if exists('g:loaded_shada_autoload') finish endif let g:loaded_shada_autoload = 1 "" " If true keep the old header entry when editing existing ShaDa file. " " Old header entry will be kept only if it is listed in the opened file. To " remove old header entry despite of the setting just remove it from the " listing. Setting it to false makes plugin ignore all header entries. Defaults " to 1. let g:shada#keep_old_header = get(g:, 'shada#keep_old_header', 1) "" " If true then first entry will be plugin’s own header entry. let g:shada#add_own_header = get(g:, 'shada#add_own_header', 1) "" " Dictionary that maps ShaDa types to their names. let s:SHADA_ENTRY_NAMES = { \1: 'header', \2: 'search_pattern', \3: 'replacement_string', \4: 'history_entry', \5: 'register', \6: 'variable', \7: 'global_mark', \8: 'jump', \9: 'buffer_list', \10: 'local_mark', \11: 'change', \} "" " Dictionary that maps ShaDa names to corresponding types let s:SHADA_ENTRY_TYPES = {} call map(copy(s:SHADA_ENTRY_NAMES), \'extend(s:SHADA_ENTRY_TYPES, {v:val : +v:key})') "" " Map that maps entry names to lists of keys that can be used by this entry. " Only contains data for entries which are represented as mappings, except for " the header. let s:SHADA_MAP_ENTRIES = { \'search_pattern': ['sp', 'sh', 'ss', 'sb', 'sm', 'sc', 'sl', 'se', 'so', \ 'su'], \'register': ['n', 'rc', 'rw', 'rt', 'ru'], \'global_mark': ['n', 'f', 'l', 'c'], \'local_mark': ['f', 'n', 'l', 'c'], \'jump': ['f', 'l', 'c'], \'change': ['f', 'l', 'c'], \'header': [], \} "" " Like one of the values from s:SHADA_MAP_ENTRIES, but for a single buffer in " buffer list entry. let s:SHADA_BUFFER_LIST_KEYS = ['f', 'l', 'c'] "" " List of possible history types. Maps integer values that represent history " types to human-readable names. let s:SHADA_HISTORY_TYPES = ['command', 'search', 'expression', 'input', 'debug'] "" " Map that maps entry names to their descriptions. Only for entries which have " list as a data type. Description is a list of lists where each entry has item " description and item type. let s:SHADA_FIXED_ARRAY_ENTRIES = { \'replacement_string': [[':s replacement string', 'bin']], \'history_entry': [ \['history type', 'histtype'], \['contents', 'bin'], \['separator', 'intchar'], \], \'variable': [['name', 'bin'], ['value', 'any']], \} "" " Dictionary that maps enum names to dictionary with enum values. Dictionary " with enum values maps enum human-readable names to corresponding values. Enums " are used as type names in s:SHADA_FIXED_ARRAY_ENTRIES and " s:SHADA_STANDARD_KEYS. let s:SHADA_ENUMS = { \'histtype': { \'CMD': 0, \'SEARCH': 1, \'EXPR': 2, \'INPUT': 3, \'DEBUG': 4, \}, \'regtype': { \'CHARACTERWISE': 0, \'LINEWISE': 1, \'BLOCKWISE': 2, \} \} "" " Second argument to msgpack#eval. let s:SHADA_SPECIAL_OBJS = {} call map(values(s:SHADA_ENUMS), \'extend(s:SHADA_SPECIAL_OBJS, map(copy(v:val), "string(v:val)"))') "" " Like s:SHADA_ENUMS, but inner dictionary maps values to names and not names to " values. let s:SHADA_REV_ENUMS = map(copy(s:SHADA_ENUMS), '{}') call map(copy(s:SHADA_ENUMS), \'map(copy(v:val), ' \. '"extend(s:SHADA_REV_ENUMS[" . string(v:key) . "], ' \. '{v:val : v:key})")') "" " Maximum length of ShaDa entry name. Used to arrange entries to the table. let s:SHADA_MAX_ENTRY_LENGTH = max( \map(values(s:SHADA_ENTRY_NAMES), 'len(v:val)') \+ [len('unknown (0x)') + 16]) "" " Object that marks required value. let s:SHADA_REQUIRED = [] "" " Dictionary that maps default key names to their description. Description is " a list that contains human-readable hint, key type and default value. let s:SHADA_STANDARD_KEYS = { \'sm': ['magic value', 'boolean', g:msgpack#true], \'sc': ['smartcase value', 'boolean', g:msgpack#false], \'sl': ['has line offset', 'boolean', g:msgpack#false], \'se': ['place cursor at end', 'boolean', g:msgpack#false], \'so': ['offset value', 'integer', 0], \'su': ['is last used', 'boolean', g:msgpack#true], \'ss': ['is :s pattern', 'boolean', g:msgpack#false], \'sh': ['v:hlsearch value', 'boolean', g:msgpack#false], \'sp': ['pattern', 'bin', s:SHADA_REQUIRED], \'sb': ['search backward', 'boolean', g:msgpack#false], \'rt': ['type', 'regtype', s:SHADA_ENUMS.regtype.CHARACTERWISE], \'rw': ['block width', 'uint', 0], \'rc': ['contents', 'binarray', s:SHADA_REQUIRED], \'ru': ['is_unnamed', 'boolean', g:msgpack#false], \'n': ['name', 'intchar', char2nr('"')], \'l': ['line number', 'uint', 1], \'c': ['column', 'uint', 0], \'f': ['file name', 'bin', s:SHADA_REQUIRED], \} "" " Set of entry types containing entries which require `n` key. let s:SHADA_REQUIRES_NAME = {'local_mark': 1, 'global_mark': 1, 'register': 1} "" " Maximum width of human-readable hint. Used to arrange data in table. let s:SHADA_MAX_HINT_WIDTH = max(map(values(s:SHADA_STANDARD_KEYS), \'len(v:val[0])')) "" " Default mark name for the cases when it makes sense (i.e. for local marks). let s:SHADA_DEFAULT_MARK_NAME = '"' "" " Mapping that maps timestamps represented using msgpack#string to strftime " output. Used by s:shada_strftime. let s:shada_strftime_cache = {} "" " Mapping that maps strftime output from s:shada_strftime to timestamps. let s:shada_strptime_cache = {} "" " Time format used for displaying ShaDa files. let s:SHADA_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' "" " Wrapper around msgpack#strftime that caches its output. " " Format is hardcoded to s:SHADA_TIME_FORMAT. function s:shada_strftime(timestamp) abort let key = msgpack#string(a:timestamp) if has_key(s:shada_strftime_cache, key) return s:shada_strftime_cache[key] endif let val = msgpack#strftime(s:SHADA_TIME_FORMAT, a:timestamp) let s:shada_strftime_cache[key] = val let s:shada_strptime_cache[val] = a:timestamp return val endfunction "" " Wrapper around msgpack#strftime that uses cache created by s:shada_strftime(). " " Also caches its own results. Format is hardcoded to s:SHADA_TIME_FORMAT. function s:shada_strptime(string) abort if has_key(s:shada_strptime_cache, a:string) return s:shada_strptime_cache[a:string] endif let ts = msgpack#strptime(s:SHADA_TIME_FORMAT, a:string) let s:shada_strptime_cache[a:string] = ts return ts endfunction "" " Check whether given value matches given type. " " @return Zero if value matches, error message string if it does not. function s:shada_check_type(type, val) abort let type = msgpack#type(a:val) if type is# a:type return 0 endif if has_key(s:SHADA_ENUMS, a:type) let msg = s:shada_check_type('uint', a:val) if msg isnot 0 return msg endif if !has_key(s:SHADA_REV_ENUMS[a:type], a:val) let evals_msg = join(map(sort(items(s:SHADA_REV_ENUMS[a:type])), \'v:val[0] . " (" . v:val[1] . ")"'), ', ') return 'Unexpected enum value: expected one of ' . evals_msg endif return 0 elseif a:type is# 'uint' if type isnot# 'integer' return 'Expected integer' endif if !(type(a:val) == type({}) ? a:val._VAL[0] == 1 : a:val >= 0) return 'Value is negative' endif return 0 elseif a:type is# 'bin' " Binary string without zero bytes if type isnot# 'binary' return 'Expected binary string' elseif (type(a:val) == type({}) \&& !empty(filter(copy(a:val._VAL), 'stridx(v:val, "\n") != -1'))) return 'Expected no NUL bytes' endif return 0 elseif a:type is# 'intchar' let msg = s:shada_check_type('uint', a:val) if msg isnot# 0 return msg endif return 0 elseif a:type is# 'binarray' if type isnot# 'array' return 'Expected array value' elseif !empty(filter(copy(type(a:val) == type({}) ? a:val._VAL : a:val), \'msgpack#type(v:val) isnot# "binary"')) return 'Expected array of binary strings' else for element in (type(a:val) == type({}) ? a:val._VAL : a:val) if (type(element) == type({}) \&& !empty(filter(copy(element._VAL), 'stridx(v:val, "\n") != -1'))) return 'Expected no NUL bytes' endif unlet element endfor endif return 0 elseif a:type is# 'boolean' return 'Expected boolean' elseif a:type is# 'integer' return 'Expected integer' elseif a:type is# 'any' return 0 endif return 'Internal error: unknown type ' . a:type endfunction "" " Convert msgpack mapping object to a list of strings for " s:shada_convert_entry(). " " @param[in] map Mapping to convert. " @param[in] default_keys List of keys which have default value in this " mapping. " @param[in] name Name of the converted entry. function s:shada_convert_map(map, default_keys, name) abort let ret = [] let keys = copy(a:default_keys) call map(sort(keys(a:map)), 'index(keys, v:val) == -1 ? add(keys, v:val) : 0') let descriptions = map(copy(keys), \'get(s:SHADA_STANDARD_KEYS, v:val, ["", 0, 0])') let max_key_len = max(map(copy(keys), 'len(v:val)')) let max_desc_len = max(map(copy(descriptions), \'v:val[0] is 0 ? 0 : len(v:val[0])')) if max_key_len < len('Key') let max_key_len = len('Key') endif let key_header = 'Key' . repeat('_', max_key_len - len('Key')) if max_desc_len == 0 call add(ret, printf(' %% %s %s', key_header, 'Value')) else if max_desc_len < len('Description') let max_desc_len = len('Description') endif let desc_header = ('Description' \. repeat('_', max_desc_len - len('Description'))) call add(ret, printf(' %% %s %s %s', key_header, desc_header, 'Value')) endif let i = 0 for key in keys let [description, type, default] = descriptions[i] if a:name isnot# 'local_mark' && key is# 'n' unlet default let default = s:SHADA_REQUIRED endif let value = get(a:map, key, default) if (key is# 'n' && !has_key(s:SHADA_REQUIRES_NAME, a:name) \&& value is# s:SHADA_REQUIRED) " Do nothing elseif value is s:SHADA_REQUIRED call add(ret, ' # Required key missing: ' . key) elseif max_desc_len == 0 call add(ret, printf(' + %-*s %s', \max_key_len, key, \msgpack#string(value))) else if type isnot 0 && value isnot# default let msg = s:shada_check_type(type, value) if msg isnot 0 call add(ret, ' # ' . msg) endif endif let strval = s:shada_string(type, value) if msgpack#type(value) is# 'array' && msg is 0 let shift = 2 + 2 + max_key_len + 2 + max_desc_len + 2 " Value: 1 2 3 4 5 6: " " + Key Description Value" " 1122333445555555555566 if shift + strdisplaywidth(strval, shift) > 80 let strval = '@' endif endif call add(ret, printf(' + %-*s %-*s %s', \max_key_len, key, \max_desc_len, description, \strval)) if strval is '@' for v in value call add(ret, printf(' | - %s', msgpack#string(v))) unlet v endfor endif endif let i += 1 unlet value unlet default endfor return ret endfunction "" " Wrapper around msgpack#string() which may return string from s:SHADA_REV_ENUMS function s:shada_string(type, v) abort if (has_key(s:SHADA_ENUMS, a:type) && type(a:v) == type(0) \&& has_key(s:SHADA_REV_ENUMS[a:type], a:v)) return s:SHADA_REV_ENUMS[a:type][a:v] " Restricting a:v to be <= 127 is not necessary, but intchar constants are " normally expected to be either ASCII printable characters or NUL. elseif a:type is# 'intchar' && type(a:v) == type(0) && a:v >= 0 && a:v <= 127 if a:v > 0 && strtrans(nr2char(a:v)) is# nr2char(a:v) return "'" . nr2char(a:v) . "'" else return "'\\" . a:v . "'" endif else return msgpack#string(a:v) endif endfunction "" " Evaluate string obtained by s:shada_string(). function s:shada_eval(s) abort return msgpack#eval(a:s, s:SHADA_SPECIAL_OBJS) endfunction "" " Convert one ShaDa entry to a list of strings suitable for setline(). " " Returned format looks like this: " " TODO function s:shada_convert_entry(entry) abort if type(a:entry.type) == type({}) " |msgpack-special-dict| may only be used if value does not fit into the " default integer type. All known entry types do fit, so it is definitely " unknown entry. let name = 'unknown_(' . msgpack#int_dict_to_str(a:entry.type) . ')' else let name = get(s:SHADA_ENTRY_NAMES, a:entry.type, 0) if name is 0 let name = printf('unknown_(0x%x)', a:entry.type) endif endif let title = toupper(name[0]) . tr(name[1:], '_', ' ') let header = printf('%s with timestamp %s:', title, \s:shada_strftime(a:entry.timestamp)) let ret = [header] if name[:8] is# 'unknown_(' && name[-1:] is# ')' call add(ret, ' = ' . msgpack#string(a:entry.data)) elseif has_key(s:SHADA_FIXED_ARRAY_ENTRIES, name) if type(a:entry.data) != type([]) call add(ret, printf(' # Unexpected type: %s instead of array', \msgpack#type(a:entry.data))) call add(ret, ' = ' . msgpack#string(a:entry.data)) return ret endif let i = 0 let max_desc_len = max(map(copy(s:SHADA_FIXED_ARRAY_ENTRIES[name]), \'len(v:val[0])')) if max_desc_len < len('Description') let max_desc_len = len('Description') endif let desc_header = ('Description' \. repeat('_', max_desc_len - len('Description'))) call add(ret, printf(' @ %s %s', desc_header, 'Value')) for value in a:entry.data let [desc, type] = get(s:SHADA_FIXED_ARRAY_ENTRIES[name], i, ['', 0]) if (i == 2 && name is# 'history_entry' \&& a:entry.data[0] isnot# s:SHADA_ENUMS.histtype.SEARCH) let [desc, type] = ['', 0] endif if type isnot 0 let msg = s:shada_check_type(type, value) if msg isnot 0 call add(ret, ' # ' . msg) endif endif call add(ret, printf(' - %-*s %s', max_desc_len, desc, \s:shada_string(type, value))) let i += 1 unlet value endfor if (len(a:entry.data) < len(s:SHADA_FIXED_ARRAY_ENTRIES[name]) \&& !(name is# 'history_entry' \&& len(a:entry.data) == 2 \&& a:entry.data[0] isnot# s:SHADA_ENUMS.histtype.SEARCH)) call add(ret, ' # Expected more elements in list') endif elseif has_key(s:SHADA_MAP_ENTRIES, name) if type(a:entry.data) != type({}) call add(ret, printf(' # Unexpected type: %s instead of map', \msgpack#type(a:entry.data))) call add(ret, ' = ' . msgpack#string(a:entry.data)) return ret endif if msgpack#special_type(a:entry.data) isnot 0 call add(ret, ' # Entry is a special dict which is unexpected') call add(ret, ' = ' . msgpack#string(a:entry.data)) return ret endif let ret += s:shada_convert_map(a:entry.data, s:SHADA_MAP_ENTRIES[name], \name) elseif name is# 'buffer_list' if type(a:entry.data) != type([]) call add(ret, printf(' # Unexpected type: %s instead of array', \msgpack#type(a:entry.data))) call add(ret, ' = ' . msgpack#string(a:entry.data)) return ret elseif !empty(filter(copy(a:entry.data), \'type(v:val) != type({}) ' \. '|| msgpack#special_type(v:val) isnot 0')) call add(ret, ' # Expected array of maps') call add(ret, ' = ' . msgpack#string(a:entry.data)) return ret endif for bufdef in a:entry.data if bufdef isnot a:entry.data[0] call add(ret, '') endif let ret += s:shada_convert_map(bufdef, s:SHADA_BUFFER_LIST_KEYS, name) endfor else throw 'internal-unknown-type:Internal error: unknown type name: ' . name endif return ret endfunction "" " Order of msgpack objects in one ShaDa entry. Each item in the list is name of " the key in dictionaries returned by shada#read(). let s:SHADA_ENTRY_OBJECT_SEQUENCE = ['type', 'timestamp', 'length', 'data'] "" " Convert list returned by msgpackparse() to a list of ShaDa objects " " @param[in] mpack List of VimL objects returned by msgpackparse(). " " @return List of dictionaries with keys type, timestamp, length and data. Each " dictionary describes one ShaDa entry. function shada#mpack_to_sd(mpack) abort let ret = [] let i = 0 for element in a:mpack let key = s:SHADA_ENTRY_OBJECT_SEQUENCE[ \i % len(s:SHADA_ENTRY_OBJECT_SEQUENCE)] if key is# 'type' call add(ret, {}) endif let ret[-1][key] = element if key isnot# 'data' if !msgpack#is_uint(element) throw printf('not-uint:Entry %i has %s element '. \'which is not an unsigned integer', \len(ret), key) endif if key is# 'type' && msgpack#equal(element, 0) throw printf('zero-uint:Entry %i has %s element '. \'which is zero', \len(ret), key) endif endif let i += 1 unlet element endfor return ret endfunction "" " Convert read ShaDa file to a list of lines suitable for setline() " " @param[in] shada List of ShaDa entries like returned by shada#mpack_to_sd(). " " @return List of strings suitable for setline()-like functions. function shada#sd_to_strings(shada) abort let ret = [] for entry in a:shada let ret += s:shada_convert_entry(entry) endfor return ret endfunction "" " Convert a readfile()-like list of strings to a list of lines suitable for " setline(). " " @param[in] binstrings List of strings to convert. " " @return List of lines. function shada#get_strings(binstrings) abort return shada#sd_to_strings(shada#mpack_to_sd(msgpackparse(a:binstrings))) endfunction "" " Convert s:shada_convert_entry() output to original entry. function s:shada_convert_strings(strings) abort let strings = copy(a:strings) let match = matchlist( \strings[0], \'\v\C^(.{-})\m with timestamp \(\d\{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\):$') if empty(match) throw 'invalid-header:Header has invalid format: ' . strings[0] endif call remove(strings, 0) let title = match[1] let name = tolower(title[0]) . tr(title[1:], ' ', '_') let ret = {} let empty_default = g:msgpack#nil if name[:8] is# 'unknown_(' && name[-1:] is# ')' let ret.type = +name[9:-2] elseif has_key(s:SHADA_ENTRY_TYPES, name) let ret.type = s:SHADA_ENTRY_TYPES[name] if has_key(s:SHADA_MAP_ENTRIES, name) unlet empty_default let empty_default = {} elseif has_key(s:SHADA_FIXED_ARRAY_ENTRIES, name) || name is# 'buffer_list' unlet empty_default let empty_default = [] endif else throw 'invalid-type:Unknown type ' . name endif let ret.timestamp = s:shada_strptime(match[2]) if empty(strings) let ret.data = empty_default else while !empty(strings) if strings[0][2] is# '=' let data = s:shada_eval(strings[0][4:]) call remove(strings, 0) elseif strings[0][2] is# '%' if name is# 'buffer_list' && !has_key(ret, 'data') let ret.data = [] endif let match = matchlist( \strings[0], \'\m\C^ % \(Key_*\)\( Description_*\)\? Value') if empty(match) throw 'invalid-map-header:Invalid mapping header: ' . strings[0] endif call remove(strings, 0) let key_len = len(match[1]) let desc_skip_len = len(match[2]) let data = {'_TYPE': v:msgpack_types.map, '_VAL': []} while !empty(strings) && strings[0][2] is# '+' let line = remove(strings, 0)[4:] let key = substitute(line[:key_len - 1], '\v\C\ *$', '', '') let strval = line[key_len + desc_skip_len + 2:] if strval is# '@' let val = [] while !empty(strings) && strings[0][2] is# '|' if strings[0][4] isnot# '-' throw ('invalid-array:Expected hyphen-minus at column 5: ' \. strings) endif call add(val, s:shada_eval(remove(strings, 0)[5:])) endwhile else let val = s:shada_eval(strval) endif if (has_key(s:SHADA_STANDARD_KEYS, key) \&& s:SHADA_STANDARD_KEYS[key][2] isnot# s:SHADA_REQUIRED \&& msgpack#equal(s:SHADA_STANDARD_KEYS[key][2], val)) unlet val continue endif call add(data._VAL, [{'_TYPE': v:msgpack_types.string, '_VAL': [key]}, \val]) unlet val endwhile elseif strings[0][2] is# '@' let match = matchlist( \strings[0], \'\m\C^ @ \(Description_* \)\?Value') if empty(match) throw 'invalid-array-header:Invalid array header: ' . strings[0] endif call remove(strings, 0) let desc_skip_len = len(match[1]) let data = [] while !empty(strings) && strings[0][2] is# '-' let val = remove(strings, 0)[4 + desc_skip_len :] call add(data, s:shada_eval(val)) endwhile else throw 'invalid-line:Unrecognized line: ' . strings[0] endif if !has_key(ret, 'data') let ret.data = data elseif type(ret.data) == type([]) call add(ret.data, data) else let ret.data = [ret.data, data] endif unlet data endwhile endif let ret._data = msgpackdump([ret.data]) let ret.length = len(ret._data) - 1 for s in ret._data let ret.length += len(s) endfor return ret endfunction "" " Convert s:shada_sd_to_strings() output to a list of original entries. function shada#strings_to_sd(strings) abort let strings = filter(copy(a:strings), 'v:val !~# ''\v^\s*%(\#|$)''') let stringss = [] for string in strings if string[0] isnot# ' ' call add(stringss, []) endif call add(stringss[-1], string) endfor return map(copy(stringss), 's:shada_convert_strings(v:val)') endfunction "" " Convert a list of strings to list of strings suitable for writefile(). function shada#get_binstrings(strings) abort let entries = shada#strings_to_sd(a:strings) if !g:shada#keep_old_header call filter(entries, 'v:val.type != ' . s:SHADA_ENTRY_TYPES.header) endif if g:shada#add_own_header let data = {'version': v:version, 'generator': 'shada.vim'} let dumped_data = msgpackdump([data]) let length = len(dumped_data) - 1 for s in dumped_data let length += len(s) endfor call insert(entries, { \'type': s:SHADA_ENTRY_TYPES.header, \'timestamp': localtime(), \'length': length, \'data': data, \'_data': dumped_data, \}) endif let mpack = [] for entry in entries let mpack += map(copy(s:SHADA_ENTRY_OBJECT_SEQUENCE), 'entry[v:val]') endfor return msgpackdump(mpack) endfunction