local a = vim.api local query = require('vim.treesitter.query') local language = require('vim.treesitter.language') local LanguageTree = require('vim.treesitter.languagetree') local parsers = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'v' }) local M = vim.tbl_extend('error', query, language) M.language_version = vim._ts_get_language_version() M.minimum_language_version = vim._ts_get_minimum_language_version() setmetatable(M, { __index = function(t, k) if k == 'highlighter' then t[k] = require('vim.treesitter.highlighter') return t[k] elseif k == 'language' then t[k] = require('vim.treesitter.language') return t[k] elseif k == 'query' then t[k] = require('vim.treesitter.query') return t[k] end end, }) --- Creates a new parser. --- --- It is not recommended to use this, use vim.treesitter.get_parser() instead. --- ---@param bufnr string Buffer the parser will be tied to (0 for current buffer) ---@param lang string Language of the parser ---@param opts table|nil Options to pass to the created language tree --- ---@returns table Created parser object function M._create_parser(bufnr, lang, opts) language.require_language(lang) if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = a.nvim_get_current_buf() end vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) local self = LanguageTree.new(bufnr, lang, opts) ---@private local function bytes_cb(_, ...) self:_on_bytes(...) end ---@private local function detach_cb(_, ...) if parsers[bufnr] == self then parsers[bufnr] = nil end self:_on_detach(...) end ---@private local function reload_cb(_, ...) self:_on_reload(...) end a.nvim_buf_attach( self:source(), false, { on_bytes = bytes_cb, on_detach = detach_cb, on_reload = reload_cb, preview = true } ) self:parse() return self end --- Gets the parser for this bufnr / ft combination. --- --- If needed this will create the parser. --- Unconditionally attach the provided callback --- ---@param bufnr number|nil Buffer the parser should be tied to (default: current buffer) ---@param lang string |nil Filetype of this parser (default: buffer filetype) ---@param opts table|nil Options to pass to the created language tree --- ---@returns table Parser object function M.get_parser(bufnr, lang, opts) opts = opts or {} if bufnr == nil or bufnr == 0 then bufnr = a.nvim_get_current_buf() end if lang == nil then lang = a.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'filetype') end if parsers[bufnr] == nil or parsers[bufnr]:lang() ~= lang then parsers[bufnr] = M._create_parser(bufnr, lang, opts) end parsers[bufnr]:register_cbs(opts.buf_attach_cbs) return parsers[bufnr] end --- Gets a string parser --- ---@param str The string to parse ---@param lang The language of this string ---@param opts Options to pass to the created language tree function M.get_string_parser(str, lang, opts) vim.validate({ str = { str, 'string' }, lang = { lang, 'string' }, }) language.require_language(lang) return LanguageTree.new(str, lang, opts) end --- Determines whether a node is the ancestor of another --- ---@param dest table Possible ancestor ---@param source table Possible descendant node --- ---@returns (boolean) True if dest is an ancestor of source function M.is_ancestor(dest, source) if not (dest and source) then return false end local current = source while current ~= nil do if current == dest then return true end current = current:parent() end return false end --- Get the node's range or unpack a range table --- ---@param node_or_range table --- ---@returns table start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col function M.get_node_range(node_or_range) if type(node_or_range) == 'table' then return unpack(node_or_range) else return node_or_range:range() end end ---Determines whether (line, col) position is in node range --- ---@param node table Node defining the range ---@param line number Line (0-based) ---@param col number Column (0-based) --- ---@returns (boolean) True if the position is in node range function M.is_in_node_range(node, line, col) local start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col = M.get_node_range(node) if line >= start_line and line <= end_line then if line == start_line and line == end_line then return col >= start_col and col < end_col elseif line == start_line then return col >= start_col elseif line == end_line then return col < end_col else return true end else return false end end ---Determines if a node contains a range ---@param node table ---@param range table --- ---@returns (boolean) True if the node contains the range function M.node_contains(node, range) local start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col = node:range() local start_fits = start_row < range[1] or (start_row == range[1] and start_col <= range[2]) local end_fits = end_row > range[3] or (end_row == range[3] and end_col >= range[4]) return start_fits and end_fits end ---Gets a list of captures for a given cursor position ---@param bufnr number Buffer number (0 for current buffer) ---@param row number Position row ---@param col number Position column --- ---@param bufnr number Buffer number (0 for current buffer) ---@param row number Position row ---@param col number Position column --- ---@returns (table) Table of captures function M.get_captures_at_position(bufnr, row, col) if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = a.nvim_get_current_buf() end local buf_highlighter = M.highlighter.active[bufnr] if not buf_highlighter then return {} end local matches = {} buf_highlighter.tree:for_each_tree(function(tstree, tree) if not tstree then return end local root = tstree:root() local root_start_row, _, root_end_row, _ = root:range() -- Only worry about trees within the line range if root_start_row > row or root_end_row < row then return end local q = buf_highlighter:get_query(tree:lang()) -- Some injected languages may not have highlight queries. if not q:query() then return end local iter = q:query():iter_captures(root, buf_highlighter.bufnr, row, row + 1) for capture, node, metadata in iter do if M.is_in_node_range(node, row, col) then local c = q._query.captures[capture] -- name of the capture in the query if c ~= nil then table.insert(matches, { capture = c, priority = metadata.priority }) end end end end, true) return matches end ---Gets a list of captures under the cursor --- ---@param winnr number|nil Window handle or 0 for current window (default) --- ---@returns (table) Named node under the cursor function M.get_captures_at_cursor(winnr) winnr = winnr or 0 local bufnr = a.nvim_win_get_buf(winnr) local cursor = a.nvim_win_get_cursor(winnr) local data = M.get_captures_at_position(bufnr, cursor[1] - 1, cursor[2]) local captures = {} for _, capture in ipairs(data) do table.insert(captures, capture.capture) end return captures end --- Gets the smallest named node at position --- ---@param bufnr number Buffer number (0 for current buffer) ---@param row number Position row ---@param col number Position column ---@param opts table Optional keyword arguments: --- - ignore_injections boolean Ignore injected languages (default true) --- ---@returns (table) Named node under the cursor function M.get_node_at_position(bufnr, row, col, opts) if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = a.nvim_get_current_buf() end local ts_range = { row, col, row, col } local root_lang_tree = M.get_parser(bufnr) if not root_lang_tree then return end return root_lang_tree:named_node_for_range(ts_range, opts) end --- Gets the smallest named node under the cursor --- ---@param winnr number|nil Window handle or 0 for current window (default) --- ---@returns (string) Named node under the cursor function M.get_node_at_cursor(winnr) winnr = winnr or 0 local bufnr = a.nvim_win_get_buf(winnr) local cursor = a.nvim_win_get_cursor(winnr) return M.get_node_at_position(bufnr, cursor[1] - 1, cursor[2], { ignore_injections = false }) :type() end --- Start treesitter highlighting for a buffer --- --- Can be used in an ftplugin or FileType autocommand --- --- Note: By default, disables regex syntax highlighting, which may be required for some plugins. --- In this case, add ``vim.bo.syntax = 'on'`` after the call to `start`. --- --- Example: --- ---
--- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( 'FileType', { pattern = 'tex', --- callback = function(args) --- vim.treesitter.start(args.buf, 'latex') --- vim.bo[args.buf].syntax = 'on' -- only if additional legacy syntax is needed --- end --- }) ------ ---@param bufnr number|nil Buffer to be highlighted (default: current buffer) ---@param lang string|nil Language of the parser (default: buffer filetype) function M.start(bufnr, lang) bufnr = bufnr or a.nvim_get_current_buf() local parser = M.get_parser(bufnr, lang) M.highlighter.new(parser) vim.b[bufnr].ts_highlight = true end ---Stop treesitter highlighting for a buffer --- ---@param bufnr number|nil Buffer to stop highlighting (default: current buffer) function M.stop(bufnr) bufnr = bufnr or a.nvim_get_current_buf() if M.highlighter.active[bufnr] then M.highlighter.active[bufnr]:destroy() end vim.bo[bufnr].syntax = 'on' end return M