local t = require('test.unit.testutil') local itp = t.gen_itp(it) local ffi = t.ffi local eq = t.eq local ok = t.ok local lib = t.cimport('./src/nvim/marktree.h') local function tablelength(tbl) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(tbl) do count = count + 1 end return count end local function pos_leq(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] or (a[1] == b[1] and a[2] <= b[2]) end -- Checks that shadow and tree is consistent, and optionally -- return the order local function shadoworder(tree, shadow, iter, giveorder) ok(iter ~= nil) local status = lib.marktree_itr_first(tree, iter) local count = 0 local pos2id, id2pos = {}, {} local last if not status and next(shadow) == nil then return pos2id, id2pos end repeat local mark = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) local id = tonumber(mark.id) local spos = shadow[id] eq(mark.pos.row, spos[1], mark.id) eq(mark.pos.col, spos[2], mark.id) if lib.mt_right_test(mark) ~= spos[3] then error('invalid gravity for ' .. id .. ':(' .. mark.pos.row .. ', ' .. mark.pos.col .. ')') end if count > 0 then if not pos_leq(last, spos) then error('DISORDER') end end count = count + 1 last = spos if giveorder then pos2id[count] = id id2pos[id] = count end until not lib.marktree_itr_next(tree, iter) local shadowlen = tablelength(shadow) if shadowlen ~= count then error('missed some keys? (shadow ' .. shadowlen .. ', tree ' .. count .. ')') end return id2pos, pos2id end local function shadowsplice(shadow, start, old_extent, new_extent) local old_end = { start[1] + old_extent[1], (old_extent[1] == 0 and start[2] or 0) + old_extent[2], } local new_end = { start[1] + new_extent[1], (new_extent[1] == 0 and start[2] or 0) + new_extent[2], } local delta = { new_end[1] - old_end[1], new_end[2] - old_end[2] } for _, pos in pairs(shadow) do if pos_leq(start, pos) then if pos_leq(pos, old_end) then -- delete region if pos[3] then -- right gravity pos[1], pos[2] = new_end[1], new_end[2] else pos[1], pos[2] = start[1], start[2] end else if pos[1] == old_end[1] then pos[2] = pos[2] + delta[2] end pos[1] = pos[1] + delta[1] end end end end local function dosplice(tree, shadow, start, old, new) lib.marktree_splice(tree, start[1], start[2], old[1], old[2], new[1], new[2]) shadowsplice(shadow, start, old, new) end local ns = 10 local last_id = nil local function put(tree, row, col, gravity, end_row, end_col, end_gravity) last_id = last_id + 1 local my_id = last_id end_row = end_row or -1 end_col = end_col or -1 end_gravity = end_gravity or false lib.marktree_put_test(tree, ns, my_id, row, col, gravity, end_row, end_col, end_gravity, false) return my_id end local function put_meta(tree, row, col, gravitate, meta) last_id = last_id + 1 local my_id = last_id lib.marktree_put_test(tree, ns, my_id, row, col, gravitate, -1, -1, false, meta) return my_id end describe('marktree', function() before_each(function() last_id = 0 end) itp('works', function() local tree = ffi.new('MarkTree[1]') -- zero initialized by luajit local shadow = {} local iter = ffi.new('MarkTreeIter[1]') local iter2 = ffi.new('MarkTreeIter[1]') for i = 1, 100 do for j = 1, 100 do local gravitate = (i % 2) > 0 local id = put(tree, j, i, gravitate) ok(id > 0) eq(nil, shadow[id]) shadow[id] = { j, i, gravitate } end -- checking every insert is too slow, but this is ok lib.marktree_check(tree) end -- ss = lib.mt_inspect_rec(tree) -- io.stdout:write(ffi.string(ss)) -- io.stdout:flush() local id2pos, pos2id = shadoworder(tree, shadow, iter) eq({}, pos2id) -- not set if not requested eq({}, id2pos) for i, ipos in pairs(shadow) do local p = lib.marktree_lookup_ns(tree, ns, i, false, iter) eq(ipos[1], p.pos.row) eq(ipos[2], p.pos.col) local k = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) eq(ipos[1], k.pos.row) eq(ipos[2], k.pos.col, ipos[1]) lib.marktree_itr_next(tree, iter) -- TODO(bfredl): use id2pos to check neighbour? -- local k2 = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) end for i, ipos in pairs(shadow) do lib.marktree_itr_get(tree, ipos[1], ipos[2], iter) local k = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) eq(i, tonumber(k.id)) eq(ipos[1], k.pos.row) eq(ipos[2], k.pos.col) end ok(lib.marktree_itr_first(tree, iter)) local del = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) lib.marktree_del_itr(tree, iter, false) shadow[tonumber(del.id)] = nil shadoworder(tree, shadow, iter) for _, ci in ipairs({ 0, -1, 1, -2, 2, -10, 10 }) do for i = 1, 100 do lib.marktree_itr_get(tree, i, 50 + ci, iter) local k = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) local id = tonumber(k.id) eq(shadow[id][1], k.pos.row) eq(shadow[id][2], k.pos.col) lib.marktree_del_itr(tree, iter, false) shadow[id] = nil end lib.marktree_check(tree) shadoworder(tree, shadow, iter) end -- NB: this is quite rudimentary. We rely on -- functional tests exercising splicing quite a bit lib.marktree_check(tree) dosplice(tree, shadow, { 2, 2 }, { 0, 5 }, { 1, 2 }) lib.marktree_check(tree) shadoworder(tree, shadow, iter) dosplice(tree, shadow, { 30, 2 }, { 30, 5 }, { 1, 2 }) lib.marktree_check(tree) shadoworder(tree, shadow, iter) dosplice(tree, shadow, { 5, 3 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 5 }) shadoworder(tree, shadow, iter) lib.marktree_check(tree) -- build then burn (HOORAY! HOORAY!) while next(shadow) do lib.marktree_itr_first(tree, iter) -- delete every other key for fun and profit while true do local k = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) lib.marktree_del_itr(tree, iter, false) ok(shadow[tonumber(k.id)] ~= nil) shadow[tonumber(k.id)] = nil local stat = lib.marktree_itr_next(tree, iter) if not stat then break end end lib.marktree_check(tree) shadoworder(tree, shadow, iter2) end -- Check iterator validity for 2 specific edge cases: -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/14719 lib.marktree_clear(tree) for i = 1, 20 do put(tree, i, i, false) end lib.marktree_itr_get(tree, 10, 10, iter) lib.marktree_del_itr(tree, iter, false) eq(11, iter[0].x.key[iter[0].i].pos.col) lib.marktree_itr_get(tree, 11, 11, iter) lib.marktree_del_itr(tree, iter, false) eq(12, iter[0].x.key[iter[0].i].pos.col) end) itp("'intersect_mov' function works correctly", function() local function mov(x, y, w) local xa = ffi.new('uint64_t[?]', #x) for i, xi in ipairs(x) do xa[i - 1] = xi end local ya = ffi.new('uint64_t[?]', #y) for i, yi in ipairs(y) do ya[i - 1] = yi end local wa = ffi.new('uint64_t[?]', #w) for i, wi in ipairs(w) do wa[i - 1] = wi end local dummy_size = #x + #y + #w local wouta = ffi.new('uint64_t[?]', dummy_size) local douta = ffi.new('uint64_t[?]', dummy_size) local wsize = ffi.new('size_t[1]') wsize[0] = dummy_size local dsize = ffi.new('size_t[1]') dsize[0] = dummy_size local status = lib.intersect_mov_test(xa, #x, ya, #y, wa, #w, wouta, wsize, douta, dsize) if status == 0 then error 'wowza' end local wout, dout = {}, {} for i = 0, tonumber(wsize[0]) - 1 do table.insert(wout, tonumber(wouta[i])) end for i = 0, tonumber(dsize[0]) - 1 do table.insert(dout, tonumber(douta[i])) end return { wout, dout } end eq({ {}, {} }, mov({}, { 2, 3 }, { 2, 3 })) eq({ { 2, 3 }, {} }, mov({}, {}, { 2, 3 })) eq({ { 2, 3 }, {} }, mov({ 2, 3 }, {}, {})) eq({ {}, { 2, 3 } }, mov({}, { 2, 3 }, {})) eq({ { 1, 5 }, {} }, mov({ 1, 2, 5 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3 })) eq({ { 1, 2 }, {} }, mov({ 1, 2, 5 }, { 5, 10 }, { 10 })) eq({ { 1, 2 }, { 5 } }, mov({ 1, 2 }, { 5, 10 }, { 10 })) eq({ { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }, { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 } }, mov({ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }, { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }, {})) eq({ { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }, { 2, 6, 10 } }, mov({ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }, { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }, { 4, 8 })) eq({ { 1, 4, 7 }, { 2, 5, 8 } }, mov({ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 }, { 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 }, {})) eq({ { 1, 4, 7 }, {} }, mov({ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 }, { 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 }, { 2, 5, 8 })) eq( { { 0, 1, 4, 7, 10 }, {} }, mov({ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 }, { 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 }, { 0, 2, 5, 8, 10 }) ) end) local function check_intersections(tree) lib.marktree_check(tree) -- to debug stuff disable this branch if true == true then ok(lib.marktree_check_intersections(tree)) return end local str1 = lib.mt_inspect(tree, true, true) local dot1 = ffi.string(str1.data, str1.size) local val = lib.marktree_check_intersections(tree) if not val then local str2 = lib.mt_inspect(tree, true, true) local dot2 = ffi.string(str2.data, str2.size) print('actual:\n\n' .. 'Xafile.dot' .. '\n\nexpected:\n\n' .. 'Xefile.dot' .. '\n') print('nivÄ', tree[0].root.level) io.stdout:flush() local afil = io.open('Xafile.dot', 'wb') afil:write(dot1) afil:close() local efil = io.open('Xefile.dot', 'wb') efil:write(dot2) efil:close() ok(false) else ffi.C.xfree(str1.data) end end itp('works with intersections', function() local tree = ffi.new('MarkTree[1]') -- zero initialized by luajit local ids = {} for i = 1, 80 do table.insert(ids, put(tree, 1, i, false, 2, 100 - i, false)) check_intersections(tree) end for i = 1, 80 do lib.marktree_del_pair_test(tree, ns, ids[i]) check_intersections(tree) end ids = {} for i = 1, 80 do table.insert(ids, put(tree, 1, i, false, 2, 100 - i, false)) check_intersections(tree) end for i = 1, 10 do for j = 1, 8 do local ival = (j - 1) * 10 + i lib.marktree_del_pair_test(tree, ns, ids[ival]) check_intersections(tree) end end end) itp('works with intersections with a big tree', function() local tree = ffi.new('MarkTree[1]') -- zero initialized by luajit local ids = {} for i = 1, 1000 do table.insert(ids, put(tree, 1, i, false, 2, 1000 - i, false)) if i % 10 == 1 then check_intersections(tree) end end check_intersections(tree) eq(2000, tree[0].n_keys) ok(tree[0].root.level >= 2) local iter = ffi.new('MarkTreeIter[1]') local k = 0 for i = 1, 20 do for j = 1, 50 do k = k + 1 local ival = (j - 1) * 20 + i if false == true then -- if there actually is a failure, this branch will fail out at the actual spot of the error lib.marktree_lookup_ns(tree, ns, ids[ival], false, iter) lib.marktree_del_itr(tree, iter, false) check_intersections(tree) lib.marktree_lookup_ns(tree, ns, ids[ival], true, iter) lib.marktree_del_itr(tree, iter, false) check_intersections(tree) else lib.marktree_del_pair_test(tree, ns, ids[ival]) if k % 5 == 1 then check_intersections(tree) end end end end eq(0, tree[0].n_keys) end) itp('works with intersections and marktree_splice', function() local tree = ffi.new('MarkTree[1]') -- zero initialized by luajit for i = 1, 1000 do put(tree, 1, i, false, 2, 1000 - i, false) if i % 10 == 1 then check_intersections(tree) end end check_intersections(tree) eq(2000, tree[0].n_keys) ok(tree[0].root.level >= 2) for _ = 1, 10 do lib.marktree_splice(tree, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0) check_intersections(tree) end end) itp('marktree_move should preserve key order', function() local tree = ffi.new('MarkTree[1]') -- zero initialized by luajit local iter = ffi.new('MarkTreeIter[1]') local ids = {} -- new index and old index look the same, but still have to move because -- pos will get updated table.insert(ids, put(tree, 1, 1, false, 1, 3, false)) table.insert(ids, put(tree, 1, 3, false, 1, 3, false)) table.insert(ids, put(tree, 1, 3, false, 1, 3, false)) table.insert(ids, put(tree, 1, 3, false, 1, 3, false)) lib.marktree_lookup_ns(tree, ns, ids[3], false, iter) lib.marktree_move(tree, iter, 1, 2) check_intersections(tree) end) itp('works with intersections and marktree_move', function() local tree = ffi.new('MarkTree[1]') -- zero initialized by luajit local ids = {} for i = 1, 1000 do table.insert(ids, put(tree, 1, i, false, 2, 1000 - i, false)) if i % 10 == 1 then check_intersections(tree) end end local iter = ffi.new('MarkTreeIter[1]') for i = 1, 1000 do local which = i % 2 lib.marktree_lookup_ns(tree, ns, ids[i], which, iter) lib.marktree_move(tree, iter, 1 + which, 500 + i) if i % 10 == 1 then check_intersections(tree) end end end) itp('works with intersections with a even bigger tree', function() local tree = ffi.new('MarkTree[1]') -- zero initialized by luajit local ids = {} -- too much overhead on ASAN local size_factor = t.is_asan() and 3 or 10 local at_row = {} for i = 1, 10 do at_row[i] = {} end local size = 1000 * size_factor local k = 1 while k <= size do for row1 = 1, 9 do for row2 = row1, 10 do -- note row2 can be == row1, leads to empty ranges being tested when k > size/2 if k > size then break end local id = put(tree, row1, k, false, row2, size - k, false) table.insert(ids, id) for i = row1 + 1, row2 do table.insert(at_row[i], id) end --if tree[0].root.level == 4 then error("kk"..k) end if k % 100 * size_factor == 1 or (k < 2000 and k % 100 == 1) then check_intersections(tree) end k = k + 1 end end end eq(2 * size, tree[0].n_keys) ok(tree[0].root.level >= 3) check_intersections(tree) local iter = ffi.new('MarkTreeIter[1]') local pair = ffi.new('MTPair[1]') for i = 1, 10 do -- use array as set and not {[id]=true} map, to detect duplicates local set = {} eq(true, ffi.C.marktree_itr_get_overlap(tree, i, 0, iter)) while ffi.C.marktree_itr_step_overlap(tree, iter, pair) do local id = tonumber(pair[0].start.id) table.insert(set, id) end table.sort(set) eq(at_row[i], set) end k = 0 for i = 1, 100 do for j = 1, (10 * size_factor) do k = k + 1 local ival = (j - 1) * 100 + i lib.marktree_del_pair_test(tree, ns, ids[ival]) -- just a few stickprov, if there is trouble we need to check -- everyone using the code in the "big tree" case above if k % 100 * size_factor == 0 or (k > 3000 and k % 200 == 0) then check_intersections(tree) end end end eq(0, tree[0].n_keys) end) itp('works with intersections with a even bigger tree and splice', function() local tree = ffi.new('MarkTree[1]') -- zero initialized by luajit -- too much overhead on ASAN local size_factor = t.is_asan() and 3 or 10 local at_row = {} for i = 1, 10 do at_row[i] = {} end local size = 1000 * size_factor local k = 1 while k <= size do for row1 = 1, 9 do for row2 = row1, 10 do -- note row2 can be == row1, leads to empty ranges being tested when k > size/2 if k > size then break end local id = put(tree, row1, k, false, row2, size - k, false) for i = row1 + 1, row2 do table.insert(at_row[i], id) end --if tree[0].root.level == 4 then error("kk"..k) end if k % 100 * size_factor == 1 or (k < 2000 and k % 100 == 1) then check_intersections(tree) end k = k + 1 end end end eq(2 * size, tree[0].n_keys) ok(tree[0].root.level >= 3) check_intersections(tree) for _ = 1, 10 do for j = 3, 8 do lib.marktree_splice(tree, j, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0) check_intersections(tree) end end end) itp('works with meta counts', function() local tree = ffi.new('MarkTree[1]') -- zero initialized by luajit -- add local shadow = {} for i = 1, 100 do for j = 1, 100 do local gravitate = (i % 2) > 0 local inline = (j == 3 or j == 50 or j == 51 or j == 55) and i % 11 == 1 inline = inline or ((j >= 80 and j < 85) and i % 3 == 1) local id = put_meta(tree, j, i, gravitate, inline) if inline then shadow[id] = { j, i, gravitate } end end -- checking every insert is too slow, but this is ok lib.marktree_check(tree) end lib.marktree_check(tree) local iter = ffi.new('MarkTreeIter[1]') local filter = ffi.new('uint32_t[4]') filter[0] = -1 ok(lib.marktree_itr_get_filter(tree, 0, 0, 101, 0, filter, iter)) local seen = {} repeat local mark = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) eq(nil, seen[mark.id]) seen[mark.id] = true eq(mark.pos.row, shadow[mark.id][1]) eq(mark.pos.col, shadow[mark.id][2]) until not lib.marktree_itr_next_filter(tree, iter, 101, 0, filter) eq(tablelength(seen), tablelength(shadow)) -- test skipping subtrees to find the filtered mark at line 50 for i = 4, 50 do ok(lib.marktree_itr_get_filter(tree, i, 0, 60, 0, filter, iter)) local mark = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) eq({ 50, 50, 1 }, { mark.id, mark.pos.row, mark.pos.col }) end -- delete for id = 1, 10000, 2 do lib.marktree_lookup_ns(tree, ns, id, false, iter) if shadow[id] then local mark = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) eq(mark.pos.row, shadow[id][1]) eq(mark.pos.col, shadow[id][2]) shadow[id] = nil end lib.marktree_del_itr(tree, iter, false) if id % 100 == 1 then lib.marktree_check(tree) end end -- Splice! dosplice(tree, shadow, { 82, 0 }, { 0, 50 }, { 0, 0 }) lib.marktree_check(tree) dosplice(tree, shadow, { 81, 50 }, { 2, 50 }, { 1, 0 }) lib.marktree_check(tree) dosplice(tree, shadow, { 2, 50 }, { 1, 50 }, { 0, 10 }) lib.marktree_check(tree) ok(lib.marktree_itr_get_filter(tree, 0, 0, 101, 0, filter, iter)) seen = {} repeat local mark = lib.marktree_itr_current(iter) eq(nil, seen[mark.id]) seen[mark.id] = true eq(mark.pos.row, shadow[mark.id][1]) eq(mark.pos.col, shadow[mark.id][2]) until not lib.marktree_itr_next_filter(tree, iter, 101, 0, filter) eq(tablelength(seen), tablelength(shadow)) end) end)