-- Some sanity checks for the TUI using the builtin terminal emulator -- as a simple way to send keys and assert screen state. local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local thelpers = require('test.functional.terminal.helpers') local feed = thelpers.feed_data local execute = helpers.execute local nvim_dir = helpers.nvim_dir describe('tui', function() local screen before_each(function() helpers.clear() screen = thelpers.screen_setup(0, '["'..helpers.nvim_prog..'", "-u", "NONE", "-i", "NONE", "--cmd", "set noswapfile"]') -- right now pasting can be really slow in the TUI, especially in ASAN. -- this will be fixed later but for now we require a high timeout. screen.timeout = 60000 screen:expect([[ {1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] }| | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) after_each(function() screen:detach() end) it('accepts basic utf-8 input', function() feed('iabc\ntest1\ntest2') screen:expect([[ abc | test1 | test2{1: } | {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| {3:-- INSERT --} | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed('\027') screen:expect([[ abc | test1 | test{1:2} | {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) it('interprets leading byte as ALT modifier in normal-mode', function() local keys = 'dfghjkl' for c in keys:gmatch('.') do execute('nnoremap ialt-'..c..'') feed('\027'..c) end screen:expect([[ alt-j | alt-k | alt-l | {1: } | {5:[No Name] [+] }| | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed('gg') screen:expect([[ {1:a}lt-d | alt-f | alt-g | alt-h | {5:[No Name] [+] }| | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) it('does not mangle unmapped ALT-key chord', function() -- Vim represents ALT/META by setting the "high bit" of the modified key; -- we do _not_. #3982 -- -- Example: for input ALT+j: -- * Vim (Nvim prior to #3982) sets high-bit, inserts "ê". -- * Nvim (after #3982) inserts "j". feed('i\027j') screen:expect([[ j{1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| {3:-- INSERT --} | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) it('accepts ascii control sequences', function() feed('i') feed('\022\007') -- ctrl+g feed('\022\022') -- ctrl+v feed('\022\013') -- ctrl+m screen:expect([[ {9:^G^V^M}{1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| {3:-- INSERT --} | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) it('automatically sends for bracketed paste sequences', function() feed('i\027[200~') screen:expect([[ {1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] }| {3:-- INSERT (paste) --} | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed('pasted from terminal') screen:expect([[ pasted from terminal{1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| {3:-- INSERT (paste) --} | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed('\027[201~') screen:expect([[ pasted from terminal{1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| {3:-- INSERT --} | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) it('can handle arbitrarily long bursts of input', function() execute('set ruler') local t = {} for i = 1, 3000 do t[i] = 'item ' .. tostring(i) end feed('i\027[200~'..table.concat(t, '\n')..'\027[201~') screen:expect([[ item 2997 | item 2998 | item 2999 | item 3000{1: } | {5:[No Name] [+] 3000,10 Bot}| {3:-- INSERT --} | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) end) describe('tui with non-tty file descriptors', function() before_each(helpers.clear) after_each(function() os.remove('testF') -- ensure test file is removed end) it('can handle pipes as stdout and stderr', function() local screen = thelpers.screen_setup(0, '"'..helpers.nvim_prog..' -u NONE -i NONE --cmd \'set noswapfile\' --cmd \'normal iabc\' > /dev/null 2>&1 && cat testF && rm testF"') feed(':w testF\n:q\n') screen:expect([[ :w testF | :q | abc | | [Process exited 0]{1: } | | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) end) describe('tui focus event handling', function() local screen before_each(function() helpers.clear() screen = thelpers.screen_setup(0, '["'..helpers.nvim_prog..'", "-u", "NONE", "-i", "NONE", "--cmd", "set noswapfile"]') execute('autocmd FocusGained * echo "gained"') execute('autocmd FocusLost * echo "lost"') end) it('can handle focus events in normal mode', function() feed('\027[I') screen:expect([[ {1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] }| gained | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed('\027[O') screen:expect([[ {1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] }| lost | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) it('can handle focus events in insert mode', function() execute('set noshowmode') feed('i') feed('\027[I') screen:expect([[ {1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] }| gained | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed('\027[O') screen:expect([[ {1: } | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] }| lost | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) it('can handle focus events in cmdline mode', function() feed(':') feed('\027[I') screen:expect([[ | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] }| g{1:a}ined | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed('\027[O') screen:expect([[ | {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {4:~ }| {5:[No Name] }| l{1:o}st | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) it('can handle focus events in terminal mode', function() execute('set shell='..nvim_dir..'/shell-test') execute('set laststatus=0') execute('set noshowmode') execute('terminal') feed('\027[I') screen:expect([[ ready $ | [Process exited 0]{1: } | | | | gained | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed('\027[O') screen:expect([[ ready $ | [Process exited 0]{1: } | | | | lost | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) end) -- These tests require `thelpers` because --headless/--embed -- does not initialize the TUI. describe("tui 't_Co' (terminal colors)", function() local screen local is_linux = (helpers.eval("system('uname') =~? 'linux'") == 1) local function assert_term_colors(term, colorterm, maxcolors) helpers.clear({env={TERM=term}, args={}}) -- This is ugly because :term/termopen() forces TERM=xterm-256color. -- TODO: Revisit this after jobstart/termopen accept `env` dict. screen = thelpers.screen_setup(0, string.format( [=[['sh', '-c', 'TERM=%s %s %s -u NONE -i NONE --cmd "silent set noswapfile"']]=], term, (colorterm ~= nil and "COLORTERM="..colorterm or ""), helpers.nvim_prog)) thelpers.feed_data(":echo &t_Co\n") local tline if maxcolors == 8 then tline = "~ " else tline = "{4:~ }" end screen:expect(string.format([[ {1: } | %s| %s| %s| {5:[No Name] }| %-3s | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]], tline, tline, tline, tostring(maxcolors and maxcolors or ""))) end it("unknown TERM sets empty 't_Co'", function() assert_term_colors("yet-another-term", nil, nil) end) it("unknown TERM with COLORTERM=screen-256color uses 256 colors", function() assert_term_colors("yet-another-term", "screen-256color", 256) end) it("TERM=linux uses 8 colors", function() if is_linux then assert_term_colors("linux", nil, 8) else pending() end end) it("TERM=screen uses 8 colors", function() if is_linux then assert_term_colors("screen", nil, 8) else pending() end end) it("TERM=screen COLORTERM=screen-256color uses 256 colors", function() assert_term_colors("screen", "screen-256color", 256) end) it("TERM=yet-another-term COLORTERM=screen-256color uses 256 colors", function() assert_term_colors("screen", "screen-256color", 256) end) it("TERM=xterm uses 256 colors", function() assert_term_colors("xterm", nil, 256) end) it("TERM=xterm-256color uses 256 colors", function() assert_term_colors("xterm-256color", nil, 256) end) end)