local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local global_helpers = require('test.helpers') local os = require('os') local clear, feed = helpers.clear, helpers.feed local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local command, feed_command = helpers.command, helpers.feed_command local eval = helpers.eval local eq = helpers.eq local neq = helpers.neq local expect = helpers.expect local exec = helpers.exec local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local insert = helpers.insert local meths = helpers.meths local curbufmeths = helpers.curbufmeths local funcs = helpers.funcs local run = helpers.run local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local tbl_contains = global_helpers.tbl_contains local curbuf, curwin, curtab = helpers.curbuf, helpers.curwin, helpers.curtab local NIL = helpers.NIL describe('float window', function() before_each(function() clear() command('hi VertSplit gui=reverse') end) it('behavior', function() -- Create three windows and test that ":wincmd " changes to the -- first window, if the previous window is invalid. command('split') meths.open_win(0, true, {width=10, height=10, relative='editor', row=0, col=0}) eq(1002, funcs.win_getid()) eq('editor', meths.win_get_config(1002).relative) command([[ call nvim_win_close(1001, v:false) wincmd j ]]) eq(1000, funcs.win_getid()) end) it('win_execute() should work' , function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'the floatwin', 'abc', 'def'}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='win', width=16, height=1, row=0, col=10}) local line = funcs.win_execute(win, 'echo getline(1)') eq('\nthe floatwin', line) eq('\n1', funcs.win_execute(win, 'echo line(".",'..win.id..')')) eq('\n3', funcs.win_execute(win, 'echo line("$",'..win.id..')')) eq('\n0', funcs.win_execute(win, 'echo line("$", 123456)')) funcs.win_execute(win, 'bwipe!') end) it("win_execute() call commands that are not allowed when 'hidden' is not set" , function() command('set nohidden') local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'the floatwin'}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='win', width=16, height=1, row=0, col=10}) eq('Vim(close):E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)', pcall_err(funcs.win_execute, win, 'close')) eq('Vim(bdelete):E89: No write since last change for buffer 2 (add ! to override)', pcall_err(funcs.win_execute, win, 'bdelete')) funcs.win_execute(win, 'bwipe!') end) it('closed immediately by autocmd #11383', function() eq('Window was closed immediately', pcall_err(exec_lua, [[ local api = vim.api local function crashes(contents) local buf = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local floatwin = api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, { relative = 'cursor'; style = 'minimal'; row = 0; col = 0; height = #contents; width = 10; }) api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, contents) local winnr = vim.fn.win_id2win(floatwin) api.nvim_command('wincmd p') api.nvim_command('autocmd BufEnter * ++once '..winnr..'wincmd c') return buf, floatwin end crashes{'foo'} crashes{'bar'} ]])) assert_alive() end) it('closed immediately by autocmd after win_enter #15548', function() eq('Window was closed immediately', pcall_err(exec_lua, [[ vim.cmd "autocmd BufLeave * ++once quit!" local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, { relative = "win", row = 0, col = 0, width = 1, height = 1, noautocmd = false, }) ]])) assert_alive() end) it('open with WinNew autocmd', function() local res = exec_lua([[ local triggerd = false local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('WinNew', { callback = function(opt) if opt.buf == buf then triggerd = true end end }) local opts = { relative = "win", row = 0, col = 0, width = 1, height = 1, noautocmd = false, } vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, opts) return triggerd ]]) eq(true, res) end) it('opened with correct height', function() local height = exec_lua([[ vim.go.winheight = 20 local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { height = 10, col = 5, row = 1, relative = 'editor', style = 'minimal', width = 15 } local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, opts) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(win_id) ]]) eq(10, height) end) it('opened with correct width', function() local width = exec_lua([[ vim.go.winwidth = 20 local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { height = 10, col = 5, row = 1, relative = 'editor', style = 'minimal', width = 10 } local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, opts) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(win_id) ]]) eq(10, width) end) it('opened with correct position', function() local pos = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { width = 10, height = 10, col = 7, row = 9, relative = 'editor', style = 'minimal' } local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id) ]]) eq(9, pos[1]) eq(7, pos[2]) end) it('opened with correct position relative to the mouse', function() meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 10, 10) local pos = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { width = 10, height = 10, col = 1, row = 2, relative = 'mouse', style = 'minimal' } local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id) ]]) eq(12, pos[1]) eq(11, pos[2]) end) it('opened with correct position relative to the cursor', function() local pos = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { width = 10, height = 10, col = 7, row = 9, relative = 'cursor', style = 'minimal' } local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id) ]]) eq(9, pos[1]) eq(7, pos[2]) end) it('opened with correct position relative to another window', function() local pos = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local par_opts = { width = 50, height = 50, col = 7, row = 9, relative = 'editor', style = 'minimal' } local par_win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, par_opts) local opts = { width = 10, height = 10, col = 7, row = 9, relative = 'win', style = 'minimal', win = par_win_id } local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id) ]]) eq(18, pos[1]) eq(14, pos[2]) end) it('opened with correct position relative to another relative window', function() local pos = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local root_opts = { width = 50, height = 50, col = 7, row = 9, relative = 'editor', style = 'minimal' } local root_win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, root_opts) local par_opts = { width = 20, height = 20, col = 2, row = 3, relative = 'win', win = root_win_id, style = 'minimal' } local par_win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, par_opts) local opts = { width = 10, height = 10, col = 3, row = 2, relative = 'win', win = par_win_id, style = 'minimal' } local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id) ]]) eq(14, pos[1]) eq(12, pos[2]) end) it('is not operated on by windo when non-focusable #15374', function() command([[ let winids = [] windo call add(winids, win_getid()) ]]) local windo_count_before = eval('len(winids)') local winid = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { relative = 'editor', focusable = false, height = 5, width = 5, col = 5, row = 5, } return vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) ]]) command([[ let winids = [] windo call add(winids, win_getid()) ]]) local windo_count_after = eval('len(winids)') eq(windo_count_before, windo_count_after) eq(false, tbl_contains(eval('winids'), winid)) end) it('is operated on by windo when focusable', function() command([[ let winids = [] windo call add(winids, win_getid()) ]]) local windo_count_before = eval('len(winids)') local winid = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { relative = 'editor', focusable = true, height = 5, width = 5, col = 5, row = 5, } return vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) ]]) command([[ let winids = [] windo call add(winids, win_getid()) ]]) local windo_count_after = eval('len(winids)') eq(windo_count_before + 1, windo_count_after) eq(true, tbl_contains(eval('winids'), winid)) end) it('is not active after windo when non-focusable #15374', function() local winid = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { relative = 'editor', focusable = false, height = 5, width = 5, col = 5, row = 5, } return vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) ]]) command('windo echo') neq(winid, eval('win_getid()')) end) it('is active after windo when focusable', function() local winid = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { relative = 'editor', focusable = true, height = 5, width = 5, col = 5, row = 5, } return vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) ]]) command('windo echo') eq(winid, eval('win_getid()')) end) it('supports windo with focusable and non-focusable floats', function() local winids = exec_lua([[ local result = {vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()} local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local opts = { relative = 'editor', focusable = false, height = 5, width = 5, col = 5, row = 5, } vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) opts.focusable = true table.insert(result, vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts)) opts.focusable = false vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) opts.focusable = true table.insert(result, vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts)) opts.focusable = false vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts) return result ]]) table.sort(winids) command([[ let winids = [] windo call add(winids, win_getid()) call sort(winids) ]]) eq(winids, eval('winids')) end) it("open does not trigger BufEnter #15300", function() local res = exec_lua[[ local times = {} local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(fasle, true) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', { callback = function(opt) if opt.buf == buf then times[#times + 1] = 1 end end }) local win_id local fconfig = { relative = 'editor', row = 10, col = 10, width = 10, height = 10, } --enter is false doesn't trigger win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, false, fconfig) vim.api.nvim_win_close(win_id, true) times[#times + 1] = #times == 0 and true or nil --enter is true trigger win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, fconfig) vim.api.nvim_win_close(win_id, true) times[#times + 1] = #times == 2 and true or nil --enter is true and fconfig.noautocmd is true doesn't trigger fconfig.noautocmd = true win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, fconfig) vim.api.nvim_win_close(win_id, true) times[#times + 1] = #times == 2 and true or nil return times ]] eq({true, 1, true}, res) end) it('no crash with bufpos and non-existent window', function() command('new') local closed_win = meths.get_current_win().id command('close') local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='win', win=closed_win, width=1, height=1, bufpos={0,0}}) assert_alive() end) it("no segfault when setting minimal style after clearing local 'fillchars' #19510", function() local float_opts = {relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 1, height = 1} local float_win = meths.open_win(0, true, float_opts) meths.set_option_value('fillchars', NIL, {win=float_win.id}) float_opts.style = 'minimal' meths.win_set_config(float_win, float_opts) assert_alive() end) it("should re-apply 'style' when present", function() local float_opts = {style = 'minimal', relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 1, height = 1} local float_win = meths.open_win(0, true, float_opts) meths.set_option_value('number', true, { win = float_win }) float_opts.row = 2 meths.win_set_config(float_win, float_opts) eq(false, meths.get_option_value('number', { win = float_win })) end) it("should not re-apply 'style' when missing", function() local float_opts = {style = 'minimal', relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 1, height = 1} local float_win = meths.open_win(0, true, float_opts) meths.set_option_value('number', true, { win = float_win }) float_opts.row = 2 float_opts.style = nil meths.win_set_config(float_win, float_opts) eq(true, meths.get_option_value('number', { win = float_win })) end) it("'scroll' is computed correctly when opening float with splitkeep=screen #20684", function() meths.set_option_value('splitkeep', 'screen', {}) local float_opts = {relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 10, height = 10} local float_win = meths.open_win(0, true, float_opts) eq(5, meths.get_option_value('scroll', {win=float_win.id})) end) it(':unhide works when there are floating windows', function() local float_opts = {relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 5, height = 5} local w0 = curwin() meths.open_win(0, false, float_opts) meths.open_win(0, false, float_opts) eq(3, #meths.list_wins()) command('unhide') eq({ w0 }, meths.list_wins()) end) it(':all works when there are floating windows', function() command('args Xa.txt') local float_opts = {relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 5, height = 5} local w0 = curwin() meths.open_win(0, false, float_opts) meths.open_win(0, false, float_opts) eq(3, #meths.list_wins()) command('all') eq({ w0 }, meths.list_wins()) end) describe('with only one tabpage,', function() local float_opts = {relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 1, height = 1} local old_buf, old_win before_each(function() insert('foo') old_buf = curbuf().id old_win = curwin().id end) describe('closing the last non-floating window gives E444', function() before_each(function() meths.open_win(old_buf, true, float_opts) end) it('if called from non-floating window', function() meths.set_current_win(old_win) eq('Vim:E444: Cannot close last window', pcall_err(meths.win_close, old_win, false)) end) it('if called from floating window', function() eq('Vim:E444: Cannot close last window', pcall_err(meths.win_close, old_win, false)) end) end) describe("deleting the last non-floating window's buffer", function() describe('leaves one window with an empty buffer when there is only one buffer', function() local same_buf_float before_each(function() same_buf_float = meths.open_win(old_buf, false, float_opts).id end) after_each(function() eq(old_win, curwin().id) expect('') eq(1, #meths.list_wins()) end) it('if called from non-floating window', function() meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) end) it('if called from floating window', function() meths.set_current_win(same_buf_float) command('autocmd WinLeave * let g:win_leave = nvim_get_current_win()') command('autocmd WinEnter * let g:win_enter = nvim_get_current_win()') meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(same_buf_float, eval('g:win_leave')) eq(old_win, eval('g:win_enter')) end) end) describe('closes other windows with that buffer when there are other buffers', function() local same_buf_float, other_buf, other_buf_float before_each(function() same_buf_float = meths.open_win(old_buf, false, float_opts).id other_buf = meths.create_buf(true, false).id other_buf_float = meths.open_win(other_buf, true, float_opts).id insert('bar') meths.set_current_win(old_win) end) after_each(function() eq(other_buf, curbuf().id) expect('bar') eq(2, #meths.list_wins()) end) it('if called from non-floating window', function() meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(old_win, curwin().id) end) it('if called from floating window with the same buffer', function() meths.set_current_win(same_buf_float) command('autocmd WinLeave * let g:win_leave = nvim_get_current_win()') command('autocmd WinEnter * let g:win_enter = nvim_get_current_win()') meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(same_buf_float, eval('g:win_leave')) eq(old_win, eval('g:win_enter')) eq(old_win, curwin().id) end) -- TODO: this case is too hard to deal with pending('if called from floating window with another buffer', function() meths.set_current_win(other_buf_float) meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) end) end) describe('creates an empty buffer when there is only one listed buffer', function() local same_buf_float, unlisted_buf_float before_each(function() same_buf_float = meths.open_win(old_buf, false, float_opts).id local unlisted_buf = meths.create_buf(true, false).id unlisted_buf_float = meths.open_win(unlisted_buf, true, float_opts).id insert('unlisted') command('set nobuflisted') meths.set_current_win(old_win) end) after_each(function() expect('') eq(2, #meths.list_wins()) end) it('if called from non-floating window', function() meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(old_win, curwin().id) end) it('if called from floating window with the same buffer', function() meths.set_current_win(same_buf_float) command('autocmd WinLeave * let g:win_leave = nvim_get_current_win()') command('autocmd WinEnter * let g:win_enter = nvim_get_current_win()') meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(same_buf_float, eval('g:win_leave')) eq(old_win, eval('g:win_enter')) eq(old_win, curwin().id) end) -- TODO: this case is too hard to deal with pending('if called from floating window with an unlisted buffer', function() meths.set_current_win(unlisted_buf_float) meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) end) end) end) describe('with splits, deleting the last listed buffer creates an empty buffer', function() describe('when a non-floating window has an unlisted buffer', function() local same_buf_float before_each(function() command('botright vnew') insert('unlisted') command('set nobuflisted') meths.set_current_win(old_win) same_buf_float = meths.open_win(old_buf, false, float_opts).id end) after_each(function() expect('') eq(2, #meths.list_wins()) end) it('if called from non-floating window with the deleted buffer', function() meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(old_win, curwin().id) end) it('if called from floating window with the deleted buffer', function() meths.set_current_win(same_buf_float) meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(same_buf_float, curwin().id) end) end) end) end) describe('with multiple tabpages but only one listed buffer,', function() local float_opts = {relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 1, height = 1} local unlisted_buf, old_buf, old_win before_each(function() insert('unlisted') command('set nobuflisted') unlisted_buf = curbuf().id command('tabnew') insert('foo') old_buf = curbuf().id old_win = curwin().id end) describe('without splits, deleting the last listed buffer creates an empty buffer', function() local same_buf_float before_each(function() meths.set_current_win(old_win) same_buf_float = meths.open_win(old_buf, false, float_opts).id end) after_each(function() expect('') eq(2, #meths.list_wins()) eq(2, #meths.list_tabpages()) end) it('if called from non-floating window', function() meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(old_win, curwin().id) end) it('if called from non-floating window in another tabpage', function() command('tab split') eq(3, #meths.list_tabpages()) meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) end) it('if called from floating window with the same buffer', function() meths.set_current_win(same_buf_float) command('autocmd WinLeave * let g:win_leave = nvim_get_current_win()') command('autocmd WinEnter * let g:win_enter = nvim_get_current_win()') meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(same_buf_float, eval('g:win_leave')) eq(old_win, eval('g:win_enter')) eq(old_win, curwin().id) end) end) describe('with splits, deleting the last listed buffer creates an empty buffer', function() local same_buf_float before_each(function() command('botright vsplit') meths.set_current_buf(unlisted_buf) meths.set_current_win(old_win) same_buf_float = meths.open_win(old_buf, false, float_opts).id end) after_each(function() expect('') eq(3, #meths.list_wins()) eq(2, #meths.list_tabpages()) end) it('if called from non-floating window with the deleted buffer', function() meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(old_win, curwin().id) end) it('if called from floating window with the deleted buffer', function() meths.set_current_win(same_buf_float) meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = true}) eq(same_buf_float, curwin().id) end) end) end) describe('with multiple tabpages and multiple listed buffers,', function() local float_opts = {relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 1, height = 1} local old_tabpage, old_buf, old_win before_each(function() old_tabpage = curtab().id insert('oldtab') command('tabnew') old_buf = curbuf().id old_win = curwin().id end) describe('closing the last non-floating window', function() describe('closes the tabpage when all floating windows are closeable', function() local same_buf_float before_each(function() same_buf_float = meths.open_win(old_buf, false, float_opts).id end) after_each(function() eq(old_tabpage, curtab().id) expect('oldtab') eq(1, #meths.list_tabpages()) end) it('if called from non-floating window', function() meths.win_close(old_win, false) end) it('if called from floating window', function() meths.set_current_win(same_buf_float) meths.win_close(old_win, false) end) end) describe('gives E5601 when there are non-closeable floating windows', function() local other_buf_float before_each(function() command('set nohidden') local other_buf = meths.create_buf(true, false).id other_buf_float = meths.open_win(other_buf, true, float_opts).id insert('foo') meths.set_current_win(old_win) end) it('if called from non-floating window', function() eq('Vim:E5601: Cannot close window, only floating window would remain', pcall_err(meths.win_close, old_win, false)) end) it('if called from floating window', function() meths.set_current_win(other_buf_float) eq('Vim:E5601: Cannot close window, only floating window would remain', pcall_err(meths.win_close, old_win, false)) end) end) end) describe("deleting the last non-floating window's buffer", function() describe('closes the tabpage when all floating windows are closeable', function() local same_buf_float, other_buf, other_buf_float before_each(function() same_buf_float = meths.open_win(old_buf, false, float_opts).id other_buf = meths.create_buf(true, false).id other_buf_float = meths.open_win(other_buf, true, float_opts).id meths.set_current_win(old_win) end) after_each(function() eq(old_tabpage, curtab().id) expect('oldtab') eq(1, #meths.list_tabpages()) end) it('if called from non-floating window', function() meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = false}) end) it('if called from floating window with the same buffer', function() meths.set_current_win(same_buf_float) meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = false}) end) -- TODO: this case is too hard to deal with pending('if called from floating window with another buffer', function() meths.set_current_win(other_buf_float) meths.buf_delete(old_buf, {force = false}) end) end) -- TODO: what to do when there are non-closeable floating windows? end) end) local function with_ext_multigrid(multigrid) local screen, attrs before_each(function() screen = Screen.new(40,7) screen:attach {ext_multigrid=multigrid} attrs = { [0] = {bold=true, foreground=Screen.colors.Blue}, [1] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta}, [2] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, [3] = {bold = true}, [4] = {bold = true, reverse = true}, [5] = {reverse = true}, [6] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, reverse = true}, [7] = {foreground = Screen.colors.White, background = Screen.colors.Red}, [8] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SeaGreen4}, [9] = {background = Screen.colors.LightGrey, underline = true}, [10] = {background = Screen.colors.LightGrey, underline = true, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Magenta}, [11] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Magenta}, [12] = {background = Screen.colors.Red, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, [13] = {background = Screen.colors.WebGray}, [14] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Brown}, [15] = {background = Screen.colors.Grey20}, [16] = {background = Screen.colors.Grey20, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, [17] = {background = Screen.colors.Yellow}, [18] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Brown, background = Screen.colors.Grey20}, [19] = {foreground = Screen.colors.DarkBlue, background = Screen.colors.WebGray}, [20] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Brown}, [21] = {background = Screen.colors.Gray90}, [22] = {background = Screen.colors.LightRed}, [23] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Black, background = Screen.colors.White}; [24] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Black, background = Screen.colors.Grey80}; [25] = {blend = 100, background = Screen.colors.Gray0}; [26] = {blend = 80, background = Screen.colors.Gray0}; [27] = {background = Screen.colors.LightGray}; [28] = {foreground = Screen.colors.DarkBlue, background = Screen.colors.LightGray}; } screen:set_default_attr_ids(attrs) end) it('can be created and reconfigured', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5}) local expected_pos = { [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 5, true}, } if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1: }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='editor', row=0, col=10}) expected_pos[4][4] = 0 expected_pos[4][5] = 10 if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {1: } | {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_close(win, false) if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it('window position fixed', function() command('rightbelow 20vsplit') local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, { relative='win', width=15, height=2, row=2, col=10, anchor='NW', fixed=true}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| {5:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 4, 2, 10, true}; }} else screen:expect([[ {5:│}^ | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }{1: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }{2:~ }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {5:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {fixed=false}) if multigrid then screen:expect_unchanged() else screen:expect([[ {5:│}^ | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }{1: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }{2:~ }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {5:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] }| | ]]) end end) it('draws correctly with redrawdebug=compositor', function() -- NB: we do not test that it produces the "correct" debug info -- (as it is intermediate only, and is allowed to change by internal -- refactors). Only check that it doesn't cause permanent glitches, -- or something. command("set redrawdebug=compositor") command("set wd=1") local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5}) local expected_pos = { [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 5, true}, } if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1: }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='editor', row=0, col=10}) expected_pos[4][4] = 0 expected_pos[4][5] = 10 if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {1: } | {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_close(win, false) if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it('return their configuration', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=3, col=5, zindex=60}) local expected = {anchor='NW', col=5, external=false, focusable=true, height=2, relative='editor', row=3, width=20, zindex=60, hide=false} eq(expected, meths.win_get_config(win)) eq({relative='', external=false, focusable=true, hide=false}, meths.win_get_config(0)) if multigrid then meths.win_set_config(win, {external=true, width=10, height=1}) eq({external=true,focusable=true,width=10,height=1,relative='',hide=false}, meths.win_get_config(win)) end end) it('defaults to NormalFloat highlight and inherited options', function() command('set number') command('hi NormalFloat guibg=#333333 guifg=NONE') feed('ixygg') local win = meths.open_win(0, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=4, row=4, col=10}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {14: 1 }^x | {14: 2 }y | {14: 3 } | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {18: 1 }{15:x }| {18: 2 }{15:y }| {18: 3 }{15: }| {16:~ }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}} else screen:expect([[ {14: 1 }^x | {14: 2 }y | {14: 3 } {18: 1 }{15:x } | {0:~ }{18: 2 }{15:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{18: 3 }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{16:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true) meths.win_set_buf(win, buf) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {14: 1 }^x | {14: 2 }y | {14: 3 } | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {18: 1 }{15: }| {16:~ }| {16:~ }| {16:~ }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}} else screen:expect([[ {14: 1 }^x | {14: 2 }y | {14: 3 } {18: 1 }{15: } | {0:~ }{16:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{16:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{16:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end end) it("can use 'minimal' style", function() command('set number') command('set signcolumn=yes') command('set colorcolumn=1') command('set cursorline') command('set foldcolumn=1') command('hi NormalFloat guibg=#333333 guifg=NONE') feed('ixygg') local win = meths.open_win(0, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=4, row=4, col=10, style='minimal'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {15:x }| {15:y }| {15: }| {15: }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {15:x } | {0:~ }{15:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| | ]]} end -- signcolumn=yes still works if there actually are signs command('sign define piet1 text=𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄ texthl=Search') command('sign place 1 line=1 name=piet1 buffer=1') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {19: }{17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{15:x }| {19: }{15:y }| {19: }{15: }| {15: }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}} else screen:expect([[ {19: }{17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{15:x } | {0:~ }{19: }{15:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{19: }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| | ]]) end command('sign unplace 1 buffer=1') local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true) meths.win_set_buf(win, buf) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {15: }| {15: }| {15: }| {15: }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}} else screen:expect([[ {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {15: } | {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| | ]]) end end) it("would not break 'minimal' style with signcolumn=auto:[min]-[max]", function() command('set number') command('set signcolumn=auto:1-3') command('set colorcolumn=1') command('set cursorline') command('set foldcolumn=1') command('hi NormalFloat guibg=#333333 guifg=NONE') feed('ixygg') local win = meths.open_win(0, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=4, row=4, col=10, style='minimal'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {15:x }| {15:y }| {15: }| {15: }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {15:x } | {0:~ }{15:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| | ]]} end command('sign define piet1 text=𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄ texthl=Search') command('sign place 1 line=1 name=piet1 buffer=1') -- signcolumn=auto:1-3 still works if there actually are signs if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {19: }{17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{15:x }| {19: }{15:y }| {19: }{15: }| {15: }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}} else screen:expect([[ {19: }{17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{15:x } | {0:~ }{19: }{15:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{19: }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| | ]]) end command('sign unplace 1 buffer=1') local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true) meths.win_set_buf(win, buf) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {15: }| {15: }| {15: }| {15: }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}} else screen:expect([[ {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }| {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} | {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {15: } | {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| | ]]) end end) it("would not break 'minimal' style with statuscolumn set", function() command('set number') command('set signcolumn=yes') command('set colorcolumn=1') command('set cursorline') command('set foldcolumn=1') command('set statuscolumn=%l%s%C') command('hi NormalFloat guibg=#333333 guifg=NONE') feed('ixygg') meths.open_win(0, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=4, row=4, col=10, style='minimal'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 {20:1}{19: }{20: }{22:^x}{21: }| {14:2}{19: }{14: }{22:y} | {14:3}{19: }{14: }{22: } | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {15:x }| {15:y }| {15: }| {15: }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {20:1}{19: }{20: }{22:^x}{21: }| {14:2}{19: }{14: }{22:y} | {14:3}{19: }{14: }{22: } {15:x } | {0:~ }{15:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| {0:~ }{15: }{0: }| | ]]} end end) it('can have border', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {' halloj! ', ' BORDAA '}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, border="double"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═════════╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {border="single"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌─────────┐}| {5:│}{1: halloj! }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: BORDAA }{5:│}| {5:└─────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:┌─────────┐}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1: halloj! }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1: BORDAA }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:└─────────┘}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {border="rounded"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╭─────────╮}| {5:│}{1: halloj! }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: BORDAA }{5:│}| {5:╰─────────╯}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╭─────────╮}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1: halloj! }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1: BORDAA }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╰─────────╯}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {border="solid"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5: }| {5: }{1: halloj! }{5: }| {5: }{1: BORDAA }{5: }| {5: }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5: }{0: }| {0:~ }{5: }{1: halloj! }{5: }{0: }| {0:~ }{5: }{1: BORDAA }{5: }{0: }| {0:~ }{5: }{0: }| | ]]} end -- support: ascii char, UTF-8 char, composed char, highlight per char meths.win_set_config(win, {border={"x", {"å", "ErrorMsg"}, {"\\"}, {"n̈̊", "Search"}}}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:x}{7:ååååååååå}{5:\}| {17:n̈̊}{1: halloj! }{17:n̈̊}| {17:n̈̊}{1: BORDAA }{17:n̈̊}| {5:\}{7:ååååååååå}{5:x}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:x}{7:ååååååååå}{5:\}{0: }| {0:~ }{17:n̈̊}{1: halloj! }{17:n̈̊}{0: }| {0:~ }{17:n̈̊}{1: BORDAA }{17:n̈̊}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:\}{7:ååååååååå}{5:x}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {border="none"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1: halloj! }| {1: BORDAA }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1: halloj! }{0: }| {0:~ }{1: BORDAA }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {border={"", "", "", ">", "", "", "", "<"}}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:<}{1: halloj! }{5:>}| {5:<}{1: BORDAA }{5:>}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:<}{1: halloj! }{5:>}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:<}{1: BORDAA }{5:>}{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {border={"", "_", "", "", "", "-", "", ""}}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:_________}| {1: halloj! }| {1: BORDAA }| {5:---------}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:_________}{0: }| {0:~ }{1: halloj! }{0: }| {0:~ }{1: BORDAA }{0: }| {0:~ }{5:---------}{0: }| | ]]} end insert [[ neeed some dummy background text to show the effect of color blending of border shadow ]] meths.win_set_config(win, {border="shadow"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 neeed some dummy | background text | to show the effect | of color blending | of border shadow | ^ | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1: halloj! }{25: }| {1: BORDAA }{26: }| {25: }{26: }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 6, curline = 5, curcol = 0, linecount = 6, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ neeed some dummy | background text | to {1: halloj! }{23:e}ffect | of {1: BORDAA }{24:n}ding | of {23:b}{24:order sha}dow | ^ | | ]]} end end) it('validates title title_pos', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) eq("title requires border to be set", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, { relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, title='Title', })) eq("title_pos requires title to be set", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, { relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, border='single', title_pos='left', })) end) it('validate title_pos in nvim_win_get_config', function() local title_pos = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, false) local opts = { relative = 'editor', col = 2, row = 5, height = 2, width = 9, border = 'double', title = 'Test', title_pos = 'center' } local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, opts) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(win_id).title_pos ]]) eq('center', title_pos) end) it('validates footer footer_pos', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) eq("footer requires border to be set", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, { relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, footer='Footer', })) eq("footer_pos requires footer to be set", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, { relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, border='single', footer_pos='left', })) end) it('validate footer_pos in nvim_win_get_config', function() local footer_pos = exec_lua([[ local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, false) local opts = { relative = 'editor', col = 2, row = 5, height = 2, width = 9, border = 'double', footer = 'Test', footer_pos = 'center' } local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, opts) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(win_id).footer_pos ]]) eq('center', footer_pos) end) it('center aligned title longer than window width #25746', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {' halloj! ', ' BORDAA '}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, { relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, border="double", title = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",title_pos = "center", }) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔}{11:abcdefghi}{5:╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔}{11:abcdefghi}{5:╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_close(win, false) assert_alive() end) it('border with title', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {' halloj! ', ' BORDAA '}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, { relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, border="double", title = "Left",title_pos = "left", }) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔}{11:Left}{5:═════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔}{11:Left}{5:═════╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {title= "Center",title_pos="center"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═}{11:Center}{5:══╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═}{11:Center}{5:══╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {title= "Right",title_pos="right"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔════}{11:Right}{5:╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔════}{11:Right}{5:╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {title= { {"🦄"},{"BB"}},title_pos="right"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════}🦄BB{5:╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═════}🦄BB{5:╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| | ]]} end end) it('border with footer', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {' halloj! ', ' BORDAA '}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, { relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, border="double", footer = "Left",footer_pos = "left", }) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚}{11:Left}{5:═════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═════════╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚}{11:Left}{5:═════╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {footer= "Center",footer_pos="center"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═}{11:Center}{5:══╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═════════╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═}{11:Center}{5:══╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {footer= "Right",footer_pos="right"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚════}{11:Right}{5:╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═════════╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚════}{11:Right}{5:╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {footer= { {"🦄"},{"BB"}},footer_pos="right"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════}🦄BB{5:╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═════════╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════}🦄BB{5:╝}{0: }| | ]]} end end) it('border with title and footer', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {' halloj! ', ' BORDAA '}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, { relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, border="double", title = "Left", title_pos = "left", footer = "Right", footer_pos = "right", }) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔}{11:Left}{5:═════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚════}{11:Right}{5:╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔}{11:Left}{5:═════╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚════}{11:Right}{5:╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {title= "Center",title_pos="center",footer= "Center",footer_pos="center"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═}{11:Center}{5:══╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═}{11:Center}{5:══╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═}{11:Center}{5:══╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═}{11:Center}{5:══╝}{0: }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {title= "Right",title_pos="right",footer= "Left",footer_pos="left"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔════}{11:Right}{5:╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚}{11:Left}{5:═════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔════}{11:Right}{5:╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚}{11:Left}{5:═════╝}{0: }| | ]]} end command('hi B0 guibg=Red guifg=Black') command('hi B1 guifg=White') meths.win_set_config(win, { title = {{"🦄"}, {"BB", {"B0", "B1"}}}, title_pos = "right", footer= {{"🦄"}, {"BB", {"B0", "B1"}}}, footer_pos = "right", }) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════}🦄{7:BB}{5:╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════}🦄{7:BB}{5:╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═════}🦄{7:BB}{5:╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════}🦄{7:BB}{5:╝}{0: }| | ]]} end end) it('terminates border on edge of viewport when window extends past viewport', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=40, height=7, row=0, col=0, border="single", zindex=201}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 0, 0, true, 201 } }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {5:^┌──────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└──────────────────────────────────────┘}| ]]} end end) it('with border show popupmenu', function() screen:try_resize(40,10) local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'aaa aab ', 'abb acc ', ''}) meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=9, height=3, row=0, col=5, border="double"}) feed 'G' if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}| {5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}| {5:║}{1:^ }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true }; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 2, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {5:╔═════════╗} | {0:~ }{5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1:^ }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end feed 'i' if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- }{8:match 1 of 4} | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}| {5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}| {5:║}{1:acc^ }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ## grid 5 {1: aaa }| {1: aab }| {1: abb }| {13: acc }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50 }; [5] = { { id = -1 }, "NW", 4, 4, 0, false, 100 }; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount=1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 2, curcol = 3, linecount=3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {5:╔═════════╗} | {0:~ }{5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1:acc^ }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{1: aaa }{0: }| {0:~ }{1: aab }{0: }| {0:~ }{1: abb }{0: }| {0:~ }{13: acc }{0: }| {0:~ }| {3:-- }{8:match 1 of 4} | ]]} end feed '' if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}| {5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}| {5:║}{1:ac^c }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true }; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 2, curcol = 2, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {5:╔═════════╗} | {0:~ }{5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1:ac^c }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end exec([[ nnoremenu Test.foo : nnoremenu Test.bar : nnoremenu Test.baz : ]]) feed ':popup Test' if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :popup Test | ## grid 4 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}| {5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}| {5:║}{1:ac^c }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ## grid 5 {1: foo }| {1: bar }| {1: baz }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true }; [5] = { { id = -1 }, "NW", 4, 4, 2, false, 250 }; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 2, curcol = 2, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {5:╔═════════╗} | {0:~ }{5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1:ac^c }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═}{1: foo }{5:═══╝}{0: }| {0:~ }{1: bar }{0: }| {0:~ }{1: baz }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| :popup Test | ]]} end end) it('show ruler of current floating window', function() command 'set ruler' local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'aaa aab ', 'abb acc '}) meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=9, height=3, row=0, col=5}) feed 'gg' if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 1,1 All | ## grid 4 {1:^aaa aab }| {1:abb acc }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {1:^aaa aab } | {0:~ }{1:abb acc }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| 1,1 All | ]]} end feed 'w' if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 1,5 All | ## grid 4 {1:aaa ^aab }| {1:abb acc }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 4, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {1:aaa ^aab } | {0:~ }{1:abb acc }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| 1,5 All | ]]} end end) it("correct ruler position in current float with 'rulerformat' set", function() command 'set ruler rulerformat=fish:<><' meths.open_win(0, true, {relative='editor', width=9, height=3, row=0, col=5}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 fish:<>< | ## grid 4 {1:^ }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {1:^ } | {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| fish:<>< | ]]} end end) it('does not show ruler of not-last current float during ins-completion', function() screen:try_resize(50,9) command 'set ruler showmode' meths.open_win(0, false, {relative='editor', width=3, height=3, row=0, col=0}) meths.open_win(0, false, {relative='editor', width=3, height=3, row=0, col=5}) feed 'w' neq('', meths.win_get_config(0).relative) neq(funcs.winnr '$', funcs.winnr()) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [3:--------------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 0,0-1 All | ## grid 4 {1: }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 {1:^ }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 0, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {1: } {1:^ } | {2:~ }{0: }{2:~ }{0: }| {2:~ }{0: }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| 0,0-1 All | ]]} end feed 'i' if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [3:--------------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- ^X mode (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y)} | ## grid 4 {1: }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 {1:^ }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 0, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {1: } {1:^ } | {2:~ }{0: }{2:~ }{0: }| {2:~ }{0: }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {3:-- ^X mode (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y)} | ]]} end end) it('can have minimum size', function() insert("the background text") local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'x'}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='win', width=1, height=1, row=0, col=4, focusable=false}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 the background tex^t | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:x}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 2, 0, 4, false} }} else screen:expect([[ the {1:x}ackground tex^t | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', row=0, col=15}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 the background tex^t | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:x}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 2, 0, 15, false} }} else screen:expect([[ the background {1:x}ex^t | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_close(win,false) if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 the background tex^t | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ the background tex^t | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) describe('no crash when rearranging windows', function() local function test_rearrange_windows(cmd) command('set laststatus=2') screen:try_resize(40, 13) command('args X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6') command('sargument 2') command('sargument 3') local w3 = curwin() command('sargument 4') local w4 = curwin() command('sargument 5') command('sargument 6') local float_opts = { relative = 'editor', row = 6, col = 0, width = 40, height = 1 } meths.win_set_config(w3, float_opts) meths.win_set_config(w4, float_opts) command('wincmd =') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [8:----------------------------------------]| [8:----------------------------------------]| {4:X6 }| [7:----------------------------------------]| [7:----------------------------------------]| {5:X5 }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {5:X2 }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:X1 }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 | {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: }| ## grid 6 {1: }| ## grid 7 | {0:~ }| ## grid 8 ^ | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 6, 0, true, 50}; [6] = {{id = 1003}, "NW", 1, 6, 0, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 1, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [6] = {win = {id = 1003}, topline = 0, botline = 1, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [7] = {win = {id = 1004}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [8] = {win = {id = 1005}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {4:X6 }| | {0:~ }| {5:X5 }| {1: }| {0:~ }| {5:X2 }| | {0:~ }| {5:X1 }| | ]]} end command(cmd) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| {4:X1 }| [4:----------------------------------------]| {5:X2 }| [9:----------------------------------------]| {5:X3 }| [10:----------------------------------------]| {5:X4 }| [7:----------------------------------------]| {5:X5 }| [8:----------------------------------------]| {5:X6 }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 | ## grid 7 | ## grid 8 | ## grid 9 | ## grid 10 | ]], win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 1, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 1, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [7] = {win = {id = 1004}, topline = 0, botline = 1, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [8] = {win = {id = 1005}, topline = 0, botline = 1, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [9] = {win = {id = 1006}, topline = 0, botline = 1, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [10] = {win = {id = 1007}, topline = 0, botline = 1, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {4:X1 }| | {5:X2 }| | {5:X3 }| | {5:X4 }| | {5:X5 }| | {5:X6 }| | ]]} end end it('using :unhide', function() test_rearrange_windows('unhide') end) it('using :all', function() test_rearrange_windows('all') end) end) it('API has proper error messages', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) eq("Invalid key: 'bork'", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,bork=true})) eq("'win' key is only valid with relative='win'", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='editor',row=0,col=0,win=0})) eq("Only one of 'relative' and 'external' must be used", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='editor',row=0,col=0,external=true})) eq("Invalid value of 'relative' key", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='shell',row=0,col=0})) eq("Invalid value of 'anchor' key", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='editor',row=0,col=0,anchor='bottom'})) eq("'relative' requires 'row'/'col' or 'bufpos'", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='editor'})) eq("'width' key must be a positive Integer", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=-1,height=2,relative='editor', row=0, col=0})) eq("'height' key must be a positive Integer", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=-1,relative='editor', row=0, col=0})) eq("'height' key must be a positive Integer", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=0,relative='editor', row=0, col=0})) eq("Must specify 'width'", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {relative='editor', row=0, col=0})) eq("Must specify 'height'", pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {relative='editor', row=0, col=0, width=2})) end) it('can be placed relative window or cursor', function() screen:try_resize(40,9) meths.buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, {'just some', 'example text'}) feed('gge') local oldwin = meths.get_current_win() command('below split') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| ]]) else screen:expect([[ just some | example text | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) -- no 'win' arg, relative default window local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='win', width=20, height=2, row=0, col=10}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 4, 0, 10, true} }} else screen:expect([[ just some | example text | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| jus^t some {1: } | example te{2:~ } | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='cursor', row=1, col=-2}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 4, 1, 1, true} }} else screen:expect([[ just some | example text | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| jus^t some | e{1: } | {0:~}{2:~ }{0: }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='cursor', row=0, col=0, anchor='SW'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "SW", 4, 0, 3, true} }} else screen:expect([[ just some | example text | {0:~ }{1: }{0: }| {5:[No}{2:~ }{5: }| jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', win=oldwin, row=1, col=10, anchor='NW'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 2, 1, 10, true} }} else screen:expect([[ just some | example te{1: } | {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', win=oldwin, row=3, col=39, anchor='SE'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "SE", 2, 3, 39, true} }} else screen:expect([[ just some | example text {1: } | {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', win=0, row=0, col=50, anchor='NE'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 jus^t some | example text | {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NE", 4, 0, 50, true} }, win_viewport = { [2] = { topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 3, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0, win = { id = 1000 }, }, [4] = { topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 3, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0, win = { id = 1001 } }, [5] = { topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0, win = { id = 1002 } } }} else screen:expect([[ just some | example text | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| jus^t some {1: }| example text {2:~ }| {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end end) it('always anchor to corner including border', function() screen:try_resize(40,13) meths.buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, {'just some example text', 'some more example text'}) feed('ggeee') command('below split') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 just some exampl^e text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]]) else screen:expect([[ just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| just some exampl^e text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {' halloj! ', ' BORDAA '}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='cursor', width=9, height=2, row=1, col=-2, border="double"}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 just some exampl^e text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 4, 1, 14, true} }} else screen:expect([[ just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| just some exampl^e text | some more exam{5:╔═════════╗} | {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='cursor', row=0, col=-2, anchor='NE'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 just some exampl^e text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NE", 4, 0, 14, true} }} else screen:expect([[ just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| jus{5:╔═════════╗}pl^e text | som{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}ple text | {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }| {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='cursor', row=1, col=-2, anchor='SE'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 just some exampl^e text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "SE", 4, 1, 14, true} }} else screen:expect([[ just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:╔═════════╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {5:[No║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║ }| jus{5:╚═════════╝}pl^e text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='cursor', row=0, col=-2, anchor='SW'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 just some exampl^e text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 5 {5:╔═════════╗}| {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}| {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}| {5:╚═════════╝}| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "SW", 4, 0, 14, true} }} else screen:expect([[ just some example text | some more example text | {0:~ }{5:╔═════════╗}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }| {5:[No Name] [+] ╚═════════╝ }| just some exampl^e text | some more example text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end end) it('anchored to another floating window updated in the same call #14735', function() feed('i') exec([[ let b1 = nvim_create_buf(v:true, v:false) let b2 = nvim_create_buf(v:true, v:false) let b3 = nvim_create_buf(v:true, v:false) let b4 = nvim_create_buf(v:true, v:false) let b5 = nvim_create_buf(v:true, v:false) let b6 = nvim_create_buf(v:true, v:false) let b7 = nvim_create_buf(v:true, v:false) let b8 = nvim_create_buf(v:true, v:false) call setbufline(b1, 1, '1') call setbufline(b2, 1, '2') call setbufline(b3, 1, '3') call setbufline(b4, 1, '4') call setbufline(b5, 1, '5') call setbufline(b6, 1, '6') call setbufline(b7, 1, '7') call setbufline(b8, 1, '8') let o1 = #{relative: 'editor', row: 1, col: 10, width: 5, height: 1} let w1 = nvim_open_win(b1, v:false, o1) let o2 = extendnew(o1, #{col: 30}) let w2 = nvim_open_win(b2, v:false, o2) let o3 = extendnew(o1, #{relative: 'win', win: w1, anchor: 'NE', col: 0}) let w3 = nvim_open_win(b3, v:false, o3) let o4 = extendnew(o3, #{win: w2}) let w4 = nvim_open_win(b4, v:false, o4) let o5 = extendnew(o3, #{win: w3, anchor: 'SE', row: 0}) let w5 = nvim_open_win(b5, v:false, o5) let o6 = extendnew(o5, #{win: w4}) let w6 = nvim_open_win(b6, v:false, o6) let o7 = extendnew(o5, #{win: w5, anchor: 'SW', col: 5}) let w7 = nvim_open_win(b7, v:false, o7) let o8 = extendnew(o7, #{win: w6}) let w8 = nvim_open_win(b8, v:false, o8) ]]) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | | | ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 5 {1:1 }| ## grid 6 {1:2 }| ## grid 7 {1:3 }| ## grid 8 {1:4 }| ## grid 9 {1:5 }| ## grid 10 {1:6 }| ## grid 11 {1:7 }| ## grid 12 {1:8 }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 1, 10, true, 50}; [6] = {{id = 1003}, "NW", 1, 1, 30, true, 50}; [7] = {{id = 1004}, "NE", 5, 1, 0, true, 50}; [8] = {{id = 1005}, "NE", 6, 1, 0, true, 50}; [9] = {{id = 1006}, "SE", 7, 0, 0, true, 50}; [10] = {{id = 1007}, "SE", 8, 0, 0, true, 50}; [11] = {{id = 1008}, "SW", 9, 0, 5, true, 50}; [12] = {{id = 1009}, "SW", 10, 0, 5, true, 50}; }} else screen:expect([[ {1:7 } {1:8 } | {1:5 } {1:1 } {1:6 } {1:2 } | {1:3 } {1:4 } | ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end -- Reconfigure in different directions exec([[ let o1 = extendnew(o1, #{anchor: 'NW'}) call nvim_win_set_config(w8, o1) let o2 = extendnew(o2, #{anchor: 'NW'}) call nvim_win_set_config(w4, o2) let o3 = extendnew(o3, #{win: w8}) call nvim_win_set_config(w2, o3) let o4 = extendnew(o4, #{win: w4}) call nvim_win_set_config(w1, o4) let o5 = extendnew(o5, #{win: w2}) call nvim_win_set_config(w6, o5) let o6 = extendnew(o6, #{win: w1}) call nvim_win_set_config(w3, o6) let o7 = extendnew(o7, #{win: w6}) call nvim_win_set_config(w5, o7) let o8 = extendnew(o8, #{win: w3}) call nvim_win_set_config(w7, o8) ]]) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | | | ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 5 {1:1 }| ## grid 6 {1:2 }| ## grid 7 {1:3 }| ## grid 8 {1:4 }| ## grid 9 {1:5 }| ## grid 10 {1:6 }| ## grid 11 {1:7 }| ## grid 12 {1:8 }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NE", 8, 1, 0, true, 50}; [6] = {{id = 1003}, "NE", 12, 1, 0, true, 50}; [7] = {{id = 1004}, "SE", 5, 0, 0, true, 50}; [8] = {{id = 1005}, "NW", 1, 1, 30, true, 50}; [9] = {{id = 1006}, "SW", 10, 0, 5, true, 50}; [10] = {{id = 1007}, "SE", 6, 0, 0, true, 50}; [11] = {{id = 1008}, "SW", 7, 0, 5, true, 50}; [12] = {{id = 1009}, "NW", 1, 1, 10, true, 50}; }} else screen:expect([[ {1:5 } {1:7 } | {1:6 } {1:8 } {1:3 } {1:4 } | {1:2 } {1:1 } | ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end -- Not clear how cycles should behave, but they should not hang or crash exec([[ let o1 = extendnew(o1, #{relative: 'win', win: w7}) call nvim_win_set_config(w1, o1) let o2 = extendnew(o2, #{relative: 'win', win: w8}) call nvim_win_set_config(w2, o2) let o3 = extendnew(o3, #{win: w1}) call nvim_win_set_config(w3, o3) let o4 = extendnew(o4, #{win: w2}) call nvim_win_set_config(w4, o4) let o5 = extendnew(o5, #{win: w3}) call nvim_win_set_config(w5, o5) let o6 = extendnew(o6, #{win: w4}) call nvim_win_set_config(w6, o6) let o7 = extendnew(o7, #{win: w5}) call nvim_win_set_config(w7, o7) let o8 = extendnew(o8, #{win: w6}) call nvim_win_set_config(w8, o8) redraw ]]) end) it('can be placed relative text in a window', function() screen:try_resize(30,5) local firstwin = meths.get_current_win().id meths.buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, {'just some', 'example text that is wider than the window', '', '', 'more text'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^just some | example text that is wider tha| n the window | | ## grid 3 | ]]} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^just some | example text that is wider tha| n the window | | | ]]} end local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'some info!'}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='win', width=12, height=1, bufpos={1,32}}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^just some | example text that is wider tha| n the window | | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some info! }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 2, 3, 2, true } }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^just some | example text that is wider tha| n the window | {1:some info! } | | ]]} end eq({relative='win', width=12, height=1, bufpos={1,32}, anchor='NW', hide=false, external=false, col=0, row=1, win=firstwin, focusable=true, zindex=50}, meths.win_get_config(win)) feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^example text that is wider tha| n the window | | | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some info! }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 2, 2, 2, true }, }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^example text that is wider tha| n the window | {1:some info! } | | | ]]} end screen:try_resize(45,5) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------------------------------------]| [2:---------------------------------------------]| [2:---------------------------------------------]| [2:---------------------------------------------]| [3:---------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^example text that is wider than the window | | | more text | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some info! }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 2, 1, 32, true } }} else -- note: appears misaligned due to cursor screen:expect{grid=[[ ^example text that is wider than the window | {1:some info! } | | more text | | ]]} end screen:try_resize(25,10) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [3:-------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^example text that is wide| r than the window | | | more text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some info! }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 2, 2, 7, true } }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^example text that is wide| r than the window | {1:some info! } | | more text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', bufpos={1,32}, anchor='SW'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [3:-------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^example text that is wide| r than the window | | | more text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some info! }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "SW", 2, 1, 7, true } }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^example{1:some info! }s wide| r than the window | | | more text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end command('set laststatus=0') command('botright vnew') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [2:----]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [2:----]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [2:----]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [2:----]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [2:----]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [2:----]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [2:----]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [2:----]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [3:-------------------------]| ## grid 2 exam| ple | text| tha| t is| wid| er t| han | the | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some info! }| ## grid 5 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "SW", 2, 8, 0, true } }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ exam{5:│}^ | ple {5:│}{0:~ }| text{5:│}{0:~ }| tha{5:│}{0:~ }| t is{5:│}{0:~ }| wid{5:│}{0:~ }| er t{5:│}{0:~ }| {1:some info! }{0: }| the {5:│}{0:~ }| | ]]} end command('close') meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', bufpos={1,32}, anchor='NW', col=-2}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [3:-------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^example text that is wide| r than the window | | | more text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some info! }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 2, 2, 5, true } }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^example text that is wide| r than the window | {1:some info! } | | more text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', bufpos={1,32}, row=2}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [3:-------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^example text that is wide| r than the window | | | more text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some info! }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 2, 3, 7, true } }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^example text that is wide| r than the window | | {1:some info! } | more text | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end command('%fold') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [3:-------------------------]| ## grid 2 {28:^+-- 5 lines: just some··}| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some info! }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 2, 2, 0, true } }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {28:^+-- 5 lines: just some··}| {0:~ }| {1:some info! }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end end) it('validates cursor even when window is not entered', function() screen:try_resize(30,5) command("set nowrap") insert([[some text that is wider than the window]]) if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 that is wider than the windo^w | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ that is wider than the windo^w | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end local buf = meths.create_buf(false,true) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'some floaty text'}) meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=1, row=3, col=1}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [2:------------------------------]| [3:------------------------------]| ## grid 2 that is wider than the windo^w | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:some floaty text }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 3, 1, true} }} else screen:expect([[ that is wider than the windo^w | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~}{1:some floaty text }{0: }| | ]]) end end) if multigrid then pending("supports second UI without multigrid", function() local session2 = helpers.connect(eval('v:servername')) print(session2:request("nvim_eval", "2+2")) local screen2 = Screen.new(40,7) screen2:attach(nil, session2) screen2:set_default_attr_ids(attrs) local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5}) local expected_pos = { [2]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 5} } screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ## grid 2 {1:^ }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} screen2:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^ }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end) end it('handles resized screen', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'such', 'very', 'float'}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=15, height=4, row=2, col=10}) local expected_pos = { [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 10, true}, } if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:such }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(40,5) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {1:such } | {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(40,4) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {1:such } | {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(40,3) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {1:such } | {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }| | ]]) end feed('wjj') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:such }| {1:very }| {1:^float }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ {1:such } | {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }| ^ | ]]) end screen:try_resize(40,7) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:such }| {1:very }| {1:^float }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:such }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:^float }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {height=3}) feed('gg') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^such }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(26,7) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------]| [2:--------------------------]| [2:--------------------------]| [2:--------------------------]| [2:--------------------------]| [2:--------------------------]| [3:--------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^such }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(25,7) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [2:-------------------------]| [3:-------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^such }| {0:~ }{1:very }| {0:~ }{1:float }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(24,7) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:------------------------]| [2:------------------------]| [2:------------------------]| [2:------------------------]| [2:------------------------]| [2:------------------------]| [3:------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^such }| {0:~ }{1:very }| {0:~ }{1:float }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(16,7) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------]| [2:----------------]| [2:----------------]| [2:----------------]| [2:----------------]| [2:----------------]| [3:----------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~}{1:^such }| {0:~}{1:very }| {0:~}{1:float }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(15,7) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:---------------]| [2:---------------]| [2:---------------]| [2:---------------]| [2:---------------]| [2:---------------]| [3:---------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(14,7) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------]| [2:--------------]| [2:--------------]| [2:--------------]| [2:--------------]| [2:--------------]| [3:--------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(12,7) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:------------]| [2:------------]| [2:------------]| [2:------------]| [2:------------]| [2:------------]| [3:------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end -- Doesn't make much sense, but check nvim doesn't crash screen:try_resize(1,1) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:------------]| [3:------------]| ## grid 2 | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ {1:^such }| | ]]) end screen:try_resize(40,7) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^such }| {1:very }| {1:float }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^such }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it('does not crash with inccommand #9379', function() local expected_pos = { [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 0, true}, } command("set inccommand=split") command("set laststatus=2") local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=30, height=3, row=2, col=0}) insert([[ foo bar ]]) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:foo }| {1:bar }| {1:^ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {1:foo }{0: }| {1:bar }{0: }| {1:^ }{0: }| {5:[No Name] }| | ]]) end feed(':%s/.') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[Preview] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | ## grid 3 :%s/.^ | ## grid 4 {17:f}{1:oo }| {17:b}{1:ar }| {1: }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {5:[No Name] }| {17:f}{1:oo } | {17:b}{1:ar } | {1: }{0: }| {5:[Preview] }| :%s/.^ | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:foo }| {1:bar }| {1:^ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {1:foo }{0: }| {1:bar }{0: }| {1:^ }{0: }| {5:[No Name] }| | ]]) end end) it('does not crash when set cmdheight #9680', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5}) command("set cmdheight=2") eq(1, meths.eval('1')) end) describe('and completion', function() before_each(function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) local win = meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=12, height=4, row=2, col=5}).id meths.set_option_value('winhl', 'Normal:ErrorMsg', {win=win}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {7:^ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}, }} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7:^ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end end) it('with builtin popupmenu', function() feed('ix ') funcs.complete(3, {'aa', 'word', 'longtext'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {7:x aa^ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ## grid 5 {13: aa }| {1: word }| {1: longtext }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50}, [5] = {{ id = -1 }, "NW", 4, 1, 1, false, 100} }} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7:x aa^ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~}{13: aa }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~}{1: word }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~}{1: longtext }{0: }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {7:x a^a }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}, }} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7:x a^a }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end feed('wi') funcs.complete(1, {'xx', 'yy', 'zz'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 xx^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {7:x aa }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ## grid 5 {13:xx }| {1:yy }| {1:zz }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50}, [5] = {{ id = -1 }, "NW", 2, 1, 0, false, 100} }} else screen:expect([[ xx^ | {13:xx }{0: }| {1:yy }{7: }{0: }| {1:zz }{12: }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 xx^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {7:x aa }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}, }} else screen:expect([[ xx^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7:x aa }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end end) it('command menu rendered above cursor (pum_above)', function() command('set wildmenu wildmode=longest:full wildoptions=pum') feed(':sign u') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :sign un^ | ## grid 4 {7: }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: undefine }| {1: unplace }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = -1}, "SW", 1, 6, 5, false, 250}; [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7: }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{1: undefine }{0: }| {0:~ }{1: unplace }{0: }| :sign un^ | ]]} end end) it('with ext_popupmenu', function() screen:set_option('ext_popupmenu', true) feed('ix ') funcs.complete(3, {'aa', 'word', 'longtext'}) local items = {{"aa", "", "", ""}, {"word", "", "", ""}, {"longtext", "", "", ""}} if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {7:x aa^ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}, }, popupmenu={ anchor = {4, 0, 2}, items = items, pos = 0 }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7:x aa^ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]], popupmenu={ anchor = {1, 2, 7}, items = items, pos = 0 }} end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {7:x a^a }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}, }} else screen:expect([[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7:x a^a }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end feed('wi') funcs.complete(1, {'xx', 'yy', 'zz'}) items = {{"xx", "", "", ""}, {"yy", "", "", ""}, {"zz", "", "", ""}} if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 xx^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {7:x aa }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}, }, popupmenu={ anchor = {2, 0, 0}, items = items, pos = 0 }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ xx^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7:x aa }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]], popupmenu={ anchor = {1, 0, 0}, items = items, pos = 0 }} end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 xx^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {7:x aa }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}, }} else screen:expect([[ xx^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7:x aa }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end end) end) describe('float shown after pum', function() local win before_each(function() command('hi NormalFloat guibg=#333333 guifg=NONE') feed('i') funcs.complete(1, {'aa', 'word', 'longtext'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 aa^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {13:aa }| {1:word }| {1:longtext }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = -1}, "NW", 2, 1, 0, false, 100}} } else screen:expect([[ aa^ | {13:aa }{0: }| {1:word }{0: }| {1:longtext }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end local buf = meths.create_buf(false,true) meths.buf_set_lines(buf,0,-1,true,{"some info", "about item"}) win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='cursor', width=12, height=2, row=1, col=10}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 aa^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {13:aa }| {1:word }| {1:longtext }| ## grid 5 {15:some info }| {15:about item }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = -1}, "NW", 2, 1, 0, false, 100}, [5] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 2, 1, 12, true, 50}, }} else screen:expect([[ aa^ | {13:aa }{15:e info }{0: }| {1:word }{15:ut item }{0: }| {1:longtext }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end end) it('and close pum first', function() feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 aa^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 5 {15:some info }| {15:about item }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 2, 1, 12, true}, }} else screen:expect([[ aa^ | {0:~ }{15:some info }{0: }| {0:~ }{15:about item }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end meths.win_close(win, false) if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 aa^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ aa^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end end) it('and close float first', function() meths.win_close(win, false) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 aa^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {13:aa }| {1:word }| {1:longtext }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = -1}, "NW", 2, 1, 0, false, 100}, }} else screen:expect([[ aa^ | {13:aa }{0: }| {1:word }{0: }| {1:longtext }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 aa^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) else screen:expect([[ aa^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end end) end) it("can use Normal as background", function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf,0,-1,true,{"here", "float"}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5}) meths.set_option_value('winhl', 'Normal:Normal', {win=win}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 here | float | ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }here {0: }| {0:~ }float {0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end end) describe("handles :wincmd", function() local win local expected_pos before_each(function() -- the default, but be explicit: command("set laststatus=1") command("set hidden") meths.buf_set_lines(0,0,-1,true,{"x"}) local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5}) meths.buf_set_lines(buf,0,-1,true,{"y"}) expected_pos = { [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 5, true} } if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("w", function() feed("w") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed("w") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("w with focusable=false", function() meths.win_set_config(win, {focusable=false}) expected_pos[4][6] = false feed("wi") -- i to provoke redraw if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end feed("w") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("W", function() feed("W") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed("W") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("focus by mouse", function() if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 0, 0) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 5) screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 0, 0) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("focus by mouse (focusable=false)", function() meths.win_set_config(win, {focusable=false}) meths.buf_set_lines(0, -1, -1, true, {"a"}) expected_pos[4][6] = false if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 0, 0) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | a | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 5) screen:expect([[ x | ^a | {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 2, 0, 0) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | a | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos, unchanged=true} else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 0, 0) screen:expect([[ ^x | a | {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("j", function() feed("ji") -- INSERT to trigger screen change if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end feed("w") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed("j") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("vertical resize + - _", function() feed('w') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed('+') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed('2-') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed('4_') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end feed('_') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x {1:^y } | {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end end) it("horizontal resize > < |", function() feed('w') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed('>') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed('10') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed('15|') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end feed('|') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {1:^y }| {2:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("s :split (non-float)", function() feed("s") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^x | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }| x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end feed("w") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 x | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {5:[No N}{1:y }{5: }| ^x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end feed("w") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 x | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {5:[No N}{1:^y }{5: }| x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end feed("w") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^x | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }| x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end end) it("s :split (float)", function() feed("ws") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^y | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^y | {0:~ }| {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }| x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end feed("j") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 y | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ y | {0:~ }| {5:[No N}{1:y }{5: }| ^x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end feed("ji") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- INSERT --} | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 y | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ y | {0:~ }| {5:[No N}{1:y }{5: }| ^x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| {3:-- INSERT --} | ]]) end end) it(":new (non-float)", function() feed(":new") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :new | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^ | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }| x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| :new | ]]) end end) it(":new (float)", function() feed("w:new") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :new | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^ | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }| x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| :new | ]]) end end) it("v :vsplit (non-float)", function() feed("v") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }{5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x {5:│}x | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }{5:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end end) it(":vnew (non-float)", function() feed(":vnew") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| {4:[No Name] }{5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :vnew | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {5:│}x | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {4:[No Name] }{5:[No Name] [+] }| :vnew | ]]) end end) it(":vnew (float)", function() feed("w:vnew") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| {4:[No Name] }{5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :vnew | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {5:│}x | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {4:[No Name] }{5:[No Name] [+] }| :vnew | ]]) end end) it("q (:quit) last non-float exits nvim", function() command('autocmd VimLeave * call rpcrequest(1, "exit")') -- avoid unsaved change in other buffer feed(":w Xtest_written2") -- quit in last non-float feed(":wq Xtest_written") local exited = false local function on_request(name, args) eq("exit", name) eq({}, args) exited = true return 0 end local function on_setup() feed(":wq Xtest_written") end run(on_request, nil, on_setup) os.remove('Xtest_written') os.remove('Xtest_written2') eq(exited, true) end) it(':quit two floats in a row', function() -- enter first float feed('') -- enter second float meths.open_win(0, true, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=4, col=8}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}, [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 4, 8, true} }} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| | ]]) end feed(':quit') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :quit | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}, }} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| :quit | ]]) end feed(':quit') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :quit | ]]) else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| :quit | ]]) end assert_alive() end) it("o (:only) non-float", function() feed("o") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]]} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("o (:only) float fails", function() feed("wo") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {7:E5601: Cannot close window, only floatin}| {7:g window would remain} | {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {4: }| {7:E5601: Cannot close window, only floatin}| {7:g window would remain} | {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]]) end -- test message clear feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("o (:only) non-float with split", function() feed("s") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^x | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }| x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end feed("o") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 3 | ## grid 5 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]]} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("o (:only) float with split", function() feed("sW") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 x | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {5:[No N}{1:^y }{5: }| x {2:~ } | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end feed("o") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {7:E5601: Cannot close window, only floatin}| {7:g window would remain} | {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 x | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {5:[No N}{1:y }{5: }| {4: }| {7:E5601: Cannot close window, only floatin}| {7:g window would remain} | {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]]) end end) it("J (float)", function() feed("wJ") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 ^y | {0:~ }| ]]} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| ^y | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end if multigrid then meths.win_set_config(0, {external=true, width=30, height=2}) expected_pos = {[4]={external=true}} screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 ^y | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else eq("UI doesn't support external windows", pcall_err(meths.win_set_config, 0, {external=true, width=30, height=2})) return end feed("J") if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 ^y | {0:~ }| ]]) end end) it('J (float with border)', function() meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5, border='single'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1:y }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:┌────────────────────┐}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1:y }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:└────────────────────┘}{0: }| | ]]) end feed("wJ") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] }| [4:----------------------------------------]| [4:----------------------------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 ^y | {0:~ }| ]]} else screen:expect([[ x | {0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] }| ^y | {0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end end) it('movements with nested split layout', function() command("set hidden") feed("svbv") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [6:--------------------]{5:│}[5:-------------------]| [6:--------------------]{5:│}[5:-------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] [No Name] [+] }| [7:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| [7:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]| {4:[No Name] [+] }{5:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 6 x | {0:~ }| ## grid 7 ^x | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ x {5:│}x | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {5:[No N}{1:y }{5:Name] [+] }| ^x {2:~ } | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {4:[No Name] [+] }{5:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end -- verify that Nw works for i = 1,5 do feed(i.."w") feed_command("enew") curbufmeths.set_lines(0,-1,true,{tostring(i)}) end if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [6:-------------------]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| [6:-------------------]{5:│}[5:--------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] [No Name] [+] }| [7:-------------------]{5:│}[2:--------------------]| [7:-------------------]{5:│}[2:--------------------]| {5:[No Name] [+] [No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 4 | {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :enew | ## grid 4 {1:^5 }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 2 | {0:~ }| ## grid 6 1 | {0:~ }| ## grid 7 3 | {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ 1 {5:│}2 | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {5:[No N}{1:^5 }{5:ame] [+] }| 3 {2:~ } | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {5:[No Name] [+] [No Name] [+] }| :enew | ]]) end local movements = { w={2,3,4,5,1}, W={5,1,2,3,4}, h={1,1,3,3,3}, j={3,3,3,4,4}, k={1,2,1,1,1}, l={2,2,4,4,4}, t={1,1,1,1,1}, b={4,4,4,4,4}, } for k,v in pairs(movements) do for i = 1,5 do feed(i.."w") feed(''..k) local nr = funcs.winnr() eq(v[i],nr, "when using "..k.." from window "..i) end end for i = 1,5 do feed(i.."w") for j = 1,5 do if j ~= i then feed(j.."w") feed('p') local nr = funcs.winnr() eq(i,nr, "when using p to window "..i.." from window "..j) end end end end) it(":tabnew and :tabnext", function() feed(":tabnew") if multigrid then -- grid is not freed, but float is marked as closed (should it rather be "invisible"?) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 {9: }{10:2}{9:+ [No Name] }{3: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 (hidden) x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :tabnew | ## grid 4 (hidden) {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]]} else screen:expect([[ {9: }{10:2}{9:+ [No Name] }{3: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}| ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| :tabnew | ]]) end feed(":tabnext") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 {3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{9: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :tabnext | ## grid 4 {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 (hidden) | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ {3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{9: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}| ^x | {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| :tabnext | ]]) end feed(":tabnext") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 {9: }{10:2}{9:+ [No Name] }{3: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 (hidden) x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :tabnext | ## grid 4 (hidden) {1:y }| {2:~ }| ## grid 5 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]]} else screen:expect([[ {9: }{10:2}{9:+ [No Name] }{3: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}| ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| :tabnext | ]]) end end) it(":tabnew and :tabnext (external)", function() if multigrid then -- also test external window wider than main screen meths.win_set_config(win, {external=true, width=65, height=4}) expected_pos = {[4]={external=true}} feed(":tabnew") screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 {9: + [No Name] }{3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 (hidden) x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :tabnew | ## grid 4 y | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 5 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else eq("UI doesn't support external windows", pcall_err(meths.win_set_config, 0, {external=true, width=65, height=4})) end feed(":tabnext") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 {3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{9: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :tabnext | ## grid 4 y | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 5 (hidden) | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} end feed(":tabnext") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 {9: + [No Name] }{3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [5:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 (hidden) x | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :tabnext | ## grid 4 y | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 5 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} end end) end) it("left drag changes visual selection in float window", function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}) meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=2, col=5}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:foo }| {1:bar }| {1:baz }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 0, 0) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:^foo }| {1:bar }| {1:baz }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} meths.input_mouse('left', 'drag', '', 4, 1, 2) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- VISUAL --} | ## grid 4 {27:foo}{1: }| {27:ba}{1:^r }| {1:baz }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 1, curcol = 2, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:foo }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:bar }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:baz }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]} meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 5) screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1:^foo }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:bar }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:baz }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]} meths.input_mouse('left', 'drag', '', 0, 3, 7) screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{27:foo}{1: }{0: }| {0:~ }{27:ba}{1:^r }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:baz }{0: }| {0:~ }| {3:-- VISUAL --} | ]]} end end) it("left drag changes visual selection in float window with border", function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}) meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=0, col=5, border='single'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1:foo }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:bar }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:baz }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 1, 1) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1:^foo }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:bar }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:baz }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} meths.input_mouse('left', 'drag', '', 4, 2, 3) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- VISUAL --} | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{27:foo}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{27:ba}{1:^r }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:baz }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 1, curcol = 2, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ {5:┌────────────────────┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{1:foo }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1:bar }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1:baz }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:└────────────────────┘}{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]} meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 1, 6) screen:expect{grid=[[ {5:┌────────────────────┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{1:^foo }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1:bar }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1:baz }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:└────────────────────┘}{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]} meths.input_mouse('left', 'drag', '', 0, 2, 8) screen:expect{grid=[[ {5:┌────────────────────┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{27:foo}{1: }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{27:ba}{1:^r }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1:baz }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:└────────────────────┘}{0: }| {0:~ }| {3:-- VISUAL --} | ]]} end end) it("left drag changes visual selection in float window with winbar", function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}) local float_win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=4, row=1, col=5}) meths.set_option_value('winbar', 'floaty bar', {win=float_win.id}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {3:floaty bar }| {1:foo }| {1:bar }| {1:baz }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 1, 0) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {3:floaty bar }| {1:^foo }| {1:bar }| {1:baz }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} meths.input_mouse('left', 'drag', '', 4, 2, 2) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- VISUAL --} | ## grid 4 {3:floaty bar }| {27:foo}{1: }| {27:ba}{1:^r }| {1:baz }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 1, curcol = 2, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }{3:floaty bar }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:foo }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:bar }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:baz }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]} meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 5) screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~ }{3:floaty bar }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:^foo }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:bar }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:baz }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]} meths.input_mouse('left', 'drag', '', 0, 3, 7) screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~ }{3:floaty bar }{0: }| {0:~ }{27:foo}{1: }{0: }| {0:~ }{27:ba}{1:^r }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:baz }{0: }| {0:~ }| {3:-- VISUAL --} | ]]} end end) it('left drag changes visual selection if float window is turned into a split', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}) meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=2, col=5}) command('wincmd L') if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| {5:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 ^foo | bar | baz | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]]) meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 2, 2) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| {5:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 foo | bar | ba^z | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]]) meths.input_mouse('left', 'drag', '', 4, 1, 1) screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| [2:-------------------]{5:│}[4:--------------------]| {5:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] [+] }| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 {3:-- VISUAL --} | ## grid 4 foo | b^a{27:r} | {27:baz} | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]]) else screen:expect([[ {5:│}^foo | {0:~ }{5:│}bar | {0:~ }{5:│}baz | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {5:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 22) screen:expect([[ {5:│}foo | {0:~ }{5:│}bar | {0:~ }{5:│}ba^z | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {5:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) meths.input_mouse('left', 'drag', '', 0, 1, 21) screen:expect([[ {5:│}foo | {0:~ }{5:│}b^a{27:r} | {0:~ }{5:│}{27:baz} | {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }| {5:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] [+] }| {3:-- VISUAL --} | ]]) end end) it('left click sets correct curswant in float window with border', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'', '', ''}) meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=0, col=5, border='single'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ {5:┌────────────────────┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:└────────────────────┘}{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 3, 1) else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 3, 6) end eq({0, 3, 1, 0, 1}, funcs.getcurpos()) if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 3, 2) else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 3, 7) end eq({0, 3, 1, 0, 2}, funcs.getcurpos()) if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 3, 10) else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 3, 15) end eq({0, 3, 1, 0, 10}, funcs.getcurpos()) command('setlocal foldcolumn=1') feed('zfkgg') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{19: }{1:^ }{5:│}| {5:│}{19:+}{28:+-- 2 lines: ·····}{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 4, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ {5:┌────────────────────┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{19: }{1:^ }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{19:+}{28:+-- 2 lines: ·····}{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:└────────────────────┘}{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 2, 1) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{19: }{1:^ }{5:│}| {5:│}{19:-}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{19:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 3, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 6) screen:expect{grid=[[ {5:┌────────────────────┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{19: }{1:^ }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{19:-}{1: }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{19:│}{1: }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:└────────────────────┘}{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 2, 2) else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 7) end eq({0, 2, 1, 0, 1}, funcs.getcurpos()) if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 2, 3) else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 8) end eq({0, 2, 1, 0, 2}, funcs.getcurpos()) if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 2, 11) else meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 16) end eq({0, 2, 1, 0, 10}, funcs.getcurpos()) end) it("'winblend' option", function() screen:try_resize(50,9) screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta}, [2] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Grey0, background = tonumber('0xffcfff')}, [3] = {foreground = tonumber('0xb282b2'), background = tonumber('0xffcfff')}, [4] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Red, background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta}, [5] = {foreground = tonumber('0x990000'), background = tonumber('0xfff1ff')}, [6] = {foreground = tonumber('0x332533'), background = tonumber('0xfff1ff')}, [7] = {background = tonumber('0xffcfff'), bold = true, foreground = tonumber('0x0000d8')}, [8] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, [9] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, blend = 30}, [10] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Red, background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, blend = 0}, [11] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Red, background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, blend = 80}, [12] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1, blend = 30}, [13] = {background = Screen.colors.LightGray, blend = 30}, [14] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Grey0, background = Screen.colors.Grey88}, [15] = {foreground = tonumber('0x939393'), background = Screen.colors.Grey88}, [16] = {background = Screen.colors.Grey90}; [17] = {blend = 100}; [18] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, blend = 100}; [19] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, blend = 100, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}; [20] = {background = Screen.colors.White, foreground = Screen.colors.Gray0}; [21] = {background = Screen.colors.White, bold = true, foreground = tonumber('0x00007f')}; [22] = {background = Screen.colors.Gray90, foreground = Screen.colors.Gray0}; [23] = {blend = 100, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Magenta}; [24] = {foreground = tonumber('0x7f007f'), bold = true, background = Screen.colors.White}; [25] = {foreground = tonumber('0x7f007f'), bold = true, background = Screen.colors.Grey90}; }) insert([[ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.]]) local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {"test", "", "popup text"}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=15, height=3, row=2, col=5}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [3:--------------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in | reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum | dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:test }| {1: }| {1:popup text }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}} else screen:expect([[ Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea co{1:test }. Duis aute irure dolor in | repre{1: }uptate velit esse cillum | dolor{1:popup text }la pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | | ]]) end meths.set_option_value("winblend", 30, {win=win.id}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [3:--------------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in | reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum | dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {9:test }| {9: }| {9:popup text }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}, unchanged=true} else screen:expect([[ Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea co{2:test}{3:o consequat}. Duis aute irure dolor in | repre{3:henderit in vol}uptate velit esse cillum | dolor{2:popup}{3:fugi}{2:text}{3:ul}la pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | | ]]) end -- Check that 'winblend' works with NormalNC highlight meths.set_option_value('winhighlight', 'NormalNC:Visual', {win = win}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [3:--------------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in | reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum | dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {13:test }| {13: }| {13:popup text }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}} else screen:expect([[ Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea co{14:test}{15:o consequat}. Duis aute irure dolor in | repre{15:henderit in vol}uptate velit esse cillum | dolor{14:popup}{15:fugi}{14:text}{15:ul}la pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | | ]]) end -- Also test with global NormalNC highlight exec_lua([[ vim.api.nvim_set_option_value('winhighlight', '', {win = ...}) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'NormalNC', {link = 'Visual'}) ]], win) screen:expect_unchanged() command('hi clear NormalNC') command('hi SpecialRegion guifg=Red blend=0') meths.buf_add_highlight(buf, -1, "SpecialRegion", 2, 0, -1) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [3:--------------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in | reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum | dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {9:test }| {9: }| {10:popup text}{9: }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}} else screen:expect([[ Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea co{2:test}{3:o consequat}. Duis aute irure dolor in | repre{3:henderit in vol}uptate velit esse cillum | dolor{10:popup text}{3:ul}la pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | | ]]) end command('hi SpecialRegion guifg=Red blend=80') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [3:--------------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in | reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum | dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {9:test }| {9: }| {11:popup text}{9: }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}, unchanged=true} else screen:expect([[ Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea co{2:test}{3:o consequat}. Duis aute irure dolor in | repre{3:henderit in vol}uptate velit esse cillum | dolor{5:popup}{6:fugi}{5:text}{3:ul}la pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | | ]]) end -- Test scrolling by mouse if multigrid then meths.input_mouse('wheel', 'down', '', 4, 2, 2) screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [3:--------------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in | reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum | dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {11:popup text}{9: }| {12:~ }| {12:~ }| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}} else meths.input_mouse('wheel', 'down', '', 0, 4, 7) screen:expect([[ Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea co{5:popup}{6: con}{5:text}{3:at}. Duis aute irure dolor in | repre{7:~}{3:enderit in vol}uptate velit esse cillum | dolor{7:~}{3: eu fugiat nul}la pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est | laborum^. | | ]]) end -- Check that 'winblend' applies to border/title/footer meths.win_set_config(win, {border='single', title='Title', footer='Footer'}) meths.set_option_value('winblend', 100, {win=win.id}) meths.set_option_value("cursorline", true, {win=0}) command('hi clear VertSplit') feed('k0') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [2:--------------------------------------------------]| [3:--------------------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in | reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum | dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint | occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa | {16:^qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est }| laborum. | ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {17:┌}{23:Title}{17:──────────┐}| {17:│}{11:popup text}{18: }{17:│}| {17:│}{19:~ }{17:│}| {17:│}{19:~ }{17:│}| {17:└}{23:Footer}{17:─────────┘}| ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}} else screen:expect([[ Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud | exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex | ea co{20:┌}{24:Title}{20:──────────┐}Duis aute irure dolor in | repre{20:│}{5:popup}{6:it i}{5:text}{20:lu│}tate velit esse cillum | dolor{20:│}{21:~}{20:eu fugiat null│} pariatur. Excepteur sint | occae{20:│}{21:~}{20:t cupidatat no│} proident, sunt in culpa | {16:^qui o}{22:└}{25:Footer}{22:─────────┘}{16:ollit anim id est }| laborum. | | ]]) end end) it('can overlap doublewidth chars', function() insert([[ # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确性]]) local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'口', '口'}) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=5, height=3, row=0, col=11, style='minimal'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 | # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1:口 }| {1:口 }| {1: }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 0, 11, true } }} else screen:expect([[ # TODO: 测 {1:口 }信息的准确性 | # FIXME: 测{1:口 } 信息的准确^性 | {0:~ }{1: }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_close(win, false) if multigrid then screen:expect([[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 | # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]]) else screen:expect([[ # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 | # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end -- The interaction between 'winblend' and doublewidth chars in the background -- does not look very good. But check no chars get incorrectly placed -- at least. Also check invisible EndOfBuffer region blends correctly. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {" x x x xx", " x x x x"}) win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=12, height=3, row=0, col=11, style='minimal'}) meths.set_option_value('winblend', 30, {win=win.id}) screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = {foreground = tonumber('0xb282b2'), background = tonumber('0xffcfff')}, [2] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Grey0, background = tonumber('0xffcfff')}, [3] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, [4] = {background = tonumber('0xffcfff'), bold = true, foreground = tonumber('0xb282ff')}, [5] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, blend=30}, }) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 | # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 | {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 5 {5: x x x xx}| {5: x x x x}| {5: }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 0, 11, true } }} else screen:expect([[ # TODO: 测 {2: x x x}{1:息}{2: xx} 确性 | # FIXME: 测{1:试}{2:x x x}{1:息}{2: x}准确^性 | {3:~ }{4: }{3: }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='editor', row=0, col=12}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 | # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 | {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 5 {5: x x x xx}| {5: x x x x}| {5: }| ]], float_pos={ [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 0, 12, true } }} else screen:expect([[ # TODO: 测试{2: x x}{1:信}{2:x }{1:的}{2:xx}确性 | # FIXME: 测 {2: x x}{1:信}{2:x }{1:的}{2:x} 确^性 | {3:~ }{4: }{3: }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("correctly redraws when overlaid windows are resized #13991", function() helpers.source([[ let popup_config = {"relative" : "editor", \ "width" : 7, \ "height" : 3, \ "row" : 1, \ "col" : 1, \ "style" : "minimal"} let border_config = {"relative" : "editor", \ "width" : 9, \ "height" : 5, \ "row" : 0, \ "col" : 0, \ "style" : "minimal"} let popup_buffer = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true) let border_buffer = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true) let popup_win = nvim_open_win(popup_buffer, v:true, popup_config) let border_win = nvim_open_win(border_buffer, v:false, border_config) call nvim_buf_set_lines(popup_buffer, 0, -1, v:true, \ ["long", "longer", "longest"]) call nvim_buf_set_lines(border_buffer, 0, -1, v:true, \ ["---------", "- -", "- -"]) ]]) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {2:^long }| {2:longer }| {2:longest}| ## grid 5 {2:---------}| {2:- -}| {2:- -}| {2: }| {2: }| ]], attr_ids={ [1] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1, bold = true}; [2] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta}; }, float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true }, [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 0, 0, true } }} else screen:expect([[ {1:---------} | {1:-^long -}{0: }| {1:-longer -}{0: }| {1: longest }{0: }| {1: }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end helpers.source([[ let new_popup_config = {"width" : 1, "height" : 3} let new_border_config = {"width" : 3, "height" : 5} function! Resize() call nvim_win_set_config(g:popup_win, g:new_popup_config) call nvim_win_set_config(g:border_win, g:new_border_config) call nvim_buf_set_lines(g:border_buffer, 0, -1, v:true, \ ["---", "- -", "- -"]) endfunction nnoremap zz call Resize() ]]) helpers.feed("zz") if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {2:^l}| {2:o}| {2:n}| ## grid 5 {2:---}| {2:- -}| {2:- -}| {2: }| {2: }| ]], attr_ids={ [1] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1, bold = true}; [2] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta}; }, float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true }, [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 0, 0, true } }} else screen:expect([[ {1:---} | {1:-^l-}{0: }| {1:-o-}{0: }| {1: n }{0: }| {1: }{0: }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it("correctly orders multiple opened floats (current last)", function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5}) meths.set_option_value("winhl", "Normal:ErrorMsg,EndOfBuffer:ErrorMsg", {win=win.id}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {7: }| {7:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7: }{0: }| {0:~ }{7:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end exec_lua [[ local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,false) local win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=16, height=2, row=3, col=8}) vim.wo[win].winhl = "EndOfBuffer:Normal" buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,false) win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=12, height=2, row=4, col=10}) vim.wo[win].winhl = "Normal:Search,EndOfBuffer:Search" ]] if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {7: }| {7:~ }| ## grid 5 {1: }| {1:~ }| ## grid 6 {17:^ }| {17:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }; [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 3, 8, true }; [6] = { { id = 1003 }, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true }; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount=1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount=1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount=1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [6] = {win = {id = 1003}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount=1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7: }{0: }| {0:~ }{7:~ }{1: }{7: }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:~ }{17:^ }{1: }{0: }| {0:~ }{17:~ }{0: }| | ]]} end end) it("correctly orders multiple opened floats (non-current last)", function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5}) meths.set_option_value("winhl", "Normal:ErrorMsg,EndOfBuffer:ErrorMsg", {win=win.id}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {7: }| {7:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7: }{0: }| {0:~ }{7:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end exec_lua [[ local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,false) local win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=12, height=2, row=4, col=10}) vim.wo[win].winhl = "Normal:Search,EndOfBuffer:Search" buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,false) win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=16, height=2, row=3, col=8}) vim.wo[win].winhl = "EndOfBuffer:Normal" ]] if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {7: }| {7:~ }| ## grid 5 {17:^ }| {17:~ }| ## grid 6 {1: }| {1:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }; [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true }; [6] = { { id = 1003 }, "NW", 1, 3, 8, true }; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [6] = {win = {id = 1003}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{7: }{0: }| {0:~ }{7:~ }{1: }{7: }{0: }| {0:~ }{1:~ }{17:^ }{1: }{0: }| {0:~ }{17:~ }{0: }| | ]]} end end) it('can use z-index', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) local win1 = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=1, col=5, zindex=30}) meths.set_option_value("winhl", "Normal:ErrorMsg,EndOfBuffer:ErrorMsg", {win=win1.id}) local win2 = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=2, col=6, zindex=50}) meths.set_option_value("winhl", "Normal:Search,EndOfBuffer:Search", {win=win2.id}) local win3 = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=3, col=7, zindex=40}) meths.set_option_value("winhl", "Normal:Question,EndOfBuffer:Question", {win=win3.id}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {7: }| {7:~ }| {7:~ }| ## grid 5 {17: }| {17:~ }| {17:~ }| ## grid 6 {8: }| {8:~ }| {8:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 5, true, 30}; [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 2, 6, true, 50}; [6] = {{id = 1003}, "NW", 1, 3, 7, true, 40}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [6] = {win = {id = 1003}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }{7: }{0: }| {0:~ }{7:~}{17: }{0: }| {0:~ }{7:~}{17:~ }{8: }{0: }| {0:~ }{17:~ }{8: }{0: }| {0:~ }{8:~ }{0: }| | ]]} end end) it('can use winbar', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) local win1 = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=15, height=3, row=1, col=5}) meths.set_option_value('winbar', 'floaty bar', {win=win1.id}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {3:floaty bar }| {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 5, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }{3:floaty bar }{0: }| {0:~ }{1: }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end -- resize and add a border meths.win_set_config(win1, {relative='editor', width=15, height=4, row=0, col=4, border = 'single'}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌───────────────┐}| {5:│}{3:floaty bar }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└───────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 0, 4, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ {5:┌───────────────┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{3:floaty bar }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:└───────────────┘}{0: }| | ]]} end end) it('it can be resized with messages and cmdheight=0 #20106', function() screen:try_resize(40,9) command 'set cmdheight=0' local buf = meths.create_buf(false,true) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=40, height=4, anchor='SW', row=9, col=0, style='minimal', border="single", noautocmd=true}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "SW", 1, 9, 0, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {5:┌──────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└──────────────────────────────────────┘}| ]]} end exec_lua([[ local win = ... vim.api.nvim_win_set_height(win, 2) vim.api.nvim_echo({ { "" } }, false, {}) ]], win) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "SW", 1, 9, 0, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {5:┌──────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└──────────────────────────────────────┘}| ]]} end meths.win_close(win, true) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 ]], win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ]]} end end) it('it can be resized with messages and cmdheight=1', function() screen:try_resize(40,9) local buf = meths.create_buf(false,true) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=40, height=4, anchor='SW', row=8, col=0, style='minimal', border="single", noautocmd=true}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "SW", 1, 8, 0, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {5:┌──────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└──────────────────────────────────────┘}| | ]]} end exec_lua([[ -- echo prompt is blocking, so schedule local win = ... vim.schedule(function() vim.api.nvim_win_set_height(win, 2) vim.api.nvim_echo({ { "\n" } }, false, {}) end) ]], win) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "SW", 1, 8, 0, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~ }| {5:┌──────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {4: }| | {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]]} end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└────────────────────────────────────────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "SW", 1, 8, 0, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {5:┌──────────────────────────────────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:└──────────────────────────────────────┘}| | ]]} end meths.win_close(win, true) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]], win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]} end end) describe('no crash after moving and closing float window #21547', function() local function test_float_move_close(cmd) local float_opts = {relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 10, height = 10} meths.open_win(meths.create_buf(false, false), true, float_opts) if multigrid then screen:expect({float_pos = {[4] = {{id = 1001}, 'NW', 1, 1, 1, true}}}) end command(cmd) exec_lua([[ vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(0, {relative = 'editor', row = 2, col = 2}) vim.api.nvim_win_close(0, {}) vim.api.nvim_echo({{''}}, false, {}) ]]) if multigrid then screen:expect({float_pos = {}}) end assert_alive() end it('if WinClosed autocommand flushes UI', function() test_float_move_close('autocmd WinClosed * ++once redraw') end) it('if closing buffer flushes UI', function() test_float_move_close('autocmd BufWinLeave * ++once redraw') end) end) it(':sleep cursor placement #22639', function() local float_opts = {relative = 'editor', row = 1, col = 1, width = 4, height = 3} local win = meths.open_win(meths.create_buf(false, false), true, float_opts) feed('iabcd') feed(':sleep 100') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :sleep 100^ | ## grid 4 {1:ab }| {1:cd }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 1, curcol = 1, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~}{1:ab }{0: }| {0:~}{1:cd }{0: }| {0:~}{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| :sleep 100^ | ]]} end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :sleep 100 | ## grid 4 {1:ab }| {1:c^d }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 1, curcol = 1, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~}{1:ab }{0: }| {0:~}{1:c^d }{0: }| {0:~}{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| :sleep 100 | ]]} end feed('') screen:expect_unchanged() meths.win_set_config(win, {border = 'single'}) feed(':sleep 100') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :sleep 100^ | ## grid 4 {5:┌────┐}| {5:│}{1:ab }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:cd }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 1, curcol = 1, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~}{5:┌────┐}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1:ab }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1:cd }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:└────┘}{0: }| :sleep 100^ | ]]} end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :sleep 100 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────┐}| {5:│}{1:ab }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:c^d }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 1, curcol = 1, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~}{5:┌────┐}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1:ab }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1:c^d }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:└────┘}{0: }| :sleep 100 | ]]} end feed('') screen:expect_unchanged() command('setlocal winbar=foo') feed(':sleep 100') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :sleep 100^ | ## grid 4 {5:┌────┐}| {5:│}{3:foo }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:ab }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:cd }{5:│}| {5:└────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 1, curcol = 1, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~}{5:┌────┐}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{3:foo }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1:ab }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1:cd }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:└────┘}{0: }| :sleep 100^ | ]]} end feed('') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 :sleep 100 | ## grid 4 {5:┌────┐}| {5:│}{3:foo }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:ab }{5:│}| {5:│}{1:c^d }{5:│}| {5:└────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 1, curcol = 1, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~}{5:┌────┐}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{3:foo }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1:ab }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1:c^d }{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:└────┘}{0: }| :sleep 100 | ]]} end feed('') screen:expect_unchanged() end) it('with rightleft and border #22640', function() local float_opts = {relative='editor', width=5, height=3, row=1, col=1, border='single'} meths.open_win(meths.create_buf(false, false), true, float_opts) command('setlocal rightleft') feed('iabcdef') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌─────┐}| {5:│}{1: cba}{5:│}| {5:│}{1: ^fed}{5:│}| {5:│}{2: ~}{5:│}| {5:└─────┘}| ]], float_pos={ [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true, 50}; }, win_viewport={ [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0, linecount = 1, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 1, curcol = 2, linecount = 2, sum_scroll_delta = 0}; }} else screen:expect{grid=[[ | {0:~}{5:┌─────┐}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1: cba}{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{1: ^fed}{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:│}{2: ~}{5:│}{0: }| {0:~}{5:└─────┘}{0: }| | ]]} end end) it('float window with hide option', function() local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false) local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=10, height=2, row=2, col=5, hide = true}) local expected_pos = { [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 5, true}, } if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 (hidden) {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos = {}} else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {hide = false}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos = expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }{1: }{0: }| {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end meths.win_set_config(win, {hide=true}) if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 (hidden) {1: }| {2:~ }| ]], float_pos = {}} else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) it(':fclose command #9663', function() local buf_a = meths.create_buf(false,false) local buf_b = meths.create_buf(false,false) local buf_c = meths.create_buf(false,false) local buf_d = meths.create_buf(false,false) local config_a = {relative='editor', width=11, height=11, row=5, col=5, border ='single', zindex=50} local config_b = {relative='editor', width=8, height=8, row=7, col=7, border ='single', zindex=70} local config_c = {relative='editor', width=4, height=4, row=9, col=9, border ='single',zindex=90} local config_d = {relative='editor', width=2, height=2, row=10, col=10, border ='single',zindex=100} meths.open_win(buf_a, false, config_a) meths.open_win(buf_b, false, config_b) meths.open_win(buf_c, false, config_c) meths.open_win(buf_d, false, config_d) local expected_pos = { [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 5, 5, true, 50}, [5]={{id=1002}, 'NW', 1, 7, 7, true, 70}, [6]={{id=1003}, 'NW', 1, 9, 9, true, 90}, [7]={{id=1004}, 'NW', 1, 10, 10, true, 100}, } if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌───────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└───────────┘}| ## grid 5 {5:┌────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────────┘}| ## grid 6 {5:┌────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────┘}| ## grid 7 {5:┌──┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└──┘}| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {5:┌─┌─┌────┐─┐┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{1: }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~}{5:│┌──┐│}{2: }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~}{5:││}{1: }{5:││}{2: }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~}{5:││}{2:~ }{5:││}{2: }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~}{5:└└──┘┘}{2: }{5:││}{0: }| | ]]) end -- close the window with the highest zindex value command('fclose') expected_pos[7] = nil if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌───────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└───────────┘}| ## grid 5 {5:┌────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────────┘}| ## grid 6 {5:┌────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────┘}| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {5:┌─┌─┌────┐─┐┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{1: }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}{2: }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}{2: }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}{2: }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~}{5:└────┘}{2: }{5:││}{0: }| | ]]) end -- with range command('1fclose') expected_pos[6] = nil if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ## grid 4 {5:┌───────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└───────────┘}| ## grid 5 {5:┌────────┐}| {5:│}{1: }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}| {5:└────────┘}| ]], float_pos=expected_pos} else screen:expect([[ ^ {5:┌─┌────────┐┐} | {0:~ }{5:│}{1: }{5:│}{1: }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~ }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~ }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~ }{5:││}{0: }| {0:~ }{5:│}{2:~}{5:│}{2:~ }{5:││}{0: }| | ]]) end -- with bang command('fclose!') if multigrid then screen:expect{grid=[[ ## grid 1 [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [2:----------------------------------------]| [3:----------------------------------------]| ## grid 2 ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| ## grid 3 | ]], float_pos={}} else screen:expect([[ ^ | {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| {0:~ }| | ]]) end end) end describe('with ext_multigrid', function() with_ext_multigrid(true) end) describe('without ext_multigrid', function() with_ext_multigrid(false) end) end)