" Test behavior of boolean-like values. source check.vim " Test what is explained at ":help TRUE" and ":help FALSE". func Test_if() if v:false call assert_true(false, 'v:false is false') endif if 0 call assert_true(false, 'zero is false') endif if "0" call assert_true(false, 'zero string is false') endif if "foo" call assert_true(false, 'foo is false') endif if " " call assert_true(false, 'space is false') endif if empty("foo") call assert_true(false, 'foo is not empty') endif if v:true else call assert_true(false, 'v:true is true') endif if 1 else call assert_true(false, 'one is true') endif if "1" else call assert_true(false, 'one string is true') endif if "1foo" else call assert_true(false, 'one in string is true') endif call assert_fails('if [1]', 'E745') call assert_fails('if {1: 1}', 'E728') call assert_fails('if function("string")', 'E703') if has('float') call assert_fails('if 1.3")', 'E805') endif endfunc function Try_arg_true_false(expr, false_val, true_val) for v in ['v:false', '0', '"0"', '"foo"', '" "'] let r = eval(substitute(a:expr, '%v%', v, '')) call assert_equal(a:false_val, r, 'result for ' . v . ' is not ' . string(a:false_val) . ' but ' . string(r)) endfor for v in ['v:true', '1', '"1"', '"1foo"'] let r = eval(substitute(a:expr, '%v%', v, '')) call assert_equal(a:true_val, r, 'result for ' . v . ' is not ' . string(a:true_val) . ' but ' . string(r)) endfor endfunc " Test using TRUE or FALSE values for an argument. func Test_true_false_arg() call Try_arg_true_false('count(["a", "A"], "a", %v%)', 1, 2) set wildignore=*.swp call Try_arg_true_false('expand("foo.swp", %v%)', "", "foo.swp") call Try_arg_true_false('expand("foo.vim", 0, %v%)', "foo.vim", ["foo.vim"]) call setreg('a', ['x', 'y']) call Try_arg_true_false('getreg("a", 1, %v%)', "x\ny\n", ['x', 'y']) set wildignore=*.vim call Try_arg_true_false('glob("runtest.vim", %v%)', "", "runtest.vim") set wildignore=*.swp call Try_arg_true_false('glob("runtest.vim", 0, %v%)', "runtest.vim", ["runtest.vim"]) if has('unix') silent !ln -s doesntexit Xlink call Try_arg_true_false('glob("Xlink", 0, 0, %v%)', "", "Xlink") silent !rm Xlink endif set wildignore=*.vim call Try_arg_true_false('globpath(".", "runtest.vim", %v%)', "", "./runtest.vim") set wildignore=*.swp call Try_arg_true_false('globpath(".", "runtest.vim", 0, %v%)', "./runtest.vim", ["./runtest.vim"]) if has('unix') silent !ln -s doesntexit Xlink call Try_arg_true_false('globpath(".", "Xlink", 0, 0, %v%)', "", "./Xlink") silent !rm Xlink endif abbr asdf asdff call Try_arg_true_false('hasmapto("asdff", "i", %v%)', 0, 1) call Try_arg_true_false('index(["a", "A"], "A", 0, %v%)', 1, 0) function FilterMapArg(d) if type(a:d) == type({}) return filter(a:d, 'v:key == "rhs"') endif return a:d endfunction call Try_arg_true_false('maparg("asdf", "i", %v%)', "", "asdff") call Try_arg_true_false('FilterMapArg(maparg("asdf", "i", 1, %v%))', "asdff", {'rhs': 'asdff'}) call Try_arg_true_false('"asdf"->hasmapto("i", %v%)', 0, 1) new colored call setline(1, '') syn match brackets "<.*>" syn match here "here" transparent let brackets_id = synID(1, 1, 0) let here_id = synID(1, 3, 0) call Try_arg_true_false('synID(1, 3, %v%)', here_id, brackets_id) bwipe! endfunc function Try_arg_non_zero(expr, false_val, true_val) CheckFeature float for v in ['v:false', '0', '[1]', '{2:3}', '3.4'] let r = eval(substitute(a:expr, '%v%', v, '')) call assert_equal(a:false_val, r, 'result for ' . v . ' is not ' . a:false_val . ' but ' . r) endfor for v in ['v:true', '1', '" "', '"0"'] let r = eval(substitute(a:expr, '%v%', v, '')) call assert_equal(a:true_val, r, 'result for ' . v . ' is not ' . a:true_val . ' but ' . r) endfor endfunc " Test using non-zero-arg for an argument. func Test_non_zero_arg() " call test_settime(93784) " call Try_arg_non_zero("mode(%v%)", 'x', 'x!') " call test_settime(0) call Try_arg_non_zero("shellescape('foo%', %v%)", "'foo%'", "'foo\\%'") " visualmode() needs to be called twice to check for v in [v:false, 0, [1], {2:3}, 3.4] normal vv let r = visualmode(v) call assert_equal('v', r, 'result for ' . string(v) . ' is not "v" but ' . r) let r = visualmode(v) call assert_equal('v', r, 'result for ' . string(v) . ' is not "v" but ' . r) endfor for v in [v:true, 1, " ", "0"] normal vv let r = visualmode(v) call assert_equal('v', r, 'result for ' . v . ' is not "v" but ' . r) let r = visualmode(v) call assert_equal('', r, 'result for ' . v . ' is not "" but ' . r) endfor endfunc