local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local lfs = require('lfs') local clear = helpers.clear local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local eq = helpers.eq local mkdir_p = helpers.mkdir_p local rmdir = helpers.rmdir local nvim_dir = helpers.nvim_dir local test_build_dir = helpers.test_build_dir local test_source_path = helpers.test_source_path local nvim_prog = helpers.nvim_prog local is_os = helpers.is_os local nvim_prog_basename = is_os('win') and 'nvim.exe' or 'nvim' local test_basename_dirname_eq = { '~/foo/', '~/foo', '~/foo/bar.lua', 'foo.lua', ' ', '', '.', '..', '../', '~', '/usr/bin', '/usr/bin/gcc', '/', '/usr/', '/usr', 'c:/usr', 'c:/', 'c:', 'c:/users/foo', 'c:/users/foo/bar.lua', 'c:/users/foo/bar/../', } local tests_windows_paths = { 'c:\\usr', 'c:\\', 'c:', 'c:\\users\\foo', 'c:\\users\\foo\\bar.lua', 'c:\\users\\foo\\bar\\..\\', } before_each(clear) describe('vim.fs', function() describe('parents()', function() it('works', function() local test_dir = nvim_dir .. '/test' mkdir_p(test_dir) local dirs = exec_lua([[ local test_dir, test_build_dir = ... local dirs = {} for dir in vim.fs.parents(test_dir .. "/foo.txt") do dirs[#dirs + 1] = dir if dir == test_build_dir then break end end return dirs ]], test_dir, test_build_dir) eq({test_dir, nvim_dir, test_build_dir}, dirs) rmdir(test_dir) end) end) describe('dirname()', function() it('works', function() eq(test_build_dir, exec_lua([[ local nvim_dir = ... return vim.fs.dirname(nvim_dir) ]], nvim_dir)) local function test_paths(paths) for _, path in ipairs(paths) do eq( exec_lua([[ local path = ... return vim.fn.fnamemodify(path,':h'):gsub('\\', '/') ]], path), exec_lua([[ local path = ... return vim.fs.dirname(path) ]], path), path ) end end test_paths(test_basename_dirname_eq) if is_os('win') then test_paths(tests_windows_paths) end end) end) describe('basename()', function() it('works', function() eq(nvim_prog_basename, exec_lua([[ local nvim_prog = ... return vim.fs.basename(nvim_prog) ]], nvim_prog)) local function test_paths(paths) for _, path in ipairs(paths) do eq( exec_lua([[ local path = ... return vim.fn.fnamemodify(path,':t'):gsub('\\', '/') ]], path), exec_lua([[ local path = ... return vim.fs.basename(path) ]], path), path ) end end test_paths(test_basename_dirname_eq) if is_os('win') then test_paths(tests_windows_paths) end end) end) describe('dir()', function() before_each(function() lfs.mkdir('testd') lfs.mkdir('testd/a') lfs.mkdir('testd/a/b') lfs.mkdir('testd/a/b/c') end) after_each(function() rmdir('testd') end) it('works', function() eq(true, exec_lua([[ local dir, nvim = ... for name, type in vim.fs.dir(dir) do if name == nvim and type == 'file' then return true end end return false ]], nvim_dir, nvim_prog_basename)) end) it('works with opts.depth and opts.skip', function() io.open('testd/a1', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/b1', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/c1', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/a/a2', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/a/b2', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/a/c2', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/a/b/a3', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/a/b/b3', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/a/b/c3', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/a/b/c/a4', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/a/b/c/b4', 'w'):close() io.open('testd/a/b/c/c4', 'w'):close() local function run(dir, depth, skip) local r = exec_lua([[ local dir, depth, skip = ... local r = {} local skip_f if skip then skip_f = function(n) if vim.tbl_contains(skip or {}, n) then return false end end end for name, type_ in vim.fs.dir(dir, { depth = depth, skip = skip_f }) do r[name] = type_ end return r ]], dir, depth, skip) return r end local exp = {} exp['a1'] = 'file' exp['b1'] = 'file' exp['c1'] = 'file' exp['a'] = 'directory' eq(exp, run('testd', 1)) exp['a/a2'] = 'file' exp['a/b2'] = 'file' exp['a/c2'] = 'file' exp['a/b'] = 'directory' eq(exp, run('testd', 2)) exp['a/b/a3'] = 'file' exp['a/b/b3'] = 'file' exp['a/b/c3'] = 'file' exp['a/b/c'] = 'directory' eq(exp, run('testd', 3)) eq(exp, run('testd', 999, {'a/b/c'})) exp['a/b/c/a4'] = 'file' exp['a/b/c/b4'] = 'file' exp['a/b/c/c4'] = 'file' eq(exp, run('testd', 999)) end) end) describe('find()', function() it('works', function() eq({test_build_dir}, exec_lua([[ local dir = ... return vim.fs.find('build', { path = dir, upward = true, type = 'directory' }) ]], nvim_dir)) eq({nvim_prog}, exec_lua([[ local dir, nvim = ... return vim.fs.find(nvim, { path = dir, type = 'file' }) ]], test_build_dir, nvim_prog_basename)) eq({nvim_dir}, exec_lua([[ local dir = ... local parent, name = dir:match('^(.*/)([^/]+)$') return vim.fs.find(name, { path = parent, upward = true, type = 'directory' }) ]], nvim_dir)) end) it('accepts predicate as names', function() eq({test_build_dir}, exec_lua([[ local dir = ... local opts = { path = dir, upward = true, type = 'directory' } return vim.fs.find(function(x) return x == 'build' end, opts) ]], nvim_dir)) eq({nvim_prog}, exec_lua([[ local dir, nvim = ... return vim.fs.find(function(x) return x == nvim end, { path = dir, type = 'file' }) ]], test_build_dir, nvim_prog_basename)) eq({}, exec_lua([[ local dir = ... local opts = { path = dir, upward = true, type = 'directory' } return vim.fs.find(function(x) return x == 'no-match' end, opts) ]], nvim_dir)) eq( exec_lua([[ local dir = ... return vim.tbl_map(vim.fs.basename, vim.fn.glob(dir..'/contrib/*', false, true)) ]], test_source_path), exec_lua([[ local dir = ... local opts = { path = dir .. "/contrib", limit = math.huge } return vim.tbl_map(vim.fs.basename, vim.fs.find(function(_, d) return d:match('[\\/]contrib$') end, opts)) ]], test_source_path)) end) end) describe('normalize()', function() it('works with backward slashes', function() eq('C:/Users/jdoe', exec_lua [[ return vim.fs.normalize('C:\\Users\\jdoe') ]]) end) it('works with ~', function() if is_os('win') then pending([[$HOME does not exist on Windows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]]) end eq(os.getenv('HOME') .. '/src/foo', exec_lua [[ return vim.fs.normalize('~/src/foo') ]]) end) it('works with environment variables', function() local xdg_config_home = test_build_dir .. '/.config' eq(xdg_config_home .. '/nvim', exec_lua([[ vim.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME = ... return vim.fs.normalize('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim') ]], xdg_config_home)) end) end) end)