local helpers = require("test.unit.helpers")(after_each) local itp = helpers.gen_itp(it) local cimport = helpers.cimport local eq = helpers.eq local ffi = helpers.ffi local to_cstr = helpers.to_cstr local strings = cimport('stdlib.h', './src/nvim/strings.h', './src/nvim/memory.h') describe('vim_strsave_escaped()', function() local vim_strsave_escaped = function(s, chars) local res = strings.vim_strsave_escaped(to_cstr(s), to_cstr(chars)) local ret = ffi.string(res) -- Explicitly free memory so we are sure it is allocated: if it was not it -- will crash. strings.xfree(res) return ret end itp('precedes by a backslash all chars from second argument', function() eq([[\a\b\c\d]], vim_strsave_escaped('abcd','abcd')) end) itp('precedes by a backslash chars only from second argument', function() eq([[\a\bcd]], vim_strsave_escaped('abcd','ab')) end) itp('returns a copy of passed string if second argument is empty', function() eq('text \n text', vim_strsave_escaped('text \n text','')) end) itp('returns an empty string if first argument is empty string', function() eq('', vim_strsave_escaped('','\r')) end) itp('returns a copy of passed string if it does not contain chars from 2nd argument', function() eq('some text', vim_strsave_escaped('some text', 'a')) end) end) describe('vim_strnsave_unquoted()', function() local vim_strnsave_unquoted = function(s, len) local res = strings.vim_strnsave_unquoted(to_cstr(s), len or #s) local ret = ffi.string(res) -- Explicitly free memory so we are sure it is allocated: if it was not it -- will crash. strings.xfree(res) return ret end itp('copies unquoted strings as-is', function() eq('-c', vim_strnsave_unquoted('-c')) eq('', vim_strnsave_unquoted('')) end) itp('respects length argument', function() eq('', vim_strnsave_unquoted('-c', 0)) eq('-', vim_strnsave_unquoted('-c', 1)) eq('-', vim_strnsave_unquoted('"-c', 2)) end) itp('unquotes fully quoted word', function() eq('/bin/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('"/bin/sh"')) end) itp('unquotes partially quoted word', function() eq('/Program Files/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program" "Files/sh')) end) itp('removes ""', function() eq('/Program Files/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/""Program" "Files/sh')) end) itp('performs unescaping of "', function() eq('/"Program Files"/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/"\\""Program Files"\\""/sh')) end) itp('performs unescaping of \\', function() eq('/\\Program Files\\foo/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/"\\\\"Program Files"\\\\foo"/sh')) end) itp('strips quote when there is no pair to it', function() eq('/Program Files/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program" Files/sh')) eq('', vim_strnsave_unquoted('"')) end) itp('allows string to end with one backslash unescaped', function() eq('/Program Files/sh\\', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program" Files/sh\\')) end) itp('does not perform unescaping out of quotes', function() eq('/Program\\ Files/sh\\', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program\\ Files/sh\\')) end) itp('does not unescape \\n', function() eq('/Program\\nFiles/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program"\\n"Files/sh')) end) end) describe('vim_strchr()', function() local vim_strchr = function(s, c) local str = to_cstr(s) local res = strings.vim_strchr(str, c) if res == nil then return nil else return res - str end end itp('handles NUL and <0 correctly', function() eq(nil, vim_strchr('abc', 0)) eq(nil, vim_strchr('abc', -1)) end) itp('works', function() eq(0, vim_strchr('abc', ('a'):byte())) eq(1, vim_strchr('abc', ('b'):byte())) eq(2, vim_strchr('abc', ('c'):byte())) eq(0, vim_strchr('a«b»c', ('a'):byte())) eq(3, vim_strchr('a«b»c', ('b'):byte())) eq(6, vim_strchr('a«b»c', ('c'):byte())) eq(nil, vim_strchr('«»', ('«'):byte())) -- 0xAB == 171 == '«' eq(nil, vim_strchr('\171', 0xAB)) eq(0, vim_strchr('«»', 0xAB)) eq(3, vim_strchr('„«»“', 0xAB)) eq(7, vim_strchr('„«»“', 0x201C)) eq(nil, vim_strchr('„«»“', 0x201D)) eq(0, vim_strchr('„«»“', 0x201E)) eq(0, vim_strchr('\244\143\188\128', 0x10FF00)) eq(2, vim_strchr('«\244\143\188\128»', 0x10FF00)) -- |0xDBFF |0xDF00 - surrogate pair for 0x10FF00 eq(nil, vim_strchr('«\237\175\191\237\188\128»', 0x10FF00)) end) end)