" Test for character search commands - t, T, f, F, ; and , func Test_charsearch() enew! call append(0, ['Xabcdefghijkemnopqretuvwxyz', \ 'Yabcdefghijkemnopqretuvwxyz', \ 'Zabcdefghijkemnokqretkvwxyz']) " check that "fe" and ";" work 1 normal! ylfep;;p,,p call assert_equal('XabcdeXfghijkeXmnopqreXtuvwxyz', getline(1)) " check that save/restore works 2 normal! ylfep let csave = getcharsearch() normal! fip call setcharsearch(csave) normal! ;p;p call assert_equal('YabcdeYfghiYjkeYmnopqreYtuvwxyz', getline(2)) " check that setcharsearch() changes the settings. 3 normal! ylfep eval {'char': 'k'}->setcharsearch() normal! ;p call setcharsearch({'forward': 0}) normal! $;p call setcharsearch({'until': 1}) set cpo-=; normal! ;;p call assert_equal('ZabcdeZfghijkZZemnokqretkZvwxyz', getline(3)) " check that repeating a search before and after a line fails normal 3Gfv call assert_beeps('normal ;') call assert_beeps('normal ,') " clear the character search call setcharsearch({'char' : ''}) call assert_equal('', getcharsearch().char) call assert_beeps('normal ;') call assert_beeps('normal ,') call assert_fails("call setcharsearch([])", 'E1206:') enew! endfunc " Test for character search in virtual edit mode with func Test_csearch_virtualedit() new set virtualedit=all call setline(1, "a\tb") normal! tb call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 6], getpos('.')) set virtualedit& bw! endfunc " Test for character search failure in latin1 encoding func Test_charsearch_latin1() new let save_enc = &encoding " set encoding=latin1 call setline(1, 'abcdefghijk') call assert_beeps('normal fz') call assert_beeps('normal tx') call assert_beeps('normal $Fz') call assert_beeps('normal $Tx') let &encoding = save_enc bw! endfunc " Test for using character search to find a multibyte character with composing " characters. func Test_charsearch_composing_char() new call setline(1, "one two thq\u0328\u0301r\u0328\u0301ree") call feedkeys("fr\u0328\u0301", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 1, 16, 0, 12], getcurpos()) " use character search with a multi-byte character followed by a " non-composing character call setline(1, "abc deȉf ghi") call feedkeys("ggcf\u0209\u0210", 'xt') call assert_equal("\u0210f ghi", getline(1)) bw! endfunc " Test for character search with 'hkmap' func Test_charsearch_hkmap() throw "Skipped: Nvim does not support 'hkmap'" new set hkmap call setline(1, "ùðáâ÷ëòéïçìêöî") call feedkeys("fë", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 1, 11, 0, 6], getcurpos()) set hkmap& bw! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab