--- @brief ---
--- health.vim is a minimal framework to help users troubleshoot configuration and
--- any other environment conditions that a plugin might care about. Nvim ships
--- with healthchecks for configuration, performance, python support, ruby
--- support, clipboard support, and more.
--- To run all healthchecks, use: >vim
---         :checkhealth
--- <
--- Plugin authors are encouraged to write new healthchecks. |health-dev|
--- Commands                                *health-commands*
---                                                              *:che* *:checkhealth*
--- :che[ckhealth]  Run all healthchecks.
---                                         *E5009*
---                 Nvim depends on |$VIMRUNTIME|, 'runtimepath' and 'packpath' to
---                 find the standard "runtime files" for syntax highlighting,
---                 filetype-specific behavior, and standard plugins (including
---                 :checkhealth).  If the runtime files cannot be found then
---                 those features will not work.
--- :che[ckhealth] {plugins}
---                 Run healthcheck(s) for one or more plugins. E.g. to run only
---                 the standard Nvim healthcheck: >vim
---                         :checkhealth vim.health
--- <
---                 To run the healthchecks for the "foo" and "bar" plugins
---                 (assuming they are on 'runtimepath' and they have implemented
---                 the Lua `require("foo.health").check()` interface): >vim
---                         :checkhealth foo bar
--- <
---                 To run healthchecks for Lua submodules, use dot notation or
---                 "*" to refer to all submodules. For example Nvim provides
---                 `vim.lsp` and `vim.treesitter`:  >vim
---                         :checkhealth vim.lsp vim.treesitter
---                         :checkhealth vim*
--- <
--- Create a healthcheck                                    *health-dev* *vim.health*
--- Healthchecks are functions that check the user environment, configuration, or
--- any other prerequisites that a plugin cares about. Nvim ships with
--- healthchecks in:
---         - $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/health/
---         - $VIMRUNTIME/lua/vim/lsp/health.lua
---         - $VIMRUNTIME/lua/vim/treesitter/health.lua
---         - and more...
--- To add a new healthcheck for your own plugin, simply create a "health.lua"
--- module on 'runtimepath' that returns a table with a "check()" function. Then
--- |:checkhealth| will automatically find and invoke the function.
--- For example if your plugin is named "foo", define your healthcheck module at
--- one of these locations (on 'runtimepath'):
---         - lua/foo/health/init.lua
---         - lua/foo/health.lua
--- If your plugin also provides a submodule named "bar" for which you want
--- a separate healthcheck, define the healthcheck at one of these locations:
---         - lua/foo/bar/health/init.lua
---         - lua/foo/bar/health.lua
--- All such health modules must return a Lua table containing a `check()`
--- function.
--- Copy this sample code into `lua/foo/health.lua`, replacing "foo" in the path
--- with your plugin name: >lua
---         local M = {}
---         M.check = function()
---           vim.health.start("foo report")
---           -- make sure setup function parameters are ok
---           if check_setup() then
---             vim.health.ok("Setup is correct")
---           else
---             vim.health.error("Setup is incorrect")
---           end
---           -- do some more checking
---           -- ...
---         end
---         return M
local M = {} local s_output = {} ---@type string[] -- From a path return a list [{name}, {func}, {type}] representing a healthcheck local function filepath_to_healthcheck(path) path = vim.fs.normalize(path) local name --- @type string local func --- @type string local filetype --- @type string if path:find('vim$') then name = vim.fs.basename(path):gsub('%.vim$', '') func = 'health#' .. name .. '#check' filetype = 'v' else local subpath = path:gsub('.*lua/', '') if vim.fs.basename(subpath) == 'health.lua' then -- */health.lua name = vim.fs.dirname(subpath) else -- */health/init.lua name = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.dirname(subpath)) end name = name:gsub('/', '.') func = 'require("' .. name .. '.health").check()' filetype = 'l' end return { name, func, filetype } end --- @param plugin_names string --- @return table { {name, func, type}, ... } representing healthchecks local function get_healthcheck_list(plugin_names) local healthchecks = {} --- @type table local plugin_names_list = vim.split(plugin_names, ' ') for _, p in pairs(plugin_names_list) do -- support vim/lsp/health{/init/}.lua as :checkhealth vim.lsp p = p:gsub('%.', '/') p = p:gsub('*', '**') local paths = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file('autoload/health/' .. p .. '.vim', true) vim.list_extend( paths, vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file('lua/**/' .. p .. '/health/init.lua', true) ) vim.list_extend(paths, vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file('lua/**/' .. p .. '/health.lua', true)) if vim.tbl_count(paths) == 0 then healthchecks[#healthchecks + 1] = { p, '', '' } -- healthcheck not found else local unique_paths = {} --- @type table for _, v in pairs(paths) do unique_paths[v] = true end paths = {} for k, _ in pairs(unique_paths) do paths[#paths + 1] = k end for _, v in ipairs(paths) do healthchecks[#healthchecks + 1] = filepath_to_healthcheck(v) end end end return healthchecks end --- @param plugin_names string --- @return table {name: [func, type], ..} representing healthchecks local function get_healthcheck(plugin_names) local health_list = get_healthcheck_list(plugin_names) local healthchecks = {} --- @type table for _, c in pairs(health_list) do if c[1] ~= 'vim' then healthchecks[c[1]] = { c[2], c[3] } end end return healthchecks end --- Indents lines *except* line 1 of a string if it contains newlines. --- --- @param s string --- @param columns integer --- @return string local function indent_after_line1(s, columns) local lines = vim.split(s, '\n') local indent = string.rep(' ', columns) for i = 2, #lines do lines[i] = indent .. lines[i] end return table.concat(lines, '\n') end --- Changes ':h clipboard' to ':help |clipboard|'. --- --- @param s string --- @return string local function help_to_link(s) return vim.fn.substitute(s, [[\v:h%[elp] ([^|][^"\r\n ]+)]], [[:help |\1|]], [[g]]) end --- Format a message for a specific report item. --- --- @param status string --- @param msg string --- @param ... string|string[] Optional advice --- @return string local function format_report_message(status, msg, ...) local output = '- ' .. status if status ~= '' then output = output .. ' ' end output = output .. indent_after_line1(msg, 2) local varargs = ... -- Optional parameters if varargs then if type(varargs) == 'string' then varargs = { varargs } end output = output .. '\n - ADVICE:' -- Report each suggestion for _, v in ipairs(varargs) do if v then output = output .. '\n - ' .. indent_after_line1(v, 6) end end end return help_to_link(output) end --- @param output string local function collect_output(output) vim.list_extend(s_output, vim.split(output, '\n')) end --- Starts a new report. Most plugins should call this only once, but if --- you want different sections to appear in your report, call this once --- per section. --- --- @param name string function M.start(name) local input = string.format('\n%s ~', name) collect_output(input) end --- Reports an informational message. --- --- @param msg string function M.info(msg) local input = format_report_message('', msg) collect_output(input) end --- Reports a "success" message. --- --- @param msg string function M.ok(msg) local input = format_report_message('OK', msg) collect_output(input) end --- Reports a warning. --- --- @param msg string --- @param ... string|string[] Optional advice function M.warn(msg, ...) local input = format_report_message('WARNING', msg, ...) collect_output(input) end --- Reports an error. --- --- @param msg string --- @param ... string|string[] Optional advice function M.error(msg, ...) local input = format_report_message('ERROR', msg, ...) collect_output(input) end local path2name = function(path) if path:match('%.lua$') then -- Lua: transform "../lua/vim/lsp/health.lua" into "vim.lsp" -- Get full path, make sure all slashes are '/' path = vim.fs.normalize(path) -- Remove everything up to the last /lua/ folder path = path:gsub('^.*/lua/', '') -- Remove the filename (health.lua) path = vim.fs.dirname(path) -- Change slashes to dots path = path:gsub('/', '.') return path else -- Vim: transform "../autoload/health/provider.vim" into "provider" return vim.fn.fnamemodify(path, ':t:r') end end local PATTERNS = { '/autoload/health/*.vim', '/lua/**/**/health.lua', '/lua/**/**/health/init.lua' } --- :checkhealth completion function used by cmdexpand.c get_healthcheck_names() M._complete = function() local unique = vim ---@type table ---@param pattern string .iter(vim.tbl_map(function(pattern) return vim.tbl_map(path2name, vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file(pattern, true)) end, PATTERNS)) :flatten() ---@param t table :fold({}, function(t, name) t[name] = true -- Remove duplicates return t end) -- vim.health is this file, which is not a healthcheck unique['vim'] = nil local rv = vim.tbl_keys(unique) table.sort(rv) return rv end --- Runs the specified healthchecks. --- Runs all discovered healthchecks if plugin_names is empty. --- --- @param mods string command modifiers that affect splitting a window. --- @param plugin_names string glob of plugin names, split on whitespace. For example, using --- `:checkhealth vim.* nvim` will healthcheck `vim.lsp`, `vim.treesitter` --- and `nvim` modules. function M._check(mods, plugin_names) local healthchecks = plugin_names == '' and get_healthcheck('*') or get_healthcheck(plugin_names) local emptybuf = vim.fn.bufnr('$') == 1 and vim.fn.getline(1) == '' and 1 == vim.fn.line('$') -- When no command modifiers are used: -- - If the current buffer is empty, open healthcheck directly. -- - If not specified otherwise open healthcheck in a tab. local buf_cmd = #mods > 0 and (mods .. ' sbuffer') or emptybuf and 'buffer' or 'tab sbuffer' local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) vim.cmd(buf_cmd .. ' ' .. bufnr) if vim.fn.bufexists('health://') == 1 then vim.cmd.bwipe('health://') end vim.cmd.file('health://') vim.cmd.setfiletype('checkhealth') -- This should only happen when doing `:checkhealth vim` if next(healthchecks) == nil then vim.fn.setline(1, 'ERROR: No healthchecks found.') return end vim.cmd.redraw() vim.print('Running healthchecks...') for name, value in vim.spairs(healthchecks) do local func = value[1] local type = value[2] s_output = {} if func == '' then s_output = {} M.error('No healthcheck found for "' .. name .. '" plugin.') end if type == 'v' then vim.fn.call(func, {}) else local f = assert(loadstring(func)) local ok, output = pcall(f) ---@type boolean, string if not ok then M.error( string.format('Failed to run healthcheck for "%s" plugin. Exception:\n%s\n', name, output) ) end end -- in the event the healthcheck doesn't return anything -- (the plugin author should avoid this possibility) if next(s_output) == nil then s_output = {} M.error('The healthcheck report for "' .. name .. '" plugin is empty.') end local header = { string.rep('=', 78), name .. ': ' .. func, '' } -- remove empty line after header from report_start if s_output[1] == '' then local tmp = {} ---@type string[] for i = 2, #s_output do tmp[#tmp + 1] = s_output[i] end s_output = {} for _, v in ipairs(tmp) do s_output[#s_output + 1] = v end end s_output[#s_output + 1] = '' s_output = vim.list_extend(header, s_output) vim.fn.append(vim.fn.line('$'), s_output) vim.cmd.redraw() end -- Clear the 'Running healthchecks...' message. vim.cmd.redraw() vim.print('') end return M