" Tests for when a file was changed outside of Vim. source check.vim func Test_FileChangedShell_reload() CheckUnix augroup testreload au FileChangedShell Xchanged_r let g:reason = v:fcs_reason | let v:fcs_choice = 'reload' augroup END new Xchanged_r call setline(1, 'reload this') write " Need to wait until the timestamp would change by at least a second. sleep 2 silent !echo 'extra line' >>Xchanged_r checktime call assert_equal('changed', g:reason) call assert_equal(2, line('$')) call assert_equal('extra line', getline(2)) " Only triggers once let g:reason = '' checktime call assert_equal('', g:reason) " When deleted buffer is not reloaded silent !rm Xchanged_r let g:reason = '' checktime call assert_equal('deleted', g:reason) call assert_equal(2, line('$')) call assert_equal('extra line', getline(2)) " When recreated buffer is reloaded call setline(1, 'buffer is changed') silent !echo 'new line' >>Xchanged_r let g:reason = '' checktime call assert_equal('conflict', g:reason) call assert_equal(1, line('$')) call assert_equal('new line', getline(1)) " Only mode changed silent !chmod +x Xchanged_r let g:reason = '' checktime call assert_equal('mode', g:reason) call assert_equal(1, line('$')) call assert_equal('new line', getline(1)) " Only time changed sleep 2 silent !touch Xchanged_r let g:reason = '' checktime call assert_equal('time', g:reason) call assert_equal(1, line('$')) call assert_equal('new line', getline(1)) if has('persistent_undo') " With an undo file the reload can be undone and a change before the " reload. set undofile call setline(2, 'before write') write call setline(2, 'after write') sleep 2 silent !echo 'different line' >>Xchanged_r let g:reason = '' checktime call assert_equal('conflict', g:reason) call assert_equal(3, line('$')) call assert_equal('before write', getline(2)) call assert_equal('different line', getline(3)) " undo the reload undo call assert_equal(2, line('$')) call assert_equal('after write', getline(2)) " undo the change before reload undo call assert_equal(2, line('$')) call assert_equal('before write', getline(2)) set noundofile endif au! testreload bwipe! call delete(undofile('Xchanged_r')) call delete('Xchanged_r') endfunc func Test_FileChangedShell_edit() CheckUnix new Xchanged_r call setline(1, 'reload this') set fileformat=unix write " File format changed, reload (content only, no 'ff' etc) augroup testreload au! au FileChangedShell Xchanged_r let g:reason = v:fcs_reason | let v:fcs_choice = 'reload' augroup END call assert_equal(&fileformat, 'unix') sleep 10m " make the test less flaky in Nvim call writefile(["line1\r", "line2\r"], 'Xchanged_r') let g:reason = '' checktime call assert_equal('changed', g:reason) call assert_equal(&fileformat, 'unix') call assert_equal("line1\r", getline(1)) call assert_equal("line2\r", getline(2)) %s/\r write " File format changed, reload with 'ff', etc augroup testreload au! au FileChangedShell Xchanged_r let g:reason = v:fcs_reason | let v:fcs_choice = 'edit' augroup END call assert_equal(&fileformat, 'unix') sleep 10m " make the test less flaky in Nvim call writefile(["line1\r", "line2\r"], 'Xchanged_r') let g:reason = '' checktime call assert_equal('changed', g:reason) call assert_equal(&fileformat, 'dos') call assert_equal('line1', getline(1)) call assert_equal('line2', getline(2)) set fileformat=unix write au! testreload bwipe! call delete(undofile('Xchanged_r')) call delete('Xchanged_r') endfunc func Test_FileChangedShell_edit_dialog() " requires a UI to be active throw 'Skipped: use test/functional/legacy/filechanged_spec.lua' CheckNotGui CheckUnix " Using low level feedkeys() does not work on MS-Windows. new Xchanged_r call setline(1, 'reload this') set fileformat=unix write " File format changed, reload (content only) via prompt augroup testreload au! au FileChangedShell Xchanged_r let g:reason = v:fcs_reason | let v:fcs_choice = 'ask' augroup END call assert_equal(&fileformat, 'unix') call writefile(["line1\r", "line2\r"], 'Xchanged_r') let g:reason = '' call feedkeys('L', 'L') " load file content only checktime call assert_equal('changed', g:reason) call assert_equal(&fileformat, 'unix') call assert_equal("line1\r", getline(1)) call assert_equal("line2\r", getline(2)) %s/\r write " File format changed, reload (file and options) via prompt augroup testreload au! au FileChangedShell Xchanged_r let g:reason = v:fcs_reason | let v:fcs_choice = 'ask' augroup END call assert_equal(&fileformat, 'unix') call writefile(["line1\r", "line2\r"], 'Xchanged_r') let g:reason = '' call feedkeys('a', 'L') " load file content and options checktime call assert_equal('changed', g:reason) call assert_equal(&fileformat, 'dos') call assert_equal("line1", getline(1)) call assert_equal("line2", getline(2)) set fileformat=unix write au! testreload bwipe! call delete(undofile('Xchanged_r')) call delete('Xchanged_r') endfunc func Test_file_changed_dialog() " requires a UI to be active throw 'Skipped: use test/functional/legacy/filechanged_spec.lua' CheckUnix CheckNotGui au! FileChangedShell new Xchanged_d call setline(1, 'reload this') write " Need to wait until the timestamp would change by at least a second. sleep 2 silent !echo 'extra line' >>Xchanged_d call feedkeys('L', 'L') checktime call assert_match('W11:', v:warningmsg) call assert_equal(2, line('$')) call assert_equal('reload this', getline(1)) call assert_equal('extra line', getline(2)) " delete buffer, only shows an error, no prompt silent !rm Xchanged_d checktime call assert_match('E211:', v:warningmsg) call assert_equal(2, line('$')) call assert_equal('extra line', getline(2)) let v:warningmsg = 'empty' " change buffer, recreate the file and reload call setline(1, 'buffer is changed') silent !echo 'new line' >Xchanged_d call feedkeys('L', 'L') checktime call assert_match('W12:', v:warningmsg) call assert_equal(1, line('$')) call assert_equal('new line', getline(1)) " Only mode changed, reload silent !chmod +x Xchanged_d call feedkeys('L', 'L') checktime call assert_match('W16:', v:warningmsg) call assert_equal(1, line('$')) call assert_equal('new line', getline(1)) " Only time changed, no prompt sleep 2 silent !touch Xchanged_d let v:warningmsg = '' checktime Xchanged_d call assert_equal('', v:warningmsg) call assert_equal(1, line('$')) call assert_equal('new line', getline(1)) " File created after starting to edit it call delete('Xchanged_d') new Xchanged_d call writefile(['one'], 'Xchanged_d') call feedkeys('L', 'L') checktime Xchanged_d call assert_equal(['one'], getline(1, '$')) close! bwipe! call delete('Xchanged_d') endfunc " Test for editing a new buffer from a FileChangedShell autocmd func Test_FileChangedShell_newbuf() call writefile(['one', 'two'], 'Xfile') new Xfile augroup testnewbuf autocmd FileChangedShell * enew augroup END sleep 10m " make the test less flaky in Nvim call writefile(['red'], 'Xfile') call assert_fails('checktime', 'E811:') au! testnewbuf call delete('Xfile') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab