local t = require('test.functional.testutil')() local clear = t.clear local eq = t.eq local fn = t.fn local command = t.command local mkdir = t.mkdir describe("'autochdir'", function() it('given on the shell gets processed properly', function() local targetdir = 'test/functional/fixtures' -- By default 'autochdir' is off, thus getcwd() returns the repo root. clear(targetdir .. '/tty-test.c') local rootdir = fn.getcwd() local expected = rootdir .. '/' .. targetdir -- With 'autochdir' on, we should get the directory of tty-test.c. clear('--cmd', 'set autochdir', targetdir .. '/tty-test.c') eq(t.is_os('win') and expected:gsub('/', '\\') or expected, fn.getcwd()) end) it('is not overwritten by getwinvar() call #17609', function() local curdir = vim.uv.cwd():gsub('\\', '/') local dir_a = curdir .. '/Xtest-functional-options-autochdir.dir_a' local dir_b = curdir .. '/Xtest-functional-options-autochdir.dir_b' mkdir(dir_a) mkdir(dir_b) clear() command('set shellslash') command('set autochdir') command('edit ' .. dir_a .. '/file1') eq(dir_a, fn.getcwd()) command('lcd ' .. dir_b) eq(dir_b, fn.getcwd()) command('botright vnew ../file2') eq(curdir, fn.getcwd()) command('wincmd w') eq(dir_a, fn.getcwd()) fn.getwinvar(2, 'foo') eq(dir_a, fn.getcwd()) t.rmdir(dir_a) t.rmdir(dir_b) end) end)