# Contributing to Neovim ## Thank you Thanks for considering contributing to neovim. To make the process as smooth as possible we would ask you to follow the guidelines below. ## Help with contributing See [Communicating](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Communicating). Raise documentation issues. ## Guidelines ### Finding something to do Neovim uses [waffle.io](https://waffle.io/neovim/neovim), so check there first. You can also ask for an issues to be assigned to you. Ideally wait until we assign it to you to minimize work duplication. ### Reporting an issue - Search existing issues before raising a new one. - Include as much detail as possible. In particular, we need to know which OS you're using. ### Pull requests - Make it clear in the issue tracker what you are working on, so that someone else doesn't duplicate the work. - Use a feature branch, not master. - Rebase your feature branch onto origin/master before raising the PR. - Keep up to date with changes in master so your PR is easy to merge. - Be descriptive in your PR message: what is it for, why is it needed, etc. - Make sure the tests pass (TODO: we need to make this easier with travis etc.) - Squash related commits as much as possible. ### Coding style - Use the 'hybrid' style described [here](https://gist.github.com/davidzchen/9188090). Get a `.editorconfig` for it [here](https://gist.github.com/ashleyh/9292108) - Don't abuse the pre-processor. - Don't mix platform-specific stuff into the main code. - TODO: commit messages?