @cast winid integer[] assert(#winid > 0, 'no window specified') opt = opt or {} local title = table.concat( vim.tbl_map(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name, vim.tbl_map(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf, winid)), ',' ) local global_state = opt_to_global_state(opt, title) --- @type vim.tohtml.state[] local states = {} for _, i in ipairs(winid) do local state = global_state_to_state(i, global_state) state_generate_style(state) table.insert(states, state) end local html = {} extend_html(html, function() extend_head(html, global_state) extend_body(html, function() for _, state in ipairs(states) do extend_pre(html, state) end end) end) return html end local M = {} --- @class vim.tohtml.opt --- @inlinedoc --- --- Title tag to set in the generated HTML code. --- (default: buffer name) --- @field title? string|false --- --- Show line numbers. --- (default: `false`) --- @field number_lines? boolean --- --- Fonts to use. --- (default: `guifont`) --- @field font? string[]|string --- --- Width used for items which are either right aligned or repeat a character --- infinitely. --- (default: 'textwidth' if non-zero or window width otherwise) --- @field width? integer --- Converts the buffer shown in the window {winid} to HTML and returns the output as a list of string. --- @param winid? integer Window to convert (defaults to current window) --- @param opt? vim.tohtml.opt Optional parameters. --- @return string[] function M.tohtml(winid, opt) return win_to_html(winid or 0, opt) end return M